
随机类的next()方法 (Random Class next() method)

  • next() method is available in java.util package.


  • next() method is used to return the pseudo-random number in bits.


  • next() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • next() method does not throw an exception at the time of returning random bits.

    在返回随机位时, next()方法不会引发异常。



    protected int next(int ran_bit);



  • int ran_bit – represents the random bits (ran_bit).

    int ran_bit –表示随机位(ran_bit)。

Return value:


The return type of the method is int, it returns the pseudo-random number from this Random generator.

方法的返回类型为int ,它从此Random生成器返回伪随机数。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of int next(int ran_bit) method of
// Random
import java.util.*;
public class NextOfRandom {public static void main(String args[]) {// Instantiates Random object
Random ran = new Random();
// By using next() method is
// to return the next to next
// pseudo-random number
int val = ran.nextInt();
// Display val
System.out.println("ran.nextInt(): " + val);



RUN 1:
ran.nextInt(): -1105563452
RUN 2:
ran.nextInt(): -1839120956
RUN 3:
ran.nextInt(): -154633366

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/random-next-method-with-example.aspx


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