


吉他唱歌then,i am going to share the experience of learning guitar and singing songs.to be honest ,i am not good at either of them, i just like them. singing can be used to relieve my fatigues and can help me improve my accent. practicing guitar making me happy when i am sad. my hobbies refer to

music, it said that singing along with music or dancing to rhythm can make people clever. i am always singing at home to share each other’s joys and sorrow in our life and to learn many songs.

泼水节it goes without saying that there are many different kinds of activitiesand they can not only broaden our minds but also add more fun to our life.for example , thailand water splashing festival ,it represents thailand thai new year, the water-splashing festival is in mid-april and lasts three to five days. water is the most precious thing to the tai people,they believe the holy water make you get rid of bad luck,the tai people’s wish for your good fortune and happiness sincerely.

印尼美食节in the indonesian food festival , we satisfy our taste buds,also, we feastedour eyes on the he traditional dances, songs and music.

风雅中华and the “feng ya zhong hua” is china traditional

culturalquiz. we had a chance that enabled our to presen our knowledge and practice ourcooperative learning skills.

五缘水乡 it is a wetland park.where we can see manyblack swans . it is surrounded by verdant trees on

in its the lakeside and intoxicates tens ofthousands of people arms with their wonderful charm and

its radiant and enchanting scenery in lake water.you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the(谢谢你访问好范文) places you visit. 小结no matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. the knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.


to make a better city, planners aimed at creating a city in which the insalubrio


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