<?php // Plug-in 76: Search Yahoo!
/** Yahoo!搜索* 插件说明:* 插件接受一个搜索串,返货Yahoo!搜索引擎的搜索结果。* 若搜索成功,则返回一个两元素数组,第一个元素表示返回结果的个数,第二个元素是一个数组,保存搜索结果,* 每个元素都是一个子数组,它具有以下值:*    标题*    摘要*    需要显示的URL地址*    用于单击的URL地址* 搜索失败,返回一个元素的数组,元素的值为FALSE.* 本插件需要以下参数:* $search 搜索串* $start 返回的第一个结果* $count 返回结果的最大个数*/
// This is an executable example with additional code supplied
// To obtain just the plug-ins please click on the Download link$search  = "yahoo search api";
$results = PIPHP_SearchYahoo($search, 1, 10);
echo "<font face='Arial' size='2'>Searching Yahoo! for: " ."<b>$search</b>:<br /><br />";if (!$results[0]) echo "No matching results found for $search.";
elseforeach($results[1] as $result)echo "<a href='$result[3]'>$result[0]<a/><br />"."$result[1]<br />" ."<font color='green'>$result[2]</font><br /><br />";function PIPHP_SearchYahoo($search, $start, $count)
{// Plug-in 76: Search Yahoo!//// This plug-in returns results from the Yahoo1 search// engine based on the query in $search, which can be// any standard Yahoo! search query. Up to 50 results can// be returned at a time. Upon success it returns a two// element array, the first of which is the value TRUE,// and the second is an array, each element of which// contains a sub-array containing the four items in// each search result: title, abstract, display url, and// click url. On failure it returns a single element// array with the value FALSE. It requires the following// arguments:////    $search: A search query//    $start:  The result number from which to start//    $count:  The number of results to return$search = rawurlencode($search);$id     = 'YourAPIKeyMustGoInThisStringOrItMayFail';$url    = 'http://boss.yahooapis.com/ysearch/web/v1/' ."$search?appid=$id&format=xml&start=$start" ."&count=$count";$xml  = @file_get_contents($url);if (!$xml) return array(FALSE);$xml  = str_replace('<![CDATA[',        '', $xml);$xml  = str_replace(']]>',              '', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('&', '[ampersand]', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('&',           '&', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('[ampersand]', '&', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('<b>',     '<b>', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('</b>',   '</b>', $xml);$xml  = str_replace('<wbr>', '<wbr>', $xml);$sxml = simplexml_load_string($xml);$data = array();foreach($sxml->resultset_web->result as $result){$t = html_entity_decode($result->title);$a = html_entity_decode($result->abstract);$d = html_entity_decode($result->dispurl);$c = $result->clickurl;if (strlen($a)) $data[] = array($t, $a, $d, $c);}return array(count($data), $data);


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