
  • mesh转OBJ格式
  • mesh转STL格式
    • 二进制格式(UG打开正常)
    • ASCII格式(UG打开报错)
  • 调用win窗口
    • 导入
    • 导出
    • 注意事项




        float offsetX = 0;float offsetY = 0;float offsetZ = 0;float minX = float.MaxValue;float maxX = float.MinValue;float minY = float.MaxValue;float maxY = float.MinValue;float minZ = float.MaxValue;float maxZ = float.MinValue;   foreach (var item in vertices ){Vector3 worldPos = trans.TransformPoint(item);if (minX > worldPos.x) minX = worldPos.x;if (minY > worldPos.y) minY = worldPos.y;if (minZ > worldPos.z) minZ = worldPos.z;if (maxX < worldPos.x) maxX = worldPos.x;if (maxY < worldPos.y) maxY = worldPos.y;if (maxZ < worldPos.z) maxZ = worldPos.z;}  offsetX = (minX + manX) / 2;offsetZ = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;offsetY = minY;


   if (!name.Contains(".obj")){name = Path.Combine(name + ".obj");}


  if (!File.Exists(name )){UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("导出失败!");}


  public static void Export(Transform trans, Mesh mesh, string name){if (mesh == null) return;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals;int[] triangles = mesh.triangles;StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();float offsetX = 0;float offsetY = 0;float offsetZ = 0;float minX = float.MaxValue;float maxX = float.MinValue;float minY = float.MaxValue;float maxY = float.MinValue;float minZ = float.MaxValue;float maxZ = float.MinValue;         foreach (var item in vertices ){Vector3 worldPos = trans.TransformPoint(item);if (minX > worldPos.x) minX = worldPos.x;if (minY > worldPos.y) minY = worldPos.y;if (minZ > worldPos.z) minZ = worldPos.z;if (maxX < worldPos.x) maxX = worldPos.x;if (maxY < worldPos.y) maxY = worldPos.y;if (maxZ < worldPos.z) maxZ = worldPos.z;}offsetX = minX;offsetZ = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;offsetY = (minY + maxY) / 2;//sb.Append("#为模型导出的obj,不带材质\n\n");     for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++){Vector3 worldVertices = trans.TransformPoint(vertices[i]);sb.Append("v " + (worldVertices.x - offsetX) + " " + (worldVertices.y - offsetY) + " " + (worldVertices.z - offsetZ) + "\n");}sb.Append("\n");for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++){//反转法线过后sb.Append("vn " + -(normals[i].y) + " " + (normals[i].x) + " " + (normals[i].z) + "\n");}sb.Append("\n");for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3){sb.Append("f " + (triangles[i] + 1) + "//" + (triangles[i] + 1) + " " + (triangles[i+1] + 1) + "//" + (triangles[i+1] + 1) + " " + (triangles[i + 2] + 1) + "//" + (triangles[i + 2] + 1) + "\n");}
//校验导出名称if (!name.Contains(".obj")){name = Path.Combine(name + ".obj");}       File.WriteAllText(name, sb.ToString());if (!File.Exists(name )){UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("导出失败!");}}



