node_redis 中文文档及node_redis 注释笔记(中文版)

redis - a node.js redis client


Install with:

npm install redis

Usage Example

var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();// if you'd like to select database 3, instead of 0 (default), call
//, function() { /* ... */ });client.on("error", function (err) {console.log("Error " + err);
});client.set("string key", "string val", redis.print);
client.hset("hash key", "hashtest 1", "some value", redis.print);
client.hset(["hash key", "hashtest 2", "some other value"], redis.print);
client.hkeys("hash key", function (err, replies) {console.log(replies.length + " replies:");replies.forEach(function (reply, i) {console.log("    " + i + ": " + reply);});client.quit();

This will display:

mjr:~/work/node_redis (master)$ node example.js
Reply: OK
Reply: 0
Reply: 0
2 replies:0: hashtest 11: hashtest 2
mjr:~/work/node_redis (master)$





var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();client.set("string key",true,()=>{console.log(1)
client.get("string key" ,(err,key)=>{console.log(3)





你也可以通过如下方式使用bluebird模块,将node_redis  promises化:

var redis = require('redis');

它将在所有node_redis函数后添加一个Async (例如 return client.getAsync().then())

// We expect a value 'foo': 'bar' to be present
// So instead of writing client.get('foo', cb); you have to write:
return client.getAsync('foo').then(function(res) {console.log(res); // => 'bar'
});// Using multi with promises looks like:return client.multi().get('foo').execAsync().then(function(res) {console.log(res); // => 'bar'




var redis = require("redis"),bluebird = require("bluebird");
let client = redis.createClient();
(async  function () {await client.setAsync("ip",1,"ex",10);let ip = await client.getAsync("ip");await  client.setAsync("ip",++ip,"ex",10);ip = await client.getAsync("ip");console.log(ip)


Sending Commands


每个Redis命令都作为client 对象上的一个函数暴露出来。所有函数都采用一个args 数组加上可选的callback 函数,或者一个可变数量的的单独参数跟随一个可选的回调。例如:

client.hmset(["key", "test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2"], function (err, res) {});
// Works the same as
client.hmset("key", ["test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2"], function (err, res) {});
// Or
client.hmset("key", "test keys 1", "test val 1", "test keys 2", "test val 2", function (err, res) {});

Care should be taken with user input if arrays are possible (via body-parser, query string or other method), as single arguments could be unintentionally interpreted as multiple args.



client.set("some key", "some val");client.set(["some other key", "some val"]);

如果key不存在,将返回null。只有当Redis Command Reference特别声明,它才不会为空。

client.get("missingkey", function(err, reply) {    // reply is null when the key is missingconsole.log(reply);

Redis命令列表,请参见 Redis Command Reference

在返回结果中进行了最低限度的解析。命令中,integer 返回Javascript的Numbers, arrays 返回JavaScript Array. HGETALL 返回hash keys作为key的 Object  . 所有strings 将返回 string ,亦或者你特别设置返回类型为buffer类型 。请注意:null, undefined 和Boolean 在返回中将强制转换为字符串。



关于Boolean 在返回中将强制转换为字符串。我做了如下demo

var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();client.set("string key",true);
client.get("string key" ,(err,key)=>{console.log(typeof key);




Redis Commands


这个库跟 Redis 命令一一映射。请参照Redis命令页获取完整的使用细节。

例如使用SET command设置key值得自动失效时间

// this key will expire after 10 seconds
client.set('key', 'value!', 'EX', 10);


Connection and other Events



client 当连接建立后,将触发一次 ready 事件. 在ready 事件之前发出的命令将被排队,ready事件触发后,队列中的命令依次执行。






var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();





在失去连接后,当尝试重新连接到Redis服务器,client将触发reconnecting 事件。监听器将被传递一个包含delay (in ms) 和attempt (the attempt #) 属性的对象。






"drain" (deprecated弃用)

当TCP连接到Redis server曾经被缓存,但现在是可写的(译者注:缓存池排干时)。这个事件将被用于流命令进入Redis,并适应背压。

当流被缓存 client.should_buffer 被设置为 true. 否则变量始终被设置为false。这样你能够决定何时降低发送速率,当触发drain事件时再恢复传输。






