

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace GPIB { class gpib { #region GPIB操作包括DMM,PWR,PRS0,PRS1 public short DMMaddr = 22, PWRaddr = 8, PRS0addr = 16, PRS1addr = 17; private int ud = 0; private int ibsta, iberr, ibcnt, ibcntl; public bool write(int addr, string strWrite) { //Open and intialize an GPIB instrument int dev = GPIB.ibdev(0, addr, 0, (int)GPIB.gpib_timeout.T1s, 1, 0); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in initializing the GPIB instrument."); return false; } //clear the specific GPIB instrument GPIB.ibclr(dev); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in clearing the GPIB device."); return false; } //Write a string command to a GPIB instrument using the ibwrt() command GPIB.ibwrt(dev, strWrite, strWrite.Length); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in writing the string command to the GPIB instrument."); return false; } //Offline the GPIB interface card GPIB.ibonl(dev, 0); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in offline the GPIB interface card."); return false; } return true; } public bool read(int addr, string strWrite, string strRead) { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(100); //Open and intialize an GPIB instrument int dev = GPIB.ibdev(0, addr, 0, (int)GPIB.gpib_timeout.T1s, 1, 0); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in initializing the GPIB instrument."); return false; } //clear the specific GPIB instrument GPIB.ibclr(dev); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in clearing the GPIB device."); return false; } //Write a string command to a GPIB instrument using the ibwrt() command GPIB.ibwrt(dev, strWrite, strWrite.Length); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in writing the string command to the GPIB instrument."); return false; } //Read the response string from the GPIB instrument using the ibrd() command GPIB.ibrd(dev, str, 100); strRead = str.ToString(); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in reading the response string from the GPIB instrument."); return false; } //Offline the GPIB interface card GPIB.ibonl(dev, 0); GPIB.gpib_get_globals(out ibsta, out iberr, out ibcnt, out ibcntl); if ((ibsta & (int)GPIB.ibsta_bits.ERR) != 0) { //MessageBox.Show("Error in offline the GPIB interface card."); return false; } return true; } #region 数字万用表操作集合 /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:读取电压 /// </summary> public bool DMM_ReadVoltage(double value) { try { string strRead = ""; if (write(DMMaddr, "CONF:VOLT:DC DEF") == false) return false; if (read(DMMaddr, "READ?", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("Voltage Read Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:读取电流 /// </summary> public bool DMM_ReadCurrent(double value) { try { string strRead = ""; if (write(DMMaddr, "CONF:CURR:DC DEF") == false) return false; if (read(DMMaddr, "READ?", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("Voltage Read Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:读取阻值 /// </summary> public bool DMM_ReadRes(double value) { try { string strRead = ""; if (write(DMMaddr, "CONF:RES DEF") == false) return false; if (read(DMMaddr, "READ?", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("Voltage Read Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:读取频率 /// </summary> public bool DMM_ReadFreq(double value) { try { string strRead = ""; if (write(DMMaddr, "CONF:FRES:DC DEF") == false) return false; if (read(DMMaddr, "READ?", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("Voltage Read Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:设定直流电压范围 /// </summary> public bool DMM_SetDCRange(double VRange, double VDelta) { try { return write(DMMaddr, "CONF:VOLT:DC " + VRange.ToString() + "," + VDelta.ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Voltage DC Range Setting Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:恢复设置 /// </summary> public bool DMM_Reset() { try { if (write(DMMaddr,"*RST") == false) return false; return write(DMMaddr, "*CLS"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("DMM Reset Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:设定自动调零 /// </summary> public bool DMM_AutoZero(bool autoZero) { try { if (autoZero) return write(DMMaddr, "ZERO:AUTO ON"); else return write(DMMaddr, "ZERO:AUTO OFF"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("DMM Auto Zero Setting Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:设定触发延时 /// </summary> public bool DMM_TrigDelay(double trigDelay) { try { return write(DMMaddr, "TRIG:DEL " + trigDelay.ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("DMM Auto Zero Setting Fail!"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 数字万用表:设定采样点数 /// </summary> public bool DMM_SampleCounts(uint sampleCount) { try { return write(DMMaddr, "SAMP:COUN " + sampleCount.ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("DMM Sample Counts Setting Fail!"); return false; } } #endregion #region 程控电源操作集合 /// <summary> /// 设置电压值 /// </summary> public bool PWR_SetVoltage(double voltageSet) { try { return write(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:VOLT " + voltageSet.ToString() + "/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Voltage Setting Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 设置电流值 /// </summary> public bool PWR_SetCurrent(double currentSet) { try { return write(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:CURR " + currentSet.ToString() + "/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Current Setting Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 限流保护 /// </summary> public bool PWR_LimitCurrent(bool currentLimit) { try { return write(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:PROT:CURR " + currentLimit.ToString() + "/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Current (Un)Limit Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 限压保护 /// </summary> public bool PWR_LimitVoltage(bool voltageLimit) { try { return write(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:PROT:VOLT " + voltageLimit.ToString() + "/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Voltage (Un)Limit Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 启动输出 /// </summary> public bool PWR_Output(bool output) { try { if (output) { if(write(PWRaddr, "OUTP:PROT:CLE/n") == false) return false; return write(PWRaddr, "OUTP:STAT 1/n"); } else return write(PWRaddr, "OUTP:STAT 0/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR (Un)Output Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 获取输出状态 /// </summary> public bool PWR_GetOutput(bool output) { string strRead = ""; output = false; try { if(read(PWRaddr, "OUTP:STAT?/n", strRead) == false) return false; if (strRead == "1/n") output = true; return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("PWR (Un)Output Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 获取电压 /// </summary> public bool PWR_GetVoltage(double value) { string strRead = ""; try { if(read(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:MEAS:VOLT?/n", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("PWR Get Voltage Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 获取电流 /// </summary> public bool PWR_GetCurrent(double value) { string strRead = ""; try { if (read(PWRaddr, ":CHAN1:MEAS:CURR?/n", strRead) == false) return false; value = Convert.ToDouble(strRead); return true; } catch { //MessageBox.Show("PWR Get Current Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 恢复设置 /// </summary> public bool PWR_Reset() { try { return write(PWRaddr, "*RST/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Reset Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 清除状态 /// </summary> public bool PWR_Clear() { try { return write(PWRaddr, "*CLS/n"); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PWR Reset Fail"); return false; } } #endregion #region 程控变阻箱操作集合 /// <summary> /// 设置电阻值0 /// </summary> public bool PRS0_SetResistance(ulong resSet) { try { string resString = ""; string resStringAdd = resSet.ToString(); if (resStringAdd.Length < 2) resString = "SOURce:DATA 200000000000"; else if (resStringAdd.Length > 8) resString = "SOURce:DATA 100000000000"; else { for (short i = 12; i > resStringAdd.Length; i--) resString += "0"; //resStringAdd.PadRight(12, '0'); resString += resStringAdd; resString = "SOURce:DATA " + resString; } return (write(PRS0addr,resString)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PRS0 Setting Fail"); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 设置电阻值1 /// </summary> public bool PRS1_SetResistance(ulong resSet) { try { string resString = ""; string resStringAdd = resSet.ToString(); if (resStringAdd.Length < 2) resString = "SOURce:DATA 200000000000"; else if (resStringAdd.Length > 8) resString = "SOURce:DATA 100000000000"; else { for (short i = 12; i > resStringAdd.Length; i--) resString += "0"; //resStringAdd.PadRight(12, '0'); resString += resStringAdd; resString = "SOURce:DATA " + resString; } return (write(PRS1addr, resString)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("PRS1 Setting Fail"); return false; } } #endregion #endregion } }


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