

学过离散的孩子应该都知道这个神奇的东西,我理解的卡特兰数是一个满足很多现实情况的数列。比如一个栈(无穷大)的进栈序列为1,2,3,…,n,有多少个不同的出栈序列? 又比如依据乘法结合律,不改变其顺序,只用括号表示成对的乘积,试问有几种括号化的方案?…比较经典的问题就是今天要讨论的从(0,0)到(n,n)一共有多少种方式或者是最短路径是什么。卡特兰数是有公式可以解决的,这里先给出求卡特兰数c++的应用。

void catalan() //求卡特兰数
{int i, j, len, carry, temp;a[1][0] = b[1] = 1;len = 1;for(i = 2; i <= 100; i++){for(j = 0; j < len; j++) //乘法a[i][j] = a[i-1][j]*(4*(i-1)+2);carry = 0;for(j = 0; j < len; j++) //处理相乘结果{temp = a[i][j] + carry;a[i][j] = temp % 10;carry = temp / 10;}while(carry) //进位处理{a[i][len++] = carry % 10;carry /= 10;}carry = 0;for(j = len-1; j >= 0; j--) //除法{temp = carry*10 + a[i][j];a[i][j] = temp/(i+1);carry = temp%(i+1);}while(!a[i][len-1]) //高位零处理len --;b[i] = len;}



using namespace std;const int Min = 0;
const int Max = 10;
int Map[Max + 1][Max + 1] = { 0 };
int mark[Max + 1][Max + 1] = { 0 };
class find_path {public:void dfs(pair<int,int> begin,pair<int,int>end) {//Exception//...queue<pair<int, int>>qu;qu.emplace(begin);while (!qu.empty()) {pair<int, int>temp = qu.front();qu.pop();if (temp.first-1 >= Min && !Map[temp.first-1][temp.second ]) {pair<int, int>up(temp.first-1, temp.second );if (up == end)break;qu.emplace(up);Map[temp.first-1][temp.second ] = 1;mark[temp.first-1][temp.second ] = 1;}if (temp.first+1 <=Max && !Map[temp.first+1][temp.second ]) {pair<int, int>down(temp.first+1, temp.second );if (down == end)break;qu.emplace(down);Map[temp.first+1][temp.second ] = 1;mark[temp.first+1][temp.second ] = 2;}if (temp.second-1 >= Min && !Map[temp.first ][temp.second-1]) {pair<int, int>left(temp.first , temp.second-1);if (left == end)break;qu.emplace(left);Map[temp.first][temp.second-1] = 1;mark[temp.first][temp.second-1] = 3;}if (temp.second + 1 >= Min && !Map[temp.first][temp.second + 1]) {pair<int, int>right(temp.first , temp.second+1);if (right == end)break;qu.emplace(right);Map[temp.first][temp.second + 1] = 1;mark[temp.first][temp.second + 1] = 4;}}}
};int main() {find_path test;pair<int, int>begin(1, 1);pair<int, int>end(6, 6);Map[begin.first][begin.second] = 1;mark[begin.first][begin.second] = 5;mark[end.first][end.second] = 6;test.dfs(begin,end);for (int i = 0; i < Max + 1; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < Max + 1; j++) {switch (mark[i][j]) {case 1:cout << "↑ "; break;case 2:cout << "↓ "; break;case 3:cout << "← "; break;case 4:cout << "→ "; break;case 5:cout << "起 "; break;case 6:cout << "终 "; break;}}cout << endl;}}


A star 算法




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