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Locust is an easy-to-use, distributed, user load testing tool. It is intended for load-testing web sites (or other systems) and figuring out how many concurrent users a system can handle.


The idea is that during a test, a swarm of locusts will attack your website. The behavior of each locust (or test user if you will) is defined by you and the swarming process is monitored from a web UI in real-time. This will help you battle test and identify bottlenecks in your code before letting real users in.

在测试中,一群蝗虫会攻击你的网站。每个蝗虫(或者测试用户)的行为由您定义,集群过程由web UI实时监控。这将帮助您在让真正的用户进入之前进行测试并识别代码中的瓶颈。

Locust is completely event-based, and therefore it’s possible to support thousands of concurrent users on a single machine. In contrast to many other event-based apps it doesn’t use callbacks. Instead it uses light-weight processes, through gevent. Each locust swarming your site is actually running inside its own process (or greenlet, to be correct). This allows you to write very expressive scenarios in Python without complicating your code with callbacks.




pip install locustio


locust --helpUsage: locust [options] [LocustClass [LocustClass2 ... ]]Options:-h, --help            show this help message and exit-H HOST, --host=HOST  Host to load test in the following format:   Host to bind the web interface to. Defaults to '' (allinterfaces)-P PORT, --port=PORT, --web-port=PORTPort on which to run web host-f LOCUSTFILE, --locustfile=LOCUSTFILEPython module file to import, e.g. '../other.py'.Default: locustfile--csv=CSVFILEBASE, --csv-base-name=CSVFILEBASEStore current request stats to files in CSV format.--master              Set locust to run in distributed mode with thisprocess as master--slave               Set locust to run in distributed mode with thisprocess as slave--master-host=MASTER_HOSTHost or IP address of locust master for distributedload testing. Only used when running with --slave.Defaults to port to connect to that is used by the locustmaster for distributed load testing. Only used whenrunning with --slave. Defaults to 5557. Note thatslaves will also connect to the master node on thisport + 1.--master-bind-host=MASTER_BIND_HOSTInterfaces (hostname, ip) that locust master shouldbind to. Only used when running with --master.Defaults to * (all available interfaces).--master-bind-port=MASTER_BIND_PORTPort that locust master should bind to. Only used whenrunning with --master. Defaults to 5557. Note thatLocust will also use this port + 1, so by default themaster node will bind to 5557 and 5558.--expect-slaves=EXPECT_SLAVESHow many slaves master should expect to connect beforestarting the test (only when --no-web used).--no-web              Disable the web interface, and instead start runningthe test immediately. Requires -c and -r to bespecified.-c NUM_CLIENTS, --clients=NUM_CLIENTSNumber of concurrent Locust users. Only used togetherwith --no-web-r HATCH_RATE, --hatch-rate=HATCH_RATEThe rate per second in which clients are spawned. Onlyused together with --no-web-t RUN_TIME, --run-time=RUN_TIMEStop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (300s,20m, 3h, 1h30m, etc.). Only used together with --no-web-L LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVELChoose between DEBUG/INFO/WARNING/ERROR/CRITICAL.Default is INFO.--logfile=LOGFILE     Path to log file. If not set, log will go tostdout/stderr--print-stats         Print stats in the console--only-summary        Only print the summary stats--no-reset-stats      [DEPRECATED] Do not reset statistics once hatching hasbeen completed. This is now the default behavior. See--reset-stats to disable--reset-stats         Reset statistics once hatching has been completed.Should be set on both master and slaves when runningin distributed mode-l, --list            Show list of possible locust classes and exit--show-task-ratio     print table of the locust classes' task executionratio--show-task-ratio-jsonprint json data of the locust classes' task executionratio-V, --version         show program's version number and exit



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time    : 2019/12/31 20:24
# @Author  : 7DGroup
# @File    : SevenLoust.py
# coding:utf-8from locust import HttpLocust, TaskSet, task# HttpLocust 这个类的作用是用来发送http请求的
# TaskSet   这个类是定义用户行为的,相当于loadrunnerhttp协议的脚本,jmeter里面的http请求一样,要去干嘛的
# task   这个task是一个装饰器,它用来把一个函数,装饰成一个任务,也可以指定他们的先后执行顺序class SevenLoust(TaskSet):# 自己定义的类,继承TaskSet,也就是这个类是实现咱们要去请求什么的'''打开7DGroup'''@task(1)  # @task#用task装饰器把这个函数装饰成一个咱们要执行的性能任务def open_7dtest(self):  # 这个函数里面定义的是咱们要具体做的操作# 定义requests的请求头header = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36"}r = self.client.get("/", headers=header, verify=False)  # 请求这个url里面的哪个路径,print(r.status_code)assert r.status_code == 200class websitUser(HttpLocust):# 这个类继承了HttpLocust,代表每个并发里面的每个用户task_set = SevenLoust  # 这个是每个用户都去干什么,指定了 SevenLoust 这个类,min_wait = 3000  # 单位毫秒max_wait = 6000  # 单位毫秒if __name__ == "__main__":import os# -f是指定一个python文件 后面跟上咱们刚才写的python文件# --host是你要访问哪个网站,后面跟网站的urlos.system("locust -f sevenLoust.py --host=http://www.7dtest.com/7DGroup/")




  • Number of users to simulate 设置虚拟用户总数
  • Hatch rate (users spawned/second) 每秒启动虚拟用户数

第二步,点击 Start swarming开始运行性能测试。


  • Type:请求类型;
  • Name:请求路径;
  • requests:当前请求的数量;
  • fails:当前请求失败的数量;
  • Median:中间值,单位毫秒,一般服务器响应时间低于该值,而另一半高于该值;
  • Average:所有请求的平均响应时间,毫秒;
  • Min:请求的最小的服务器响应时间,毫秒;
  • Max:请求的最大服务器响应时间,毫秒;
  • Content Size:单个请求的大小,单位字节;
  • reqs/sec:每秒钟请求的个数。







以上是简单上手示例,只要会点 Python 基础,就可以快速入门。

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