









1.      给bash打补丁:BASH_BOFH,  打补丁并重新编译bash,但需要每一个版本的bash对应一个新补丁

2.      snoopy : 记录所有命令除了内联shell

3.      rootsh/sniffy/ttyrpid/ttysnoop,  记录一切, 包括了命令的输出,这些非常有用但会产生一些冗余的日志。

rootsh: 普通用户在通过sudo /usr/local/rootsh/bin/rootsh -u root变更为root权限后,会将所有的操作指令和终端输出记录下来(如不指定,默认为/var/log/messages),在记录文件中会清晰表明是哪个普通用户变更权限到root

snitty: snitty 可以追踪、记录系统伪终端上的数据, 可以完整的显示、回显伪终端上发生了什么信息, 通过内核模块去实现的。

ttyrpid:  基于内核实现的键盘记录和屏幕记录,支持很多tty类型

ttysnoop:   重定向一个终端号的所有输入、输出到另一个终端的程序

4.      gresecurity内核补丁,非常强大但不是一个合适的解决方案,需要官方的内核

5.  这里也有一个旧的sshd补丁(http://www.kdvelectronics.eu/ssh-logging/ssh-logging.html)

6. screen -x 对于协同工作也非常有用, 但它并不是一个命令记录器


相比之下,当前的方法非常容易部署,他只是运行在bash(大多数系统的shell)上的shell脚本, 因此它是独立于架构的。


注意:一个用户可以避免调用这个文件通过比如“--norc”选项启动shell,  他也可以取消或者重写变量比如“PROMPT_COMMAND”.

因此这个脚本对于审计来说非常有用,但是有办法取消绕过,对于安全需求较高的可以选择bash 补丁的方式吧。


2012-05-31T15:40:52.530657+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>] /root: id
2012-05-31T15:41:10.533963+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>] /root: id #again, up-key
2012-05-31T15:41:26.421925+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>] /root: id #again, ctrl-r
2012-05-31T15:41:44.223986+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>] /root: (echo a; echo b); { echo c; echo d; }; echo e | ( cat && echo f)
2012-05-31T15:41:49.687712+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>] /root: exit
2012-05-31T15:41:49.690234+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31240 as root/31240 on pts/0/>]: #=== bash session ended. ===
2012-05-31T15:51:01.399710+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>]: #=== New bash session started. ===
2012-05-31T15:51:02.980606+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>] /root: id
2012-05-31T15:51:09.327614+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>] /root: ssh localhost
2012-05-31T15:51:14.768578+02:00 debian1 [audit root/. as root/31874 on pts/1/>]: #=== New bash session started. ===
2012-05-31T15:51:48.031612+02:00 debian1 [audit root/. as root/31874 on pts/1/>] /root: echo hi from ssh
2012-05-31T15:51:49.875367+02:00 debian1 [audit root/. as root/31874 on pts/1/>] /root: exit
2012-05-31T15:51:49.877675+02:00 debian1 [audit root/. as root/31874 on pts/1/>]: #=== bash session ended. ===
2012-05-31T15:51:51.075034+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>] /root: id
2012-05-31T15:51:53.027380+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>] /root: less /var/log/user.log
2012-05-31T16:00:06.676849+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>]: #=== New bash session started. ===
2012-05-31T16:00:12.690457+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>] /home/pointsoftware: ls
2012-05-31T16:00:16.114366+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>] /home/pointsoftware: cd /
2012-05-31T16:00:21.002682+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>] /: ps aux
2012-05-31T16:00:30.714988+02:00 debian1 [audit root/31843 as root/31843 on pts/0/>] /root: less /var/log/user.log
2012-05-31T16:00:37.754175+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>] /: ps aux
2012-05-31T16:00:37.758383+02:00 debian1 [audit pointsoftware/31950 as pointsoftware/31977 on pts/2/>]: #=== bash session ended. ===