'use strict';var redis = require('redis');
var client = redis.createClient({return_buffers: true
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = 'Funny-Cat-GIFs.jpg';fs.readFile(filename, function (err, data) {if (err) throw err;console.log('Read ' + data.length + ' bytes from filesystem.');client.set(filename, data, function () {console.log("set end")}); // set entire fileif(client.should_buffer){;}"drain",function () {console.log("drain");;});



当设置密码时,但不需要,并且使用了一个不赞成的选项/功能/类似。client 将触发warning事件。

"idle" (deprecated弃用)



如果你的node服务器和redis服务器运行在同一台机器上,那么默认设置的port和host或许是可用的,并且你不需要提供其他参数。createClient() 返回一个 RedisClient 对象。否则,createClient() 需要接受这些参数:

  • redis.createClient([options])

  • redis.createClient(unix_socket[, options])

  • redis.createClient(redis_url[, options])

  • redis.createClient(port[, host][, options])


options object properties

Property Default Description

IP address of the Redis server

port 6379 Port of the Redis server
path null The UNIX socket string of the Redis server
url null The URL of the Redis server. Format: [redis:]//[[user][:password@]][host][:port][/db-number][?db=db-number[&password=bar[&option=value]]] (More info avaliable at IANA).
parser javascript Deprecated Use either the built-in JS parser javascript or the native hiredis parser. Note node_redis < 2.6 uses hiredis as default if installed. This changed in v.2.6.0.
string_numbers null

设置为true,node_redis将返回String类型Redis的number值,以替代javascript的Nembers类型。当你需要处理一个大数字时有用(超过Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER === 2^53)。Hiredis无能为力,因此设置此选项true将导致无论parser选项的值如何,都会使用内置的JavaScript分析器。

return_buffers false


detect_buffers false

如果设置为true,则返回值将以Buffers 发送到回调。此选项允许您在每个命令的基础上在Buffers和字符串之间切换,而return_buffers适用于客户端上的每个命令。注意:这与pubsub模式无法正常工作。用户必须总是返回字符串或Buffers。

socket_keepalive true


no_ready_check false When a connection is established to the Redis server, the server might still be loading the database from disk. While loading, the server will not respond to any commands. To work around this, node_redis has a "ready check" which sends the INFO command to the server. The response from the INFOcommand indicates whether the server is ready for more commands. When ready, node_redis emits a ready event. Setting no_ready_check to truewill inhibit this check.
enable_offline_queue true By default, if there is no active connection to the Redis server, commands are added to a queue and are executed once the connection has been established. Setting enable_offline_queue to false will disable this feature and the callback will be executed immediately with an error, or an error will be emitted if no callback is specified.
retry_max_delay null Deprecated Please use retry_strategy instead. By default, every time the client tries to connect and fails, the reconnection delay almost doubles. This delay normally grows infinitely, but setting retry_max_delay limits it to the maximum value provided in milliseconds.
connect_timeout 3600000 Deprecated Please use retry_strategy instead. Setting connect_timeoutlimits the total time for the client to connect and reconnect. The value is provided in milliseconds and is counted from the moment a new client is created or from the time the connection is lost. The last retry is going to happen exactly at the timeout time. Default is to try connecting until the default system socket timeout has been exceeded and to try reconnecting until 1h has elapsed.
max_attempts 0 Deprecated Please use retry_strategy instead. By default, a client will try reconnecting until connected. Setting max_attempts limits total amount of connection attempts. Setting this to 1 will prevent any reconnect attempt.
retry_unfulfilled_commands false If set to true, all commands that were unfulfilled while the connection is lost will be retried after the connection has been reestablished. Use this with caution if you use state altering commands (e.g. incr). This is especially useful if you use blocking commands.
password null If set, client will run Redis auth command on connect. Alias auth_pass Notenode_redis < 2.5 must use auth_pass
db null If set, client will run Redis select command on connect.
family IPv4 You can force using IPv6 if you set the family to 'IPv6'. See Node.js net or dnsmodules on how to use the family type.
disable_resubscribing false If set to true, a client won't resubscribe after disconnecting.
rename_commands null Passing an object with renamed commands to use instead of the original functions. For example, if you renamed the command KEYS to "DO-NOT-USE" then the rename_commands object would be: { KEYS : "DO-NOT-USE" } . See the Redis security topics for more info.
tls null An object containing options to pass to tls.connect to set up a TLS connection to Redis (if, for example, it is set up to be accessible via a tunnel).
prefix null A string used to prefix all used keys (e.g. namespace:test). Please be aware that the keys command will not be prefixed. The keys command has a "pattern" as argument and no key and it would be impossible to determine the existing keys in Redis if this would be prefixed.
retry_strategy function 这是一个函数,接受一个option对象作为参数,其参数包含重试attempt,指示距离最后一次连接的时间total_retry_time,为什么连接失败的error 和总共重连次数的times_connected 。如果在这个函数中你返回一个数字,那么将在这个数字的毫秒数的时间后尝试重连。如果你返回一个非数字,则不会再发生重连,并且所有脱机命令将会刷新并显示错误。返回一个错误,将特定错误返回给所有脱机命令。下面的例子。
var redis = require("redis");
var client = redis.createClient({detect_buffers: true});client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "OK");// This will return a JavaScript String
client.get("foo_rand000000000000", function (err, reply) {console.log(reply.toString()); // Will print `OK`
});// This will return a Buffer since original key is specified as a Buffer
client.get(new Buffer("foo_rand000000000000"), function (err, reply) {console.log(reply); // Will print `<Buffer 4f 4b>`// 译者注:官网的代码是console.log(reply.toString()); 这会输出ok  而不是`<Buffer 4f 4b>`

