
ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the open and closed financial periods for organizations.  When a period is opened, the period open form (INVTTGPO) pulls in the next available period from the GL table GL_PERIODS.

ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the relevant data, such as period start, end and close dates.  Note that only postable periods will be brought over.  You may create non-postable periods in Oracle General Ledger or in the GL forms provided with Oracle Inventory.

If data exists in the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE column, then the period has been closed and no more transactions can be made against the closed period.

The combination of the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE and OPEN_FLAG columns reflects the status of a period. When OPEN_FLAG = 'P', it means the period close is processing. When it equals 'N', the period close process is completed.  When OPEN_FLAG is 'Y' and PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is null, it means the period is open. Otherwise, it implies the period close process has failed.

Org_Acct_Periods Queries Sample:

SELECT * FROM org_acct_periods WHERE organization_id = 112  AND period_year IN (2010,2011);

SELECT * FROM org_acct_periods WHERE acct_period_id = 17040;

Mtl_Material_Transactions & Org_Acct_Periods Scripts Sample:

         mmt.acct_period_id mmt_acct_period_id,
         mmt.transaction_id mmt_transaction_id,
         mmt.transaction_date mmt_transaction_date
  FROM   mtl_material_transactions mmt, org_acct_periods oap
 WHERE       mmt.costed_flag = 'E'
         AND mmt.organization_id = oap.organization_id
         AND oap.acct_period_id = mmt.acct_period_id
         AND (mmt.transaction_date < oap.period_start_date
              OR mmt.transaction_date > oap.schedule_close_date + .99999);

SET   LAST_UPDATED_BY = -8468014,
        ACCT_PERIOD_ID = 5008,
        COSTED_FLAG = 'N',

How to Re-Open a Closed Inventory Accounting Period (For Details,NEED Check Doc ID 472631.1)

-- A script to list all inventory periods for a specific organization-- A script to reopen closed inventory accounting periods in 11.5.10 -- The script will reopen all inventory periods for the specified -- Delete scripts to remove the rows created during the period close process to prevent duplicate rows-- organization starting from the specified accounting period. -- The organization_id can be obtained from the MTL_PARAMETERS table. -- The acct_period_id can be obtained from the ORG_ACCT_PERIODS table.  
SELECT acct_period_id , open_flag, period_name name, period_start_date, schedule_close_date, period_close_dateFROM org_acct_periodsWHERE organization_id = &&org_id AND period_year IN (2008)order by 1,2;UPDATE org_acct_periodsSET open_flag = 'Y',period_close_date = NULL,summarized_flag = 'N'WHERE organization_id = &&org_idAND acct_period_id >= &&acct_period_id;DELETE mtl_period_summaryWHERE organization_id = &org_idAND acct_period_id >= &acct_period_id;DELETE mtl_period_cg_summaryWHERE organization_id = &org_idAND acct_period_id >= &acct_period_id;DELETE mtl_per_close_dtlsWHERE organization_id = &org_idAND acct_period_id >= &acct_period_id;DELETE cst_period_close_summaryWHERE organization_id = &org_idAND acct_period_id >= &acct_period_id;

Period Related Tables


MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY records the inventory value for each subinventory in an organization at the end of a period.  The table is populated when period close is performed.

Query Like:

SELECT inventory_value FROM mtl_period_summary WHERE organization_id = 207 AND secondary_inventory = 'FGI' AND acct_period_id = 109;


This table stores the result of the period close summarization process enhancement introduced in 11.5.10 (Patchset J). Previously, periods were summarized into MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY or MTL_PERIOD_CG_SUMMARY. The old and new tables are consolidated under the views MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY_V and MTL_PERIOD_CG_SUMMARY_V.

In this table, summarization results are stored at the item, cost group and subinventory level for each accounting period and organization combination. The two main results of the summarization are:
1) ACCOUNTED_VALUE - The sum of accounting distributions for the relevant period

2) ROLLBACK_VALUE - The product of  the rolled back onhand quantity and cost.


The table contains summarized inventory valuation details for an accounting period, organization, inventory type and cost group


MTL_PER_CLOSE_DTLS stores period end quantities, costs, and values by subinventory, item, and cost group for an organization under Average Costing for Work in Process.  The table also stores the period end value in intransit inventory for the organization.  This table is populated by the period close program.
This table is a child table of MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY.
The table records the inventory value for each inventory item by cost group in the organization at the end of a period.

The COST_GROUP_ID for the intransit inventory will be 1 and SECONDARY_INVENTORY will be NULL.


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