#'history' options
#declare -rx 设置只读环境变量
declare -rx HISTFILE="$HOME/.bash_history"
declare -rx HISTSIZE=500000                                 #nbr of cmds in memory
declare -rx HISTFILESIZE=500000                             #nbr of cmds on file
declare -rx HISTCONTROL=""                                  #does not ignore spaces or duplicates
declare -rx HISTIGNORE=""                                   #does not ignore patterns
declare -rx HISTCMD                                         #history line number
#history -r                                                  #to reload history from file if a prior HISTSIZE has truncated it
if [ "${OSTYPE:0:7}" != "solaris" ] #following not working in solaris
if groups | grep -q root
thendeclare -x TMOUT=3600                                     #timeout for root's sessionschattr +a "$HISTFILE"  #设置历史文件只能追加,不能删除                                  #set append-only
shopt -s histappend  #shopt -s 激活shell行为选项
shopt -s cmdhist#history substitution ask for a confirmation
shopt -s histverify

bash历史也可以通过下面的选项包括时间戳, 但是我们这里不需要, 因为我们的解决方案将创建另一个日志文件(/var/log/userlog.info),包含所有细节比如时间戳,工作目录,PID, userid等

#add timestamps in history - obsoleted with logger/syslog
#declare -rx HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '


#prompt & color
PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontgreen_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontgreen_b}\] "

默认情况下ctrl-s将阻塞shell直到你按下ctrl-q(流控制)。 为了能够向前或向后搜索命令(ctrl-s / ctrl-r)这里我们禁用了默认的ctrl-s阻塞

#enable forward search ('ctrl-s')
if shopt -q login_shell && [ -t 0 ]
thenstty -ixon


# bash shortcuts
# ctrl-r                reverse search
# ctrl-s                forward search
# alt-. or esc-.        reuse 1st arg
# ctrl-a                Move cursor to beginning of line
# ctrl-e                Move cursor to end of line
# meta-b                Move cursor back one word
# meta-f                Move cursor forward one word
# ctrl-w                Cut the last word
# ctrl-u                Cut everything before the cursor
# ctrl-k                Cut everything after the cursor
# ctrl-y                Paste the last thing to be cut
# ctrl-_                Undo
#bash-history-cheat-sheet.pdf 'http://www.catonmat.net/download/bash-history-cheat-sheet.pdf'
# Emacs Mode Shortcuts:
# CTRL-p                Fetch the previous command from the history list.
# CTRL-n                Fetch the next command from the history list.
# CTRL-r                Search history backward (incremental search).
# CTRL-s                Search history forward (incremental search).
# Meta-p                Search backward using non-incremental search.
# Meta-n                Search forward using non-incremental search.
# Meta-<                Move to the first line in the history.
# Meta->                Move to the end of the history list.
# Vi Mode Shortcuts:
# k                     Fetch the previous command from the history list.
# j                     Fetch the next command from the history list.
# /string or CTRL-r     Search history backward for a command matching string.
# ?string or CTRL-s     Search history forward for a command matching string.
# n                     Repeat search in the same direction as previous.
# N                     Repeat search in the opposite direction as previous.
# G                     Move to the N-th history line (for example, 15G).


#seek the oldest parent 'bash' process, to get $AUDIT_LOGINID and $AUDIT_LOGINUSER,
#which may be different from $USER after 'su' or 'sudo' commands
while AUDIT_LOGINID2="$(awk '/PPid:/ {print $2}' /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID2/status)" && [ "$AUDIT_LOGINID2" != "1" ]
doif [ "$(awk '/Name:/ {print $2}' /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID2/status)" == "bash" ]thenAUDIT_LOGINID="$AUDIT_LOGINID2"fi
AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk "/^Uid:/ {print \$2}" /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID/status)
AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk -F":" "\$3 ~ /$AUDIT_LOGINUSER/ {print \$1}" /etc/passwd)
#old: AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk -F":" "/^[^:]*:[^:]*:$AUDIT_LOGINUSER:/ {print \$1}" /etc/passwd)
#old: AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(getent passwd $AUDIT_LOGINUSER | sed -e 's%:.*%%')"

我们再使用一个简单的方法,使用“who -mu”命令

#seek the oldest parent 'bash' process, to get $AUDIT_LOGINID and $AUDIT_LOGINUSER,
#which may be different from $USER after 'su' or 'sudo' commands
while AUDIT_LOGINID2="$(awk '/PPid:/ {print $2}' /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID2/status)" && [ "$AUDIT_LOGINID2" != "1" ]
doif [ "$(awk '/Name:/ {print $2}' /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID2/status)" == "bash" ]thenAUDIT_LOGINID="$AUDIT_LOGINID2"fi
AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk "/^Uid:/ {print \$2}" /proc/$AUDIT_LOGINID/status)
AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk -F":" "\$3 ~ /$AUDIT_LOGINUSER/ {print \$1}" /etc/passwd)
#old: AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(awk -F":" "/^[^:]*:[^:]*:$AUDIT_LOGINUSER:/ {print \$1}" /etc/passwd)
#old: AUDIT_LOGINUSER=$(getent passwd $AUDIT_LOGINUSER | sed -e 's%:.*%%')"


declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a >(tee -a ~/.bash_history | logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD")' #no subshell is used here, it would else duplicate execution!

