
  • 效果展示
  • 目录结构
    • config/conf.sh
    • inspection.sh


===================== 2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000 ========================================== check system =====================
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Hostname: test-master-01
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Ipaddress: ## 和谐了,不给看 ##
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Os-release: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) GNU/Linux
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Up Days: 143 days
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Os Language: en_US.UTF-8===================== check cpu =====================
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] CPU Model: AMD EPYC 7571
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Physical CPUS: 1
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Processor CPUS: 4
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] CPU Cores: 2
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Load Average: 0.55 , 0.44 , 0.51
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] CPU Usage: 15.66%===================== check memory =====================
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Mem Total: 15.14GiB
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Mem Used: 12.07GiB
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Mem Available: 3.07GiB
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Mem Usage: 79.73%===================== check disk =====================
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Disk Info:
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] /dev/nvme0n1p1                               xfs             100G   55G   46G  55% /
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Disk Inode Info:
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] /dev/nvme0n1p1                               xfs               50M  722K   50M    2% /===================== check kubernetes =====================
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Apiserver Cert Not After: Mar 16 07:45:06 2023 GMT
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-master-01 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-master-02 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-master-03 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-node-01 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-node-02 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-node-03 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-node-04 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Node Status: test-node-05 is Ready
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-master-01   552m         13%    12590Mi         81%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-master-02   399m         9%     9644Mi          62%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-master-03   534m         13%    10336Mi         67%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-node-01     679m         16%    21175Mi         67%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-node-02     591m         14%    21119Mi         66%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-node-03     674m         16%    23677Mi         75%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-node-04     564m         14%    23123Mi         73%
[INFO] [2022/05/20-09:12:11+0000] Top Nodes: test-node-05     558m         13%    22760Mi         72%


├── config
│   └── conf.sh
└── inspection.sh


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 需要检查的目录
## 有的场景下,数据目录是单独挂载的磁盘,也要巡检
## / 根目录也要巡检,不要删除
# CPU 使用率告警上线
# 内存使用率告警上线
# 磁盘使用率告警上线
## kubelet 的默认驱逐条件是磁盘使用率超过85%
## 如果有kubelet 服务,建议设定在 70% - 80% 之间
# 磁盘 inode 使用率告警上线
# apiserver 证书的绝对路径
## kubeadm 默认为 /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt
# 证书剩余多少天到期时间提醒
# kubectl 命令证书路径


#!/usr/bin/env bash
