标签(空格分隔): 文献阅读及英文写作


    • @[toc]
  • 一.禁忌
  • 二.词汇
  • 三.词组
  • 四.写作技巧
  • 五.常见句型错误
  • 六.问句写法及精句
  • 七.时态
  • 八.常见的连词
  • 转载和疑问声明
  • 我祝各位帅哥,和美女,你们永远十八岁,嗨嘿嘿~~~


  1. This 最好不要单独出现,最好写成 This example.
  2. 最好不用so, 用thus, therefore或者不用。
  3. assume / suppose that, 而不是assuming。
  4. 不要用easily, 而是用readily代替。
  5. 两个公式的话,中间加上and,每个公式加上逗号,最后一个是句号,一个公式直接句号
  6. 公式之后,另起一行,Where theta denotes / represents …, and Q denotes…
  7. 句子很难时,最好分开几个短句,理清逻辑,再尝试合并成复合句.
  8. rhythm, 经常写错,旋律,也可以用melody代替, especially
  9. 一句就是一句,不要接上句话。
  10. 指代数学里面的数字,一般使用integer,number少用。
  11. 数学问题,热点问题,problem,issue(发行,发表言论)
  12. 标点问题,语法问题,单复数问题,单词替换问题,一定要注意。
  13. 最好是全部文章用一个时态,少用第一人称:I, my。


  1. 贝多芬第九交响曲 Beethoven’s #9 symphony.
  2. 爱因斯坦的质能转换 Einstein’s mass-energy conversion.
  3. 毕氏定理, 理工科 Pythagorean theorem,science and engineering
  4. 欧拉,学者,整数: Euler, scholars, integer.
  5. 拥有,有趣, 思念: share, amusing, pin for.
  6. 单打独斗,上臂,下臂:single-handedly, upper arm, forearm.
  7. 坐落于,准许同意:locate, situate. grant
  8. 使遭受打击,施加伤害::捏造:inflict, fabricate.
  9. 程序步骤,复制再生: proceedings, replicate
  10. 思考认为,通知告知,评论v言论n:contemplate, notify, remark
  11. 注释,大男子主义,组成:annotate, chauvinistic, constitute
  12. 答谢(反馈),庸俗不雅的 :reciprocate,vulgar
  13. 包含, 机制方法: comprise, mechanism
  14. 数学家,学者:mathematicians, scholars
  15. 尤其是,数学的:especially, mathemacical.
  16. 拖延耽搁一些自己不想做的事儿:procrastinate!
  17. 趋近, 推广流行:approach, converge,popularize


  1. 总之: In summary
  2. 当…来临:when times for
  3. 一张纸: a sheet of paper.
  4. 就…而言: in terms of, with regard to sth,
  5. 换句话说: in other words
  6. 相对而言:in contrast.
  7. 忍不住:cannot resist giving
  8. 促使激起:prompt sb(to)do.
  9. 绝对相信:definitely think
  10. 遵守:abide by,obey, adhere
  11. draw the conclusion; earn their respect; make up our minds;
  12. muster our courage; pave the fundation(打基础); among others.

hear 和hear of 都可解作"听说",

hear 后面接宾语从句。hear 还可作"听见","听到"解,后面可以接名词,代词+不带to的不定式

i heard him just now. i heard him singing in the next room.

hear of后面接名词,代词或动名词.
i was shocked to hear of his poor death. 听到他惨遭不幸的噩耗,我十分震惊。

hear from意为"收到…的信",“得到…消息”。

例如: how often do you hear from your father? 你每隔多久收到你父亲的信?
注意:hear from的主语是"人",而不是"信"。


1.为了取悦他,她用什么方法取悦他To please him, she would entertain him by
2. He would spit his saliva on the ground at a high frequency.
3. 玻璃板拉开:glass pulling
4. 我们可以发现简单的事物具有一个共同的特征
5. we may discover that simple issues share one common trait.
6. 这个特征就是:This trait can be recognized as:
7. 他的规则可以在十秒内解释完毕:explaining its rule can be finished within ten seconds.
8. 谨记在心:keep in our minds that. 这里注意不用hearts,hearts一般指代情感。
9. very 修饰形容词,而much一般修饰过去式。much disappointed.
10. 对于过去没有发生的事儿,我们应该用had, would have, might have.
11. Had you not done so, I would have felt disappointed.
11. Had Newton was not been born, we might have all remained living in caves today.


  1. Dens are more powerful than a sword are.
  2. The question lies in what the probility of two dices is.
  3. My mother loves me more than she dose my brother.
  4. How many people poeese such capacity and wisdom as Yanzi did?
  5. Love our beloved ones.
  6. Are have any questions? yes.
  7. Reliable data are difficult to be collected
  8. Collecting reliable data is difficult.

what a simple melody it is!
how beautiful the flower is!


  1. How can this behavior benefit my administration?
  2. Why is it Red?
  3. Hex, a type of mental game, was invented by Danish mathematician Piet Hein, who(一般指代紧接的那个-Hein) introduced it in 1942 to the world at somewhere.
  4. In contrast, as a person loaded with numerous flaws.
  5. If all citizens would refrain themselves from spitting, China would have become a much more civilized Country.
  6. No one noticed the unshed tears in her eyes as she sat there watching and feeling.


  1. 一般现在时(do, dose,)(be done)

he works for us.

  1. 一般过去时(did, was/were, done)(was/were done)

he worked for us.(Did he work for us?)

  1. 一般将来时(be going to, will, be about to, be to do) (will be done)

he will work for us. he is going to work for us.

  1. 现在进行时 (be ving) (be being done)

he is working for us. he is being worked for us.

  1. 现在完成时 (have done) (have been done)

he have worked for us for three years.



一般现在时:I make love with her everyday.
一般过去时:I made love with her yesterday.
一般将来时:I will make love with her tomorrow.
现在进行时:I am making love with her
过去进行时:I was making love with her at this time yesterday
将来进行时:I will be making love with her at this time tomorrow
现在完成时:I have made love with her by now.
过去完成时:I had made love with her before yesterday.
将来完成时:I will have made love with her by tomorrow.
现在完成进行时:I have been making love with her for two hours.
过去完成进行时:I had been making love with her for two hours when her husband came in.
将来完成进行时:I will have been making love with her for two hours when her husband wakes up tomorrow morning.


表结果: therefore, consequently, as a result, thus ,hence, ultimately.
表原因: based on, according to ,owing to, due to, because of, in light of.
表转折: yet, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, alternatively, otherwise,instead, by constrast, thereas, while.
表衔接: likewise, similarly, accordingly, evidently.
表之前: now, nowadays, at present, currently, simultaneously, afterwards.


赞赏一下能不能转?哈哈,联系我啊,我告诉你呢 ~~
欢迎联系我哈,我会给大家慢慢解答啦~~~怎么联系我? 笨啊~ ~~ 你留言也行

你关注微信公众号1.机器学习算法工程师:2.或者扫那个二维码,后台发送 “我要找朕”,联系我也行啦!

(爱心.gif) 么么哒 ~么么哒 ~么么哒


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