You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function问题解决

今天在用的vue的时候,碰到一个问题,在计算属性中修改data()中的属性时,会报这个错,“You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function”,导致页面无法打开

// An highlighted blockdata() {return {statusStyle:""};},computed: {_status() {return function (status) {switch (status) {case 0:this.statusStyle = "status-init";break;case 1:this.statusStyle = "status-running";break;case 2:this.statusStyle = "status-stopped";break;default:break;}return statusStyle;}},}


 computed: {_status() {return function (status) {var statusStyle = "";switch (status) {case 0:statusStyle = "status-init";break;case 1:statusStyle = "status-running";break;case 2:statusStyle = "status-stopped";break;default:break;}return statusStyle;}},


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