SpotBugs 介绍
目前SpotBugs 自带检测器,其中有90余种Bad practice,155余种Correctness,9种Experimental, 2种 Internationalization,17种Malicious code vulnerability,46种Multithreaded correctness,4种 Bogus random noise,37种Performance,11种 Security,87种Dodgy。

Malicious code vulnerability (MALICIOUS_CODE)恶意代码漏洞
code that is vulnerable to attacks from untrusted code

Multithreaded correctness (MT_CORRECTNESS)多线程的正确性
code flaws having to do with threads, locks, and volatiles

Performance (PERFORMANCE)性能
code that is not necessarily incorrect but may be inefficient

Security (SECURITY)安全
A use of untrusted input in a way that could create a remotely exploitable security vulnerability.

Bad practice (BAD_PRACTICE)低劣的代码实践,违反推荐和必要的编码惯例
Violations of recommended and essential coding practice. Examples include hash code and equals problems, cloneable idiom, dropped exceptions, Serializable problems, and misuse of finalize.

Correctness (CORRECTNESS)正确性,可能出现非预期的代码错误
Probable bug - an apparent coding mistake resulting in code that was probably not what the developer intended.

Experimental (EXPERIMENTAL)实验性的
Experimental and not fully vetted bug patterns

Dodgy code (STYLE)糟糕的代码(风格)
code that is confusing, anomalous, or written in a way that leads itself to errors. Examples include dead local stores, switch fall through, unconfirmed casts, and redundant null check of value known to be null. More false positives accepted.

Internationalization (I18N)国际化
code flaws having to do with internationalization and locale

Bogus random noise (NOISE)假的随机噪音
Bogus random noise: intended to be useful as a control in data mining experiments, not in finding actual bugs in software

Bad practice 不佳实践:常见代码错误,用于静态代码检查时进行缺陷
Correctness 可能导致错误的代码(如空指针引用、无限循环等)
Experimental 实验性
Internationalization 国际化相关问题(如错误的字符串转换等)
Malicious code vulnerability 可能受到的恶意攻击(如访问权限修饰符的定义等)
Multithreaded correctness 多线程的正确性(如多线程编程时常见的同步,线程调度问题等)
BogusMultithreaded correctness 多线程的正确性(如多线程编程时常见的同步,线程调度问题等)
Performance 运行时性能问题(如由变量定义,方法调用导致的代码低效问题等)
Security 安全问题(如HTTP,SQL,DB等)
Dodgy code 导致自身错误的代码(如未确认的强制转换、冗余的空值检查等)
注: SpotBugs 需要当前的JDK环境为 1.8以上,但可以对1.0~1.9的代码来进行检查。

SpotBugs 插件
SpotBugs 还有对应的额外插件,用于扩展对应的规则,探测出更多的代码问题。

SpotBugs 使用
maven 插件方式使用 spotbugs及相关插件


请在对应的marketplace 搜索或install new software来进行spotbugs的安装,正式版本的安装路径 https://spotbugs.github.io/eclipse/

安装插件后,可以在对应的Preferences 进行更多SpotBugs plugin安装,参考如下图:

完成安装后,可以对java工程或者对应的类,右键进行 SpotBugs ->Find Bugs

JetBrain IDEA
目前没有SpotBugs插件,原FindBugs插件作者、IDEA还在讨论商标问题,请先使用 原有FindBugs代替。

其他更多内容可以参考SpotBugs 官方文档


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