# 定义脚本当前所在路径
base_dir=$(cd `dirname "$0"`; pwd)
# 定义配置文件的路径和名称
# 定义日志存储目录
# 定义标准日志文件名称
log_file="${log_dir}/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-INFO.log"
# 定义告警日志文件名称
warn_log="${log_dir}/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-WARN.log"
# 定义时间格式
time_style="$(date +%Y/%m/%d-%T%z)"
# 定义 df 命令的参数,可以根据实际情况进行修改
df_cmd="df -Th -x devtmpfs -x tmpfs -x debugfs -x aufs -x overlay -x fuse.glusterfs"
# 定义日志压缩时间,数字表示多少天
# 定义日志压缩路径
tar_dir=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d "${tar_time} days ago")
# 定义 tar 包名称
tar_name="${tar_dir}.tgz"function check_config () {# 检查配置文件是否存在if [[ -f "${conf_file}" ]];then# 调用配置文件内的变量source ${conf_file}# disk_lists 变量值为空,则 disk_lists 变量值默认为 / disk_lists=${disk_lists:-'/'}# cpu_limit 变量值为空,则 cpu_limit 变量值默认为 85%cpu_limit=${cpu_limit:-'85%'}# mem_limit 变量值为空,则 mem_limit 变量值默认为 85%mem_limit=${mem_limit:-'85%'}# disk_limit 变量值为空,则 disk_limit 变量值默认为 75%## 因为 kubelet 默认的驱逐机制是磁盘使用率超过 85%disk_limit=${disk_limit:-'75%'}# disk_inode_limit 变量值为空,则 disk_inode_limit 变量值默认为 85%disk_inode_limit=${disk_inode_limit:-'85%'}# api_cert_file 变量值为空,则 api_cert_file 变量值默认为 /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crtapi_cert_file=${api_cert_file:-'/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt'}# cert_expires 变量值为空,则 cert_expires 变量值默认为 30cert_expires=${cert_expires:-'30'}# kube_config 变量值为空,则 kube_config 变量值默认为 /root/.kube/configkube_config=${kube_config:-'/root/.kube/config'}kube_cmd="kubectl --kubeconfig ${kube_config}"else# 配置文件不存在则退出脚本,并告知配置文件不存在echo "${conf_file} is not found, please check it !"exit 0fi
}function check_user () {local wai=$(id -u -n)# 当前用户不是 root 则退出脚本,并告知需要使用 root 用户执行if [[ "${wai}"x != "root"x ]];thenprintf "\e[1;31mPlease use the root to execute this shell !\e[0m\n"exit 0fi
}function print_terminal () {printf "\e[1;34m[INFO] [${time_style}] ${*}\e[0m\n"
}function print_info_title () {if [[ ! -f "${log_file}" ]];thenecho "===================== ${*} =====================" >> ${log_file}elseecho " " >> ${log_file}echo "===================== ${*} =====================" >> ${log_file}fi
}function print_warn_title () {if [[ ! -f "${warn_log}" ]];thenecho "===================== ${*} =====================" >> ${warn_log}elseecho " " >> ${warn_log}echo "===================== ${*} =====================" >> ${warn_log}fi
}function check_warn_title () {grep "${*}" ${warn_log} &> /dev/null || print_warn_title "${*}"
}function print_info () {# 标准日志输出格式echo "[INFO] [${time_style}] ${*}" >> ${log_file}
}function print_warn () {# 告警日志输出格式echo "[WARN] [${time_style}] ${*}" >> ${warn_log}
}function check_log_dir () {# 检查日志目录是否存在[[ -d ${log_dir} ]] || mkdir -p ${log_dir}# 检查当天巡检日志文件是否存在[[ ! -f ${log_file} ]] || mv ${log_file}{,-$(date +%T%z)}[[ ! -f ${warn_log} ]] || mv ${warn_log}{,-$(date +%T%z)}print_info_title "${time_style}"print_warn_title "${time_style}"
}function check_tar () {# 判断指定时间之前是否存在日志文件,存在日志文件则对文件进行压缩## 修改 tar_time 变量可以指定天数local check_num=$(find ${log_dir} -mtime +${tar_time} -name *.log* | wc -l)# 判断指定时间之前是否存在打包文件,存在则删除local check_tarnum=$(find ${log_dir} -mtime +${tar_time} -name *.tar.gz | wc -l)# 判断指定天数前的文件数量,大于等于 1 的情况下才做处理if [[ "${check_num}" > 0 ]];then[[ -d "${log_dir}/${tar_dir}" ]] || mkdir -p "${log_dir}/${tar_dir}"[[ ! -f "${log_dir}/${tar_dir}/${tar_name}" ]] || mv ${log_dir}/${tar_dir}/${tar_name}{,-$(date +%T%z)}find ${log_dir} -mtime +${tar_time} -name *.log* -exec mv {} ${log_dir}/${tar_dir} \; &> /dev/nullcd ${log_dir} && tar czf ${tar_name} ${tar_dir}/* && rm -rf ${tar_dir}fi# 判断指定天数之前的打包文件梳理,大于等于 1 的情况下才做处理if [[ "${check_tarnum}" > 0 ]];thenfind ${log_dir} -mtime +${tar_time} -name *.tar.gz -exec rm -f {} \;fiprint_terminal "check logs done"