retry_strategy example

var client = redis.createClient({retry_strategy: function (options) {if (options.error && options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {// End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with// a individual errorreturn new Error('The server refused the connection');}if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) {// End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands// with a individual errorreturn new Error('Retry time exhausted');}if (options.attempt > 10) {// End reconnecting with built in errorreturn undefined;}// reconnect afterreturn Math.min(options.attempt * 100, 3000);}

client.auth(password[, callback])

当连接的Redis服务器需要安全认证,AUTH 命令必须在连接后作为第一条命令被发送。这可能需要与重新连接、就绪的检查等进行协调。为了更方便,client.auth()储存password ,并在以后的每个连接,包括重连时发送它。回调只在对第一个AUTH命令发出的响应之后才调用一次。注意:你调用client.auth() 不应该在ready事件的处理函数中。如果你执行了这个错误,client将触发类似这样的错误:Ready check failed: ERR operation not permitted.



var redis = require("redis")
let client = redis.createClient();


ReplyError: Ready check failed: NOAUTH Authentication required.




client 在client.stream中暴露使用的stream 并且在client.should_buffer中暴露流或者客户端是否不得不被缓存。结合这些,你可以通过在发送一个命令前检查buffer状态并且监听stream的drain事件实现背压。




强行关闭与Redis服务器的连接。注意,这不会等到所有的回复都被解析后才会出现。如果您想要干净地退出,请调用上述client.quit ()。

如果您不完全确定您不关心其他命令,那么您应该将flush 设置为true。如果您将flush 设置为false,所有仍然运行的命令将会无声地失败。


var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "some fantastic value", function (err, reply) {// This will either result in an error (flush parameter is set to true)// or will silently fail and this callback will not be called at all (flush set to false)console.log(err);
client.end(true); // No further commands will be processed
client.get("foo_rand000000000000", function (err, reply) {console.log(err); // => 'The connection has already been closed.'

client.end()如果不将flush 参数设置为true,就不应该在生产中使用!

Error handling (>= v.2.6)


  • RedisError: 客户端返回的所有错误

  • ReplyError RedisError的子类: All errors returned by Redis itself

  • AbortError RedisError的子类: 由于某种原因所有的命令无法完成而中断

  • ParserError RedisError的子类:返回解析错误时返回(这不应该发生)

  • AggregateError RedisError的子类:如果没有回调的多个未解决的命令被释放,在调试模式中会被rejected,而不是大量的AbortErrors。



var redis = require('./');
var assert = require('assert');
var client = redis.createClient();client.on('error', function (err) {assert(err instanceof Error);assert(err instanceof redis.AbortError);assert(err instanceof redis.AggregateError);// The set and get get aggregated in hereassert.strictEqual(err.errors.length, 2);assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'NR_CLOSED');
client.set('foo', 123, 'bar', function (err, res) { // Too many argumentsassert(err instanceof redis.ReplyError); // => trueassert.strictEqual(err.command, 'SET');assert.deepStrictEqual(err.args, ['foo', 123, 'bar']);redis.debug_mode = true;client.set('foo', 'bar');client.get('foo');process.nextTick(function () {// Force closing the connection while the command did not yet returnclient.end(true);redis.debug_mode = false;});




var redis = require('redis');
var assert = require('assert');
var client = redis.createClient();client.set('foo', 123, 'bar', function (err, res) { // Too many argumentsassert(err instanceof redis.ReplyError); // => trueconsole.log(err)console.log("command:" + err.command);console.log("args:",err.args);console.log("code:" + err.code);