'history -a > (tee -a ~/.bash_history | logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD")' 将拿到没有提交到磁盘的历史命令(‘history -a’), 并且把命令写到一个替代进程('>()'),这将是tee -a命令的标准输入,并将输出结果追加的~/.bash_history, 并通过一个管道发送到logger命令, logger将发送到本地syslog守护程序


看‘http://superuser.com/questions/175799/does-bash-have-a-hook-that-is-run-before-executing-a-command‘ and ‘http://www.davidpashley.com/articles/xterm-titles-with-bash.html‘


set -o functrace; trap 'echo -ne "===$BASH_COMMAND===${_backnone}${_frontgrey}\n"' DEBUG


set +o functrace                                            #disable trap DEBUG inherited in functions, command substitutions or subshells, normally the default setting already
function AUDIT_DEBUG() {echo -ne "${_backnone}${_frontgrey}"                      #disable prompt colors for the command's output(history -a >(logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" < <(tee -a ~/.bash_history))) && sync && history -c && history -r
set -o functrace                                            #enable trap DEBUG inherited for all subsequent functions; required to audit commands beginning with the char '(' for a subshell
#=> problem: auto-completion in commands avoids logging them
#launches AUDIT_DEBUG() and then stops the trap DEBUG, to avoid a useless rerun of AUDIT_DEBUG() during the execution of $PROMPT_COMMAND

'history -a > (logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" << (tee -a ~/.bash_history))'将接管还没有写到磁盘的命令(history -a),  将写到一个进程替换('>()'), 这将是tee -a命令的标准输入, 并且会追加结果到~/.bash_history文件中以及另一个进程替换('<()'),  最后被logger命令读取

'history -c && history 0r'在这里强制刷新历史记录,因为history -a将在subshell内调用,因此刚才追加的文件的新历史记录将在subshell外保持新的状态,导致这些日志重复出现在每一个函数调用。(cf. 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/103944/real-time-history-export-amongst-bash-terminal-windows‘)

注意:没有subshell, 管道命令将会被挂起(这好像是这trap + 进程替换干扰stdin重定向)

这最终的解决方案更快,避免了‘sync’和 ‘history -r’耗费时间

事实证明这个解决方案简单有效的多,利用管道命令,subshell,   终止命令'ctrl-c',  所有的测试用例我们可以试一试

关键是再次使用了trap DEBUG函数,设置所需的历史记录选项(HISTCONTROL, HISTIGNORE)并且在函数,命令替换,subshell中禁用了trap。

set +o functrace                                            #disable trap DEBUG inherited in functions, command substitutions or subshells, normally the default setting already
shopt -s extglob                                            #enable extended pattern matching operators
function AUDIT_DEBUG() {if [ -z "$AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE" ]                           #initializationthenlocal AUDIT_CMD="$(fc -l -1 -1)"                        #previous history commandAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"elseAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="$AUDIT_HISTLINE"filocal AUDIT_CMD="$(history 1)"                            #current history commandAUDIT_HISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"if [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -ne "${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE:-0}" ] || [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -eq "1" ]        #avoid logging unexecuted commands after 'ctrl-c', 'empty+enter', or after 'ctrl-d'thenecho -ne "${_backnone}${_frontgrey}"                    #disable prompt colors for the command's output#remove in last history cmd its line number (if any) and send to syslogif [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]thenif ! logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"thenecho error "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"fielseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}" >>/var/log/userlog.infofi#echo "===cmd:$BASH_COMMAND/subshell:$BASH_SUBSHELL/fc:$(fc -l -1)/history:$(history 1)/histline:${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}/last_histline:${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE}===" #for debuggingreturn 0elsereturn 1fi
}#audit the session closing
function AUDIT_EXIT() {local AUDIT_STATUS="$?"if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ==="elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ===" >>/var/log/userlog.infofiexit "$AUDIT_STATUS"
}#make audit trap functions readonly; disable trap DEBUG inherited (normally the default setting already)
declare -frx +t AUDIT_DEBUG
declare -frx +t AUDIT_EXIT#audit the session opening
if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]
thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" #audit the session openning
elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" >>/var/log/userlog.info
fi#enable the trap DEBUG (at every call of $PROMPT_COMMAND) and trap EXIT
declare -rx BASH_COMMAND                                    #current command executed by user or a trap
declare -rx SHELLOPT                                        #shell options, like functrace
trap AUDIT_EXIT EXIT                                        #audit the session closing

