


type Result struct {Name stringAge  int
}var result Result
db.Table("users").Select("name, age").Where("name = ?", 3).Scan(&result)// Raw SQL
db.Raw("SELECT name, age FROM users WHERE name = ?", 3).Scan(&result)


  1. Scan支持哪些数据类型吗?
  2. Scan如何确定接收类型的数据与查询数据之间的匹配关系的呢?




// Scan scan value to a struct
func (s *DB) Scan(dest interface{}) *DB {return s.NewScope(s.Value).Set("gorm:query_destination", dest).callCallbacks(s.parent.callbacks.queries).db

注释中说是将value scan到struct,实际不只是,后面源码中会给出答案。



// Set set value by name
func (scope *Scope) Set(name string, value interface{}) *Scope {scope.db.InstantSet(name, value)return scope
}// InstantSet instant set setting, will affect current db
func (s *DB) InstantSet(name string, value interface{}) *DB {s.values.Store(name, value)return s
}// DB contains information for current db connection
type DB struct {sync.RWMutexValue        interface{}Error        errorRowsAffected int64// single dbdb                SQLCommonblockGlobalUpdate boollogMode           logModeValuelogger            loggersearch            *searchvalues            sync.Map// global dbparent        *DBcallbacks     *Callbackdialect       DialectsingularTable bool// function to be used to override the creating of a new timestampnowFuncOverride func() time.Time




// queryCallback used to query data from database
func queryCallback(scope *Scope) {...var (isSlice, isPtr boolresultType     reflect.Typeresults        = scope.IndirectValue())...// 取出存储的destif value, ok := scope.Get("gorm:query_destination"); ok {results = indirect(reflect.ValueOf(value))//如果是指针取其指向的值}// 判断results的类型,如果kind不为slice或struct,则报错if kind := results.Kind(); kind == reflect.Slice {//slice的处理isSlice = trueresultType = results.Type().Elem()//获取slice内子元素的类型results.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(results.Type(), 0, 0))//根据子元素类型,初始化sliceif resultType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {//slice的元素为指针类型的处理isPtr = true//标记指针类型resultType = resultType.Elem()//取指针指向的具体类型}} else if kind != reflect.Struct {//非slice及struct的报错处理scope.Err(errors.New("unsupported destination, should be slice or struct"))return}// 准备查询scope.prepareQuerySQL()// 没有错误,开始查询if !scope.HasError() {scope.db.RowsAffected = 0...//  正式开始查询if rows, err := scope.SQLDB().Query(scope.SQL, scope.SQLVars...); scope.Err(err) == nil {//查询未出错defer rows.Close()columns, _ := rows.Columns()//获取列名for rows.Next() {//循环处理查询到的所有rowsscope.db.RowsAffected++elem := resultsif isSlice {//slice的处理elem = reflect.New(resultType).Elem()//根据类型构造slice的elem}// 具体scan的处理scope.scan(rows, columns, scope.New(elem.Addr().Interface()).Fields())if isSlice {//slice数据的组装if isPtr {//根据是否指针,存储对应的指针或值results.Set(reflect.Append(results, elem.Addr()))} else {results.Set(reflect.Append(results, elem))}}}if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {//查询出错scope.Err(err)} else if scope.db.RowsAffected == 0 && !isSlice {//未查询到数据,需要注意的是:仅struct时会报错,slice并不会报错scope.Err(ErrRecordNotFound)}}}

需要注意的是: queryCallback中只检查类型是slice或struct及它们的指针类型,所以Scan至少要求接受数据的类型是slice或struct及它们的指针类型。


  1. 根据key取出存储在values中的dest,获取其(指针的)值results
  2. 判断results的类型
    • slice处理,获取slice内子元素的类型,初始化slice
    • 非struct及slice报错
  3. 查询数据出错报错处理
  4. 查找数据未出错
    • 获取列名
    • 循环将数据scan到elem中
    • 若是slice,将elem存入slice中
    • 记录获取到的数据条数
  5. 未查找到数据,且不是slice的报未查找到错误


// Fields get value's fields
func (scope *Scope) Fields() []*Field {if scope.fields == nil {var (fields             []*FieldindirectScopeValue = scope.IndirectValue()isStruct           = indirectScopeValue.Kind() == reflect.Struct)for _, structField := range scope.GetModelStruct().StructFields {if isStruct {fieldValue := indirectScopeValuefor _, name := range structField.Names {if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fieldValue.IsNil() {fieldValue.Set(reflect.New(fieldValue.Type().Elem()))}fieldValue = reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).FieldByName(name)}fields = append(fields, &Field{StructField: structField, Field: fieldValue, IsBlank: isBlank(fieldValue)})} else {fields = append(fields, &Field{StructField: structField, IsBlank: true})}}scope.fields = &fields}return *scope.fields


func (scope *Scope) GetModelStruct() *ModelStruct {var modelStruct ModelStruct// Scope value can't be nilif scope.Value == nil {return &modelStruct}reflectType := reflect.ValueOf(scope.Value).Type()for reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflectType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {reflectType = reflectType.Elem()}// Scope value need to be a structif reflectType.Kind() != reflect.Struct {return &modelStruct}...// Even it is ignored, also possible to decode db value into the fieldif value, ok := field.TagSettingsGet("COLUMN"); ok {field.DBName = value} else {field.DBName = ToColumnName(fieldStruct.Name)}modelStruct.StructFields = append(modelStruct.StructFields, field)}...return &modelStruct

