.NET/.NET Core (核心)

.NET is a free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform for building many different types of applications.

Version Status Visual Studio 2017 SDK Tooltip: Do you want to build apps? The software development kit (SDK) includes everything you need to build and run .NET applications, using command-line tools and any editor (like Visual Studio). Visual Studio 2019 SDK Tooltip: Do you want to build apps? The software development kit (SDK) includes everything you need to build and run .NET applications, using command-line tools and any editor (like Visual Studio). Runtime Tooltip: Do you want to run apps? The runtime includes everything you need to run .NET applications. The runtime is also included in the SDK. Release notes
.NET 7.0 Preview Tooltip: Preview releases provide early access to features that are currently under development. These releases are generally not supported for production use. N/A N/A x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET 6.0 LTS Tooltip: Long-term support (LTS) releases have an extended support period (3 years). Use LTS if you need to stay supported on the same version of .NET or .NET Core for longer. N/A N/A x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET 5.0 Current Tooltip: Current releases have a shorter support period (18 months). Use Current if you want to try the latest features and a newer release is not available. N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 3.1 LTS Tooltip: Long-term support (LTS) releases have an extended support period (3 years). Use LTS if you need to stay supported on the same version of .NET or .NET Core for longer. N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 3.0 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 2.2 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 2.1 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. N/A x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 2.0 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 1.1 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes
.NET Core 1.0 End of life Tooltip: This release has reached end of life, meaning it's no longer supported. We recommend moving to a supported release. x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 SDK | x86 SDK
x64 Runtime | x86 Runtime
Release notes

.NET Standard(标准版)

.NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations. To target .NET Standard in your projects, install one of the SDKs from the .NET/.NET Core table. For more information, see the .NET Standard article.

.NET Framework(框架)

.NET Framework is a Windows-only version of .NET for building any type of app that runs on Windows.

Version Developer Pack Tooltip: Do you want to build apps? The developer pack is used by software developers to create applications that run on .NET Framework, typically using Visual Studio. Runtime Tooltip: Do you want to run apps? The runtime includes everything you need to run existing apps/programs built with .NET Framework. Release notes
.NET Framework 4.8 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.7.2 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.7.1 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.7 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.6.2 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.6.1 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.6 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.5.2 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.5.1 Developer Pack Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.5 Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 4.0 Runtime Release notes
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Runtime Release notes


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