The Nautilus file manager included with Ubuntu includes some useful features you may not notice unless you go looking for them. You can create saved searches, mount remote file systems, use tabs in your file manager, and more.

Ubuntu随附的Nautilus文件管理器包含一些有用的功能,除非您寻找它们,否则可能不会注意到。 您可以创建保存的搜索,安装远程文件系统,使用文件管理器中的选项卡等等。

Ubuntu’s file manager also includes built-in support for sharing folders on your local network – the Sharing Options dialog creates and configures network shares compatible with both Linux and Windows machines.


保存的搜索 (Saved Searches)

The Nautilus file manager contains a Search button that allows you to search for files and specify a specific location or file type.


To save a search for later, click the File menu and select Save Search As after performing a search. Specify a name and location for your saved search. It will appear as a folder ending with .savedSearch.

要保存以后的搜索,请在执行搜索后单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“将搜索另存为”。 为您保存的搜索指定名称和位置。 它将显示为以.savedSearch结尾的文件夹。

This is a virtual folder that displays the results of the search you saved – double-click the folder to perform the search and view its results as the contents of the folder. The contents of the folder will change as the files on your system change.

这是一个虚拟文件夹,显示您保存的搜索结果–双击该文件夹以执行搜索并将其结果作为该文件夹的内容查看。 文件夹的内容将随着系统上文件的更改而更改。

挂载远程文件系统 (Mounting Remote File Systems)

Click the File menu and select Connect To Server to mount remote SSH, FTP, Windows share (SAMBA), or WebDAV file systems. They’ll appear in the file manager’s sidebar and can be used as if they were a folder on your system. For more information, check out our post on mounting remote folders in Ubuntu.

单击文件菜单,然后选择连接到服务器以安装远程SSH,FTP,Windows共享(SAMBA)或WebDAV文件系统。 它们将显示在文件管理器的侧栏中,并且可以像它们在系统上的文件夹一样使用。 有关更多信息,请查看有关在Ubuntu中安装远程文件夹的文章。

文件管理器选项卡 (File Manager Tabs)

Like a modern web browser, Nautilus contains tabs. You can open a new file manager tab by clicking the File menu and selecting New Tab or middle-click a folder to open it in a new tab.

像现代Web浏览器一样,Nautilus包含选项卡。 您可以通过单击“文件”菜单并选择“新建选项卡”来打开新的文件管理器选项卡,或在文件夹中单击鼠标中键以在新选项卡中将其打开。

发送文件 (Sending Files)

Select one or more files, right-click them, and select Send To in the menu to open the Send To dialog. You can attach the files to an email, send them over the Empathy instant messenger, push them over Bluetooth, burn them to a disc, or copy them to a removable disk. The Send To dialog can automatically compress the selected files into an archive file – particularly useful if you’re sending multiple files over the Internet.

选择一个或多个文件,右键单击它们,然后在菜单中选择“发送到”以打开“发送到”对话框。 您可以将文件附加到电子邮件,通过Empathy即时通讯程序发送,通过蓝牙推送它们,将它们刻录到光盘或复制到可移动磁盘。 “发送到”对话框可以自动将所选文件压缩为存档文件-如果要通过Internet发送多个文件,则特别有用。

选择与模式匹配的文件 (Selecting Files Matching a Pattern)

Use the Select Items Matching option in the Edit menu to select files matching a specific pattern. For example, you could select all files in a folder with a certain file extension, or only files with certain text in their name. Use the * character to match any number of characters and the ? character to match a single character. For example, *.png would match all files ending with .png. file-?.png would match file-1.png and file-2.png, but not file-12.png.

使用“编辑”菜单中的“选择项目匹配”选项来选择与特定模式匹配的文件。 例如,您可以选择具有特定文件扩展名的文件夹中的所有文件,或者仅选择名称中具有特定文本的文件。 使用*字符匹配任意数量的字符,并使用 字符以匹配单个字符。 例如,*。png将匹配所有以.png结尾的文件。 file-?. png将匹配file-1.png和file-2.png,但不匹配file-12.png。

从模板创建文件 (Creating Files From Templates)

Place files in the the Templates file in your home directory to easily create files based on them. Once you’ve placed a file here, you can right-click in any folder and use the Create New Document menu to create a copy of the template at a new location.

将文件放在主目录的模板文件中,以轻松地基于它们创建文件。 将文件放置在此处后,可以右键单击任何文件夹,然后使用“创建新文档”菜单在新位置创建模板的副本。

中键拖放 (Middle Click Drag & Drop)

When you drag and drop a file or folder with the left mouse button, Nautilus will copy or move it to the new location, depending on whether the location is on the same drive or not. For more fine-grained control, press the middle mouse button, drag and drop the file or files, and then release the mouse button. Use the menu that appears to copy, move, or create links to the files at the new location.

使用鼠标左键拖放文件或文件夹时,Nautilus会将其复制或移动到新位置,具体取决于该位置是否在同一驱动器上。 要进行更细粒度的控制,请按鼠标中键,拖放一个或多个文件,然后释放鼠标键。 使用显示的菜单复制,移动或创建指向新位置文件的链接。


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