

  1         $scope.makeJson = function(){ // 数据整理
  2             var jsonData = {
  3                 nodes:[]
  4                 ,edges:[]
  5                 ,categories:[]
  6             };
  7             var yybCode = {};
  8             for (var i = 0 ; i <; i++) { // 个股数据整理
  9                 var gg =[i];
 10                 var rgbColor = "#4f19c7";
 11                 if(gg.JmMoney){
 12                     rgbColor = gg.JmMoney>0?"red":(gg.JmMoney<0?"green":rgbColor);
 13                 }
 14                 jsonData.categories.push({name:gg.SName});
 15                 jsonData.nodes.push({
 16                     "color": rgbColor,
 17                     "label": gg.SName,
 18                     "attributes": {
 19                         category: gg.SName // 与类别目录绑定
 20                         //name:gg.SName
 21                     },
 22                     "y": Math.random() * 800,
 23                     "x": Math.random() * 1000,
 24                     "id": gg.SCode,
 25                     "other": {type:"gg",data:gg},
 26                     "size": (gg.SumCount * 10)>20?20:(gg.SumCount * 10)
 27                 });
 28                 for (var j = 0 ; j < yybData[$scope.yybGGCodeTag2+gg.SCode].data.length; j++) { // 营业部数据整理
 29                     var yyb = yybData[$scope.yybGGCodeTag2+gg.SCode].data[j];
 30                     var yybKey = $scope.yybGGCodeTag2+yyb.SalesCode;
 31                     var yybTmp = $.extend(true, {}, yyb);
 32                     if(yybCode[yybKey]){
 33                         yybCode[yybKey]++;
 34                         //console.log('营业部存在',yybKey,yybCode[yybKey]);
 35                         var againYYB = jsonData.nodes.filter(function(e){return == yyb.SalesCode;})
 36                         //console.log(againYYB,yybCode[yybKey]);
 37                         againYYB[0].size = parseInt(yybCode[yybKey])*10;
 38                         againYYB[0] = parseInt(againYYB[0] + parseInt(yyb.SumPMoney);
 39                         againYYB[0].color = againYYB[0]>0?"red":(againYYB[0]<0?"green":"#4f19c7")
 40                     } else {
 41                         yybCode[yybKey] = 1;
 42                         jsonData.nodes.push({
 43                             "color": parseInt(yyb.SumPMoney)>0?"red":(parseInt(yyb.SumPMoney)<0?"green":"#4f19c7"),
 44                             "label": yyb.SalesName
 45                                 .replace("责任","")
 46                                 .replace("股份","")
 47                                 .replace("有限","")
 48                                 .replace("公司","")
 49                                 .replace("证券营业部","")
 50                                 .replace("营业部",""),
 51                             "attributes": {
 52                                 category: gg.SName // 与类别目录绑定
 53                                 //name:gg.SName
 54                             },
 55                             "y": Math.random() * 800,
 56                             "x": Math.random() * 1000,
 57                             "id": yyb.SalesCode,
 58                             "other": {type:"yyb",data:yyb},
 59                             "size": parseInt(yybCode[yybKey])*10
 61                         });
 62                     }
 64                     jsonData.edges.push({
 65                          "sourceID": gg.SCode,
 66                          "attributes": {},
 67                          "targetID": yyb.SalesCode,
 68                         "other": {type:"line",data1:gg,data2:yybTmp},
 69                          "size": 1
 70                     });
 72                 }
 73                 $scope.jsonData = jsonData;
 74             }
 75             //console.log(jsonData);
 76             $scope.dealWithData(jsonData); // 显示数据到echarts
 77         };
 79         $scope.drawECharts = function(){ // echarts初期化
 80             // 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
 81             $scope.myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
 82             $scope.myChart.showLoading();
 83             $scope.myChartBar = echarts.init(document.getElementById('bar'));
 84         };
 86         $scope.makeBar = function(params){ // 侧边图标处理
 87             var labelRight = {
 88                 normal: {
 89                     position: 'right'
 90                 }
 91             };
 92             var labelLeft = {
 93                 normal: {
 94                     position: 'left'
 95                 }
 96             };
 97             var sublink = '';
 98             var nameListData = [];
 99             var dataList = [];
100             var dataName = "";
101             var subtextStr = "单位(万元)";
102             var titleStr = "";
103             if("yyb"){
104                 var curSalesCode =;
105                 subtextStr = Math.round( +" 单位(万元)";
106                 var YYBList = $scope.jsonData.edges.filter(function(e){
107                     return e.other.data2.SalesCode == curSalesCode;
108                 });
109                 for (var i = 0 ; i < YYBList.length; i++) {
110                     var yyb = YYBList[i].other.data2;
