1. 使用环境和特点

  2. 方法分析

 /*** Sets the value. If there are active observers, the value will be dispatched to them.* <p>* This method must be called from the main thread. If you need set a value from a background* thread, you can use {@link #postValue(Object)}** @param value The new value*/@MainThreadprotected void setValue(T value)


这个方法必须在主线程中调用,如果你需要在后台线程中设置value,请移步 #postValue(Object)

  /*** Sets the value. If there are active observers, the value will be dispatched to them.* <p>* This method must be called from the main thread. If you need set a value from a background* thread, you can use {@link #postValue(Object)}** @param value The new value*/@MainThreadprotected void setValue(T value) {assertMainThread("setValue");mVersion++;mData = value;dispatchingValue(null);}static void assertMainThread(String methodName) {if (!ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().isMainThread()) {throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot invoke " + methodName + " on a background"+ " thread");}}
  1. 首先调用 assertMainThread() 方法来判断当前线程是否为主线程(这里他通过一个ArchTaskExecutor的单例类来实现),如果不是主线程,直接抛异常
  2. 如果是在主线程中调用该方法,mVersion 加1,说明值发生了变化。
  3. 再把新的值保存起来。
  4. 更新value


/*** Posts a task to a main thread to set the given value. So if you have a following code* executed in the main thread:* <pre class="prettyprint">* liveData.postValue("a");* liveData.setValue("b");* </pre>* The value "b" would be set at first and later the main thread would override it with* the value "a".* <p>* If you called this method multiple times before a main thread executed a posted task, only* the last value would be dispatched.** @param value The new value*/protected void postValue(T value)
/*** Posts a task to a main thread to set the given value. So if you have a following code* executed in the main thread:* <pre class="prettyprint">* liveData.postValue("a");* liveData.setValue("b");* </pre>* The value "b" would be set at first and later the main thread would override it with* the value "a".* <p>* If you called this method multiple times before a main thread executed a posted task, only* the last value would be dispatched.** @param value The new value*/
protected void postValue(T value) {boolean postTask;synchronized (mDataLock) {postTask = mPendingData == NOT_SET;mPendingData = value;}if (!postTask) {return;}ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().postToMainThread(mPostValueRunnable);
  1. 定义一个 postTask 的布尔值,判断是否要更新。
  2. 加同步锁,因为可能存在多个子线程同时调用 postValue() 的情况。
  3. 通过判断更新的值是否发生变化来对postTask赋值,并且将value赋值给 mPendingData(mPendingData == NOT_SET第一次一定是返回true,之后都是返回false,然后到这个值更新完毕之前的一瞬间会调用mPendingData=NOT_SET,这也是为什么多次调用 postValue()只有最后一个值才有效的原因)。
  4. 通过ArchTaskExecutor进行更新,通过方法及参数名字,我们可以猜测这一步干了什么事情:ArchTaskExecutor将一个Runnable对象往主线程里执行,那么mPostValueRunnable执行的环境一定是主线程,接下来我们再看看mPostValueRunnable究竟做了些什么。
   private final Runnable mPostValueRunnable = new Runnable() {@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")@Overridepublic void run() {Object newValue;synchronized (mDataLock) {newValue = mPendingData;mPendingData = NOT_SET;}setValue((T) newValue);}};//因为现在线程已经切换到主线程了,所以他直接就是调用 setValue()


如果同时调用 .postValue(“a”)和.setValue(“b”),一定是值b被值a覆盖。
如果多次调用 .postValue(),只有最后一个值能够被分发(onChanged()被调用)。


 ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().postToMainThread(mPostValueRunnable);......ArchTaskExecutor.........@Overridepublic void postToMainThread(Runnable runnable) {mDelegate.postToMainThread(runnable);}......DefaultTaskExecutor.........@Overridepublic void postToMainThread(Runnable runnable) {if (mMainHandler == null) {synchronized (mLock) {if (mMainHandler == null) {mMainHandler = createAsync(Looper.getMainLooper());}}}//noinspection ConstantConditionsmMainHandler.post(runnable);}


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