2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> hot3.png

    /*** 族谱树形*/@Action(value = "depttree", results = { @Result(name = "success", location = "/WEB-INF/admin/family/user/tree.jsp") })public String depttree() throws Exception {HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();String kanid = request.getParameter("kanid"); if (kanid!=null&&!"".equals(kanid)) {String table="select  fuid from FamilyUser where id="+kanid;String fuid=jdbc.GetObject(table,"fuid"); //先看他有fuid吗,来判断他是不是最大代数,如果不是就进去查询他五代的数据if (fuid!=null&&!"".equals(fuid)) {        // 考虑 往上查询5代 只能查出某一代String sql5 = "   select fuid,(select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=f.fuid )as  erfuid,"+ " (select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=(select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=f.fuid))as  sanfuid,"+ " (select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=(select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=(select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=f.fuid)))as  sifuid,"+ " (select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=(select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=(select fuid from FamilyUser Where "+ "id=((select fuid from FamilyUser Where id=f.fuid)))))as  wufuid  from FamilyUser f where id="+ kanid;List<Map<String, String>> list = jdbc.select(sql5,"erfuid,sanfuid,sifuid,wufuid");System.out.println(list); if (list.size() > 0) {if (list.get(0).get("erfuid")!=null&&!"".equals(list.get(0).get("erfuid").trim())) {String a=list.get(0).get("erfuid").toString();fuid=a;}if (list.get(0).get("sanfuid")!=null&&!"".equals(list.get(0).get("sanfuid").trim())) {String b=list.get(0).get("sanfuid").toString();fuid=b;}if (list.get(0).get("sifuid")!=null&&!"".equals(list.get(0).get("sifuid").trim())) {String c=list.get(0).get("sifuid").toString();fuid=c;}              if (list.get(0).get("wufuid")!=null&&!"".equals(list.get(0).get("wufuid").trim())) {String d=list.get(0).get("wufuid").toString();  fuid=d;}             System.out.println("输出最大代数的fuid="+fuid);} else {// 考虑 查询五代 一代都查询不出来 当作开始的fuidfuid = kanid;}}else {fuid=kanid;}if (fuid != null && !"".equals(fuid)) {// 上面的,只是查询出fuid下的所有族人,不包含id=fuid的人所以要查询一遍String sqlben = "select f.id,f.username,(select username from FamilyUser where id=f.peiouid) as peiou from FamilyUser f where id="+ fuid;List<Map<String, Object>> benlist = jdbc.select(sqlben,"id,username,peiou");req.setAttribute("benlist", benlist);System.out.println("输出最大代数的人数据=" + benlist); req.setAttribute("fuid", fuid);}}     return "success";}/*** 树形* @throws IOException */@Action(value = "tree")public String tree() throws Exception, IOException {HttpServletResponse response = ServletActionContext.getResponse();response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store,no-cache,must-revalidate");response.setHeader("Expires", "Sat, 6 May 1995 12:00:00 GMT");response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8");PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();QueryResult<FamilyUser> queryResult = null;StringBuilder treeBuilder = new StringBuilder("");List<FamilyUser> list = new ArrayList<FamilyUser>();String wheresql = " 1=1 ";if (fuid != null && fuid > 0) {wheresql += " and o.fuid=" + fuid;} else {wheresql += " and o.fuid=0";} List<Object> queryParams = new ArrayList<Object>();LinkedHashMap<String, String> orderby = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();orderby.put("shidai", "asc");orderby.put("paihang", "asc");queryResult = familyUserService.findScrollData(wheresql,queryParams.toArray(), orderby);list = queryResult.getResultlist();FamilyUser dept = null;for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {dept = list.get(i);wheresql = " o.fuid = " + dept.getId();queryResult = familyUserService.findScrollData(wheresql,queryParams.toArray(), orderby);if (queryResult != null&& queryResult.getResultlist().size() > 0) {treeBuilder.append("<li id=").append(dept.getId()).append(" class='jstree-closed'><a  title=\"").append(dept.getUsername()) .append("\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"show("+ dept.getId() + ")\"").append("\">").append(dept.getUsername()).append("</a></li>");} else {treeBuilder.append("<li id=").append(dept.getId()).append(" class='qxtp'><a  title=\"").append("\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\"  target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"show("+ dept.getId() + ")\"").append("\">").append(dept.getUsername()).append("</a></li>");}}out.print(treeBuilder.toString());out.flush();out.close();return null;}



