

My name is xxx, you might be able to associate a qiong precious jade novel, word is indeed the two words, the difference is not so beautiful person, ha ha. Actually, my classmates more like call with my English name, so that the meaning of June, June, a royal partials.

I'm from guangdong xx city, maybe you haven't been to, is a small macro-assessment, these a few years just developed the hot spring industry, I think there will be more people know about this small city.

In 2003, I EnPingShi city with the top score in admitted to the sun yat-sen university, learn is major in computer science. However, in cuhk, I can't be as high as always ranked, so far, the comprehensive credits is ranked by around 40%. In professional course, I c + + programming relatively strong capacity, a year ago self-study Java, in the class is the earliest started learning Java.

I participated in our teacher led a program, called LAN chat room, I'm responsible for development of them timely communication system of writing. In our class, the teacher only chose me a girl to participate in this project, mainly is my writing programs efficiency is higher, attitude is very seriously.

In addition to study and project practice beyond, I work in student union for two years, a year do stewards, and the second was promoted to the secretary general. Everybody to my assessment is considered very thoughtful and reassuring.

In my job on the list, IBM is my preference unit, causes and you interviewed many students are all the same, for the big brands trust. After all, big brand company means a lot we need something, such as training and the salary, can and excellent quality of the people working together, etc.

Technical support engineer it also happens to be my first job, because I have technical background, also have as a woman and communicate with the customer's natural advantage. Also, I'm not worried about frequent business trips, because my body quality is very good, I have insisted running in the morning for more than two years. In the IBM professional technical aspect, I trust company training system and my own fast learning ability! Hope to have the opportunity to join IBM team!

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