 public static void STLExportBinary(Transform trans,, Mesh mesh, string name){if (mesh == null) return;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals;int[] triangles = mesh.triangles;StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();float offsetX = 0;float offsetY = 0;float offsetZ = 0;float minX = float.MaxValue;float maxX = float.MinValue;float minY = float.MaxValue;float maxY = float.MinValue;float minZ = float.MaxValue;float maxZ = float.MinValue;         foreach (var item in vertices ){Vector3 worldPos = trans.TransformPoint(item);if (minX > worldPos.x) minX = worldPos.x;if (minY > worldPos.y) minY = worldPos.y;if (minZ > worldPos.z) minZ = worldPos.z;if (maxX < worldPos.x) maxX = worldPos.x;if (maxY < worldPos.y) maxY = worldPos.y;if (maxZ < worldPos.z) maxZ = worldPos.z;}offsetX = minX;offsetZ = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;offsetY = (minY + maxY) / 2;int trianglesCount = triangles.Length;//计算出stl的大小int stlSize = 80 + 4 + (trianglesCount + 360) * (4 * 12 + 2);byte[] stl = new byte[stlSize];//创建一个文件流用于将数据写入到本地MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(stl);BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);byte[] header = new byte[80];short _short = 0;header[0] = 73;header[1] = 99;header[2] = 101;header[3] = 109;header[4] = 97;header[5] = 110;writer.Write(header);writer.Write(trianglesCount);//循环遍历顶点,并将数据写入到文件中for (int i = 0; i < trianglesCount; i += 3){writer.Write(0.0f);writer.Write(0.0f);writer.Write(0.0f);Vector3 worldPos1 = (vertices[triangles[i]]) ;Vector3 worldPos2 = (vertices[triangles[i + 2]]) ;Vector3 worldPos3 = (vertices[triangles[i + 1]]);writer.Write(worldPos1.x-offsetX );writer.Write(worldPos1.z-offsetZ );writer.Write(worldPos1.y-offsetY );writer.Write(worldPos2.x-offsetX );writer.Write(worldPos2.z-offsetZ );writer.Write(worldPos2.y-offsetY );writer.Write(worldPos3.x-offsetX );writer.Write(worldPos3.z-offsetZ );writer.Write(worldPos3.y-offsetY );writer.Write(_short);}writer.Close();ms.Close();ms.Dispose();//将数据保存到本地File.WriteAllBytes(name , stl);if (!File.Exists(name)){UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("导出失败!");}else{UnityEngine.Debug.Log("导出完成");}



  public static void STLExportASCII(Transform trans, Mesh mesh, string name){  if (mesh == null) return;Vector3[] vertices = mesh.vertices;Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals;int[] triangles = mesh.triangles;StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();float offsetX = 0;float offsetY = 0;float offsetZ = 0;float minX = float.MaxValue;float maxX = float.MinValue;float minY = float.MaxValue;float maxY = float.MinValue;float minZ = float.MaxValue;float maxZ = float.MinValue;         foreach (var item in vertices ){Vector3 worldPos = trans.TransformPoint(item);if (minX > worldPos.x) minX = worldPos.x;if (minY > worldPos.y) minY = worldPos.y;if (minZ > worldPos.z) minZ = worldPos.z;if (maxX < worldPos.x) maxX = worldPos.x;if (maxY < worldPos.y) maxY = worldPos.y;if (maxZ < worldPos.z) maxZ = worldPos.z;}offsetX = minX;offsetZ = (maxZ + minZ) / 2;offsetY = (minY + maxY) / 2;sb.Append("\nsolid " + "导出工件" + "\n");for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length / 3; i++){try{Vector3 curPos1 = vertices[triangles[i * 3]];Vector3 curPos2 = vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 1]];Vector3 curPos3 = vertices[triangles[i * 3 + 2]];Vector3 nor1 = trans.TransformDirection(normals[triangles[i * 3]]);Vector3 nor2 = trans.TransformDirection(normals[triangles[i * 3 + 1]]);Vector3 nor3 = trans.TransformDirection(normals[triangles[i * 3 + 2]]);//顶点变换到世界空间Vector3 worldPos1 = trans.TransformPoint(curPos1);Vector3 worldPos2 = trans.TransformPoint(curPos2);Vector3 worldPos3 = trans.TransformPoint(curPos3);Vector3 normal = (nor1 + nor2 + nor3) / 3;sb.Append("facet normal " + normal.x + " " + normal.y + " " + normal.z);sb.Append("outer loop\n");sb.Append("\tvertex " + worldPos1.x-offsetX  + " " + worldPos1.y-offsetY + " " + worldPos1.z-offsetZ  + "\n");sb.Append("\tvertex " + worldPos2.x-offsetX  + " " + worldPos2.y-offsetY + " " + worldPos2.z-offsetZ  + "\n");sb.Append("\tvertex " + worldPos3.x -offsetX + " " + worldPos3.y-offsetY + " " + worldPos3.z-offsetZ  + "\n");sb.Append("\tendloop\n");sb.Append("\tendfacet\n");               }catch (Exception e){UnityEngine.Debug.Log("缺少顶点重用信息,索引为:" + triangles[i * 3] + "\n" + e);}}sb.Append("endsolid " + name);File.WriteAllText(name, sb.ToString());if (!File.Exists(name)){UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("导出失败!");}else{UnityEngine.Debug.Log("导出完成");       }