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<title>族谱</title> <script src="/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/sf.js"></script>
<script src="/js/jquery.jstree.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/new_css/buttom.css" type="text/css"></link><script src="/js/layer-v1.8.4/layer/layer.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="/laydate/laydate.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">  jQuery(function() {jQuery("#searchInfo").height(jQuery(window).height() - 15);jQuery("#searchInfo").width(jQuery(window).width() - 10);jQuery(window).resize(function() {jQuery("#searchInfo").height(jQuery(window).height() - 15);jQuery("#searchInfo").width(jQuery(window).width() - 10);})CareteTree();});function CareteTree() {var id=${fuid};var username =$.trim($("#username").val());  var peiou =$.trim($("#peiou").val()); jQuery("#tree").jstree({"core" : {"initially_open" : $("#initially_open").val().split(',')},"html_data" : {"data" : "<li class='jstree-closed' id="+${fuid}+" >"+username+","+peiou+"</li>","ajax" : {"url" : "/admin/familyuser/tree.action","data" : function(n) {return { fuid : n.attr ? n.attr("id") : 0} }}},"plugins" : [ "themes", "html_data" ],"themes" : {"theme" : "default","dots" : true,"icons" : false}}).bind("click.jstree", function(e, data) {jreeClick(e, data);}).bind("loaded.jstree", function(event, data) {data.inst.open_all(-1); // 展开所有部门  });}function jreeClick(e, data) {if (e.target.nodeName == "INS") {existString($(e.target).parents('li'));}if (e.target.nodeName == "INS" || e.target.nodeName == "A") {$(e.target).parents('li').find("a").removeClass("jstree-clicked");$(e.target).parents('li').find("a").eq(0).addClass("jstree-clicked");}}function existString(s) {var tt = "," + $("#initially_open").val() + ",";if (s.attr("class").indexOf("jstree-open") >= 0) {tt = tt.replace(s.attr('id') + ",", "");if (tt.indexOf(",") == 0) {tt = tt.substring(1, tt.length);}if (tt.length == tt.lastIndexOf(",") + 1) {tt = tt.substring(0, tt.length - 1);}$("#initially_open").val(tt);} else {var t = $("#initially_open").val();$("#initially_open").val(t + "," + s.attr('id'));}}//查看方法function show(id){  $.layer({type : 2,maxmin : true,shadeClose : true,title : '查看详细信息',shade : [ 0.1, '#fff' ],offset : [ '', '' ],area : [ "800px", "500px" ],iframe : { src : "/admin/familyuser/show?showid="+id, },close : function() { }}); }</script></head>
<body class="bj_White"><form name="form1" method="post" action="Dept_List.aspx" id="form1">     <!-- <div id="searchInfo"style="width:100%; overflow: auto;"> --><div class="dayin"><input   type=button   value=打印族谱   onclick= "window.print();"   class= "btn btn-primary"></div>  <div id="tree" class="tree" style="color: #0066CC;margin-top: 20px;"> </div><!-- </div> --><input id="initially_open" type="hidden" value="21,0" /><c:forEach items="${benlist}" var="bbuu" ><input id="username" type="hidden" value="${bbuu.username}" /><input id="peiou" type="hidden" value="${bbuu.peiou}"/></c:forEach></form>
<style type="text/css">
.dayin{margin-left:20px; }
* {margin: 0;padding: 0;
}.tree {/* width: 300%; */width: 300%;margin: 40px auto 0 auto
}.tree ul {padding-top: 20px;position: relative;transition: all 0.5s;-webkit-transition: all 0.5s;-moz-transition: all 0.5s;
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}/*We need to remove left-right connectors from elements without
any siblings*/
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}/*Remove space from the top of single children*/
.tree li:only-child {padding-top: 0;
}/*Remove left connector from first child and
right connector from last child*/
.tree li:first-child::before,.tree li:last-child::after {border: 0 none;
/*Adding back the vertical connector to the last nodes*/
.tree li:last-child::before {border-right: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;-webkit-border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;-moz-border-radius: 0 5px 0 0;
