
Commerce Cloud提供了一组称为Omni Commerce Connect的Restful API, 简称OCC.

Omni Commerce Connect (OCC) is a next-generation commerce API that offers a broad set of commerce and data services which enable you to use and leverage the complete SAP Commerce functionality anywhere in your existing application landscape.


The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework is the default authorization framework for the commerce driven OCC Web Services under the ycommercewebservices extension.

ycommercewebservices extension里提供的OAuth 2.0认证框架,作为OCC的认证实现。

The key benefit of using OAuth 2.0 (compared to basic authentication, even over HTTPS) is that the API client does not have to save or, in some cases, even obtain the user’s credentials.

使用OAuth 2.0最大的好处是API客户端不需要保存甚至去获取用户的credential, 而是使用Access Token消费API.

OCC API支持的场景

  • Viewing the list and details of all placed orders.
  • Managing already existing product reviews and placing own product-specific reviews.
  • Checking the lists of available points of service and verifying stock levels for local services.
  • Integrating external systems to create navigation and content structures.
  • Ensuring fast and optimized search.
  • Exploring detailed product information.
  • Ensuring proper user administration.
  • Managing cart details in efficient and effective manner.
  • Managing and reviewing promotion details.
  • Managing vouchers.
  • Managing customer data.



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