【(What makes Google v. Oracle still more intriguing) is (that legal scholars) (are genuinely uncertain of the outcome.)】

  1. Google v.Oracle v表示:案件 翻译:谷歌甲骨文案
  2. intriguing v.激起…兴趣;引起…的好奇
  3. genuinely adv.真正的;真诚的
  4. legal a.与法律有关的;法律的;合法的
  5. certain a.确定;肯定
    uncertain a.不确定;拿不准
    ascertain v.弄清;查明



【Unlike issues such as abortion and gun control】, 【Supreme Court justices’ views on copyright are seldom scrutinized during the appointment process】, 【making it harder to predict how they’ll rule.】

  1. abortion n.堕胎
  2. gun control 枪支管制
  3. copyright n.版权;著作权
  4. seldom adv.不常;很少
  5. scrutinized v.仔细检查
  6. appointment n.约会;任命;委任;职务;职位
  7. rule v.裁决

Unlike issues such as abortion and gun control
Supreme Court justices’ views on copyright are seldom scrutinized during the appointment process
making it harder to predict how they’ll rule.


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