}.tree li:first-child::after {border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;-webkit-border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;-moz-border-radius: 5px 0 0 0;
}/*Time to add downward connectors from parents*/
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}.tree li a {border: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 5px 10px;text-decoration: none;color: #666;font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma;font-size: 11px;display: inline-block;border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-moz-border-radius: 5px;transition: all 0.5s;-webkit-transition: all 0.5s;-moz-transition: all 0.5s;
}/*Time for some hover effects*/
/*We will apply the hover effect the the lineage of the element also*/
.tree li a:hover,.tree li a:hover+ul li a {background: #c8e4f8;color: #000;border: 1px solid #94a0b4;
/*Connector styles on hover*/
.tree li a:hover+ul li::after,.tree li a:hover+ul li::before,.tree li a:hover+ul::before,.tree li a:hover+ul ul::before{border-color: #94a0b4;


/** jsTree 1.0-rc3* http://jstree.com/** Copyright (c) 2010 Ivan Bozhanov (vakata.com)** Licensed same as jquery - under the terms of either the MIT License or the GPL Version 2 License*   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php*   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html** $Date: 2011-02-09 01:17:14 +0200 (ср, 09 февр 2011) $* $Revision: 236 $*//*jslint browser: true, onevar: true, undef: true, bitwise: true, strict: true */
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(function () { if(jQuery && jQuery.jstree) { return; }var is_ie6 = false, is_ie7 = false, is_ff2 = false;/* * jsTree core*/
(function ($) { // Common functions not related to jsTree // decided to move them to a `vakata` "namespace"$.vakata = {};// CSS related functions$.vakata.css = {get_css : function(rule_name, delete_flag, sheet) {rule_name = rule_name.toLowerCase();var css_rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules,j = 0;do {if(css_rules.length && j > css_rules.length + 5) { return false; }if(css_rules[j].selectorText && css_rules[j].selectorText.toLowerCase() == rule_name) {if(delete_flag === true) {if(sheet.removeRule) { sheet.removeRule(j); }if(sheet.deleteRule) { sheet.deleteRule(j); }return true;}else { return css_rules[j]; }}}while (css_rules[++j]);return false;},add_css : function(rule_name, sheet) {if($.jstree.css.get_css(rule_name, false, sheet)) { return false; }if(sheet.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(rule_name + ' { }', 0); } else { sheet.addRule(rule_name, null, 0); }return $.vakata.css.get_css(rule_name);},remove_css : function(rule_name, sheet) { return $.vakata.css.get_css(rule_name, true, sheet); },add_sheet : function(opts) {var tmp = false, is_new = true;if(opts.str) {if(opts.title) { tmp = $("style[id='" + opts.title + "-stylesheet']")[0]; }if(tmp) { is_new = false; }else {tmp = document.createElement("style");tmp.setAttribute('type',"text/css");if(opts.title) { tmp.setAttribute("id", opts.title + "-stylesheet"); }}if(tmp.styleSheet) {if(is_new) { document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tmp); tmp.styleSheet.cssText = opts.str; }else {tmp.styleSheet.cssText = tmp.styleSheet.cssText + " " + opts.str; }}else {tmp.appendChild(document.createTextNode(opts.str));document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tmp);}return tmp.sheet || tmp.styleSheet;}if(opts.url) {if(document.createStyleSheet) {try { tmp = document.createStyleSheet(opts.url); } catch (e) { }}else {tmp           = document.createElement('link');tmp.rel        = 'stylesheet';tmp.type = 'text/css';tmp.media  = "all";tmp.href    = opts.url;document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tmp);return tmp.styleSheet;}}}};// private variables var instances = [],            // instance array (used by $.jstree.reference/create/focused)focused_instance = -1, // the index in the instance array of the currently focused instanceplugins = {},           // list of included pluginsprepared_move = {};      // for the move_node function// jQuery plugin wrapper (thanks to jquery UI widget function)$.fn.jstree = function (settings) {var isMethodCall = (typeof settings == 'string'), // is this a method call like $().jstree("open_node")args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), returnValue = this;// if a method call execute the method on all selected instancesif(isMethodCall) {if(settings.substring(0, 1) == '_') { return returnValue; }this.each(function() {var instance = instances[$.data(this, "jstree-instance-id")],methodValue = (instance && $.isFunction(instance[settings])) ? instance[settings].apply(instance, args) : instance;if(typeof methodValue !