
Skip links allow users to quickly navigate to important areas of a page using the keyboard.
Skip Links允许用户使用键盘快速跳转到页面的重要区域。

You activate skip links by pressing the tab key when a page is loaded, and before any other user interaction takes place.

当页面加载时,按住tab键,激活Skip link.

When a user presses the tab key, a button appears at the top of the page, with the label “Skip to section”. Each time the user presses the tab key, the text updates to indicate the next available section to skip to. The user can then select a section to skip to by pressing the return key. When all sections have been skipped through, pressing the tab key again closes the skip link button. Users can navigate forward and backward through the available skip links by using the tab key and shift+tab key combination, respectively.




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