将Oracle 12c 的数据dump 出来导入到19c 时出现如下错误:

- DataPump import fails with:

$ impdp system directory= dumpfile=.dmp TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/','/','/' logfile=.log

Import: Release - Production on Thu Apr 20 10:15:13 2017

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ORA-39001: invalid argument value

ORA-39000: bad dump file specification

ORA-31640: unable to open dump file "/.dmp" for read

ORA-17502: ksfdcre:3 Failed to create file /.dmp

when the dump file is located on a shared folder which is a ZFS filesystem from a Solaris server using NFS.

- The import log file also shows the following additional error:

ORA-17500: ODM err:Communication error on send

- The import job runs successfully when the dump files resides on a local filesystem.

这里出现ORA-17500的原因,是因为dump 文件放在共享文件系统中, MOS对这个错误说明如下:

This is a ZFS Mount point access issue introduced by the database which doesn't not recognizing the files from this mountpoint.

This issue has been addressed and fixed by Development in unpublished Bug 20720667 - MOUNT DETAILS CACHED IN SGA ARE NOT CLEANED UP EVEN AFTER REMOUNT, fixed in 12.2.

The issue is mainly encountered for certain customers which have processes where the volume is unmounted, deleted (on storage), recreated and mounted with the same name. This leads to stale file handle errors as NFS is using the cached mount handle.

这里是低版本的一个bug,可以通过打Bug 20720667的补丁,或者升级到更高的版本(12.2+),或者直接使用本地文件系统来解决。 https://www.cndba.cn/dave/article/4308https://www.cndba.cn/dave/article/4308



DataPump Import Fails With ORA-17502 And ORA-17500 When DumpFile Resides On A ZFS Shared Drive (Doc ID 2200152.1)



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