User-Defined Data Types in Messages(用户自定义类型)
All user-defined types must be explicitly “announced” so that CAF can (de)serialize them correctly.

之前干活,一开始不知道CAF自带序列化,都用boost库来做序列化,就是变string 类型发送,发现很多STL有些搞搞比较麻烦,发现诶?CAF居然比boost库好使!


先看一个例子(也是usermanual 里唯一的一个例子,呵呵呵~)其他的例子在github官网里 (就五个收益很大)


大致就是TS 就是参数的类型,可以是可变长度,然后检查他们的类型,我第一看到Is_pod 查了一下(pod类型 是plain old data)就是完全兼容C语言的编程的。(涨姿势了~)

还有uniform_type_info是CAF自己的一个关于类型什么的(没深究,只知道与RTTI有关)。还有一个重要的地方就是你必须写明你要发送的结构体的比较函数 ==(下面代码上有)


// POD struct
struct foo {std::vector<int> a;int b;
};// announce requires foo to have the equal operator implemented
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs) {return lhs.a == rhs.a && lhs.b == rhs.b;
}// a pair of two ints
using foo_pair = std::pair<int, int>;// another pair of two ints
using foo_pair2 = std::pair<int, int>;// a struct with member vector<vector<...>>
struct foo2 {int a;vector<vector<double>> b;
};bool operator==(const foo2& lhs, const foo2& rhs) {return lhs.a == rhs.a && lhs.b == rhs.b;
}// receives `remaining` messages
void testee(event_based_actor* self, size_t remaining) {auto set_next_behavior = [=] {if (remaining > 1) testee(self, remaining - 1);else self->quit();};self->become (// note: we sent a foo_pair2, but match on foo_pair// that's safe because both are aliases for std::pair<int, int>[=](const foo_pair& val) {cout << "foo_pair("<< val.first << ", "<< val.second << ")"<< endl;set_next_behavior();},[=](const foo& val) {cout << "foo({";auto i = val.a.begin();auto end = val.a.end();if (i != end) {cout << *i;while (++i != end) {cout << ", " << *i;}}cout << "}, " << val.b << ")" << endl;set_next_behavior();});
}int main(int, char**) {// announces foo to the libcaf type system;// the function expects member pointers to all elements of fooannounce<foo>("foo", &foo::a, &foo::b);// announce foo2 to the libcaf type system,// note that recursive containers are managed automatically by libcafannounce<foo2>("foo2", &foo2::a, &foo2::b);// serialization can throw if types are not announced properlytry {// init some test data
    foo2 vd;vd.a = 5;vd.b.resize(1);vd.b.back().push_back(42);// serialize test datavector<char> buf;binary_serializer bs(std::back_inserter(buf));bs << vd;// deserialize written test data from buffer
    binary_deserializer bd(, buf.size());foo2 vd2;uniform_typeid<foo2>()->deserialize(&vd2, &bd);// deserialized data must be equal to original inputassert(vd == vd2);// announce std::pair<int, int> to the type systemannounce<foo_pair>("foo_pair", &foo_pair::first, &foo_pair::second);// libcaf returns the same uniform_type_info// instance for the type aliases foo_pair and foo_pair2assert(uniform_typeid<foo_pair>() == uniform_typeid<foo_pair2>());}catch (std::exception& e) {cerr << "error during type (de)serialization: " << e.what() << endl;return -1;}// spawn a testee that receives two messages of user-defined typeauto t = spawn(testee, size_t{2});{ // lifetime scope of self
    scoped_actor self;// send t a fooself->send(t, foo{std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4}, 5});// send t a foo_pair2self->send(t, foo_pair2{3, 4});}await_all_actors_done();shutdown();

一开始看,就是声明了两种结构体。foo 和foo2,foo2里面有vector<vector<double>> b(其实这里就告诉我们,它不但支持STL,还支持嵌套,而且我亲测pair,map都是可以的。其他应该也没问题吧。)

然后testee里定义了接受两种类型的消息一种是<int,int>(不管别名),一种是结构体foo 是的没看错,都不用序列化了,直接传(// note that recursive containers are managed automatically by libcaf)。

真心方便,然后是main函数里,使用了二进制去序列化类,再使用反序列化,整个过程就像用读文件非常的方便(注意捕获异常)。那么在最后的scoped_actor send也直接把类传过去非常的方便。

为了证明好用,支持remote actor我写了一个很难看的代码。

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "caf/all.hpp"
#include "caf/io/all.hpp"
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using namespace caf;struct foo {std::vector<vector<map<int,pair<int,int>>>> a;int b;
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs) {return lhs.a == rhs.a && lhs.b == rhs.b;
// receives `remaining` messages
void testee(event_based_actor* self) {self->become ([=](const foo& val) {aout(self)<<"get it"<<endl;});
int main(int, char**) {
//  announce<foo2>("foo2", &foo2::a, &foo2::b);announce<foo>("foo", &foo::a, &foo::b);auto actor = spawn(testee);caf::io::publish(actor,10000);{ // lifetime scope of self
    scoped_actor self;auto remoter = caf::io::remote_actor("localhost", 10000);self->send(remoter, foo{std::vector<vector<map<int,pair<int,int>>>>{},1,});}await_all_actors_done();shutdown();





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