
  • 一、nRF51822芯片介绍
  • 二、Keil环境搭建
    • 1、下载软件包
    • 2、选择设备
    • 3、配置JLINK
  • 三、nRFgo的下载
  • 四、蓝牙协议栈
    • (一)、S110
    • (二)、S120
    • (三)、S130
  • 五、串口透传例程
    • (一)、应用程序定时器(心跳)初始化
    • (二)、串口初始化
    • (三)、flash初始化
    • (四)、定时器初始化
    • (五)、蓝牙协议栈初始化
    • (六)、GAP参数初始化
    • (七)、服务初始化
    • (八)、GAP广播初始化
    • (九)、蓝牙连接参数初始化
    • (十)、开启广播
    • (十一)、低功耗模式


低功耗蓝牙和2.4 GHz SoC。nRF51822是一款通用的超低功耗SoC,非常适合Bluetooth®低功耗和2.4 GHz专有无线应用。它基于具有256/128KB闪存和32/16KB RAM32位ARM®Cortex™-M0CPU构建。灵活的2.4 GHz无线电支持蓝牙低功耗和2.4 GHz专有协议,例如Gazell。它集成了丰富的模拟和数字外设,可以通过可编程外设互连(PPI)系统直接进行交互,而无需CPU干预。灵活的GPIO使您可以将SPI主/从,TWI主和UART等数字接口连接到设备上的31个GPIO中的任何一个


  • 16 MHz Cortex-M0
  • 256/128 KB闪存,32/ 16 KB RAM
  • 2.4 GHz收发器
  • 2Mbps,1 Mbps,250 kbps
  • 蓝牙低功耗+4 dBm TX功率
  • 128位AES CCM
  • 10位ADC












nRFgo Studio下载链接









S110是用于nRF51系列的Bluetooth 4.1认证的外围协议栈。

  • 作为外围设备和广播器的并发链接
  • 可配置的ATT表
  • 隐私协议 1.1
  • 安全模式1 - 1、2和3级
  • 支持自定义UUID
  • 支持具有 2.4GHz专有协议的并发多重协议





S120是用于nRF51系列的Bluetooth 4.1认证的中央或外围协议栈。

  • 作为充当观察者的中心设备或者充当广播员的外设的8个并发链接
  • 可配置的ATT表
  • 隐私协议1.1
  • 安全模式1 - 1、2和3级
  • 支持自定义UUID
  • 支持具有 2.4GHz专有协议的并发多重协议





  • 作为中心设备的观察者和外围设备的广播员的8个并发链接
  • 可配置的ATT表
  • 隐私协议1.1
  • 安全模式1 - 1、2、3和4级
  • 支持自定义UUID
  • 支持具有 2.4GHz的专有协议的并发多重协议
  • LE安全连接








#define APP_TIMER_INIT(PRESCALER, OP_QUEUES_SIZE, SCHEDULER_FUNC)                                  \do                                                                                             \{                                                                                              \static uint32_t APP_TIMER_BUF[CEIL_DIV(APP_TIMER_BUF_SIZE((OP_QUEUES_SIZE) + 1),           \sizeof(uint32_t))];                                 \uint32_t ERR_CODE = app_timer_init((PRESCALER),                                            \(OP_QUEUES_SIZE) + 1,                                   \APP_TIMER_BUF,                                          \SCHEDULER_FUNC);                                        \APP_ERROR_CHECK(ERR_CODE);                                                                 \} while (0)



/**@brief Enumeration which defines events used by the UART module upon data reception or error.** @details The event type is used to indicate the type of additional information in the event* @ref app_uart_evt_t.*/
typedef enum
{APP_UART_DATA_READY,          /**< An event indicating that UART data has been received. The data is available in the FIFO and can be fetched using @ref app_uart_get. */APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR,          /**< An error in the FIFO module used by the app_uart module has occured. The FIFO error code is stored in app_uart_evt_t.data.error_code field. */APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, /**< An communication error has occured during reception. The error is stored in app_uart_evt_t.data.error_communication field. */APP_UART_TX_EMPTY,            /**< An event indicating that UART has completed transmission of all available data in the TX FIFO. */APP_UART_DATA,                /**< An event indicating that UART data has been received, and data is present in data field. This event is only used when no FIFO is configured. */
} app_uart_evt_type_t;



/**@brief UART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral.*/
typedef struct
{uint8_t                 rx_pin_no;    /**< RX pin number. */uint8_t                 tx_pin_no;    /**< TX pin number. */uint8_t                 rts_pin_no;   /**< RTS pin number, only used if flow control is enabled. */uint8_t                 cts_pin_no;   /**< CTS pin number, only used if flow control is enabled. */app_uart_flow_control_t flow_control; /**< Flow control setting, if flow control is used, the system will use low power UART mode, based on CTS signal. */bool                    use_parity;   /**< Even parity if TRUE, no parity if FALSE. */uint32_t                baud_rate;    /**< Baud rate configuration. */
} app_uart_comm_params_t;


typedef struct
{int         size;   /* maximum number of elements           */int         start;  /* index of oldest element              */int         end;    /* index at which to write new element  */int         count;unsigned char   *elems;  /* vector of elements                   */
} CircularBuffer;