111                     //var gg = YYBList[i].other.data1;
112                     nameListData.push(yyb.SName);
113                     dataName = "净买入额";
114                     dataList.push({
115                         value: Math.round(yyb.SumPMoney/100)/100 , label: yyb.SumPMoney<0? labelRight : labelLeft,
116                         itemStyle: {
117                             normal: {
118                                 color: yyb.SumPMoney<0? "green" : "red"
119                             }
120                         }
121                     });
122                 }
123                 titleStr = yyb.SalesName;
124                 selSalesCode = yyb.SalesCode;
125             } else if ("gg"){
126                 var curSCode =;
127                 subtextStr = Math.round( +" 单位(万元)";
128                 var YYBList = $scope.jsonData.edges.filter(function(e){
129                     return e.other.data1.SCode == curSCode;
130                 });
131                 for (var i = 0 ; i < YYBList.length; i++) {
132                     var yyb = YYBList[i].other.data2;
133                     nameListData.push(yyb.SalesName?yyb.SalesName
134                                     .replace("责任","")
135                                     .replace("股份","")
136                                     .replace("有限","")
137                                     .replace("公司","")
138                                     .replace("证券营业部","")
139                                     .replace("营业部",""):"");
140                     dataName = "净买入额";
141                     dataList.push({
142                         value: Math.round(yyb.SumPMoney/100)/100 , label: yyb.SumPMoney<0? labelRight : labelLeft,
143                         itemStyle: {
144                             normal: {
145                                 color: yyb.SumPMoney<0? "green" : "red"
146                             }
147                         }
148                     });
149                 }
150                 titleStr =;
151             } else {
152                 return;
153             }
154             $scope.myChartBar.showLoading();
155             $scope.myChartBar.setOption(option = {
156                 title: {
157                     text: titleStr,
158                     subtext: subtextStr,
159                     sublink: sublink
160                 },
161                 tooltip : {
162                     trigger: 'axis',
163                     axisPointer : {
164                         type : 'shadow'
165                     }
166                 },
167                 grid: {
168                     top: 80,
169                     bottom: 30
170                 },
171                 xAxis: {
172                     type : 'value',
173                     position: 'top',
174                     splitLine: {lineStyle:{type:'dashed'}}
175                 },
176                 yAxis: {
177                     type : 'category',
178                     axisLine: {show: false},
179                     axisLabel: {show: false},
180                     axisTick: {show: false},
181                     splitLine: {show: false},
182                     data : nameListData
183                 },
184                 series : [
185                     {
186                         name:dataName,
187                         type:'bar',
188                         stack: '总量',
189                         label: {
190                             normal: {
191                                 show: true,
192                                 formatter: '{b}'
193                             }
194                         },
195                         data:dataList
196                     }
197                 ]
198             });
200             $scope.myChartBar.hideLoading();
202         };
204         $scope.dealWithData = function(json) { // echarts绑定数据显示图表
205             $scope.myChart.hideLoading();
206             $scope.myChart.setOption(option = {
207                 title: {
208                     text: '东方财富网-龙虎榜大数据处理',
209                     left:0,
210                     bottom:0
211                 },
212                 legend: [{
213                     // selectedMode: 'single',
214                     data: (a) {
215                         return;
216                     })
217                 }],
218                 animationDurationUpdate: 1500,
219                 animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut',
220                 series : [
221                     {
222                         type: 'graph',
223                         layout: 'none',
224                         // progressiveThreshold: 700,
225                         data: (node) {
226                             return {
227                                 x: node.x,
228                                 y: node.y,
229                                 id:,
230                                 name: node.label,
231                                 symbolSize: node.size,
232                                 itemStyle: {
233                                     normal: {
234                                         color: node.color
235                                     }