}function check_system () {# 系统相关信息检查print_info_title 'check system'# 主机名get_hostname="$(cat /etc/hostname)"print_info "Hostname: ${get_hostname}"# ip 地址 [银联有双网卡的情况,并且无法使用 hostname -i 命令获取 ip 地址]## k8s 全部使用的主机名,因此改用过滤 hosts 解析文件的方式来获取 ip 地址local get_host_ip=$(hostname -i)print_info "Ipaddress: ${get_host_ip}"# 发行版local get_os_release="$(awk -F '"' '/PRETTY_NAME/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release)"print_info "Os-release: ${get_os_release} $(uname -o)"# 内核local get_kernel="$(uname -srmo)"print_info "Kernel: ${get_kernel}"# 服务器启动时长local get_up_secs="$(awk -F '.' '{print $1}' /proc/uptime)"local get_days="$(( ${get_up_secs} / 60 / 60 / 24 ))"print_info "Up Days: ${get_days} days"# 语言local os_lang=$(echo $LANG)print_info "Os Language: ${os_lang}"# swap 是否关闭local chech_swap=$(grep -iv size /proc/swaps | wc -l)if [[ "${chech_swap}" == "0" ]];thenprint_info "Swap Status: off"elsecheck_warn_title 'check system'swapoff -aprint_info "Swap Status: manual off"fi# firewalld 是否关闭local firewalld_status=$(systemctl is-active firewalld)local firewalld_enable=$(systemctl is-enabled firewalld)if [[ "${firewalld_status}"x == "inactive"x ]];thenprint_info "Firewalld Status: dead"elsecheck_warn_title 'check system'systemctl stop firewalldprint_warn "Firewalld Status: manual dead"fiif [[ "${firewalld_enable}"x == "disabled"x ]];thenprint_info "Firewalld Enabled: disabled"elsecheck_warn_title 'check system'systemctl disable firewalldprint_warn "Firewalld Enabled: manual disabled"fiprint_terminal "check system done"
}function check_cpu () {print_info_title "check cpu"# cpu 信息local physical_cpus="$(grep "^physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort | uniq | wc -l)"local process_cpus="$(grep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo)"local core_cpus="$(grep '^cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1 | awk '{print $NF}')"local cpu_model="$(grep "^model name" /proc/cpuinfo | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | sort | uniq)"print_info "CPU Model: ${cpu_model}"print_info "Physical CPUS: ${physical_cpus}"print_info "Processor CPUS: ${process_cpus}"print_info "CPU Cores: ${core_cpus}"# cpu 负载local one_min="$(awk '{print $1}' /proc/loadavg)"local five_min="$(awk '{print $2}' /proc/loadavg)"local fif_min="$(awk '{print $3}' /proc/loadavg)"print_info "Load Average: ${one_min} , ${five_min} , ${fif_min}"# 检查 cpu 使用率local cpu_util="$(awk '/cpu / {util=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5); printf ("%.2f%"), util}' /proc/stat)"print_info "CPU Utilization: ${cpu_util}"# cpu 使用率超过 cpu_limit 配置的数值,打印 WARN 日志if [[ "${cpu_util%%.*}" -ge "${cpu_limit%%%}" ]];thenlocal top_cpu_use="$(ps -eo user,pid,pcpu,args --sort=-pcpu | head -n 10)"check_warn_title 'check cpu'print_warn "CPU utilization is ${cpu_util} , it's greater equal ${cpu_limit}, should be check !"# CPU 使用前十进程print_warn "Top 10 CPU Use: "echo "${top_cpu_use}" >> ${warn_log}fiprint_terminal "check cpu done"
}function check_mem () {print_info_title "check memory"# 检查内存使用率local get_mem_info="$(awk '/MemTotal:/{total=$2/1024/1024;next} /MemAvailable:/{available=$2/1024/1024;use=total-available; printf("%.2fGiB %.2fGiB %.2fGiB %.2f%"),total,use,available,(use/total)*100}' /proc/meminfo)"# 内存总大小local mem_total="$(awk '{print $1}' <<< ${get_mem_info})"# 已使用的内存大小local mem_used="$(awk '{print $2}' <<< ${get_mem_info})"# 可以内存的大小local mem_available="$(awk '{print $3}' <<< ${get_mem_info})"# 使用中内存的大小local mem_util="$(awk '{print $4}' <<< ${get_mem_info})"# 内存使用率最高的十个进程local top_mem_use="$(ps -eo user,pid,pmem,args --sort=-pmem | head -n 10)"print_info "Mem Total: ${mem_total}"print_info "Mem Used: ${mem_used}"print_info "Mem Available: ${mem_available}"print_info "Mem Utilization: ${mem_util}"# 内存使用率超过 mem_limit 配置的数值,打印 WARN 日志if [[ "${mem_util%%.*}" -ge "${mem_limit%%%}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check memory'print_warn "Mem utilization is ${mem_util}, it's greater equal ${mem_limit}, should be check !"# 内存使用前十进程print_warn "Top 10 Mem Use: "echo "${top_mem_use}" >> ${warn_log}fiprint_terminal "check memory done"