当一个bash命令执行,他首先启动AUDIT_DEBUG(), 然后禁止trap DEBUG 来避免AUDIT_DEBUG()在执行管道命令期间无效的返回,最后,当提示显示,可以重新开启trap DEBUG


第一步:用root登录并创建一个/etc/bash_franzi文件,下载地址:http://www.pointsoftware.ch/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/bash_franzi.txt,   /etc/bash_franzi内容如下:

#Pointsoftware AG, 2013-11-03
#created by francois scheurer
#filename: '/etc/bash_franzi'
#This file must be sourced by '~/.bashrc', which is the last runned startup script for bash invocation for login interactive, login non-interactive and non-login interactive shells.
#Having a complete history of all typed commands can be very helpful in many scenarios:
#  when several administrators work together on the same server and need to know what was done previously
#  when someone need to redo an older sequence of commands or to understand an undocumented maintenance process
#  for troubleshooting or forensic analysis, by crosschecking the date of an event or of a file with the commands executed at that date
#The standard '.bash_history' file of the shell is unfortunately not written on disk in the case of a crash and it may be deleted by the user.
#Another problem is that when many shell sessions are running concurrently, their logging will only occur when they are closed, therefore the commands of the history will not appear in their chronological order.
#Furthermore, '.bash_history' will not include essential information like the 'working directory' of the command; and by default the repetition or re-edition of commands will not be logged, too.
#Some solutions exist to improve this, either by patching or installing binaries:
#  'bash-BOFH' patching and recompiling: works well but need a new patch for each release of the bash
# 'snoopy': is logging all commands except shell builtins
#  'rootsh / sniffy / ttyrpld / ttysnoop': logs everything, also output of commands, it may be useful but it generates very verbose logs
#  'grsecurity' patched kernels: powerful but it may be a not suitable solution if an official kernel is required (e.g. for Oracle DB)
#  there is also an old 'sshd' patch ('http://www.kdvelectronics.eu/ssh-logging/ssh-logging.html')
#  'screen -x' can also be useful for cooperation work, but it is not a command logger
#In contrast to that, the presented method is very easy to deploy; it is just a shellscript that is running in bash (standard shell on most systems) and therefore it is architecture independent.
#It will allow a complete audit of all commands/builtins executed interactively in the bash.
#Note that a user can avoid calling this file by starting a shell with options like '--norc'; he also can unset or overwrite variables like 'PROMPT_COMMAND'.
#Therefore this script is useful for audit but an alternative solution with bash patching should be considered if the security requirements are the priority.
#Note on Solaris:
#       In Solaris please use 'grep' without the '-q' option, like this:
#               if groups | grep root &>/dev/null
#       Please also remove the following line (chattr unsupported in Solaris:
#               chattr +a "$HISTFILE"
#       Then modify your /etc/syslog.conf to include this line:
#               user.info /var/adm/userlog.info
#       To assign 'bash' as the login shell in Solaris: passwd -e /bin/bash .
#       Make sure that the audit-script is sourced (=included) correctly during the bash invocation.
#       If your bash version is too old, $HISTCONTROL will not allow you to log duplicated commands correctly.
#       svcadm restart system/system-log
#       svcadm disable ssh
#       svcadm enable sshif [ "${SHELL##*/}" != "bash" ]; thenreturn
fi#to avoid sourcing this file more than once
if [ -n "${OSTYPE##solaris*}" ]; then #following not working in solaris#do not source this file twice; also do not source it if we are in forcecommand.sh, source it later from "-bash-li"#if we would source it from forcecommand.sh, the environment would be lost after the call of 'exec -l bash -li'if [ "$AUDIT_INCLUDED" == "$$" ] || { [ -z "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ] && [ "$(cat /proc/$$/cmdline)" == 'bash-c"/etc/forcecommand.sh"' ]; }; thenreturnelsedeclare -rx AUDIT_INCLUDED="$$"fi
fi#prompt & color
#PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontgrey_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontgrey_b}\] " #grey
PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontgreen_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontgreen_b}\] " #green
#PS1="\[${_backblue}${_frontred_b}\]\u@\h:\[${_backblack}${_frontblue_b}\]\w\\$\[${_backnone}${_frontred_b}\] " #red
declare -rx PS1#'history' options
declare -rx HISTFILE="$HOME/.bash_history"
declare -rx HISTSIZE=500000                                 #nbr of cmds in memory
declare -rx HISTFILESIZE=500000                             #nbr of cmds on file
declare -rx HISTCONTROL=""                                  #does not ignore spaces or duplicates
declare -rx HISTIGNORE=""                                   #does not ignore patterns
declare -rx HISTCMD                                         #history line number
#following line is commented to avoid following issue: loading the history during the sourcing of this file (non-interactive bash) is also loading history lines that begin with '#', but then during the trap DEBUG calls it reloads the whole history without '#'-lines and produces an double-length history.
#history -r                                                  #to reload history from file if a prior HISTSIZE has truncated it#following 2 lines commented because 'history -r' was still loading '#'-lines
#shopt -s extglob                                            #enable extended pattern matching operators