前面是对接收数据类型的检查,要求子元素必须是struct或其指针类型,否则返回空的ModelStruct。因此,Scan支持的数据类型仅为struct及struct slice以及它们的指针类型。如此,回答了问题1





func (scope *Scope) scan(rows *sql.Rows, columns []string, fields []*Field) {var (ignored            interface{}//默认valuevalues             = make([]interface{}, len(columns))//存储接收数据的指针类型selectFields       []*Field//存储未匹配的接收filedsselectedColumnsMap = map[string]int{}//已匹配的到的列resetFields        = map[int]*Field{}//需要将数据转换为非指针类型的fields)// 根据查询数据的列名循环处理for index, column := range columns {values[index] = &ignored// rows.Scan要求所有接收数据的类型为指针类型,因此需要将selectFields转换为指针类型,再接收数据selectFields = fields//接收数据fieldsoffset := 0if idx, ok := selectedColumnsMap[column]; ok {//已完成接收的fields移除offset = idx + 1selectFields = selectFields[offset:]}for fieldIndex, field := range selectFields {//循环处理剩余的fieldsif field.DBName == column {//比对查询数据的列名与接收数据的列名,一致则处理数据if field.Field.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {//指针类型的处理,直接取指针存入values[index] = field.Field.Addr().Interface()} else {// 非指针类型,需要先存指针用以接收数据,后续需要重置为非指针类型reflectValue := reflect.New(reflect.PtrTo(field.Struct.Type))reflectValue.Elem().Set(field.Field.Addr())values[index] = reflectValue.Interface()resetFields[index] = field//需要接收数据后处理}selectedColumnsMap[column] = offset + fieldIndex //记录已匹配的列if field.IsNormal {break}}}}scope.Err(rows.Scan(values...))//接收数据,rows.Scan要求所有接收数据的类型为指针类型for index, field := range resetFields {//非指针类型需要将接收到数据类型转换if v := reflect.ValueOf(values[index]).Elem().Elem(); v.IsValid() {field.Field.Set(v)}}
}// Scan copies the columns in the current row into the values pointed
// at by dest. The number of values in dest must be the same as the
// number of columns in Rows.
// Scan converts columns read from the database into the following
// common Go types and special types provided by the sql package:
//    *string
//    *[]byte
//    *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64
//    *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64
//    *bool
//    *float32, *float64
//    *interface{}
//    *RawBytes
//    *Rows (cursor value)
//    any type implementing Scanner (see Scanner docs)
// In the most simple case, if the type of the value from the source
// column is an integer, bool or string type T and dest is of type *T,
// Scan simply assigns the value through the pointer.
// Scan also converts between string and numeric types, as long as no
// information would be lost. While Scan stringifies all numbers
// scanned from numeric database columns into *string, scans into
// numeric types are checked for overflow. For example, a float64 with
// value 300 or a string with value "300" can scan into a uint16, but
// not into a uint8, though float64(255) or "255" can scan into a
// uint8. One exception is that scans of some float64 numbers to
// strings may lose information when stringifying. In general, scan
// floating point columns into *float64.
// If a dest argument has type *[]byte, Scan saves in that argument a
// copy of the corresponding data. The copy is owned by the caller and
// can be modified and held indefinitely. The copy can be avoided by
// using an argument of type *RawBytes instead; see the documentation
// for RawBytes for restrictions on its use.
// If an argument has type *interface{}, Scan copies the value
// provided by the underlying driver without conversion. When scanning
// from a source value of type []byte to *interface{}, a copy of the
// slice is made and the caller owns the result.
// Source values of type time.Time may be scanned into values of type
// *time.Time, *interface{}, *string, or *[]byte. When converting to
// the latter two, time.RFC3339Nano is used.
// Source values of type bool may be scanned into types *bool,
// *interface{}, *string, *[]byte, or *RawBytes.
// For scanning into *bool, the source may be true, false, 1, 0, or
// string inputs parseable by strconv.ParseBool.
// Scan can also convert a cursor returned from a query, such as
// "select cursor(select * from my_table) from dual", into a
// *Rows value that can itself be scanned from. The parent
// select query will close any cursor *Rows if the parent *Rows is closed.
func (rs *Rows) Scan(dest ...interface{}) error {rs.closemu.RLock()if rs.lasterr != nil && rs.lasterr != io.EOF {rs.closemu.RUnlock()return rs.lasterr}if rs.closed {err := rs.lasterrOrErrLocked(errRowsClosed)rs.closemu.RUnlock()return err}rs.closemu.RUnlock()if rs.lastcols == nil {return errors.New("sql: Scan called without calling Next")}if len(dest) != len(rs.lastcols) {return fmt.Errorf("sql: expected %d destination arguments in Scan, not %d", len(rs.lastcols), len(dest))}for i, sv := range rs.lastcols {err := convertAssignRows(dest[i], sv, rs)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf(`sql: Scan error on column index %d, name %q: %v`, i, rs.rowsi.Columns()[i], err)}}return nil


  1. 根据查询数据列名columns循环
  2. 根据接收数据的fileds循环
  3. 比对fields中的列名field与columns中列名column,
  4. 若一致,确认field的类型,如果是指针类型,则直接取指针存入values中;否则,创建指针存入values,再记录到reset中,方便后续处理。
  5. 调用sql.Scan将数据赋值到对应的values中
  6. 对于非指针类型的values,更新其值为指针指向的值




gorm的Scan支持接收的数据类型是struct、struct slice以及它们的指针类型(A、[]A、[]*A、*A、*[]A、*[]*A),鉴于是接收数据作其他处理,实际使用的都是指针类型。





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