
public class User2 {private Long id;private String username;public User2() {}public User2(Long id, String username) {this.id = id;this.username = username;}

使用spring mvc的代码,向前端返回这个类的json格式数据:

public class UserController {@GetMapping("getuser")public User2 getUser() {return new User2(1L, "jack");}}



org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type: class com.learn.entity.User2



public class User2 {private Long id;private String username;public User2() {}public User2(Long id, String username) {this.id = id;this.username = username;}public Long getId() {return id;}public void setId(Long id) {this.id = id;}public String getUsername() {return username;}public void setUsername(String username) {this.username = username;}

HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type,可能出现的原因及解决方法相关推荐

  1. Spring Boot:关于“No converter found for return value of type: class xxx”的解决方法

    Spring Boot:关于"No converter found for return value of type: class xxx"的解决方法 参考文章: (1)Sprin ...

  2. 【Spring】HttpMessageNotWritableException No converter found for return value of type

    1.背景 Spring boot 启动报错 Failed to write HTTP message: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNo ...

  3. SpringBoot:HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type

    网上搜了一圈,总结一下出现上述问题的主要原因: 未写报错的类相应属性的:setter.getter 缺少jackson包支撑:类对象 -> Json数据格式的转换 对于1中出现的问题,请仔细检查 ...

  4. JavaWeb项目中出现No converter found for return value of type的解决方法

    目录 异常展示: 解决方法 原理: 拓展 异常展示: 意思就是找不到返回值类型的转换器,其实就是你的controller在进行json数据返回的时候,找不到进行json数据转换的转换器.我这里使用的是 ...

  5. SpringBoot 封装返回类报错:No converter found for return value of type

    封装完毕Result返回类,使用PostMan测试时报错 {"timestamp": "2020-06-03T10:38:03.144+0000"," ...

  6. java统一返回结果集封装,解决No converter found for return value of type

    网上很多,自己参照手写了一个. package com.***.pro.utils;/*** @Author: wsh*/public class Result<T> {private B ...

  7. No converter found for return value of type: class xxx(自定义的class对象)

    先贴一份异常信息: org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for ...

  8. No converter found for return value of type错误解决以及消息转化器简单分析

    一.错误发生的背景 最近搭建一个springboot项目,在开发到全局异常处理的时候,运行报错.具体代码以及错误信息如下: 代码:GlobalExceptionHandler(异常处理类) /*** ...

  9. Spring MVC No converter found for return value of type

    严重: Servlet.service() for servlet [xxx] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing ...


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