
I. Introduction


There's an interesting discussion going on now in an Experts Exchange Group — Attachments with no extension. This reminded me of questions that come up here at EE along the lines of, "How can I tell the type of file from its contents?", as well as, "What kind of file has the XXX extension?" Writing an article to address this has been on my to-do list for a long time — the group discussion has inspired me to do it.

专家交流小组中正在进行一个有趣的讨论- 附件,不带扩展名 。 这让我想起了EE中出现的问题,例如“如何从文件内容中区分文件类型?”以及“具有XXX扩展名的文件类型”。 很久以来,写一篇文章来解决这个问题一直在我的工作清单上,小组讨论启发了我去做。

II. Determine the type of file from its XXX extension

二。 从文件的XXX扩展名确定文件的类型

Here are five links that can help in determining what an XXX file is:












Simply replace XXX with the file extension of interest. For example,

只需用感兴趣的文件扩展名替换XXX。 例如,











III. Determine the type of file from its contents

三, 根据文件内容确定文件类型

Now to the trickier question! An excellent file identifier application called TrID analyzes the contents of a file in an attempt to figure out what type of file it is. It comes in both a command line interface (CLI) version (for Windows and Linux) and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) version (Windows only) called TrIDNet. The downloads are at the links in the preceding sentence.

现在到棘手的问题! 一个名为TrID的出色文件标识符应用程序分析文件的内容,以试图弄清文件的类型。 它具有命令行界面(CLI)版本 (适用于Windows和Linux)和称为TrIDNet的图形用户界面(GUI)版本 (仅适用于Windows)。 下载位于前一句中的链接。

Both the CLI and GUI versions require a database/library of file definitions. This is a key feature of TrID and TrIDNet — the always increasing list of files that it recognizes. As of this article's submission date, the database contains 6,019 definitions (dated 13-August-2015). Note that there are separate downloads for the CLI definitions and the GUI definitions.

CLI和GUI版本都需要文件定义的数据库/库。 这是TrID和TrIDNet的主要功能-TrID和TrIDNet可以识别的文件列表总是在增加。 截至本文提交之日,该数据库包含6,019个定义 (日期为2015年8月13日)。 请注意, CLI定义和GUI定义有单独的下载。

IV. More about TrID — the CLI version

IV。 有关TrID的更多信息-CLI版本

After downloading the CLI version and its definitions, simply unpack the ZIP file with the program (trid.exe) and copy the definitions file (triddefs.trd) into the same folder as the program file. As mentioned above, using a database of definitions for file types is a really nice feature of TrID. Since file types are frequently added, the program author makes the definitions database available as a separate download, so you may go back to the website occasionally to get the latest definitions file.

下载CLI版本及其定义后,只需使用程序( trid.exe )解压缩ZIP文件,然后将定义文件( triddefs.trd )复制到与程序文件相同的文件夹中。 如上所述,使用文件类型定义数据库是TrID的一个非常不错的功能。 由于经常添加文件类型,因此程序作者可以单独下载定义数据库,因此您有时可能会返回网站以获取最新的定义文件。

Here's the syntax of the CLI version (v2.20):


Usage: TrID <[path]filespec(s)...> [-ae|-ce] [-d:file] [-ns] [-n:nn]
[-@] [-v] [-w] [-?]
Where: <filespec> Files to identify/analyze
-ae        Add guessed extension to filename
-ce        Change filename extension
-d:file    Use the specified defs package
-ns        Disable unique strings check
-n:nn      Number of matches to show (default: 5)
-@         Read file list from stdin
-v         Verbose mode - display def name, author, etc.
-w         Wait for a key before exiting
-?         This help!

The program is free for personal use. Here's exactly what the license says (I took the liberty of correcting typos in it):

该程序免费供个人使用。 这正是许可证所说的内容(我可以纠正其中的错别字):

The program can be freely distributed and is freeware for non-commercial, personal, research and educational use. Contact the author for commercial use or commercialization of TrID or TrID's definitions and contained information.

该程序可以免费分发,并且是非商业,个人,研究和教育用途的免费软件。 联系作者以用于TrID或TrID的定义和所含信息的商业用途或商业化。

I don't want to put the author's email address in this article, but you may find it in the Readme file that is part of the download.