{ ReplyError: ERR syntax errorat parseError (F:\test\redis-test\node_modules\redis-parser\lib\parser.js:193:12)at parseType (F:\test\redis-test\node_modules\redis-parser\lib\parser.js:303:14) command: 'SET', args: [ 'foo', 123, 'bar' ], code: 'ERR' }
args: [ 'foo', 123, 'bar' ]


如果node_redis 由于其他错误而发出库错误,则将触发错误添加到返回的错误中,作为origin属性。

Error codes

如果客户端连接失败,noderedis返回一个NR_CLOSED 的错误代码。如果一个命令未解决的命令被拒绝,则返回一个UNCERTAIN_STATE 的代码。如果节点redis放弃了重新连接,则使用一个CONNECTION_BROKEN 的错误代码。



var redis = require('redis');
var assert = require('assert');
var client = redis.createClient();client.on('error', function (err) {console.log(err.code)
redis.debug_mode = true;
client.set('foo', 'bar');
process.nextTick(function () {// Force closing the connection while the command did not yet returnclient.end(true);redis.debug_mode = false;







var redis = require("redis")
var client = redis.createClient()/*Calling unref() will allow this program to exit immediately after the getcommand finishes. Otherwise the client would hang as long as theclient-server connection is alive.调用unref()将允许该程序在get命令完成之后立即退出。否则客户端和服务器连接将一直保持。
client.get("foo", function (err, value){if (err) throw(err)console.log(value)

Friendlier hash commands


大多数Redis命令都使用单个字符串或字符串数组作为参数,并且返回响应单个字符串或字符串数组。在处理hash 值时,有几个有用的例外。

client.hgetall(hash, callback)

HGETALL 命令的响应将会被node_redis转换为JavaScript对象。这样,你就能够用JavaScript语法与响应进行交互了。


client.hmset("hosts", "mjr", "1", "another", "23", "home", "1234");
client.hgetall("hosts", function (err, obj) {console.dir(obj);


{ mjr: '1', another: '23', home: '1234' }

client.hmset(hash, obj[, callback])

Multiple values in a hash can be set by supplying an object:

client.HMSET(key2, {"0123456789": "abcdefghij", // NOTE: key and value will be coerced to strings"some manner of key": "a type of value"

The properties and values of this Object will be set as keys and values in the Redis hash.

client.hmset(hash, key1, val1, ... keyn, valn, [callback])

Multiple values may also be set by supplying a list:

client.HMSET(key1, "0123456789", "abcdefghij", "some manner of key", "a type of value");

Publish / Subscribe


var redis = require("redis");
var sub = redis.createClient(), pub = redis.createClient();
var msg_count = 0;sub.on("subscribe", function (channel, count) {pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a message.");pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a second message.");pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.");
});sub.on("message", function (channel, message) {console.log("sub channel " + channel + ": " + message);msg_count += 1;if (msg_count === 3) {sub.unsubscribe();sub.quit();pub.quit();}
});sub.subscribe("a nice channel");



var redis = require("redis");
var sub = redis.createClient(), pub = redis.createClient();
var msg_count = 0;sub.on("subscribe", function (channel, count) {pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a message.");pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending a second message.");pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.");pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.");//仍会接收setTimeout(()=>{pub.publish("a nice channel", "I am sending my last message.");//将会遗弃},1000)});sub.on("message", function (channel, message) {console.log("sub channel " + channel + ": " + message);msg_count += 1;if (msg_count === 3) {sub.unsubscribe();sub.quit();}
});sub.subscribe("a nice channel");




Subscriber Events


"message" (channel, message)

客户端将为收到的每一条与活动的订阅相匹配的消息发出message 事件。侦听器参数以channel作为频道名称,并以message作为消息。

"pmessage" (pattern, channel, message)

客户端将为收到的每一条与活动订阅模式相匹配的消息发出pmessage事件。侦听器参数以PSUBSCRIBE作为原始的正则匹配模式 、以channel作为频道名称,并以message作为消息。




