方法一 :vim 插件——autoload_cscope.vim









" Vim global plugin for autoloading cscope databases.
" Last Change: Wed Jan 26 10:28:52 Jerusalem Standard Time 2011
" Maintainer: Michael Conrad Tadpol Tilsra <tadpol@tadpol.org>
" Revision: 0.5if exists("loaded_autoload_cscope")finish
let loaded_autoload_cscope = 1" requirements, you must have these enabled or this is useless.
if(  !has('cscope') || !has('modify_fname') )finish
endiflet s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim" If you set this to anything other than 1, the menu and macros will not be
" loaded.  Useful if you have your own that you like.  Or don't want my stuff
" clashing with any macros you've made.
if !exists("g:autocscope_menus")let g:autocscope_menus = 1
" windowdir
"  Gets the directory for the file in the current window
"  Or the current working dir if there isn't one for the window.
"  Use tr to allow that other OS paths, too
function s:windowdir()if winbufnr(0) == -1let unislash = getcwd()else let unislash = fnamemodify(bufname(winbufnr(0)), ':p:h')endifreturn tr(unislash, '\', '/')
" Find_in_parent
" find the file argument and returns the path to it.
" Starting with the current working dir, it walks up the parent folders
" until it finds the file, or it hits the stop dir.
" If it doesn't find it, it returns "Nothing"
function s:Find_in_parent(fln,flsrt,flstp)let here = a:flsrtwhile ( strlen( here) > 0 )if filereadable( here . "/" . a:fln )return hereendiflet fr = match(here, "/[^/]*$")if fr == -1breakendiflet here = strpart(here, 0, fr)if here == a:flstpbreakendifendwhilereturn "Nothing"
" Cycle_macros_menus
"  if there are cscope connections, activate that stuff.
"  Else toss it out.
"  TODO Maybe I should move this into a seperate plugin?
let s:menus_loaded = 0
function s:Cycle_macros_menus()if g:autocscope_menus != 1returnendifif cscope_connection()if s:menus_loaded == 1returnendiflet s:menus_loaded = 1set csto=0set cstsilent! map <unique> <C-\>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>silent! map <unique> <C-\>i :cs find i <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>if has("menu")nmenu &Cscope.Find.Symbol<Tab><c-\\>s\ :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Definition<Tab><c-\\>g\ :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Called<Tab><c-\\>d\ :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Calling<Tab><c-\\>c\ :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Assignment<Tab><c-\\>t\ :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Egrep<Tab><c-\\>e\ :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.File<Tab><c-\\>f\ :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>nmenu &Cscope.Find.Including<Tab><c-\\>i\ :cs find i <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>
"      nmenu &Cscope.Add :cs add
"      nmenu &Cscope.Remove  :cs kill nmenu &Cscope.Reset :cs reset<cr>nmenu &Cscope.Show :cs show<cr>" Need to figure out how to do the add/remove. May end up writing" some container functions.  Or tossing them out, since this is supposed" to all be automatic.endifelselet s:menus_loaded = 0set nocstsilent! unmap <C-\>ssilent! unmap <C-\>gsilent! unmap <C-\>dsilent! unmap <C-\>csilent! unmap <C-\>tsilent! unmap <C-\>esilent! unmap <C-\>fsilent! unmap <C-\>iif has("menu")  " would rather see if the menu exists, then remove...silent! nunmenu Cscopeendifendif
" Unload_csdb
"  drop cscope connections.
function s:Unload_csdb()if exists("b:csdbpath")if cscope_connection(3, "out", b:csdbpath)let save_csvb = &csverbset nocsverbexe "cs kill " . b:csdbpathset csverblet &csverb = save_csvbendifendif
" Cycle_csdb
"  cycle the loaded cscope db.
function s:Cycle_csdb()if exists("b:csdbpath")if cscope_connection(3, "out", b:csdbpath)return"it is already loaded. don't try to reload it.endifendiflet newcsdbpath = s:Find_in_parent("cscope.out",s:windowdir(),$HOME)
"    echo "Found cscope.out at: " . newcsdbpath
"    echo "Windowdir: " . s:windowdir()if newcsdbpath != "Nothing"let b:csdbpath = newcsdbpathif !cscope_connection(3, "out", b:csdbpath)let save_csvb = &csverbset nocsverbexe "cs add " . b:csdbpath . "/cscope.out " . b:csdbpathset csverblet &csverb = save_csvbendif"else " No cscope database, undo things. (someone rm-ed it or somesuch)call s:Unload_csdb()endif
endfunc" auto toggle the menu
augroup autoload_cscopeau!au BufEnter *.[chly]  call <SID>Cycle_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus()au BufEnter *.cc      call <SID>Cycle_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus()au BufUnload *.[chly] call <SID>Unload_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus()au BufUnload *.cc     call <SID>Unload_csdb() | call <SID>Cycle_macros_menus()
augroup ENDlet &cpo = s:save_cpo

方法二 :.vimrc脚本法



" cscope 自动加载cscope.out文件
if has("cscope")  set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope  set csto=0 set cst  set csverb  set cspc=3 "add any database in current dir  if filereadable("cscope.out")  cs add cscope.out  "else search cscope.out elsewhere  else let cscope_file=findfile("cscope.out",".;")  let cscope_pre=matchstr(cscope_file,".*/")  if !empty(cscope_file) && filereadable(cscope_file)  set nocsverbexe "cs add" cscope_file cscope_preset csverbendif        endif






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