/**@brief Persistent storage operation completion callback function type.** @details The persistent storage operation completion callback is used by the interface to report*          success or failure of a flash operation. Since data is not copied for a store operation, *          a callback is an indication that the resident memory can now be reused or freed.* * @param[in] handle   Identifies the module and block for the callback that is received.* @param[in] op_code  Identifies the operation for the event that is notified.* @param[in] result   Identifies the result of a flash access operation. NRF_SUCCESS implies *                     operation succeeded.**                     @note Unmanaged (abnormal behaviour) error codes from the SoftDevice flash *                     access API are forwarded as is and are expected to be handled by the *                     application. For details refer to the implementation file and corresponding *                     SoftDevice flash API documentation.*                     * @param[in] p_data   Identifies the application data pointer. For a store operation, this points *                     to the resident source of application memory that the application can now *                     free or reuse. When there is a clear operation, this is NULL since no *                     application pointer is needed for this operation.* @param[in] data_len Length data the application provided for the operation. */
typedef void (*pstorage_ntf_cb_t)(pstorage_handle_t * p_handle,uint8_t             op_code,uint32_t            result,uint8_t *           p_data,uint32_t            data_len);/**@brief Struct containing module registration context. */
typedef struct
{pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;             /**< Persistent storage operation completion callback function @ref pstorage_ntf_cb_t.  */pstorage_size_t   block_size;     /**< Desired block size for persistent memory storage. For example, if a module has a table with 10 entries, and each entry is 64 bytes in size,*   it can request 10 blocks with a block size of 64 bytes. The module can also request one block that is 640 bytes depending *   on how it would like to access or alter the memory in persistent memory.*   The first option is preferred when it is a single entry that needs to be updated often and doesn't impact the other entries.*   The second option is preferred when table entries are not changed individually but have a common point of loading and storing*   data. */pstorage_size_t   block_count;    /** Number of blocks requested by the module; minimum values is 1. */
} pstorage_module_param_t;






该函数gap_params_init用于初始化GAP(Generic Access Profile),配置蓝牙名字和连接参数的配置。它的结构体如下:

/**@brief GAP connection parameters.** @note  When ble_conn_params_t is received in an event, both min_conn_interval and*        max_conn_interval will be equal to the connection interval set by the central.** @note If both conn_sup_timeout and max_conn_interval are specified, then the following constraint applies:*       conn_sup_timeout * 4 > (1 + slave_latency) * max_conn_interval*       that corresponds to the following Bluetooth Spec requirement:*       The Supervision_Timeout in milliseconds shall be larger than*       (1 + Conn_Latency) * Conn_Interval_Max * 2, where Conn_Interval_Max is given in milliseconds.*/
typedef struct
{uint16_t min_conn_interval;         /**< Minimum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t max_conn_interval;         /**< Maximum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t slave_latency;             /**< Slave Latency in number of connection events, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t conn_sup_timeout;          /**< Connection Supervision Timeout in 10 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/
} ble_gap_conn_params_t;
/**@brief GAP connection security modes.** Security Mode 0 Level 0: No access permissions at all (this level is not defined by the Bluetooth Core specification).\n* Security Mode 1 Level 1: No security is needed (aka open link).\n* Security Mode 1 Level 2: Encrypted link required, MITM protection not necessary.\n* Security Mode 1 Level 3: MITM protected encrypted link required.\n* Security Mode 2 Level 1: Signing or encryption required, MITM protection not necessary.\n* Security Mode 2 Level 2: MITM protected signing required, unless link is MITM protected encrypted.\n*/
typedef struct
{uint8_t sm : 4;                     /**< Security Mode (1 or 2), 0 for no permissions at all. */uint8_t lv : 4;                     /**< Level (1, 2 or 3), 0 for no permissions at all. */} ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t;



/**@brief Nordic UART Service event handler type. */
typedef void (*ble_nus_data_handler_t) (ble_nus_t * p_nus, uint8_t * p_data, uint16_t length);/**@brief Nordic UART Service initialization structure.** @details This structure contains the initialization information for the service. The application* must fill this structure and pass it to the service using the @ref ble_nus_init*          function.*/
typedef struct
{ble_nus_data_handler_t data_handler; /**< Event handler to be called for handling received data. */
} ble_nus_init_t;