'use strict';var redis = require('redis');
var client1 = redis.createClient();
var client2 = redis.createClient();
var client3 = redis.createClient();
var client4 = redis.createClient();
var msg_count = 0;client1.on('psubscribe', function (pattern, count) {console.log('client1 psubscribed to ' + pattern + ', ' + count + ' total subscriptions');client2.publish('channeltwo', 'Me!');client3.publish('channelthree', 'Me too!');client4.publish('channelfour', 'And me too!');
});client1.on('punsubscribe', function (pattern, count) {console.log('client1 punsubscribed from ' + pattern + ', ' + count + ' total subscriptions');client4.end();client3.end();client2.end();client1.end();
});client1.on('pmessage', function (pattern, channel, message) {console.log('(' + pattern + ') client1 received message on ' + channel + ': ' + message);msg_count += 1;if (msg_count === 3) {client1.punsubscribe();}



"message_buffer" (channel, message)

This is the same as the message event with the exception, that it is always going to emit a buffer. If you listen to the messageevent at the same time as the message_buffer, it is always going to emit a string.


"pmessage_buffer" (pattern, channel, message)

This is the same as the pmessage event with the exception, that it is always going to emit a buffer. If you listen to the pmessage event at the same time as the pmessage_buffer, it is always going to emit a string.


"subscribe" (channel, count)

客户端根据SUBSCRIBE 命令触发subscribe 事件。侦听器参数以channel作为频道名称,并以count作为新订阅者数量。

"psubscribe" (pattern, count)

客户端根据PSUBSCRIBE 命令触发psubscribe 事件。侦听器参数以pattern作为原始的正则匹配模式,并以count作为新订阅者数量。

"unsubscribe" (channel, count)

客户端根据UNSUBSCRIBE 命令触发unsubscribe 事件。侦听器参数以channel作为频道名称,并以count作为新订阅者数量。当count为0时,客户端将退出订阅者模式,并且不再有订阅者事件触发。

"punsubscribe" (pattern, count)

客户端根据PUNSUBSCRIBE 命令触发punsubscribe 事件。侦听器参数以pattern作为原始的正则匹配模式,并以count作为新订阅者数量。当count为0时,客户端将退出订阅者模式,并且不再有订阅者事件触发。


MULTI命令排队直到一个EXEC 命令被执行,然后所有的命令都由Redis原子运行。node_redis 的接口是通过调用client.multi()返回一个单独的Multi 对象。如果队列中任何命令执行失败,那么所有命令都会被回滚,并且不会执行任何操作(更多信息查看 transactions)。

var redis  = require("./index"),client = redis.createClient(), set_size = 20;client.sadd("bigset", "a member");
client.sadd("bigset", "another member");while (set_size > 0) {client.sadd("bigset", "member " + set_size);set_size -= 1;
}// multi chain with an individual callback
client.multi().scard("bigset").smembers("bigset").keys("*", function (err, replies) {// NOTE: code in this callback is NOT atomic// this only happens after the the .exec call finishes.client.mget(replies, redis.print);}).dbsize().exec(function (err, replies) {console.log("MULTI got " + replies.length + " replies");replies.forEach(function (reply, index) {console.log("Reply " + index + ": " + reply.toString());});});


client.multi()是一个返回Multi 对象的构造函数。Multi 对象与client 对象共享所有相同的命令方法。在multi对象中,直到multi.exec()被调用,命令才被调用。

如果您的代码包含一个语法错误,那么将会抛出一个EXECABORT 错误,所有的命令都将被中止。那个错误包含一个.errors属性以描述具体的错误。如果所有命令都成功地排队,并且并且一个错误在redis执行命令的过程中被抛出,那么错误将在结果数组中被返回!除了onces失败之外,其他命令不会被中止。


var redis  = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient(), multi;// start a separate multi command queue
multi = client.multi();
multi.incr("incr thing", redis.print);
multi.incr("incr other thing", redis.print);// runs immediately
client.mset("incr thing", 100, "incr other thing", 1, redis.print);// drains multi queue and runs atomically
multi.exec(function (err, replies) {console.log(replies); // 101, 2


var redis  = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();client.multi([["mget", "multifoo", "multibar", redis.print],["incr", "multifoo"],["incr", "multibar"]
]).exec(function (err, replies) {console.log(replies);