V. More about TrIDNet — the GUI version


As stated earlier, the definitions for the GUI version are in a different format from the definitions for the command line version. The GUI definitions are in a large number of XML files, one for each file type — currently, 6,019 of them!

如前所述,GUI版本的定义与命令行版本的定义格式不同。 GUI定义包含在大量XML文件中,每种文件类型对应一个XML文件-当前共有6,019个!

As with the CLI version, there's no installation needed — just unpack the ZIP file with the program (TrIDNet.exe) and copy the definitions (all of the XML files) into the same folder as the program file.

与CLI版本一样,不需要安装-只需使用程序( TrIDNet.exe )解压缩ZIP文件,然后将定义( 所有 XML文件)复制到程序文件所在的文件夹中即可。

When running TrIDNet, here's the opening screen:


V. Conclusion


To come full circle to the group discussion that prompted this article, I fed to both TrID and TrIDNet a file that has 40 characters in the file name but no file extension. Here's the TrID command line with its result (via copy/paste from the command prompt window):

为了使引起本文讨论的小组讨论全面进行,我向TrID和TrIDNet提供了一个文件名,该文件名包含40个字符,但没有文件扩展名。 这是TrID命令行及其结果(通过从命令提示符窗口复制/粘贴):

trid "d:\0tempd\40 character file name without extension"

trid“ d:\ 0tempd \ 40个字符文件名,不带扩展名”

TrID/32 - File Identifier v2.20 - (C) 2003-15 By M.Pontello

TrID / 32-文件标识符v2.20-(C)2003-15通过M.Pontello

Definitions found:  6019




Collecting data from file: d:\0tempd\40 character file name without extension

从文件收集数据:d:\ 0tempd \ 40个字符文件名,不带扩展名

100.0% (.PDF) Adobe Portable Document Format (5000/1)


Here's the TrID GUI result:

这是TrID GUI结果:

Both TrID and TrIDNet easily determined that it is a PDF file — and with 100% certainty. Of course, 100% certainty is not always the case, as shown in this real-life example of a file uploaded in a recent EE question. The file bumped into the 40-character file name limit and wound up with a .x file extension. Here are the TrID results on it:

TrID和TrIDNet都可以轻松确定它是PDF文件,并且具有100%的确定性。 当然,并非总是100%的确定性,如在最近的EE问题中上传的文件的真实示例所示。 该文件达到40个字符的文件名限制,并以.x文件扩展名结尾 。 这是TrID的结果:

TrID/32 - File Identifier v2.20 - (C) 2003-15 By M.Pontello

TrID / 32-文件标识符v2.20-(C)2003-15通过M.Pontello

Definitions found:  6019




Collecting data from file: d:\0tempD\Time-Interval-Frequency-calculationv51.x

从文件收集数据:d:\ 0tempD \ Time-Interval-Frequency-calculationv51.x

51.3% (.XLSM) Excel Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (with Macro) (57500/1/12)

51.3%(.XLSM)Excel Microsoft Office Open XML格式文档(带有宏)(57500/1/12)

45.0% (.XLSX) Excel Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (50500/1/11)

45.0%(.XLSX)Excel Microsoft Office Open XML格式文档(50500/1/11)

3.5% (.ZIP) ZIP compressed archive (4000/1)


It is, in fact, a .XLSM file, as predicted by TrID, although with only 51.3% certainty. After changing the file type from .x to .xlsm, it loaded perfectly into Excel.

实际上, 正如TrID预测的那样,它是.XLSM文件,尽管只有51.3%的确定性。 将文件类型从.x更改为.xlsm之后 ,它完美地加载到Excel中。

If you find this article to be helpful, please click the thumbs-up icon below. This lets me know what is valuable for EE members and provides direction for future articles. Thanks very much! Regards, Joe

如果您发现本文有帮助,请单击下面的大拇指图标。 这使我知道什么对EE成员有价值,并为以后的文章提供了指导。 非常感谢! 问候乔

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/19759/How-to-determine-the-type-of-file-from-its-contents.html



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