
Version 4.14
Released on 16 Oct 2014.
These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 4.12:
There is a new EULA (license.txt) Fixed Chrome 37/38 crash error C0000008 (invalid handle). Fixed Chrome 38-64 hang (web page unresponsive). Fixed Chrome hang when printing to PDF. Browsers can now access Internet when using McAfee SaaS Fixed Silverlight crash in Win 8.1 (http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=18513) Fixed Excel crash when copying large amounts of data. Sandboxie now has language support for Farsi (Persian). The auto-update feature only checked the next update time (sandbox.ini setting SbieCtrl_NextUpdateCheck) 1 time when SbieCtrl.exe was started. If SbieCtrl.exe was kept running, it would never check the update time again. Several large memory leaks (reported by Dr. Larry Pepper et al.) have been fixed. http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=18412 ASLR is now enabled for SbieDll.dll 32 bit (64 bit will come later). OpenIpcPath=\BaseNamedObjects\FontCachePort is now in templates.ini as a default. Until now, this was a suggested work-around for some Chrome 37 problems.   NOTE: the default only applies to new installs.  For existing installs, you need to go into Sandbox settings->Applications->Miscellaneous, and check the option "Allow direct access to Windows Font Cache" Added hook for GetProcessImageFileName/NtQueryInformationProcess so it now returns the sandboxed path. Improvements to the Dutch language text. The SbieSvc startup time has been increased from 5 seconds to 15 seconds to eliminate the following sequence of startup errors:    SBIE2335 Initialization failed for process %2    SBIE2336 Error in GUI server:  %2    SBIE2337 Failed to start program:  %2 Malware DarkComet is using a quirk in Windows to put up a MessageBox that does not have the sandboxed yellow window border. This poses no security risk, but to prevent user concern, this has been fixed. Special flag added to OpenWinClass to restore Buster Sandbox Analyzer (BSA) message logging. /IgnoreUIPI allows low integrity sandboxed processes to send WM_COPYDATA msgs to windows in higher integrity processes.     Example Sandboxie.ini entries (both lines required):     OpenWinClass=TFormBSA     OpenWinClass=TFormBSA/IgnoreUIPI Fixed Sandboxed cmd.exe crash if window title > 256 chars. (http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=19089) Fixed rare BSOD http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpB ... 11&t=19076&p=101687 Fixed kernel memory leak in SandboxieCrypto http://forums.sandboxie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=15820 The combined installer SandboxieInstall.exe now checks for the VC Redistributables DLLs Sandboxie requires. If they are not up to date (10.0.40219.325), the installer will download and install the VC Redist. from sandboxie.com. If SandboxieInstall.exe tries to download the VC Redistributables and fails, there is now a retry option.

2:运行注册机(需要管理员权限),选择安装路径后,点击path (如果是32位版本的沙盘,下面的步骤可跳过),只执行1和2就激活了
5:再次运行注册机(需要管理员权限),选择正确的版本(点version旁边的“...”,输入正确的版本,例如4.14 版本),点击激活(Activate)按钮 6:enjoy!


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