
Win7下是IIS7的版本,使用 FastCGI跑PHP,安装过程记录如下。








3、 cgi.fix_pathinfo=1





7、更改时区,date.timezone= Asia/Shanghai    详情参考:

以上几点做完,可以在“开始-运行-cmd”下试着运行E:\php\php -info和E:\php\php -v,正常来说-info参数可以看到php的参数信息,而-v参数可以看到php的版本信息,如dll文件不存在的扩展打开了的话,-v时会有提示。


下面,回到IIS上,打开IIS控制台,在左边树中选最顶级结点,也就是你的电脑名,然后在中间(功能视图)里打开“Handler Mappings”(中文叫“处理程序映射”),如下图:

打开之后在最右边点“添加模块映射”(Add Module Mapping),照下图添加信息:




名称:PHP via FastCGI




做一个test.php文件,里面的内容是<?php phpinfo(); ?>,然后在浏览器里打localhost/..../text.php。




则需要下载Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2012


2、PHP Manager

在IIS7上安装php有一个非常方便的IIS插件,PHP Manager for IIS,几乎所有问题都能帮你搞定,只需要将php解压缩到一个位置,然后通过它选择一下php-cig.exe文件就ok,php.ini自动帮你配置,处理程序映射也自动帮你设置,而且还可以非常方便地切换多个php版本。

官方说明文档 如下


From the Downloads page select the installation package that is appropriate for your target machine. Download and run the installer, which will install and register PHP Manager's binaries with IIS. Note that only IIS versions 7.0 and above are supported. After installation is complete, launch the IIS Manager and find the "PHP Manager" feature:

When opened, the "PHP Manager" feature provides a configuration overview for the PHP installation that is registered with IIS and is currently active. If no PHP is registered with IIS, then the only action that can be performed is the registation of a new PHP version.

Registering PHP with IIS

To register a new PHP version with IIS, first you need to download the zip archive with PHP binaries from and then extract the files from it into a folder of your choice. Note that you can also install PHP by using Web Platform Installer or the Windows installer from - the PHP Manager can be used to manage those PHP installations as well.

Click on "Register new PHP version" task and then provide the full path to the location of the main php executable file: php-cgi.exe:

After clicking OK the new PHP version will be registered with IIS and will become active. This means that all the sites on this IIS server by default will use this PHP version.

Validating existing PHP installations and fixing configuration issues

In order for PHP to run properly on IIS there is a set of recommended settings that need to be configured in IIS and PHP. PHP Manager checks if all of the recommended settings are configured correctly. If some settings are not configured properly then you can use PHP Manager to fix those settings.

When some configuration settings are configured incorrectly you will see a warning message when you open PHP Manager:

After clicking on "View Recommendations" link you can see all the configuration issues that exist in your PHP installation. You can review each issue description and the recommended corrective action. You can also select which configuration issues you want to be fixed:

Switching between PHP versions

After multiple PHP versions have been registered with IIS, you can use PHP Manager to easily switch between the versions on a server, site and application levels. This means that you can configure some IIS sites to use one PHP version, while other sites use different version. Also, you can configure separate applications within a web site to use different PHP versions.

Note: When switching the PHP versions on any level except server level, the PHP Manager will make a local copy of all IIS Handlers on that level. This means that if later you make any changes to handler mappings on an upper configuration level, that won't take effect on this configuration level. You can easily determine if the PHP handler is defined locally versus being inherited from an upper configuration level by checking the information on PHP Manager main feature page:

Checking phpinfo() output

phpinfo() function in PHP provides very detailed information about all aspects of PHP runtime configuration. To check the phpinfo() output from within PHP Manager use the "Check phpinfo()" task.

Configuring Error Reporting

You can use PHP Manager to configure error reporting level in PHP. If IIS is used on a development machine then you may want to use verbose error reporting in order to see all the errors, warnings and notices from your PHP application right away. If IIS is used as a production server, then error reporting level is less verbose and errors are logged in a log file, but never communicated to HTTP client.

Configuring Runtime Limits

Various timeouts and limits can be configured in the "PHP Runtime Limits" page:

Configuring All PHP Settings

All existing PHP settings can be added, removed and modified in the "PHP Settings" page.

Enabling or Disabling PHP Extensions

PHP extensions can be enabled or disabled in the "PHP Extensions" page:

Last edited Jun 28, 2011 at 4:42 AM by ruslany, version 3


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