
汉诺塔(Towers of Hanoi)是法国人M.Claus(Lucas)于1883年从泰国带至法国的,河内为越战时北越的首都,即现在的胡志明市;1883年法国数学家Edouard Lucas曾提及这个故事,据说创世纪时Benares有一座波罗教塔,是由三支钻石棒(Pag)所支撑,开始时神在第一根棒上放置64


如果柱子标为ABC,要由A搬至C,在只有一个盘子时,就将它直接搬至C,当有两个盘子,就将B当作辅助柱。如果盘数超过2个,将第三个以下的盘子遮起来,就很简单了,每次处理两个盘子,也就是:A->B、A ->C、B->C这三个步骤,而被遮住的部份,其实就是进入程式的递回处理。

事实上,若有n个盘子,则移动完毕所需之次数为2^n - 1,所以当盘数为64时,则所需次数为:
2的64次方- 1 = 18446744073709551615为5.05390248594782e+16年,也就是约5000世纪,如果对这数字没什么概念,就假设每秒钟搬一个盘子好了,也要约5850亿年左右。

#include <stdio.h>
void hanoi(int n, char A, char B, char C) {if(n == 1) {//当只有一块时,A=>Cprintf("Move sheet %d from %c to %c\n", n, A, C);}else {hanoi(n-1, A, C, B);//将n-1块全部从A搬到B。printf("Move sheet %d from %c to %c\n", n, A, C);//剩下的一块搬到C。hanoi(n-1, B, A, C);//再将这n-1块从B,搬到C。}
}int main() {int n;printf("请输入盘数:");scanf("%d", &n);hanoi(n, 'A', 'B', 'C');return 0;



#include <stdio.h>void hanoi(int disks, char source, char temp, char target) {if (disks == 1) {//注意,这里是两块不同颜色,相同大小的块,所以需要移动两次,才算一个大小的块printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);} else {hanoi(disks-1, source, target, temp);hanoi(1, source, temp, target);hanoi(disks-1, temp, source, target);}
}void hanoi2colors(int disks) {char source = 'A';char temp = 'B';char target = 'C';int i;for(i = disks / 2; i > 1; i--) {hanoi(i-1, source, temp, target);//n-1块移到A=》Cprintf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);//A=>B两次printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);hanoi(i-1, target, temp, source);//n-1块从C移回来,C=》Aprintf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, target);//最重要的一步来了,所有的步骤都是为了这一步,将最大的两块分离~}printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);
}int main() {int n;printf("请输入盘数:");scanf("%d", &n);hanoi2colors(n);return 0;


#include <stdio.h>
void hanoi(int disks, char source, char temp, char target) {if (disks == 1) {printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);} else {hanoi(disks-1, source, target, temp);hanoi(1, source, temp, target);hanoi(disks-1, temp, source, target);}
}void hanoi3colors(int disks) {char source = 'A';char temp = 'B';char target = 'C';int i;if(disks == 3) {printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, source);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", target, temp);;}else {hanoi(disks/3-1, source, temp, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);hanoi(disks/3-1, target, temp, source);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", temp, target);hanoi(disks/3-1, source, target, temp);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", target, source);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", target, source);hanoi(disks/3-1, temp, source, target);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);for (i = disks / 3 - 1; i > 0; i--) {if (i>1) {hanoi(i-1, target, source, temp);}printf("move disk from %c to %c\n",target, source);printf("move disk from %c to %c\n",target, source);if (i>1) {hanoi(i-1, temp, source, target);}printf("move disk from %c to %c\n", source, temp);}}
}int main() {int n;printf("请输入盘数:");scanf("%d", &n);hanoi3colors(n);return 0;


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