defin :加载一个指定的DEF文件



2.运行一个带有Scan chain信息的DEF文件,可以在palce阶段进行Scan chain的重新排序



1.Tracks, gcells, rows, die area

The software deletes all of the existing objects in the database and reads in the new information

2. Blockages, fills, special nets

软件将会与当前存在的物理信息进行比较,(例如shape and layer),如果它发现在当前DB文件中有与DEF文件相同的信息,则它会忽略此信息。如果信息并不存在,那么它会添加信息到DB文件中。

For special nets, the software merges wire segments in the DEF file with any existing ones in the database that overlap and have the same attributes, such as layer, width, shape, and direction. The software does not delete any existing data.

3.Nondefault rules(NDR), vias

The software adds the objects to the database if they do not already exist there.(不存在的会增加)

If a nondefault rules definition with the same name already exists, the software ignores the one in the DEF file.  (NDR存在 忽略)

If a via definition with the same name already exists, and the via is a fixed via, the software ignores the one in the DEF file.(Via 存在,有相同名称,且Via为fix状态,忽略)

If a generated via definition with the same name already exists, the geomoetries are read, but the name might be changed.

The software does not delete any existing objects of these types.


For each net in the DEF file, the software removes the existing regular routing (not special routing), then adds the routing from the DEF file for this net.(去除原来,保留DEF)

If the net has a shielding segment with self reference, defIn will ignore the check.()


For each pin in the DEF file, the software removes the existing physical information for the pin, then adds the physical information from the DEF file for this pin.(去除原来,保存DEF)

If a pin does not already exist, and it is a power or ground pin, the software adds it to the database.(一个PIN不存在,但它是个PG pin,则工具将会添加其至DB)

If the pin is not a power orground pin, the software generates an error message.(如果不是PG pin 则会产生错误)

6.Groups, regions

If a group name in the DEF file matches an existing hierarchical instance name in the database, the region's boundary constraint is attached to the hierarchical instance, overriding any existing boundary constraint.(DEF文件中关于 instance 的各种限制将会覆盖DB文件)

The software checks whether the group members belong to the hierarchical instance, and generates a warning message if any do not belong.(检查 group number是否属于hierarchical instance,如果不属于将会生成警告信息)

If a group name does not match any hierarchical instance name, the software creates the instance group with an attached region boundary constraint, if one exists. Regions that are not used by groups in the same DEF file are ignored.(如果一个group name并没有匹配到任何信息,软件将会。如果已经存在,Region将不会被DEF同样信息的文件所使用)

The software does not remove existing groups.



a. 保留core的大小形状:


defOut -selected core.def


b. 保留block ram的位置(顶层设计可以用到):


selectInst  [dbGet [dbGet top.inists.cell.subClass block -p2].name]

defOut -selected mem.def


c. blockage, instance等都可以通过def的方式保留。

(二)、 powerPlan的时候需要对power net进行局部调整动作的也可以借助def



defOut、defIn只有记得verifyPowerVia,veriry_pg_short, verifyConnective等。

(三)、需要比较两版enc data的instance的差异,也可以使用def







第二步,从def中列出instance list,每个前面加unplace Instance的命令;



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