}function check_disk () {print_info_title "check disk"print_info "Disk Info: "# 检查磁盘使用率local disk_lists_array=($(printf "%q\n" ${disk_lists}))for (( i=0; i<${#disk_lists_array[@]}; i++ ))dolocal disk_info=$(${df_cmd} | egrep "${disk_lists_array[i]}$")# df 使用了 -T 参数,因此使用率是第 6 列,如果有修改 df 参数,注意确认使用率的列数,并修改下面的位置变量local disk_util="$(awk '{print $6}' <<< ${disk_info})"local disk_name="$(awk '{print $NF}' <<< ${disk_info})"[[ "${disk_info}"x != ""x ]] || breakprint_info "${disk_info}"# 磁盘使用率超过 disk_limit 配置的数值,打印 WARN 日志if [[ "${disk_util%%%}" -ge "${disk_limit%%%}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check disk'print_warn "Disk ${disk_name} utilization is ${disk_util}, it's greater equal ${disk_limit}, should be check !"fidone# 检查 inode 使用率print_info '---'print_info "Disk Inode Info: "for (( i=0; i<${#disk_lists_array[@]}; i++ ))dolocal disk_inode_info=$(${df_cmd} -i | egrep "${disk_lists_array[i]}$")# df 使用了 -T 参数,因此使用率是第 6 列,如果有修改 df 参数,注意确认使用率的列数,并修改下面的位置变量local disk_inode_util="$(awk '{print $6}' <<< ${disk_inode_info})"local disk_inode_name="$(awk '{print $NF}' <<< ${disk_inode_info})"[[ "${disk_inode_info}"x != ""x ]] || breakprint_info "${disk_inode_info}"# 磁盘 inode 使用率超过 disk_limit 配置的数值,打印 WARN 日志if [[ "${disk_inode_util%%%}" -ge "${disk_inode_limit%%%}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check disk'print_warn "Disk ${disk_inode_name} utilization is ${disk_inode_util}, it's greater equal ${disk_inode_limit}, should be check !"fidoneprint_terminal "check disk done"
}function check_kubernetes () {print_info_title "check kubernetes"if [[ -f ${api_cert_file} ]];then# apiserver 证书到期时间local cert_info="$(openssl x509 -in ${api_cert_file} -noout -text | awk -F ': ' '/Not After/ {print $2}')"local cert_time_stamp=$(date -d "${cert_info}" +%s)local cert_not_after="$(( (${cert_time_stamp} - $(date +%s)) / 86400 ))"print_info "Apiserver Cert Not After: ${cert_info}"if [[ "${cert_not_after}" -le "${cert_expires}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check kubernetes'print_warn "The apiserver cert will expire in ${cert_expires} days, please renewal !"fifiif [[ -f "${kube_config}" ]];then# 节点是否都为 Ready 状态local k8s_nodes_lists=$(${kube_cmd} get node --no-headers=true | awk '{print $1}')local k8s_lists_array=($(printf "%q\n" ${k8s_nodes_lists}))for (( h=0; h<${#k8s_lists_array[@]}; h++ ))dolocal node_status=$(${kube_cmd} get nodes | awk "/${k8s_lists_array[h]}/ {print \$2}")if [[ "${node_status}"x == "Ready"x ]];thenprint_info "Node Status: ${k8s_lists_array[h]} is Ready"elsecheck_warn_title 'check kubernetes'print_warn "Node: ${k8s_lists_array[h]} is NotReady , please check !"fidone# top node 查看 k8s 集群资源使用情况${kube_cmd} top node &> /dev/nullif [[ "$?" -eq '0' ]];thenfor (( tn=0; tn<${#k8s_lists_array[@]}; tn++ ))dolocal k_top_node=$(${kube_cmd} top node | awk "/${k8s_lists_array[tn]}/ {print \$0}")local node_cpu_usage="$(awk '{print $3}' <<< ${k_top_node})"local node_mem_usage="$(awk '{print $5}' <<< ${k_top_node})"print_info "Top Nodes: ${k_top_node}"if [[ "${node_cpu_usage%%%}" -ge "${cpu_limit%%%}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check kubernetes'print_warn "${k8s_lists_array[tn]} top node check: cpu usage is ${node_cpu_usage}, it's greater equal ${cpu_limit}, should be check !"fiif [[ "${node_mem_usage%%%}" -ge "${mem_limit%%%}" ]];thencheck_warn_title 'check kubernetes'print_warn "${k8s_lists_array[tn]} top node check: cpu usage is ${node_mem_usage}, it's greater equal ${mem_limit}, should be check !"fidonefielseprint_info "This node's role is the work for kubernetes cluster"fi

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