1、下载 MQTT in MATLAB 工具箱,放在matlab目录下。(链接:https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/64303-mqtt-in-matlab)


function obj = mqtt(varargin)% MQTT Create a MQTT connection to an MQTT broker.MQTT创建到MQTT代理的MQTT连接。% %% Syntax 语法% ------ % mObj = mqtt(brokerAddress)%creates a new MQTT connection to a broker at BrokerAddress%创建一个新的mqtt连接到BrokerAddress的代理%% mObj = mqtt(brokerAddress, NAME, VALUE) %uses additional options specified by one or more Name, Value pair arguments.%使用其他选项由一个或多个名称、值对参数指定。%% Inputs 输入% ------ % BrokerAddress:  Host name or IP address of the MQTT broker, % specified as a string or character array including connection% protocol. Supported protocols include TCP, WS, SSL, and WSS.% MQTT代理的主机名或IP地址,指定为包含连接协议的字符串或字符数组。% 支持的协议包括TCP、WS、SSL和WSS。%   Name-Value Pair Arguments 名称-值对参数%   -------------------------%%   Name名字         Description描述                        Data Type数据类型%   ----    --------------------                         ---------%%   Port 端口 (Integer 整数) %     Specify the socket port number to use when connecting to the MQTT broker.%     指定连接到MQTT代理时要使用的套接字端口号。%%   Username 用户名 (string, char 字符串,字符)%     Specify username to use when connecting to the MQTT broker.%     指定连接到MQTT代理时要使用的用户名。%%   Password 密码   (string, char 字符串,字符)%     Specify password to use with the username used for connecting to MQTT broker.%     指定用于连接到MQTT的用户名的密码%%   ClientID 客户端ID(string, char 字符串,字符)%    Specify an MQTT identifier that identifies the client to the broker. %    指定用于向代理标识客户端的MQTT标识符。%%   Timeout  超时    (Integer 整数)%    Specify time in seconds to complete a connection to the broker.%    指定以秒为单位完成与代理的连接。%%   CAFile           (string, char 字符串,字符)%    Specify Server Root Certificate to use%    for authenticating the broker during%    secure connection.%    指定在安全连接期间用于验证代理的服务器根证书。%%   ClientCertificate  客户端证书     (string, char 字符串,字符)%    Specify Client Certificate to use for%    authenticating client during secure %    connection.%    指定用于在安全连接期间对客户端进行身份验证的客户端证书%%   ClientKeyFile      (string, char 字符串,字符)%    Specify private key file to use along%    with ClientCertificate for client %    authentication during secure connection.%    指定私钥文件与ClientCertificate一起用于安全连接期间的客户端身份验证。%%   SSLPassword        (string, char 字符串,字符)%    Specify password to decrypt the private%    key in ClientKeyFile.    %    指定密码以解密ClientKeyFile中的私钥。%%   Examples实例:%   --------%%     Connect to broker 连接到代理%     -------------------------------    %%     % Example 1: Connect to broker 示例 1:连接到代理%     % ----------%     % Create an MQTT connection to hivemq public broker. 创建到hivemq公共代理的MQTT连接%     myMQTT = mqtt('tcp://broker.hivemq.com')%%     % Example 2: Create an MQTT connection with ClientID and Port Number  %       示例 2:使用ClientID和Port创建MQTT连接%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection to hivemq public broker at port %     % number 1883 and specify the clientID as 'myClient'%       在端口号1883处创建到hivemq public broker的MQTT连接,并将clientID指定为“myClient”%%     myMQTT = mqtt('tcp://broker.hivemq.com','ClientID','myClient',...%       'Port',1883)%%     % Example 3: Create a secure MQTT connection over TCP%       示例 3 :通过TCP创建安全MQTT连接%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection to mosquitto public broker at port %     % number 8884 and specify the broker root certificate, client%     % certificate and private key.%     在端口号8884处创建到mosquitto公共代理的MQTT连接,并指定代理根证书、客户机证书和私钥。%%     myMQTTSSL = mqtt('ssl://mosquitto.org', 'Port', 8884, ...%       'CAFile', 'C:.\mosquitto.org.pem',...%       'ClientCertificate', 'C:.\client.pem',...%       'ClientKeyFile', 'C:.\client.key')%%     % Example 4: Create a secure MQTT connection over WSS%       示例 4 :通过WSS创建安全MQTT连接%%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection with WSS to ThingSpeak. If required,%     % you can specify the required certificates and keys using %     % Name-Value input arguments.%       创建一个带有WSS的MQTT连接来ThingSpeak。如果需要,%       可以使用名称值输入参数指定所需的证书和密钥。%%     myMQTT = mqtt('wss://mqtt.thingspeak.com', 'Port', 443)  %%     % Example 5: Subscribe to topic 订阅主题%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection to hivemq public broker and subscribe to 'myTopic'.%     % 创建到hivemq公共代理的MQTT连接,并订阅“myTopic”。%%     myMQTT = mqtt('tcp://broker.hivemq.com');%%     %Subscribe to a topic 订阅主题%     mySub = subscribe(myMQTT,'Topic')%%     % Example 6: Subscribe to topic at QoS 2 阅QoS 2上的主题%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection to hivemq public broker and subscribe to 'myTopic'.%     % 创建到hivemq公共代理的MQTT连接,并订阅“myTopic”。%%     myMQTT = mqtt('tcp://broker.hivemq.com');%%     %Subscribe to a topic 订阅主题%     mySub = subscribe(myMQTT,'Topic', 'QoS', 2);%%     % Example 7: Publish to topic 发布到主题%     %  ---------- %     % Create an MQTT connection to hivemq public broker and %     % publish message 'testMessage' to topic 'myTopic'.%       创建到hivemq公共代理的MQTT连接并将消息“testMessage”发布到主题“myTopic”。%%     myMQTT = mqtt('tcp://broker.hivemq.com');%%     % Publish a message to a topic 将消息发布到主题%     publish(myMQTT, 'myTopic', 'testMessage');    % Copyright 2017-2019, The MathWorks, Inc.


1、打开控制台选择 “MQTT物联网套件——创建项目——添加产品——添加设备“ 设置所需参数。


1、未定义变量 “com” 或类 “com.mathworks.mqttclient.client.Client”

javaaddpath("D:\WIFI\MQTT in MATLAB\jar\org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.1.0.jar")
javaaddpath("D:\WIFI\MQTT in MATLAB\mqttasync.jar")

2、Unable to establish connection with broker.



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