/**@brief Advertising data structure. This structure contains all options and data needed for encoding and*        setting the advertising data. */
typedef struct
{ble_advdata_name_type_t      name_type;                           /**< Type of device name. */uint8_t                      short_name_len;                      /**< Length of short device name (if short type is specified). */bool                         include_appearance;                  /**< Determines if Appearance shall be included. */uint8_t                      flags;                               /**< Advertising data Flags field. */int8_t *                     p_tx_power_level;                    /**< TX Power Level field. */ble_advdata_uuid_list_t      uuids_more_available;                /**< List of UUIDs in the 'More Available' list. */ble_advdata_uuid_list_t      uuids_complete;                      /**< List of UUIDs in the 'Complete' list. */ble_advdata_uuid_list_t      uuids_solicited;                     /**< List of solicited UUIDs. */ble_advdata_conn_int_t *     p_slave_conn_int;                    /**< Slave Connection Interval Range. */ble_advdata_manuf_data_t *   p_manuf_specific_data;               /**< Manufacturer specific data. */ble_advdata_service_data_t * p_service_data_array;                /**< Array of Service data structures. */uint8_t                      service_data_count;                  /**< Number of Service data structures. */bool                         include_ble_device_addr;             /**< Determines if LE Bluetooth Device Address shall be included. */ble_advdata_le_role_t        le_role;                             /**< LE Role field. Included when different from @ref BLE_ADVDATA_ROLE_NOT_PRESENT.*/ble_advdata_tk_value_t *     p_tk_value;                          /**< Security Manager TK value field. Included when different from NULL.*/uint8_t *                    p_sec_mgr_oob_flags;                 /**< Security Manager Out Of Band Flags field. Included when different from NULL.*/
} ble_advdata_t;



/**@brief Connection Parameters Module init structure. This contains all options and data needed for*        initialization of the connection parameters negotiation module. */
typedef struct
{ble_gap_conn_params_t *       p_conn_params;                    /**< Pointer to the connection parameters desired by the application. When calling ble_conn_params_init, if this parameter is set to NULL, the connection parameters will be fetched from host. */uint32_t                      first_conn_params_update_delay;   /**< Time from initiating event (connect or start of notification) to first time sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update is called (in number of timer ticks). */uint32_t                      next_conn_params_update_delay;    /**< Time between each call to sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update after the first (in number of timer ticks). Recommended value 30 seconds as per BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 4.0. */uint8_t                       max_conn_params_update_count;     /**< Number of attempts before giving up the negotiation. */uint16_t                      start_on_notify_cccd_handle;      /**< If procedure is to be started when notification is started, set this to the handle of the corresponding CCCD. Set to BLE_GATT_HANDLE_INVALID if procedure is to be started on connect event. */bool                          disconnect_on_fail;               /**< Set to TRUE if a failed connection parameters update shall cause an automatic disconnection, set to FALSE otherwise. */ble_conn_params_evt_handler_t evt_handler;                      /**< Event handler to be called for handling events in the Connection Parameters. */ble_srv_error_handler_t       error_handler;                    /**< Function to be called in case of an error. */
} ble_conn_params_init_t;
/**@brief GAP connection parameters.** @note  When ble_conn_params_t is received in an event, both min_conn_interval and*        max_conn_interval will be equal to the connection interval set by the central.** @note If both conn_sup_timeout and max_conn_interval are specified, then the following constraint applies:*       conn_sup_timeout * 4 > (1 + slave_latency) * max_conn_interval*       that corresponds to the following Bluetooth Spec requirement:*       The Supervision_Timeout in milliseconds shall be larger than*       (1 + Conn_Latency) * Conn_Interval_Max * 2, where Conn_Interval_Max is given in milliseconds.*/
typedef struct
{uint16_t min_conn_interval;         /**< Minimum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t max_conn_interval;         /**< Maximum Connection Interval in 1.25 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t slave_latency;             /**< Slave Latency in number of connection events, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/uint16_t conn_sup_timeout;          /**< Connection Supervision Timeout in 10 ms units, see @ref BLE_GAP_CP_LIMITS.*/
} ble_gap_conn_params_t;


该函数原型为uint32_t ble_advertising_start(ble_adv_mode_t advertising_mode),传入参数为广播模式,枚举如下:

/**@brief Advertising modes.
typedef enum
{BLE_ADV_MODE_IDLE,          /**< Idle; no connectable advertising is ongoing.*/BLE_ADV_MODE_DIRECTED,      /**< Directed advertising attempts to connect to the most recently disconnected peer. */BLE_ADV_MODE_DIRECTED_SLOW, /**< Directed advertising (low duty cycle) attempts to connect to the most recently disconnected peer. */BLE_ADV_MODE_FAST,          /**< Fast advertising will connect to any peer device, or filter with a whitelist if one exists. */BLE_ADV_MODE_SLOW,          /**< Slow advertising is similar to fast advertising. By default, it uses a longer advertising interval and time-out than fast advertising. However, these options are defined by the user. */
} ble_adv_mode_t;




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