






在连接过程中,我们需要针对设备类型不同,通过不同的Profile发起连接,例如,对于音箱设备,我们需要通过A2DP Profile进行连接(如果忘记了,可以回头再看一下《Android蓝牙开发系列文章-蓝牙音箱连接》),对于鼠标设备,我们需要通过Input profile进行连接。







1227    /**
1228     * Get the Bluetooth class of the remote device.
1229     *
1230     * @return Bluetooth class object, or null on error
1231     */
1232    @RequiresPermission(Manifest.permission.BLUETOOTH)
1233    public BluetoothClass getBluetoothClass() {
1234        final IBluetooth service = sService;
1235        if (service == null) {
1236            Log.e(TAG, "BT not enabled. Cannot get Bluetooth Class");
1237            return null;
1238        }
1239        try {
1240            int classInt = service.getRemoteClass(this);
1241            if (classInt == BluetoothClass.ERROR) return null;
1242            return new BluetoothClass(classInt);
1243        } catch (RemoteException e) {
1244            Log.e(TAG, "", e);
1245        }
1246        return null;
1247    }



 private final int mClass;
282    /**
283     * Return the Bluetooth Class of Device (CoD) value including the
284     * {@link BluetoothClass.Service}, {@link BluetoothClass.Device.Major} and
285     * minor device fields.
286     *
287     * <p>This value is an integer representation of Bluetooth CoD as in
288     * Bluetooth specification.
289     *
290     * @see <a href="Bluetooth CoD">https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/baseband</a>
291     *
292     * @hide
293     */
294    public int getClassOfDevice() {
295        return mClass;
296    }

这个32位变量用固定的某些位表示service Class/Major Class/Minor Class。为了表述更清晰一点,我画了一个图,如下所示。

第2位到12位表示Major和Minor Class的组合,第8位到第12位表示Major Class,第14位到第23位表示Service Class。


 Service Class:

service class类型有如下几种,一个service表示蓝牙的一个能力,例如,蓝牙设备支持A2DP Service,则表示这个蓝牙设备可以作为一个音箱设备使用。

109    /**
110     * Defines all service class constants.
111     * <p>Each {@link BluetoothClass} encodes zero or more service classes.
112     */
113    public static final class Service {
114        private static final int BITMASK = 0xFFE000;
116        public static final int LIMITED_DISCOVERABILITY = 0x002000;
117        public static final int POSITIONING = 0x010000;
118        public static final int NETWORKING = 0x020000;
119        public static final int RENDER = 0x040000;
120        public static final int CAPTURE = 0x080000;
121        public static final int OBJECT_TRANSFER = 0x100000;
122        public static final int AUDIO = 0x200000;
123        public static final int TELEPHONY = 0x400000;
124        public static final int INFORMATION = 0x800000;


127    /**
128     * Return true if the specified service class is supported by this
129     * {@link BluetoothClass}.
130     * <p>Valid service classes are the public constants in
131     * {@link BluetoothClass.Service}. For example, {@link
132     * BluetoothClass.Service#AUDIO}.
133     *
134     * @param service valid service class
135     * @return true if the service class is supported
136     */
137    public boolean hasService(int service) {
138        return ((mClass & Service.BITMASK & service) != 0);
139    }

Major Class:

Major Class表示设备的大类型,这个区分粒度相对来说比较大,通过查看代码,我们可以看到蓝牙设备分为了Computer、Phone等几大类。

151    public static class Device {
152        private static final int BITMASK = 0x1FFC;
154        /**
155         * Defines all major device class constants.
156         * <p>See {@link BluetoothClass.Device} for minor classes.
157         */
158        public static class Major {
159            private static final int BITMASK = 0x1F00;
161            public static final int MISC = 0x0000;
162            public static final int COMPUTER = 0x0100;
163            public static final int PHONE = 0x0200;
164            public static final int NETWORKING = 0x0300;
165            public static final int AUDIO_VIDEO = 0x0400;
166            public static final int PERIPHERAL = 0x0500;
167            public static final int IMAGING = 0x0600;
168            public static final int WEARABLE = 0x0700;
169            public static final int TOY = 0x0800;
170            public static final int HEALTH = 0x0900;
171            public static final int UNCATEGORIZED = 0x1F00;
172        }


