
你是通过 os.system() 这个函数来获得的返回值,那么其内部调用的是通过 C++/C 写的和操作系统交互的 Python 底层代码。这里你没有说明你的操作系统是 Unix 还是 Windows 内核,假设你用的是 Unix 内核,那么 Python 的底层代码是 Unix 环境下编译的 C++/C,并且在和系统交互的时候返回值是作为 Error Code 规范来返回的 。

如果返回值为 0,则表示命令执行成功,其它值则表示错误,具体的错误码含义见最下方引用。

在系统的 Error Code 规范里是没有负数的。这里返回负数的原因是 C++/C 里的数据结构中,系统的返回值是一个十进制数,而传递到 Python 的时候, Python通过数据转换变成了其他的数据结构(例如 十六进制)。所以这里在数据转换的时候把一部分数据给错误的截取了。

当然根据你的问题只能分析到这里,你还需要给出更多的环境信息来帮你分析。"OS error code 1: Operation not permitted"

"OS error code 2: No such file or directory"

"OS error code 3: No such process"

"OS error code 4: Interrupted system call"

"OS error code 5: Input/output error"

"OS error code 6: No such device or address"

"OS error code 7: Argument list too long"

"OS error code 8: Exec format error"

"OS error code 9: Bad file descriptor"

"OS error code 10: No child processes"

"OS error code 11: Resource temporarily unavailable"

"OS error code 12: Cannot allocate memory"

"OS error code 13: Permission denied"

"OS error code 14: Bad address"

"OS error code 15: Block device required"

"OS error code 16: Device or resource busy"

"OS error code 17: File exists"

"OS error code 18: Invalid cross-device link"

"OS error code 19: No such device"

"OS error code 20: Not a directory"

"OS error code 21: Is a directory"

"OS error code 22: Invalid argument"

"OS error code 23: Too many open files in system"

"OS error code 24: Too many open files"

"OS error code 25: Inappropriate ioctl for device"

"OS error code 26: Text file busy"

"OS error code 27: File too large"

"OS error code 28: No space left on device"

"OS error code 29: Illegal seek"

"OS error code 30: Read-only file system"

"OS error code 31: Too many links"

"OS error code 32: Broken pipe"

"OS error code 33: Numerical argument out of domain"

"OS error code 34: Numerical result out of range"

"OS error code 35: Resource deadlock avoided"

"OS error code 36: File name too long"

"OS error code 37: No locks available"

"OS error code 38: Function not implemented"

"OS error code 39: Directory not empty"

"OS error code 40: Too many levels of symbolic links"

"OS error code 42: No message of desired type"

"OS error code 43: Identifier removed"

"OS error code 44: Channel number out of range"

"OS error code 45: Level 2 not synchronized"

"OS error code 46: Level 3 halted"

"OS error code 47: Level 3 reset"

"OS error code 48: Link number out of range"

"OS error code 49: Protocol driver not attached"

"OS error code 50: No CSI structure available"

"OS error code 51: Level 2 halted"

"OS error code 52: Invalid exchange"

"OS error code 53: Invalid request descriptor"

"OS error code 54: Exchange full"

"OS error code 55: No anode"

"OS error code 56: Invalid request code"

"OS error code 57: Invalid slot"

"OS error code 59: Bad font file format"

"OS error code 60: Device not a stream"

"OS error code 61: No data available"

"OS error code 62: Timer expired"

"OS error code 63: Out of streams resources"

"OS error code 64: Machine is not on the network"

"OS error code 65: Package not installed"

"OS error code 66: Object is remote"

"OS error code 67: Link has been severed"

"OS error code 68: Advertise error"

"OS error code 69: Srmount error"

"OS error code 70: Communication error on send"

"OS error code 71: Protocol error"

"OS error code 72: Multihop attempted"

"OS error code 73: RFS specific error"

"OS error code 74: Bad message"

"OS error code 75: Value too large for defined data type"

"OS error code 76: Name not unique on network"

"OS error code 77: File descriptor in bad state"

"OS error code 78: Remote address changed"

"OS error code 79: Can not access a needed shared library"

"OS error code 80: Accessing a corrupted shared library"

"OS error code 81: .lib section in a.out corrupted"

"OS error code 82: Attempting to link in too many shared libraries"

"OS error code 83: Cannot exec a shared library directly"

"OS error code 84: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character"

"OS error code 85: Interrupted system call should be restarted"

"OS error code 86: Streams pipe error"

"OS error code 87: Too many users"

"OS error code 88: Socket operation on non-socket"

"OS error code 89: Destination address required"

"OS error code 90: Message too long"

"OS error code 91: Protocol wrong type for socket"

"OS error code 92: Protocol not available"

"OS error code 93: Protocol not supported"

"OS error code 94: Socket type not supported"

"OS error code 95: Operation not supported"

"OS error code 96: Protocol family not supported"

"OS error code 97: Address family not supported by protocol"

"OS error code 98: Address already in use"

"OS error code 99: Cannot assign requested address"

"OS error code 100: Network is down"

"OS error code 101: Network is unreachable"

"OS error code 102: Network dropped connection on reset"

"OS error code 103: Software caused connection abort"

"OS error code 104: Connection reset by peer"

"OS error code 105: No buffer space available"

"OS error code 106: Transport endpoint is already connected"

"OS error code 107: Transport endpoint is not connected"

"OS error code 108: Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"

"OS error code 109: Too many references: cannot splice"

"OS error code 110: Connection timed out"

"OS error code 111: Connection refused"

"OS error code 112: Host is down"

"OS error code 113: No route to host"

"OS error code 114: Operation already in progress"

"OS error code 115: Operation now in progress"

"OS error code 116: Stale NFS file handle"

"OS error code 117: Structure needs cleaning"

"OS error code 118: Not a XENIX named type file"

"OS error code 119: No XENIX semaphores available"

"OS error code 120: Is a named type file"

"OS error code 121: Remote I/O error"

"OS error code 122: Disk quota exceeded"

"OS error code 123: No medium found"

"OS error code 124: Wrong medium type"

"OS error code 125: Operation canceled"

"OS error code 126: Required key not available"

"OS error code 127: Key has expired"

"OS error code 128: Key has been revoked"

"OS error code 129: Key was rejected by service"

"OS error code 130: Owner died"

"OS error code 131: State not recoverable"

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