13th Annual Webby Awards powered by Silverlight



原文分类:Case Study(案例学习)

原文发表时间:PST 2009-04-26 20:06


This past week the entire Webby Awards platform, including The Webby People's Voice Awards voting system switched to Microsoft Silverlight.  The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, and has been sponsored by Adobe, Nokia, and others in the past.  This marks Microsoft’s first sponsorship of this event.  Webby Award winners range from celebrities and top brands to advertising and creative agencies.  In addition to providing the player for the Webby People’s Voice Awards, Microsoft’s presenting sponsorship of the 13th Annual Webby Awards includes presentation of a Photosynth and Deep Zoom collection of the Gala event and other Silverlight-powered experiences which will be rolled out over the coming months.

过去的这周里整个Webby奖平台包括Webby人民之声奖投票系统转移到微软Silverlight平台。Webby奖是一项表彰互联网上的卓越的国际领先奖项,过去一直由Adobe,Nokia和其他公司赞助。这标志着微软第一次赞助这项奖项。Webby大奖获得者涵括名人和顶级品牌到广告和创意机构。除了给第13届年度Webby人民之声奖提供播放器,微软赞助的第13届年度Webby大奖包括采用Photosynth和Deep Zoom集合呈现的Gala事件和其他有Silverlight提供的用户体验将在未来数月推出。

The Webby People's Voice Awards – powered by Silverlight, gives anyone the opportunity to vote for their favorite content in the categories of Websites, Mobile, Film and Video, and Interactive Advertising, with over 120 sub-categories.  Over 150 videos entries in the Film and Video category are streaming in Silverlight today on http://pv.webbyawards.com. In just the first day of The Webby People's Voice Awards voting, the Silverlight People’s Voice experience broke all previous Webby Awards records with over 70,000 votes registered.


Visit www.webbyawards.com over the coming weeks to experience the 13th Annual Webby Awards powered by Silverlight.  Congratulations to Hard Rock Memorabilia and Vertigo for being selected as an Honoree in the ‘Best Use of Photography’ category.  Congratulations also to  NBCOlympics.com and Schematic – nominated in the Sports category.  Vote for the Silverlight NBC Olympics experience in the People’s Voice Awards at http://pv.webbyawards.com/ballot/home/1/568/620#entry1784.

在今后几周里访问www.webbyawards.com 来体验采用Silverlight技术的第13届年度Webby大奖 。祝贺Hard Rock 纪念品和Vertigo获得“最佳图像使用类”获。也祝贺NBCOlympics.com和Schematic获得体育类的提名。在http://pv.webbyawards.com/ballot/home/1/568/620#entry1784 的人民之声奖为NBC的Silverlight欧林匹克体验投票。

Some notes on the process of integrating Silverlight into the Webby site by Laurence Moroney – Silverlight developer.

来自Silverlight开发者Laurence Moroney 在集成Silverlight过程中的一些笔记。

When building new functionality for a website, often the integration of the technology is a longer, more difficult, and riskier proposition than the building of the application itself. The integration of Silverlight in the Webby awards site was an interesting exercise, run against the clock. There were a number of constraints, and the flexibility of the technology shone in being able to get around these constraints.



  • One constraint was that the video needed to have a webby’s bug (the semi translucent logo in the lower right corner) and a Silverlight bumper added. This is typically easy enough to do when encoding video, but this had to be done to existing video without re-encoding it. Silverlight makes this easy. The bug is added by using a transparent PNG and adjusting its opacity. The bumper is added by catching events on the <MediaElement>  to determine when the video has finished playing. Then, it plays another video file which has been embedded into the player itself. Problem solved!
  • 一个困难是一个视频需要添加一个webby的昆虫商标(右下角的半透明商标)和一个Silverlight缓冲。如果是在编码视频的话这很容易解决,但这在不重新编码现有视频的情况下很难办到。Silverlight使其很容易办到。那个商标通过用一张透明的PNG图片并调整其透明度给加上了。缓冲则通过捕获<MedaiElement>上的事件来获知什么时候视频播放完了。然后,它播放另一个嵌入在播放器里面的视频文件。问题解决了!

  • Another was that the player needed to be embedded in an existing site, touching the site as little as possible, so as not to cause any regression bugs. Silverlight can do this easily, as it’s an <Object> tag, so it can be placed on a page without too much difficulty. However, placing the player isn’t enough – the player has to be initialized with the correct video, and with meta data related to the video (a title and link). Typically you might do this with an ASP.NET or PHP page that reads in parameters and generates the player with them. But how do you pass them to the player itself? Fortunately Silverlight has a solution to this in having a custom parameter list on the <Object> tag. So, for example, here’s the custom parameter for one of the videos on the Webbys site:
<param name="initParams" value="link=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_-uKbBYwJk,
height=520,width=587,title=Better than Prince
" />
  •  另一个问题是播放器需要嵌入到一个已存在的网站里,尽可能地与网站耦合少,以免引发回放bugSilverlight可以很容易地做到这些,因为它是一个<Object>标签,所以不难将其放到一个页面上。然而,把播放器放上去还不过,播放器还得以正确的视频和相关的元数据(标题和链接)初始化。通常你可能用一个ASP.NETPHP页面读取参数并用其产生播放器来实现。但是你怎么将其传到播放器本身呢?幸运的是Silverlight有一个做这些的解决方案,它的<Object>标签上有一个自定义的参数列表。所以,例如,下面是网站上的一个视频的自定义参数:
  • <param name="initParams" value="link=http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_-uKbBYwJk,
    height=520,width=587,title=Better than Prince
    " />

The resulting player can be found HERE.

由此产生的播放器可以在这里  找到。

So, thanks to the ease of integration of Silverlight on an existing site (even one built on non-Microsoft technology as the Webby awards site is), allowed us to go from zero to fully functioning, integrated functionality with only 2 people, in only 2 weeks.

所以,多亏了Silverlight在现有网站上的易集成性(即使是像Webby 奖网站这些用非微软技术建立的网站),使得我们只有两个人两周时间的情况下能从零起步到完成完整功能和功能集成。


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