

[root@rhcsa conf.d]# netstat -tnpl | grep 443

tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 1229/httpd

为什么如上命令只显示tcp6,而没有tcp ?



虽然这个只显示了IPv6的端口监听,但并不代表只接受IPv6的连接,实际上,apache会以mapped address (::FFFF:a.b.c.d) 方式来接受IPv4的连接。除了少部分平台上,例如FreeBSD,NetBSD,OpenBSD之外, Apache在编译时,默认启用了 --enable-v4-mapped 选项。所以,Apache会同时接受IPv6和IPv4的连接请求。

除非是 IPV6_V6ONLY 模式开启,才需要两个不同的socket来分别监听IPv6和IPv4.IPV6_V6ONLY模式可以通过 sysctl net.ipv6.bindv6only 来控制,默认是关闭的。如果你实在愿意在netstat中只看到IPv4端口的监听,那么,你可以修apachezhttp.conf 中,将

Listen 80




Please note

This document refers to the 2.2 version of Apache httpd, which is no longer maintained. The active release is documented here. If you have not already upgraded, please follow this link for more information.

You may follow this link to go to the current version of this document.


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Configuring Apache to listen on specific addresses and ports.

See also


Related Modules

Related Directives

When Apache starts, it binds to some port and address on the local machine and waits for incoming requests. By default, it listens to all addresses on the machine. However, it may need to be told to listen on specific ports, or only on selected addresses, or a combination of both. This is often combined with the Virtual Host feature, which determines how Apache responds to different IP addresses, hostnames and ports.


For example, to make the server accept connections on both port 80 and port 8000, on all interfaces, use:

Listen 80

Listen 8000

To make the server accept connections on port 80 for one interface, and port 8000 on another, use



IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets, as in the following example:

Listen [2001:db8::a00:20ff:fea7:ccea]:80

Special IPv6 Considerations

A growing number of platforms implement IPv6, and APR supports IPv6 on most of these platforms, allowing Apache to allocate IPv6 sockets, and to handle requests sent over IPv6.

One complicating factor for Apache administrators is whether or not an IPv6 socket can handle both IPv4 connections and IPv6 connections. Handling IPv4 connections with an IPv6 socket uses IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, which are allowed by default on most platforms, but are disallowed by default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, in order to match the system-wide policy on those platforms. On systems where it is disallowed by default, a special

On the other hand, on some platforms, such as Linux and Tru64, the only way to handle both IPv6 and IPv4 is to use mapped addresses. If you want Apache to handle IPv4 and IPv6 connections with a minimum of sockets, which requires using IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, specify the --enable-v4-mapped

--enable-v4-mapped is the default on all platforms except FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, so this is probably how your Apache was built.

If you want Apache to handle IPv4 connections only, regardless of what your platform and APR will support, specify an IPv4 address on all



If your platform supports it and you want Apache to handle IPv4 and IPv6 connections on separate sockets (i.e., to disable IPv4-mapped addresses), specify the --disable-v4-mapped --disable-v4-mapped is the default on FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.

How This Works With Virtual Hosts


Available Languages: de | en | fr | ja | ko | tr



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