与 .multi 相同但没有事务。如果您希望同时执行多个命令,但不需要依赖事务,那么建议您这样做。

BATCH 批处理命令在队列中排队等待执行,然后所有的命令都由Redis原子运行。node_redis 中的接口是通过调用client.Batch()来返回一个单独的Batch 处理对象。 .batch 和 .multi的唯一区别是.batch没有事务。注意,错误-就像在multi 语句中一样-返回在结果中。否则,错误和结果都可以同时返回。

如果您同时触发多个命令,那么这与一个循环中执行相同的命令相比将大大提高执行速度,而不需要等待结果!查看benchmarks 获取更多比较信息。请记住,所有的命令都保存在内存中,直到它们被触发。

Monitor mode

Redis支持MONITOR 命令,它让您可以看到所有客户端连接的所有命令,包括来自其他客户端库和其他计算机。

对于连接到服务器的任何客户端发出的每个命令,都会发出一个monitor 事件,包括monitoring 客户端本身。monitor事件的回调从Redis服务器获取时间戳,一个命令参数数组和原始监控字符串。


var client  = require("redis").createClient();
client.monitor(function (err, res) {console.log("Entering monitoring mode.");
client.set('foo', 'bar');client.on("monitor", function (time, args, raw_reply) {console.log(time + ": " + args); // 1458910076.446514:['set', 'foo', 'bar']





versions 键包含以版本字符串的字符组成的数组中,以便进行比较。

> client.server_info.redis_version
> client.server_info.versions
[ 2, 3, 0 ]



var redis = require("redis"),client = redis.createClient();client.on("connect", function () {client.set("foo_rand000000000000", "some fantastic value", redis.print);client.get("foo_rand000000000000", redis.print);

This will print:

Reply: OK
Reply: some fantastic value


Multi-word commands

执行redis的multi-word命令,如SCRIPT LOAD或CLIENT LIST,将第二个单词作为第一个参数传递:

client.script('load', 'return 1');
client.multi().script('load', 'return 1').exec(...);
client.multi([['script', 'load', 'return 1']]).exec(...);

client.duplicate([options][, callback])

复制所有当前选项并返回一个新的redisClient实例。传递给duplicate 函数的所有选项都将替换原来的选项。如果您传递一个回调,duplicate 将等待客户端准备好并在回调中返回它。如果与此同时发生错误,则会返回一个错误,而不是在回调中。


var Redis=require('redis');
var client = Redis.createClient();
var clientBlocking = client.duplicate();var get = function() {console.log("get called");client.get("any_key",function() { console.log("get returned"); });setTimeout( get, 1000 );
var brpop = function() {console.log("brpop called");clientBlocking.brpop("nonexistent", 5, function() {console.log("brpop return");setTimeout( brpop, 1000 );});

使用duplicate()的另一个原因是,通过redis SELECT命令访问同一个服务器上的多个DBs。每个DB都可以使用它自己的连接。

client.send_command(command_name[, [args][, callback]])








The number of commands that have been sent to the Redis server but not yet replied to. You can use this to enforce some kind of maximum queue depth for commands while connected.


已经发送到Redis服务器但还没有回复的命令数量。你可以使用这条命令为 pre-connection命令去执行一些类别的最大队列深度。

Commands with Optional and Keyword arguments

这适用于任何使用一个可选的在文档中的[WITHSCORES] 或[LIMIT offset count] 。


var args = [ 'myzset', 1, 'one', 2, 'two', 3, 'three', 99, 'ninety-nine' ];
client.zadd(args, function (err, response) {if (err) throw err;console.log('added '+response+' items.');// -Infinity and +Infinity also workvar args1 = [ 'myzset', '+inf', '-inf' ];client.zrevrangebyscore(args1, function (err, response) {if (err) throw err;console.log('example1', response);// write your code here});var max = 3, min = 1, offset = 1, count = 2;var args2 = [ 'myzset', max, min, 'WITHSCORES', 'LIMIT', offset, count ];client.zrevrangebyscore(args2, function (err, response) {if (err) throw err;console.log('example2', response);// write your code here});



