
Setting the row height and column width in Excel is easy, but if you’d rather use the keyboard to do this, it’s not very intuitive. We’ll show you a couple of different ways to set the row height and column width without using your mouse.

在Excel中设置行高和列宽很容易,但是如果您想使用键盘来执行此操作,则不是很直观。 我们将向您展示几种不使用鼠标来设置行高和列宽的不同方法。

To begin, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cell selection to the row or column you want to change, then press the Alt key to go into shortcut key mode. Press “H” to access the Home tab.

首先,使用键盘上的箭头键将单元格选择移至要更改的行或列,然后按Alt键进入快捷键模式。 按“ H”访问“主页”选项卡。

Shortcut keys display for all the commands on the Home menu. Press “O” to open the Format menu in the Cells section.

在主菜单上显示所有命令的快捷键。 按“ O”打开“单元格”部分的“格式”菜单。

To change the row height for the row corresponding to the selected cell, press “H” for Row Height.

要更改与所选单元格相对应的行的行高,请为行高按“ H”。

Enter a value on the Row height dialog box and press Enter.


Changing the column width is similar to changing the row height. Press Alt, then H, then O (one key after the other, like we mentioned above) and then press “W” for Column Width.

更改列宽类似于更改行高。 按Alt,然后按H,然后按O(一个键,另一个键,如上文所述),然后按“ W”作为列宽。

Enter a value on the Column Width dialog box and press Enter.


We changed the height for row 2 to 20 and the width for column B to 15, as shown below.


Another option for changing the row height is to press Shift+Spacebar to select the entire row containing the selected cell. Then, press Shift+F10 to bring up the context menu and press “R” to open the Row Height dialog box. Enter a new row height on the dialog box and press Enter.

更改行高的另一个选项是按Shift +空格键以选择包含所选单元格的整行。 然后,按Shift + F10弹出上下文菜单,然后按“ R”打开“行高”对话框。 在对话框上输入新的行高,然后按Enter。

You can do the same thing with the Column Width, except you would press Ctrl+Spacebar to select the entire column and then press “W” to open the Column Width dialog box.

您可以对“列宽”执行相同的操作,除了可以按Ctrl +空格键选择整个列,然后按“ W”打开“列宽”对话框。

If you like using the keyboard rather than the mouse, a lot of the commands on the ribbon have shortcut keys assigned to them. You can display those shortcut keys in the Screentips so you can easily learn what they are and start using them.

如果您喜欢使用键盘而不是鼠标,则功能区上的许多命令都分配有快捷键。 您可以在屏幕提示中显示这些快捷键,以便轻松了解它们的含义并开始使用它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/290817/how-to-set-row-height-and-column-width-in-excel-using-the-keyboard/



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