上篇文章介绍了CityEngine + Python自动化建模的原理,本篇文章给出自动化建模的实际代码(代码已经过实际验证,可放心使用),将对应内容修改为自己项目中的实际内容即可。




Created on 2020-10-27@author: QinC
from scripting import *
import os
import math# get a CityEngine instance
ce = CE()def isFileExist(f_path):return os.path.exists(f_path)# create a new scene and set it's spatial reference system
def createScene(scene_name, wkid):if not scene_name.endswith('.cej'):scene_name = scene_name + '.cej'ce.newFile('scenes/' + scene_name)ce.setSceneCoordSystem(wkid)print 'create secne and set srs successfully'# import spefify layer from gdb
def importShapeFromGDB(gdb_path, dataset):absolute_path = ce.toFSPath(gdb_path)if not isFileExist(absolute_path):print 'path of gdb not exist: %s' % absolute_pathreturnif not isinstance(dataset, list):print 'parameter type of dataset should be list: %s' % str(dataset)returnif not len(dataset):print 'at least one feature class should be imported: %s' % str(dataset)returngdbSettings = FGDBImportSettings()gdbSettings.setDatasetFilter(dataset)ce.importFile(ce.toFSPath(gdb_path), gdbSettings, False)ce.setSelection(None)print 'import shape successfully''''first, set cga rule file and start rule for scene whole shapesnext, set cag's parameter Floor from Object(connect Floor to layer's attribute Floor)then, set new name for object if specify a valid field_namecga_path: relative path of cgastart_rule: start rule, string type
def setRule(cga_path, start_rule):# judge if the cga_path exist by absolute pathif not isFileExist(ce.toFSPath(cga_path)):print 'the specified cga file not exist: %s' % cga_pathreturnshapes = ce.getObjectsFrom(ce.scene, ce.isShape)ce.setRuleFile(shapes, cga_path, True)ce.setStartRule(shapes, start_rule)print 'set rule file and start rule successfully''''if attr in cga file has the same name with one of layer's attribute table fields, then it's attr source is Object default and value is sameso, if you want to get value from layer attribute table, it is import to set attr name in cgathe next line is not necessary'''ce.setAttributeSource(shapes, '/ce/rule/Floor', 'Object')print 'set Floor attr source successfully'ce.saveFile()'''set shape name use layer's field valueshapes: shaped to set new namefield_name: the field to set shape's name
def setObjectName(shapes, field_name):for shape in shapes:ce.setName(shape, ce.getAttribute(shape, field_name))
'''export modelsformat: format to export, eg. gdb, gltf, glb ...path: where the model to export, use relative pathbase_name: base name of the exported filefield_name: source layer's field name, used to reset object nameadmin_codes: admin codes of a city, generate model of this area each time, default value is empty list,if not assigned or pass empty list, generate and export a certain number of model each timecertain_number: the number of models generate and export each time
def exportModels(format, path, base_name, field_name = None, admin_codes = [], certain_number = 10000):shapes = ce.getObjectsFrom(ce.scene, ce.isShape)if field_name and len(admin_codes) > 0:# set a new name for object(here is shapes)setObjectName(shapes, field_name)print 'set object name with category code successfully'# generate and export model by category code        for code in admin_codes:# filter scene shapes with nameclassified_shapes = ce.getObjectsFrom(ce.scene, ce.isShape, ce.withName('"' + code + '"'))doGenerateAndExport(classified_shapes, format, path, base_name, code)print 'generate and export models successfully with field name [%s], codes %s.' % (field_name, str(admin_codes))else:# export certain number model each timelength = len(shapes)count = int(math.floor(length / certain_number))for i in range(count):certain_shapes = shapes[i * certain_number: (i + 1) * certain_number]doGenerateAndExport(certain_shapes, format, path, base_name, i + 1)# left models to process(number should be int, not floor)left_shapes = shapes[count * certain_number: length]doGenerateAndExport(left_shapes, format, path, base_name, count + 1)print 'generate and export models with certain number each time successfully, and total %d parts.' % (count + 1)ce.saveFile()'''genarate and export model, you can specify format, path and base nameshapes: objects to generate modelformat: format to export, eg. gdb, gltf, glb ...path: where the model to export, use relative pathbase_name: base name of the exported filesuffix: used as suffix of base name to distingush different part, default value is 1
def doGenerateAndExport(shapes, format, path, base_name, suffix = 1):models = ce.generateModels(shapes, True, False)if len(models):exportSetting = getExportSetting(format, path, base_name, suffix)ce.export(models, exportSetting, False)print 'models of part %d has generate and export successfully' % suffixelse:print 'models of part %d has no model to generate and export' % suffix# get export setting info
def getExportSetting(format, path, f_name, suffix):if not f_name.endswith('.' + format):f_name = f_name + '_' + str(suffix) +  '.' + formatelse:f_name = os.path.splitext(f_name)[0] + '_' + str(suffix) + '.' + formatexportSettings = FGDBExportModelSettings()if format == 'gdb':exportSettings.setOutputPath(ce.toFSPath(path) + '/')           exportSettings.setGeodatabaseName(f_name)elif format == 'gltf' or format == 'glb':exportSettings = GLTFExportModelSettings()exportSettings.setOutputPath(ce.toFSPath(path))exportSettings.setBaseName(f_name)return exportSettingsif __name__ == '__main__':   scene_name = 'wuhan_auto_cga.cej'# coordinate system code, eg 3857 4547wkid = 'EPSG:4547'gdb_path = 'data/building.gdb'dataset = ['/wuhan_for_local_test']cga_path = 'rules/wuhan_blank.cga'start_rule = 'Lot'field_name = 'Adcode'# admin code of wuhanadcodes = ['420102', '420103', '420104', '420105', '420106', '420107', '420111', '420112', '420113', '420114', '420115', '420116', '420117']certain_number = 10000export_path = 'models'base_name = 'wuhan'createScene(scene_name, wkid)importShapeFromGDB(gdb_path, dataset)setRule(cga_path, start_rule)exportModels('gdb', export_path, base_name, certain_number = 5000)ce.refreshWorkspace()


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