Vladimir I. Levenshtein


文本比较的核心就是比较两个给定的文本(可以是字节流等)之间的差异。目前,主流的比较文本之间的差异主要有两大类。一类是基于编辑距离(Edit Distance)的,例如LD算法。一类是基于最长公共子串的(Longest Common Subsequence),例如Needleman/Wunsch算法等。

列文斯基距离(LD,Levenshtein Distance)又成为编辑距离算法(Edit Distance)。他是以字符串A通过插入字符、删除字符、替换字符变成另一个字符串B,那么操作的过程的次数表示两个字符串的差异。






三、尼德曼-翁施算法(Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm)

尼德曼-翁施算法(Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm)是基于生物信息学的知识来匹配蛋白序列或者DNA序列的算法。这是将动态算法应用于生物序列的比较的最早期的几个实例之一。该算法是由 Saul B. Needlman和 Christian D. Wunsch 两位科学家于1970年发明的。本算法高效地解决了如何将一个庞大的数学问题分解为一系列小问题,并且从一系列小问题的解决方法重建大问题的解决方法的过程。该算法也被称为优化匹配算法和整体序列比较法。Needleman-Wunsch 算法仍然被广泛应用于优化整体序列比较中。


Saul B. Needlman

Christian D. Wunsch

四、 史密斯-沃特曼算法(Smith-Waterman algorithm)

史密斯-沃特曼算法(Smith-Waterman algorithm)是一种进行局部序列比对(相对于全局比对)的算法,用于找出两个核苷酸序列或蛋白质序列之间的相似区域。该算法的目的不是进行全序列的比对,而是找出两个序列中具有高相似度的片段。
该算法由坦普尔·史密斯(Temple F. Smith)和迈克尔·沃特曼(Michael S. Waterman)于1981年提出。史密斯-沃特曼算法是尼德曼-翁施算法的一个变体,二者都是动态规划算法。这一算法的优势在于可以在给定的打分方法下找出两个序列的最优的局部比对(打分方法使用了置换矩阵和空位罚分)。该算法和尼德曼-翁施算法的主要区别在于该算法不存在负分(负分被替换为零),因此局部比对成为可能。回溯从分数最高的矩阵元素开始,直到遇到分数为零的元素停止。分数最高的局部比对结果在此过程中产生。在实际运用中,人们通常使用该算法的优化版本。


Temple F. Smith

Michael S. Waterman

五、 BWT(Burrows-Wheeler Transform 算法)

Burrows-Wheeler 算法,被广泛应用于数据压缩技术中,也可称作块排序压缩,简称 BWT. 1994 年,在加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托的 DEC 系统研究中心,Michael Burrows 和 David Wheeler 发明了该算法,故称之为Burrows-Wheeler算法。


Michael Burrows

David Wheeler


BLAST是一个被广泛使用于分析生物资讯的程式,因为它可以兼顾我们在做搜寻时的速度以及搜寻结果的精确度。因为当我们所要搜寻的目标数据库非常庞大的时候,速度就变成一项很需要考量的因素。在像BLAST和FASTA这些快速算法被开发之前,我们是使用动态规划算法来作数据库的序列搜寻,这真的非常的耗时。BLAST使用启发式搜索来找出相关的序列,在速度上比完全只使用动态规划大约快上50倍左右,不过它不像动态规划能够保证搜寻到的序列(Database sequence)和所要找的序列(Query sequence)之间的相关性,BLAST的工作就是尽可能找出数据库中和所要查询的序列相关的资讯而已,精确度稍微低一点。此外,BLAST比FASTA更快速,因为BLAST只对比较少出现或是较重要的一些关键字作更进一步的分析,而FASTA是考虑所有共同出现在所要搜寻的序列和目标序列的字。从下面介绍的算法可以更进一步的了解。