#HISTIGNORE="*([ \t])#*"; history -r                         #reload history without commented lines; this force non-interactive bash to behave like interactive bash, without this AUDIT_HISTLINE will get a wrong initial value, leading then to a small issue where empty bash sessions are actually logging the last command of historyif [ -n "${OSTYPE##solaris*}" ]; then #following not working in solarisif groups | grep -q root; thendeclare -x TMOUT=43200                                    #timeout for root's sessionschattr +a "$HISTFILE"                                     #set append-onlyfi
shopt -s histappend
shopt -s cmdhist#history substitution ask for a confirmation
shopt -s histverify#add timestamps in history - obsoleted with logger/syslog
#declare -rx HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '#enable forward search ('ctrl-s')
if shopt -q login_shell && [ -t 0 ]; thenstty -ixon
fi#bash audit & traceability
declare -rx AUDIT_LOGINUSER="$(who -mu | awk '{print $1}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_LOGINPID="$(who -mu | awk '{print $6}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_USER="$USER"                              #defined by pam during su/sudo
declare -rx AUDIT_PID="$$"
declare -rx AUDIT_TTY="$(who -mu | awk '{print $2}')"
declare -rx AUDIT_SSH="$([ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ] && echo "$SSH_CONNECTION" | awk '{print $1":"$2"->"$3":"$4}')"
declare -x AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE=""                            #to avoid logging the same line twice
declare -rx AUDIT_SYSLOG="1"                                #to use a local syslogd
#the logging at each execution of command is performed with a trap DEBUG function
#and having set the required history options (HISTCONTROL, HISTIGNORE)
#and to disable the trap in functions, command substitutions or subshells.
#it turns out that this solution is simple and works well with piped commands, subshells, aborted commands with 'ctrl-c', etc..
set +o functrace                                            #disable trap DEBUG inherited in functions, command substitutions or subshells, normally the default setting already
shopt -s extglob                                            #enable extended pattern matching operators
function AUDIT_DEBUG() {if [ -z "$AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE" ]; then                     #initializationlocal AUDIT_CMD="$(fc -l -1 -1)"                        #previous history commandAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"elseAUDIT_LASTHISTLINE="$AUDIT_HISTLINE"filocal AUDIT_CMD="$(history 1)"                            #current history commandAUDIT_HISTLINE="${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}"if [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -ne "${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE:-0}" ] || [ "${AUDIT_HISTLINE:-0}" -eq "1" ]; then  #avoid logging unexecuted commands after 'ctrl-c', 'empty+enter', or after 'ctrl-d'echo -ne "${_backnone}${_frontgrey}"                    #disable prompt colors for the command's output#remove in last history cmd its line number (if any) and send to syslogif [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]; thenif ! logger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"; thenecho error "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}"fielseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR $PWD" "${AUDIT_CMD##*( )?(+([0-9])?(\*)+( ))}" >>/var/log/userlog.infofi#echo "===cmd:$BASH_COMMAND/subshell:$BASH_SUBSHELL/fc:$(fc -l -1)/history:$(history 1)/histline:${AUDIT_CMD%%+([^ 0-9])*}/last_histline:${AUDIT_LASTHISTLINE}===" #for debuggingreturn 0elsereturn 1fi
#audit the session closing
function AUDIT_EXIT() {local AUDIT_STATUS="$?"if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]; thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ==="elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session closed ===" >>/var/log/userlog.infofiexit "$AUDIT_STATUS"
#make audit trap functions readonly; disable trap DEBUG inherited (normally the default setting already)
declare -frx +t AUDIT_DEBUG
declare -frx +t AUDIT_EXIT
#audit the session opening
if [ -n "$AUDIT_SYSLOG" ]; thenlogger -p user.info -t "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" #audit the session openning
elseecho $( date +%F_%H:%M:%S ) "$AUDIT_STR" "#=== session opened ===" >>/var/log/userlog.info
#when a bash command is executed it launches first the AUDIT_DEBUG(),
#then the trap DEBUG is disabled to avoid a useless rerun of AUDIT_DEBUG() during the execution of pipes-commands;
#at the end, when the prompt is displayed, re-enable the trap DEBUG#declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="AUDIT_DONE=; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG && AUDIT_DONE=1; trap DEBUG' DEBUG; [ -n \"\$AUDIT_DONE\" ] && echo '-----------------------------'"#NOK: declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="echo "-----------------------------"; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG; trap DEBUG' DEBUG; echo '-----------------------------'"#OK:  declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="echo "-----------------------------"; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG; trap DEBUG' DEBUG"
declare -rx PROMPT_COMMAND="[ -n \"\$AUDIT_DONE\" ] && echo '-----------------------------'; AUDIT_DONE=; trap 'AUDIT_DEBUG && AUDIT_DONE=1; trap DEBUG' DEBUG"
declare -rx BASH_COMMAND                                    #current command executed by user or a trap
declare -rx SHELLOPT                                        #shell options, like functrace
trap AUDIT_EXIT EXIT                                        #audit the session closing#endof


