论文阅读 [TPAMI-2022] Incremental Density-Based Clustering on Multicore Processors


搜索论文: Incremental Density-Based Clustering on Multicore Processors

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Clustering algorithms; Multicore processing; Databases; Instruction sets; Electronic mail; Time factors; Clustering methods; Density-based clustering; anytime clustering; incremental clustering; active clustering; multicore CPUs




The density-based clustering algorithm is a fundamental data clustering technique with many real-world applications.


However, when the database is frequently changed, how to effectively update clustering results rather than reclustering from scratch remains a challenging task.


In this work, we introduce IncAnyDBC, a unique parallel incremental data clustering approach to deal with this problem.


First, IncAnyDBC can process changes in bulks rather than batches like state-of-the-art methods for reducing update overheads.


Second, it keeps an underlying cluster structure called the object node graph during the clustering process and uses it as a basis for incrementally updating clusters wrt.


inserted or deleted objects in the database by propagating changes around affected nodes only.


In additional, IncAnyDBC actively and iteratively examines the graph and chooses only a small set of most meaningful objects to produce exact clustering results of DBSCAN or to approximate results under arbitrary time constraints.


This makes it more efficient than other existing methods.


Third, by processing objects in blocks, IncAnyDBC can be efficiently parallelized on multicore CPUs, thus creating a work-efficient method.


It runs much faster than existing techniques using one thread while still scaling well with multiple threads.


Experiments are conducted on various large real datasets for demonstrating the performance of IncAnyDBC…



[‘Son T. Mai’, ‘Jon Jacobsen’, ‘Sihem Amer-Yahia’, ‘Ivor Spence’, ‘Nhat-Phuong Tran’, ‘Ira Assent’, ‘Quoc Viet Nguyen’]

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