BLAST可以让研究者在其中寻找与其感兴趣的序列相同或类似的序列。 例如如果某种非人动物的一个以前未知的基因被发现,研究者一般会在人类基因组中做一个BLAST搜索来确认人类是否包含类似的基因(通过序列的相似性)。BLAST算法以及实现它的程序由美国国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的Eugene Myers、Stephen Altschul、Warren Gish、David J. Lipman及Webb Miller博士开发的。


Eugene Myers

Stephen Altschul

David J. Lipman

Webb Miller

以上非 LD 算法是给大家提个醒,用途不同,算法相同,可以写出很多篇论文的。


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;namespace Legalsoft.Truffer
{public class FileComparer{private int Llen { get; set; } = 0;private int Rlen { get; set; } = 0;private string[] source { get; set; } = null;private string[] current { get; set; } = null;private int[,] CellValue { get; set; } = null;private int[,] CellNumber { get; set; } = null;private int[,] CellDlen { get; set; } = null;private bool IsChanged { get; set; } = false;private List<Point> LineComList { get; set; } = new List<Point>();private List<LineCompareInfo> InfoList { get; set; } = new List<LineCompareInfo>();private StringBuilder sourceBuffer { get; set; } = new StringBuilder();private StringBuilder tagBuffer { get; set; } = new StringBuilder();public FileComparer(){}private string Replace_Special_String(string sourceStr){return sourceStr.Replace(@"\", @"\\").Replace("{", @"\{").Replace("}", @"\}");}/// <summary>/// 比较文件的主函数/// </summary>/// <param name="src">比较文本之一</param>/// <param name="dst">比较文本之二</param>/// <returns>CompareResultString类对象,包含两个文件的Rtf字符串</returns>public CompareResultString Execute(string src, string dst){source = src.Split('\r');current = dst.Split('\r');string[] LstrArray = null;string[] RstrArray = null;if (current.Length > source.Length){IsChanged = true;Llen = current.Length;Rlen = source.Length;LstrArray = current;RstrArray = source;}else{Llen = source.Length;Rlen = current.Length;LstrArray = source;RstrArray = current;}CellValue = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];CellNumber = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];CellDlen = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];for (int i = Llen - 1; i >= 0; i--){for (int j = Rlen - 1; j >= 0; j--){if (LstrArray[i].Trim() == RstrArray[j].Trim()){CellValue[i, j] = 1;CellNumber[i, j] = TripleMax(CellNumber[i + 1, j + 1] + 1, CellNumber[i, j + 1], CellNumber[i + 1, j]);CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i + 1, j + 1] + 1;}else{CellValue[i, j] = Line_String_Compare(LstrArray[i], RstrArray[j]);if (CellValue[i, j] > 0){CellNumber[i, j] = TripleMax(CellNumber[i + 1, j + 1] + 1, CellNumber[i, j + 1], CellNumber[i + 1, j]);if (CellNumber[i, j] == 0){continue;}CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i + 1, j + 1] + 1;}else{CellNumber[i, j] = TripleMax(CellNumber[i + 1, j + 1], CellNumber[i, j + 1], CellNumber[i + 1, j]);if (CellNumber[i, j] == 0){continue;}if (CellNumber[i, j + 1] >= CellNumber[i + 1, j]){CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i, j + 1];}else{CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i + 1, j] + 1;}}}}}// 将比较结构构建为Rtf信息用于Richtext的显示Line_Information_Initialize();Create_Rtf_String();CompareResultString RtfTr = new CompareResultString();RtfTr.LeftRtf = sourceBuffer.ToString();RtfTr.RightRtf = tagBuffer.ToString();return RtfTr;}private int TripleMax(int a, int b, int c){return a > b ? (a > c ? a : c) : (b > c ? b : c);}private void Create_Rtf_String(){foreach (LineCompareInfo infotemp in InfoList){if (infotemp.IsChanged){if (infotemp.CompareDegree == 1){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0" + source[infotemp.RightCount]);tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0" + current[infotemp.LeftCount]);}else if (infotemp.CompareDegree == -1){if (infotemp.LeftCount == -1){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1");sourceBuffer.Append(source[infotemp.RightCount]);sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0");}else{tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1");tagBuffer.Append(current[infotemp.LeftCount]);tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0");}}else{Get_Compare_Infomations(source[infotemp.RightCount], current[infotemp.LeftCount]);}}else{if (infotemp.CompareDegree == 1){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0" + source[infotemp.LeftCount]);tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0" + current[infotemp.RightCount]);}else if (infotemp.CompareDegree == -1){if (infotemp.LeftCount == -1){tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1");tagBuffer.Append(current[infotemp.RightCount]);tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0");}else{sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1");sourceBuffer.Append(source[infotemp.LeftCount]);sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0");}}else{Get_Compare_Infomations(source[infotemp.LeftCount], current[infotemp.RightCount]);}}sourceBuffer.Append("\\par\r\n");tagBuffer.Append("\\par\r\n");}}private List<Point> String_Compare(string sou, string tag){LineComList.Clear();IsChanged = false;char[] lchar = null;char[] rchar = null;if (sou.Length > tag.Length){lchar = sou.ToCharArray();rchar = tag.ToCharArray();}else{IsChanged = true;lchar = tag.ToCharArray();rchar = sou.ToCharArray();}Rlen = lchar.Length;Llen = rchar.Length;CellValue = null;CellNumber = null;CellDlen = null;CellValue = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];CellNumber = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];CellDlen = new int[Llen + 1, Rlen + 1];for (int i = Llen - 1; i >= 0; i--){for (int j = Rlen - 1; j >= 0; j--){if (rchar[i] == lchar[j]){CellValue[i, j] = 1;CellNumber[i, j] = TripleMax(CellNumber[i + 1, j + 1] + 1, CellNumber[i, j + 1], CellNumber[i + 1, j]);}else{CellNumber[i, j] = TripleMax(CellNumber[i + 1, j + 1], CellNumber[i, j + 1], CellNumber[i + 1, j]);CellValue[i, j] = 0;}if (CellNumber[i, j] == 0){continue;}if (CellValue[i, j] == 1){CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i + 1, j + 1] + 1;}else{if (CellNumber[i, j + 1] >= CellNumber[i + 1, j]){CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i, j + 1];}else{CellDlen[i, j] = CellDlen[i + 1, j] + 1;}}}}Get_Compare_List(new Point(0, 0));return LineComList;}private void Get_Compare_Infomations(string sou, string tag){int lastx = -1;int lasty = -1;foreach (Point point in String_Compare(sou, tag)){int llen = point.X - lastx - 1;int rlen = point.Y - lasty - 1;if (llen > 0){if (IsChanged){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");sourceBuffer.Append(sou.Substring(lastx + 1, llen));sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}else{tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");tagBuffer.Append(tag.Substring(lastx + 1, llen));tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}}if (rlen > 0){if (IsChanged){tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");tagBuffer.Append(tag.Substring(lasty + 1, rlen));tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}else{sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");sourceBuffer.Append(sou.Substring(lasty + 1, rlen));sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}}if (IsChanged){sourceBuffer.Append(sou[point.X]);tagBuffer.Append(tag[point.Y]);}else{tagBuffer.Append(tag[point.X]);sourceBuffer.Append(sou[point.Y]);}lastx = point.X;lasty = point.Y;}if (IsChanged){if (lasty < tag.Length - 1){tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");tagBuffer.Append(tag.Substring(lasty + 1));tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}if (lastx < sou.Length - 1){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");sourceBuffer.Append(sou.Substring(lastx + 1));sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}}else{if (lasty < sou.Length - 