236                                 },
237                                 other: node.other,
238                                 category: node.attributes.category,
239                                 size:node.size
240                             };
241                         }),
242                         edges: (edge) {
243                             return {
244                                 source: edge.sourceID,
245                                 target: edge.targetID,
246                                 other: edge.other
247                             };
248                         }),
249                         label: {
250                             emphasis: {
251                                 position: 'right',
252                                 show: true
253                             }
254                         },
255                         roam: true,
256                         focusNodeAdjacency: true,
257                         lineStyle: {
258                             normal: {
259                                 width: 0.5,
260                                 curveness: 0.3,
261                                 opacity: 0.7
262                             }
263                         },
264                         categories: json.categories // 上部分类别目录设定
265                     }
266                 ],
267                 tooltip:{ // 提示框内容设定
268                     show:true,
269                     trigger: 'graph',
270                     confine:true,
271                     showDelay: 0,
272                     hideDelay: 50,
273                     transitionDuration:0,
274                     formatter:  function (params,ticket,callback) {
275                         var result = "";
276                         //console.log(params);
277                         if({
278                             if("gg"){
279                                 var gg =;
280                                 result = ""+gg.SName +""
281                                         + "<br />上榜次数: "
282                                         + gg.SumCount
283                                         + "<br />最近日期: "
284                                         + gg.Tdate
285                                         + "<br />净买额: "
286                                         + Math.round(gg.JmMoney /100)/100 + " 万元"
287                                         + "<br />机构净买额: "
288                                         + Math.round(gg.JGJMMoney /100)/100 + " 万元"
289                                         + "<br />机构买卖次数: "
290                                         + "买:"+gg.JGBSumCount+" 次,卖:"+ gg.JGSSumCount+" 次"
291                                         + "<br />月涨跌幅: "
292                                         + Math.round(gg.Rchange1m * 100)/100 + " %";
293                             } else if("yyb"){
294                                 var yyb =;
295                                 result = ""
296                                         +yyb.SalesName
297                                             .replace("责任","")
298                                             .replace("股份","")
299                                             .replace("有限","")
300                                             .replace("公司","")
301                                             .replace("证券营业部","")
302                                             .replace("营业部","")
303                                         + "<br />上榜股票数量: "
304                                         + parseInt(*0.1 + " 只"
305                                         + "<br />总净买额: "
306                                         + Math.round(yyb.SumPMoney /100)/100 + " 万元";
307                             } else if ("line"){
308                                 var gg =;
309                                 var yyb =;
310                                 result = gg.SName + " > "
311                                         +yyb.SalesName
312                                             .replace("责任","")
313                                             .replace("股份","")
314                                             .replace("有限","")
315                                             .replace("公司","")
316                                             .replace("证券营业部","")
317                                             .replace("营业部","");
318                             }
319                         } else {
320                             //console.log(params);
321                         }
322                         return result;
323                     }
324                 },
325                 toolbox: {
326                     show: true,
327                     orient: 'vertical',
328                     left: 'right',
329                     top: 'center',
330                     feature: {
331                         restore: {},
332                         saveAsImage: {}
333                     }
334                 }
335             }, true);
337             $scope.myChart.on("click",function(param){
338                 $scope.makeBar(param);
339             });
341         };




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