public class OpenFileName
{public int structSize = 0;public IntPtr dlgOwner = IntPtr.Zero;public IntPtr instance = IntPtr.Zero;public String filter = null;public String customFilter = null;public int maxCustFilter = 0;public int filterIndex = 0;public String file = null;public int maxFile = 0;public String fileTitle = null;public int maxFileTitle = 0;public String initialDir = null;public String title = null;public int flags = 0;public short fileOffset = 0;public short fileExtension = 0;public String defExt = null;public IntPtr custData = IntPtr.Zero;public IntPtr hook = IntPtr.Zero;public String templateName = null;public IntPtr reservedPtr = IntPtr.Zero;public int reservedInt = 0;public int flagsEx = 0;
///2.系统函数调用类, 如下:
public class LocalDialog
{//链接指定系统函数       打开文件对话框[DllImport("Comdlg32.dll", SetLastError = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]public static extern bool GetOpenFileName([In, Out] OpenFileName ofn);public static bool GetOFN([In, Out] OpenFileName ofn){return GetOpenFileName(ofn);}//链接指定系统函数        另存为对话框[DllImport("Comdlg32.dll", SetLastError = true, ThrowOnUnmappableChar = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]public static extern bool GetSaveFileName([In, Out] OpenFileName ofn);public static bool GetSFN([In, Out] OpenFileName ofn){return GetSaveFileName(ofn);}



  /// <summary>/// 选择导入路径/// </summary>public void InputFile(){      file = "";OpenFileName openFileName = new OpenFileName();openFileName.structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(openFileName);      openFileName.filter = "模型文件(*.obj)\0*.obj";openFileName.file = new string(new char[256]);openFileName.maxFile = openFileName.file.Length;openFileName.fileTitle = new string(new char[64]);openFileName.maxFileTitle = openFileName.fileTitle.Length;openFileName.initialDir = Application.streamingAssetsPath.Replace('/', '\\');//默认路径openFileName.title = "导入";openFileName.flags = 0x00080000 | 0x00001000 | 0x00000800 | 0x00000008;if (LocalDialog.GetOpenFileName(openFileName)){file = openFileName.file;}}


设置格式 \0*.obj\0 和 \0*.stl\0,这种形式是分开显示格式,下图所示; \0*.obj *.stl\0 这种显示在一起,导入参考图所示。

  /// <summary>/// 选择导出路径/// </summary>void OutputFile(){if (Manager3.instance.cylinder==null ){textTips.text = "未加载工件!";return;}file = "";       OpenFileName openFileName = new OpenFileName();openFileName.structSize = Marshal.SizeOf(openFileName);openFileName.filter = "模型文件(*.obj)\0*.obj\0模型文件(*.stl)\0*.stl\0";openFileName.file = new string(new char[256]);openFileName.maxFile = openFileName.file.Length;openFileName.fileTitle = new string(new char[64]);openFileName.maxFileTitle = openFileName.fileTitle.Length;openFileName.initialDir = Application.streamingAssetsPath.Replace('/', '\\');//默认路径openFileName.title = "导出";openFileName.flags = 0x00080000 | 0x00001000 | 0x00000800 | 0x00000008;openFileName.defExt = ".obj";if (LocalDialog.GetSaveFileName(openFileName)){file = openFileName.file;}}


2. openFileName.defExt = “.obj”; 这个重点,选择格式后,自动在输入框中追加后缀。不设置defExt 值时,需要自己追加。


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