1){sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");sourceBuffer.Append(sou.Substring(lasty + 1));sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}if (lastx < tag.Length - 1){tagBuffer.Append("\\cf1 ");tagBuffer.Append(tag.Substring(lastx + 1));tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}}tagBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");sourceBuffer.Append("\\cf0 ");}private void Line_Information_Initialize(){Get_Compare_List(new Point(0, 0));int lastlift = -1;int lastright = -1;int linecount = 0;foreach (Point pt in LineComList){if (pt.X - lastlift - pt.Y + lastright > 0){for (int i = 0; i < pt.X - lastlift - 1; i++){if (lastright + 1 + i < pt.Y){this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, lastlift + 1 + i, lastright + 1 + i, 0, IsChanged));}else{this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, lastlift + 1 + i, -1, -1, IsChanged));}}}else if (pt.X - lastlift - pt.Y + lastright < 0){for (int i = 0; i < pt.Y - lastright - 1; i++){if (lastlift + 1 + i < pt.X){this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, lastlift + 1 + i, lastright + 1 + i, 0, IsChanged));}else{this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, -1, lastright + 1 + i, -1, IsChanged));}}}else{for (int i = 0; i < pt.Y - lastright - 1; i++){this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, lastlift + 1 + i, lastright + 1 + i, 0, IsChanged));}}this.InfoList.Add(new LineCompareInfo(linecount++, pt.X, pt.Y, CellValue[pt.X, pt.Y], IsChanged));lastlift = pt.X;lastright = pt.Y;}CellValue = null;CellNumber = null;CellDlen = null;LineComList.Clear();}private void Get_Compare_List(Point point){if (point.X < Llen && point.Y < Rlen){if (CellValue[point.X, point.Y] > 0){LineComList.Add(point);Get_Compare_List(new Point(point.X + 1, point.Y + 1));}else{Point NextPoint = Get_Next_Point(point);if (NextPoint != new Point(0, 0)){LineComList.Add(NextPoint);Get_Compare_List(new Point(NextPoint.X + 1, NextPoint.Y + 1));}}}else{return;}}private Point Get_Next_Point(Point point){if (point == new Point(0, 0)){return new Point(0, 0);}Point tempoint = new Point();int TripleMaxD = CellDlen[point.X, point.Y];int CellNumberv = CellNumber[point.X, point.Y];for (int i = point.X; i < Llen; i++){for (int j = point.Y; j < Rlen; j++){if (CellValue[i, j] > 0 && CellNumber[i, j] == CellNumberv){if (CellDlen[i, j] <= TripleMaxD){tempoint.X = i;tempoint.Y = j;}}}}return tempoint;}private int Line_String_Compare(string source, string target){int m = target.Trim().Length;int n = source.Trim().Length;int matchCount = 0;string longStr, shortStr;if (m == 0 || n == 0){return 0;}int k = 0;if (m > n){k = 2 * n / 3 + 1;longStr = target.Trim();shortStr = source.Trim();}else{k = 2 * m / 3 + 1;longStr = source.Trim();shortStr = target.Trim();}int startNo = 0;for (int i = 0; i < shortStr.Length; i++){int tmpNo = longStr.IndexOf(shortStr[i], startNo);if (tmpNo > 0){startNo = tmpNo + 1;matchCount += 1;}if (matchCount > k){return 2;}}if (matchCount > k){return 2;}else{return 0;}}}public class LineCompareInfo{public int LineCount { get; set; } = 0;public int LeftCount { get; set; } = 0;public int RightCount { get; set; } = 0;public int CompareDegree { get; set; } = 0;public bool IsChanged { get; set; } = true;public LineCompareInfo(int line, int left, int right, int info, bool ischang){this.LineCount = line;this.LeftCount = left;this.RightCount = right;this.CompareDegree = info;this.IsChanged = ischang;}}public class CompareResultString{public string LeftRtf { get; set; } = "";public string RightRtf { get; set; } = "";}public class CompareInfo{public int StartIndex { get; set; } = -1;public int EndIndex { get; set; } = -1;public CompareInfo(){}public CompareInfo(int start, int end){StartIndex = start;EndIndex = end;}}

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