


Installation Instructions



Flair is dependent on the following programs:

  1. Python interpreter version V3.6 or greater. Python usually comes pre-installed in most linux distributions, otherwise it can be downloaded from http://www.python.org
  2. tkinter toolkit, this is the default graphical toolkit for python and usually it is shipped together with the interpreter. In Fedora distributions (Version>3) it has to be installed separately. In this case install it with the command (as superuser):

$ dnf -y install tkinter

  1. Tcl/Tk version V8.5 or greater.

Optionally but strongly recommended

  1. flair-geoviewer a plugin to flair for interactive geometry editing, debugging and 3D visualization
  2. PIL (python imaging library) and the tk interface for image exporting from geoviewer. Typically on various distributions they appear with the name python-imaging and python-imaging-tk
  3. gnuplot version V4.0 or greater
  4. pydicom The python dicom library optionally if you want to convert DICOM files to FLUKA voxel
  5. numpy The python numeric library for dicom processing

Source code compile requirements

For compiling the source code you need the following development packages for your system

  1. C++ compiler preferably gnu g++ or clang++
  2. GNU make
  3. python3-devel
  4. tk-devel and all its dependencies



Flair is dependent on the following programs:

  1. Python interpreter version V3.6 or greater. Python usually comes pre-installed in most linux distributions, otherwise it can be downloaded from http://www.python.org


安装命令为 sudo pacman –S python ,manjaro应该会自带

  1. tkinter toolkit, this is the default graphical toolkit for python and usually it is shipped together with the interpreter. In Fedora distributions (Version>3) it has to be installed separately. In this case install it with the command (as superuser):

$ dnf -y install tkinter


  1. Tcl/Tk version V8.5 or greater.

sudo pacman –S tk

Optionally but strongly recommended,不强制但十分推荐

  1. flair-geoviewer a plugin to flair for interactive geometry editing, debugging and 3D visualization


  1. PIL (python imaging library) and the tk interface for image exporting from geoviewer. Typically on various distributions they appear with the name python-imaging and python-imaging-tk

sudo pacman –S python-imaging

  1. gnuplot version V4.0 or greater

sudo pacman –S gnuplot

在终端输入 gnuplot,打开后输入plot sin(x)


  1. pydicom The python dicom library optionally if you want to convert DICOM files to FLUKA voxel

sudo pacman –S python-pip 应该系统提前装好了

pip install pydicom

  1. numpy The python numeric library for dicom processing

pip install numpy


终端输入python打开界面,输入import xxx若不报错即安装成功

Source code compile requirements

For compiling the source code you need the following development packages for your system

  1. C++ compiler preferably gnu g++ or clang++


  1. GNU make

sudo pacman –S make 这个其实应该是自带的,没有的话可以这么装

  1. python3-devel
  2. tk-devel and all its dependencies



sudo make install


sudo make install




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