chown root:root /etc/bash_franzi
chmod 644 /etc/bash_franzi

2.这个文件需要在启动shell自动source, 需要将/etc/bash_franzi添加到初始化文件/etc/.bashrc


for i in /etc/profile /etc/skel/.bashrc /root/.bashrc /home/*/.bashrc; doif ! grep -q ". /etc/bash_franzi" "$i"; thenecho "===updating $i==="echo "[ -f /etc/bash_franzi ] && . /etc/bash_franzi #added by francois scheurer" >>"$i"fi


因此最好只从~/.bashrc 中source,但是这里有另外一个问题,在Debian中, 每一个用户主目录获取通过默认的一个. bash_profile, 其优先权高于.bashrc。 bash手册页声明:

当一个bash作为一个交互登录shell被调用时,或者作为一个有--login选项的非交互shell时,它第一次从/etc/profile读取并执行命令。在读取了/etc/profile, 它寻找~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile, 按照这个顺序,从第一个存在并可读的文件读取并执行命令。 shell启动时可以使用--nooption选项来阻止这种行为。


3. 配置rsyslog


cat >>/etc/rsyslog.conf <<"EOF"
#added by francois scheurer
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_FileFormat
#stop avahi if messages are dropped (cf. /var/log/messages with 'net_ratelimit' or 'imuxsock begins to drop')
#update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove && service avahi-daemon stop
#$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 10
#$SystemLogRateLimitBurst 500
$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0


cat >/etc/rsyslog.d/45-franzi.conf <<"EOF"
#added by francois scheurer# Filter duplicated messages
$RepeatedMsgReduction off# Enable high precision timestamps
$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_FileFormat# Log bash audit generated log messages to file
if $syslogfacility-text == 'user' and $syslogseverity-text == 'info' and $syslogtag startswith '[audit' then /var/log/userlog.info#then drop them
& ~#'http://content.hccfl.edu/pollock/aunix2/logging.htm'


/etc/init.d/rsyslog restart

现在登入登出就可以发现审计文件:/var/log/userlog.info, 在里面就包含着记录bash执行的命令。

4.如果你想审计scp/sftp, 创建一个文件‘/etc/forcecommand.sh’(下载http://www.pointsoftware.ch/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/forcecommand.sh_.txt)

cat >/etc/forcecommand.sh <<"EOF"
#Pointsoftware AG, 2012-08-24
#filename: '/etc/forcecommand.sh'
#created by francois scheurer
#used for bash audit, see '/etc/bash_franzi'if [ -n "${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}" ]; thenexec bash -c "${SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND}"
elseexec -l bash -li


chown root:root /etc/forcecommand.sh
chmod 755 /etc/forcecommand.sh

然后配置/etc/ssh/sshd_config 运行下面行

cat >>/etc/ssh/sshd_config <<"EOF"
ForceCommand "/etc/forcecommand.sh"


/etc/init.d reload




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