
by Mohammed Salman

穆罕默德·萨尔曼(Mohammed Salman)

如何通过期货将一些异步编程引入Dart (How to bring a little asynchronous programming to Dart with futures)

Asynchronous programming is a form of parallel programming that allows a unit of work to run separately from the primary application thread. When the work is complete, it notifies the main thread (as well as whether the work was completed or failed). There are numerous benefits to using it, such as improved application performance and enhanced responsiveness.

异步编程是并行编程的一种形式,它允许一个工作单元与主应用程序线程分开运行。 工作完成后,它会通知主线程(以及工作是完成还是失败)。 使用它有很多好处,例如提高了应用程序性能和增强了响应能力。

Originally posted on my blog.



TL; DR 。

问题 (Problem)

Dart code runs in a single thread of execution, so if it’s blocked the entire program freezes.




var data = fetchDataFromSomeApi(); // Takes time while fetching data
doStuffWithData(data); // Manipulate the data
doOtherStuff(); // Do other stuff unrelated to the data

Since fetchDataFromSomeApi() blocks, the remaining code runs only after fetchDataFromSomeApi() returns with the data, however long that takes.

由于fetchDataFromSomeApi()阻塞,因此其余代码仅在fetchDataFromSomeApi()返回数据后才运行, 但要花很长时间

This code runs line by line causing the code to halt and doOtherStuff() to run after the data fetching operation is finished (which is probably not what you want).


解 (Solution)

Asynchronous operations let your program complete other work while waiting for other operation to finish.


Same example as above, but with an asynchronous approach:


fetchDataFromSomeApi().then((data) {  print('Fetched data');  doStuffWithData(data);});
print('Working on other stuff...');doOtherStuff();
// Output://   Working on other stuff...//   Fetched data

fetchDataFromSomeApi is non-blocking, meaning it lets other code run while fetching data. Thats why the top level print statement runs before the print statement in the callback function.

fetchDataFromSomeApi是非阻塞的,这意味着它允许其他代码在获取数据时运行。 这就是为什么顶级print的前语句运行print在回调函数声明。

期货 (Futures)

A future represents a computation that doesn’t complete immediately. Where a normal function returns the result, an asynchronous function returns a future, which will eventually contain the result. The future will tell you when the result is ready.

未来表示无法立即完成的计算。 普通函数返回结果的地方,异步函数返回未来的结果,最终将包含结果。 将来会告诉您结果准备就绪的时间。

Future objects (futures) represent the results of asynchronous operations — processing or I/O to be completed later.

Future对象( 期货 )表示异步操作的结果-处理或稍后要完成的I / O。

We can create a future simply like this:


Future future = Future();

let’s define a function called f:


String f() => 'work is done!';

and pass it to the future:


Future<String> future = Future(f);

Notice that the future takes the same type of the function f return type String.


For the purposes of this tutorial we passed a function that just returns a string. This creates a future containing the result of calling f asynchronously with Timer.run.

就本教程而言,我们传递了一个仅返回字符串的函数。 这将创建一个Timer.run其中包含与Timer.run异步调用f的结果。

If the result of executing f throws, the returned future is completed with the error.


If the returned value is itself a Future, completion of the created future will wait until the returned future completes, and will then complete with the same result.

如果返回的值本身是Future ,则创建的future的完成将等待,直到返回的future完成为止,然后将以相同的结果完成。

If a non-future value is returned, the returned future is completed with that value.


然后 (then)

let’s call then on the future and pass a function that takes the output of the asynchronous operation as an argument


future.then((String val) => print(val)); // work is done

we can simplify it by passing the print function only because it takes a string


future.then(print); // work is done

错误处理 (Error handling)

To catch errors, use try-catch expressions in async functions (or use catchError()).

要捕获错误,请在异步函数中使用try-catch表达式(或使用catchError() )。

catchError (catchError)

let’s imagine that our future throws an error at some point:


Future future = Future(() => throw Error());

If we call then on the future without handling the error, it will throw the error and stop the execution of our program:


future.then(print); // Error: Error: Instance of 'Error'

Let’s define a function that takes an error and handles it:


void handleError(err) { print(‘$err was handled’);}

then append catchError() to the future and pass handleError:


future.then(print).catchError(handleError); // Error: Error: Instance of 'Error' was handled

This way the error is handled and the program keeps executing.


异步,等待 (Async, Await)

To suspend execution until a future completes, use await in an async function (or use then()).

要暂停执行直到将来完成,请在异步函数中使用await (或使用then() )。

To use the await keyword, it has to be inside an async function like this:


main() async { Future future = Future(() => ‘work is done’); String res = await future; print(res); // work is done}

Notice that the main function is marked with the async keyword.

注意, main函数用async关键字标记。

Any function marked with async is called asynchronously.


When we call a future with the await keyword, the function execution is halted until the future returns a value or throws an error.

当我们使用await关键字调用await ,函数的执行将停止,直到future返回一个值或引发错误。

We can handle future errors using a trycatch block:


main() async { Future future = Future(() => throw Error()); try {   print(await future);  } catch (e) {   print(‘$e was handled’); // Instance of 'Error' was handled }}

结论 (Conclusion)

  • Dart code runs in a single “thread” of execution.Dart代码在单个“执行”线程中运行。
  • Code that blocks the thread of execution can make your program freeze.阻塞执行线程的代码会使您的程序冻结。
  • Future objects (futures) represent the results of asynchronous operations — processing or I/O to be completed later.

    Future对象( 期货 )表示异步操作的结果-处理或稍后要完成的I / O。

  • To suspend execution until a future completes, use await in an async function (or use then()).

    要暂停执行直到将来完成,请在异步函数中使用await (或使用then() )。

  • To catch errors, use try-catch expressions in async functions (or use catchError()).

    要捕获错误,请在异步函数中使用try-catch表达式(或使用catchError() )。

If you feel that I have missed something here please let me know, or if you have any question at all you can reach me on twitter.


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其他有用的资源 (Other useful resources)

Asynchronous Programming: Futures


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/dart-asynchronous-programming-futures-5b20c62a91c0/



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