257    /**
258     * Return the major device class component of this {@link BluetoothClass}.
259     * <p>Values returned from this function can be compared with the
260     * public constants in {@link BluetoothClass.Device.Major} to determine
261     * which major class is encoded in this Bluetooth class.
262     *
263     * @return major device class component
264     */
265    public int getMajorDeviceClass() {
266        return (mClass & Device.Major.BITMASK);
267    }


174        // Devices in the COMPUTER major class
175        public static final int COMPUTER_UNCATEGORIZED = 0x0100;
176        public static final int COMPUTER_DESKTOP = 0x0104;
177        public static final int COMPUTER_SERVER = 0x0108;
178        public static final int COMPUTER_LAPTOP = 0x010C;
179        public static final int COMPUTER_HANDHELD_PC_PDA = 0x0110;
180        public static final int COMPUTER_PALM_SIZE_PC_PDA = 0x0114;
181        public static final int COMPUTER_WEARABLE = 0x0118;

综上,我们可以先用判断service class的方式来判断设备的能力,如果满足我们的要求,再进一步判断一下设备的Major Class,如果通过Major Class还不能定位到你的设备,则再进一步确定设备的小类。


我们利用《Android蓝牙开发系列文章-蓝牙音箱连接》中的demo为基础,来看一下我们的音箱是否支持a2dp profile以及它的Major Class是否为AUDIO_VIDEO。

在设备扫描到S7音箱后,判断一下是否满足a2dp Profile和Major Class,如果满足预期,则对这个设备发起配对、连接,如果不满足,则继续搜索设备。

 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {final String action = intent.getAction();Log.d(TAG, "onReceive intent = " + action);if(action.equals(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND)) {BluetoothDevice btdevice = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);final String address = btdevice.getAddress();final String deviceName = btdevice.getName();Log.d(TAG, "onReceive found device, deivce address = " + address + ",deviceName = " + deviceName);if(isTargetDevice(btdevice)) {BluetoothClass btClass = btdevice.getBluetoothClass();if(btClass.hasService(BluetoothClass.Service.AUDIO)) {Log.d(TAG, "btdevice: " + btdevice + "support a2dp profile");} else {Log.d(TAG, "btdevice: " + btdevice + "not support a2dp profile");return;}int majorClass = btClass.getMajorDeviceClass();Log.d(TAG, "btClass: " + btClass + "majorClass = " + majorClass);stopScan();mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_PAIR, DELAYT_TIMES);}}

相关日志打印如下,我们可以看到该音箱的确支持A2dp Profile,且其Major Class为1024,转换成16进制数为0x400,等于AUDIO_VIDEO类型。

 --------- beginning of system
03-15 10:53:03.305 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: onReceive intent = android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND
03-15 10:53:03.309 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: onReceive found device, deivce address = FC:58:FA:B4:45:EA,deviceName = S7
03-15 10:53:03.318 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: deivce :S7is target device
03-15 10:53:03.320 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: btdevice: FC:58:FA:B4:45:EAsupport a2dp profile
03-15 10:53:03.320 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: btClass: 260404majorClass = 1024
03-15 10:53:03.331 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: stop scan device
03-15 10:53:03.832 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: dispatchMessage, msg.what = 1
03-15 10:53:03.832 1311-1311/com.atlas.btdemo D/MainActivity: start pair device = FC:58:FA:B4:45:EA

这里想再补充一点,最后不要只根据Major Class来进行设备类型的判断,因为有些设备制作的不标准,即虽然是一个蓝牙音箱,但是它的Major Class却不是0x400。

那应该怎么判断呢?其实我们只需要通过Service Class来判断就行了,因为一个蓝牙设备支持了A2dp Profile,则它就具有了作为音箱的能力,我们完全可以认为它就是一个音箱,不需要其他的条件判断了~




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