
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘XXX’ 的解决方法

在编写爬虫文件的过程中,一般会将爬取下来的文件保存在一个文件夹内,而当选取的文件夹不存在时,会报错"FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory".


def __init__(self, path = './'):#save the pathself.path = pathdef save2Img(self, fname, url):#save the imageimg = self.reqPage(url)#file's name and suffixfname = fname + '.' +url.rsplit('.',1)[-1]#file's pathfpath = os.path.join(self.path,fname)#save the imagewith open(fpath,'wb') as f:     #<-----报错位置f.write(img)






def __init__(self, path = './'):#save the pathself.path = pathif not os.path.exists(path):    os.mkdir(path)



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