
Private businesses and government agencies can’t use facial-recognition technology starting on Jan. 1 next year.


By Stephanie Mlot


Portland officials this week passed the country’s strictest ban on facial recognition, prohibiting use of the technology by private businesses and government agencies across Oregon’s largest city.


Cities in California and Massachusetts have recently taken action against local government use of the technology-but none as strongly as Portland, which restricts commercial business applications, as well.


“All Portlanders are entitled to a city government that will not use technology with demonstrated racial and gender biases that endanger personal privacy,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said during a Wednesday City Council meeting, as reported by CNET. “This is the first-of-its-kind legislation in the nation, and I believe in the world,” he added. “This is truly a historic day for the city of Portland.”

据CNET报道 ,市长泰德·惠勒(Ted Wheeler)在周三举行的市议会会议上说:“所有波特兰人都有权使用不具有明显危害个人隐私的种族和性别偏见的技术的城市政府。” 他补充说:“这是美国首创的立法,我相信世界。” “对于波特兰市而言,这确实是历史性的一天。”

The bill, which passed unanimously, is set to take effect Jan. 1, 2021. In the intervening months, various city bureaus will work together to develop a plan for “creating public awareness on impacts and uses” of facial recognition-particularly around children, marginalized communities, and local businesses.

该法案获得一致通过,定于2021年1月1日生效。在随后的几个月中,各个市政局将共同制定一项计划,以“提高公众对面部识别的影响和用途的认识”,尤其是在儿童周围。 ,边缘化社区和本地企业。

“Portland residents and visitors should enjoy access to public spaces with a reasonable assumption of anonymity and personal privacy,” according to the city ordinance. “This is true for particularly those who have been historically over-surveilled and experience surveillance technologies differently.”

根据该市条例,“波特兰居民和访客应在合理假设匿名和个人隐私的情况下进入公共场所。” “特别是对于那些历来被过度监视并且以不同方式体验监视技术的人来说,这是正确的。”

In a seven-page document detailing the prohibition, the council noted that facial-recognition technologies “have been documented to have an unacceptable gender and racial bias”-particularly toward those in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities.


“The city needs to take precautionary actions until these technologies are certified and safe to use and civil liberties issues are resolved,” the council said, adding that surveillance technologies “must be transparent, accountable, and designed in ways that protect personal and collective privacy.”

市政厅说:“该市需要采取预防措施,直到这些技术通过认证并可以安全使用,并解决公民自由问题,”该委员会说,并补充说,监视技术“必须透明,负责并以保护个人和集体隐私的方式进行设计。 。”

Portland has been eyeing facial-recognition regulations since 2018, citing increasing concern over privately owned surveillance systems without a clear due process. “While uses of [the technology] may have benefits, the risk of misidentification and misuse is always present,” the document continued.

自2018年以来,波特兰一直在关注面部识别法规, 理由是人们对没有明确正当程序的私人监控系统的担忧日益增加。 该文件继续说:“尽管[技术]的使用可能会带来好处,但始终存在错误识别和滥用的风险。”

“As highlighted by numerous studies, articles, and community feedback, the problems with FR Technology are almost too numerous to count: they range from racial & gender inaccuracies, privacy concerns, issues of consent, due process, and corporations profiting off of private data,” Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty said on Twitter. “I refuse to sit back and watch our right to privacy and our civil rights be stripped away so that corporations can make more money.”

“如无数的研究,文章和社区反馈所强调的那样,FR技术的问题几乎不计其数:这些问题包括种族和性别的不准确性,隐私问题,同意问题,正当程序以及公司从私人数据中获利,”专员Jo Ann Hardesty在Twitter上说。 “我拒绝坐下来观察我们的隐私权,剥夺我们的公民权利,以便公司可以赚更多的钱。”

Companies that violate the ban are liable to lawsuits, and may be fined $1,000 a day for each day of violation.

违反禁令的公司将受到诉讼,每天可能被罚款$ 1,000。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/portland-oregon-imposes-strict-ban-on-facial-recognition-technology-5d580535fde4




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