Lenovo T450s, i7-5600U and 12gb memory
clients: 1, NodeJS: 6.2.0, Redis: 3.2.0, parser: javascript, connected by: tcpPING,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  5.26 2501ms total,   46916 ops/secPING,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.06/  4.35 2501ms total,  755178 ops/secSET 4B str,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  4.75 2501ms total,   40856 ops/secSET 4B str,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.11/  1.51 2501ms total,  432727 ops/secSET 4B buf,         1/1 avg/max:   0.05/  2.76 2501ms total,   20659 ops/secSET 4B buf,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.25/  1.76 2501ms total,  194962 ops/secGET 4B str,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  1.55 2501ms total,   45156 ops/secGET 4B str,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.09/  3.15 2501ms total,  524110 ops/secGET 4B buf,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  3.07 2501ms total,   44563 ops/secGET 4B buf,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.10/  3.18 2501ms total,  473171 ops/secSET 4KiB str,         1/1 avg/max:   0.03/  1.54 2501ms total,   32627 ops/secSET 4KiB str,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.34/  1.89 2501ms total,  146861 ops/secSET 4KiB buf,         1/1 avg/max:   0.05/  2.85 2501ms total,   20688 ops/secSET 4KiB buf,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.36/  1.83 2501ms total,  138165 ops/secGET 4KiB str,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  1.37 2501ms total,   39389 ops/secGET 4KiB str,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.24/  1.81 2501ms total,  208157 ops/secGET 4KiB buf,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  2.63 2501ms total,   39918 ops/secGET 4KiB buf,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.31/  8.56 2501ms total,  161575 ops/secINCR,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  4.69 2501ms total,   45685 ops/secINCR,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.09/  3.06 2501ms total,  539964 ops/secLPUSH,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  3.04 2501ms total,   41253 ops/secLPUSH,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.12/  1.94 2501ms total,  425090 ops/secLRANGE 10,         1/1 avg/max:   0.02/  2.28 2501ms total,   39850 ops/secLRANGE 10,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   0.25/  1.85 2501ms total,  194302 ops/secLRANGE 100,         1/1 avg/max:   0.05/  2.93 2501ms total,   21026 ops/secLRANGE 100,  batch 50/1 avg/max:   1.52/  2.89 2501ms total,   32767 ops/secSET 4MiB str,         1/1 avg/max:   5.16/ 15.55 2502ms total,     193 ops/secSET 4MiB str,  batch 20/1 avg/max:  89.73/ 99.96 2513ms total,     223 ops/secSET 4MiB buf,         1/1 avg/max:   2.23/  8.35 2501ms total,     446 ops/secSET 4MiB buf,  batch 20/1 avg/max:  41.47/ 50.91 2530ms total,     482 ops/secGET 4MiB str,         1/1 avg/max:   2.79/ 10.91 2502ms total,     358 ops/secGET 4MiB str,  batch 20/1 avg/max: 101.61/118.11 2541ms total,     197 ops/secGET 4MiB buf,         1/1 avg/max:   2.32/ 14.93 2502ms total,     430 ops/secGET 4MiB buf,  batch 20/1 avg/max:  65.01/ 84.72 2536ms total,     308 ops/sec





Comparison: Useless stack trace:

ReplyError: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' commandat parseError (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:158:12)at parseType (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:219:14)

Good stack trace:

ReplyError: ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' commandat new Command (/home/ruben/repos/redis/lib/command.js:9:902)at RedisClient.set (/home/ruben/repos/redis/lib/commands.js:9:3238)at Context.<anonymous> (/home/ruben/repos/redis/test/good_stacks.spec.js:20:20)at callFnAsync (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:349:8)at (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:301:7)at Runner.runTest (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:422:10)at /home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:528:12at next (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:342:14)at /home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:352:7at next (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:284:14)at Immediate._onImmediate (/home/ruben/repos/redis/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:320:5)at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:383:17)

How to Contribute

  • Open a pull request or an issue about what you want to implement / change. We're glad for any help!

  • Please be aware that we'll only accept fully tested code.


The original author of node_redis is Matthew Ranney

The current lead maintainer is Ruben Bridgewater

Many others contributed to node_redis too. Thanks to all of them!



Consolidation: It's time for celebration

Right now there are two great redis clients around and both have some advantages above each other. We speak about ioredis and node_redis. So after talking to each other about how we could improve in working together we (that is @luin and @BridgeAR) decided to work towards a single library on the long run. But step by step.

First of all, we want to split small parts of our libraries into others so that we're both able to use the same code. Those libraries are going to be maintained under the NodeRedis organization. This is going to reduce the maintenance overhead, allows others to use the very same code, if they need it and it's way easyer for others to contribute to both libraries.

We're very happy about this step towards working together as we both want to give you the best redis experience possible.

If you want to join our cause by help maintaining something, please don't hesitate to contact either one of us.

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