== "undefined" && (settings.indexOf("is_") === 0 || (methodValue !== true && methodValue !== false))) { returnValue = methodValue; return false; }});}else {this.each(function() {// extend settings and allow for multiple hashes and $.datavar instance_id = $.data(this, "jstree-instance-id"),a = [],b = settings ? $.extend({}, true, settings) : {},c = $(this), s = false, t = [];a = a.concat(args);if(c.data("jstree")) { a.push(c.data("jstree")); }b = a.length ? $.extend.apply(null, [true, b].concat(a)) : b;// if an instance already exists, destroy it firstif(typeof instance_id !== "undefined" && instances[instance_id]) { instances[instance_id].destroy(); }// push a new empty object to the instances arrayinstance_id = parseInt(instances.push({}),10) - 1;// store the jstree instance id to the container element$.data(this, "jstree-instance-id", instance_id);// clean up all pluginsb.plugins = $.isArray(b.plugins) ? b.plugins : $.jstree.defaults.plugins.slice();b.plugins.unshift("core");// only unique pluginsb.plugins = b.plugins.sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",");// extend defaults with passed datas = $.extend(true, {}, $.jstree.defaults, b);s.plugins = b.plugins;$.each(plugins, function (i, val) { if($.inArray(i, s.plugins) === -1) { s[i] = null; delete s[i]; } else { t.push(i); }});s.plugins = t;// push the new object to the instances array (at the same time set the default classes to the container) and initinstances[instance_id] = new $.jstree._instance(instance_id, $(this).addClass("jstree jstree-" + instance_id), s); // init all activated plugins for this instance$.each(instances[instance_id]._get_settings().plugins, function (i, val) { instances[instance_id].data[val] = {}; });$.each(instances[instance_id]._get_settings().plugins, function (i, val) { if(plugins[val]) { plugins[val].__init.apply(instances[instance_id]); } });// initialize the instancesetTimeout(function() { instances[instance_id].init(); }, 0);});}// return the jquery selection (or if it was a method call that returned a value - the returned value)return returnValue;};// object to store exposed functions and objects$.jstree = {defaults : {plugins : []},_focused : function () { return instances[focused_instance] || null; },_reference : function (needle) { // get by instance idif(instances[needle]) { return instances[needle]; }// get by DOM (if still no luck - return nullvar o = $(needle); if(!o.length && typeof needle === "string") { o = $("#" + needle); }if(!o.length) { return null; }return instances[o.closest(".jstree").data("jstree-instance-id")] || null; },_instance : function (index, container, settings) { // for plugins to store data inthis.data = { core : {} };this.get_settings  = function () { return $.extend(true, {}, settings); };this._get_settings   = function () { return settings; };this.get_index       = function () { return index; };this.get_container  = function () { return container; };this.get_container_ul = function () { return container.children("ul:eq(0)"); };this._set_settings   = function (s) { settings = $.extend(true, {}, settings, s);};},_fn : { },plugin : function (pname, pdata) {pdata = $.extend({}, {__init        : $.noop, __destroy : $.noop,_fn            : {},defaults   : false}, pdata);plugins[pname] = pdata;$.jstree.defaults[pname] = pdata.defaults;$.each(pdata._fn, function (i, val) {val.plugin       = pname;val.old         = $.jstree._fn[i];$.jstree._fn[i] = function () {var rslt,func = val,args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),evnt = new $.Event("before.jstree"),rlbk = false;if(this.data.core.locked === true && i !== "unlock" && i !== "is_locked") { return; }// Check if function belongs to the included plugins of this instancedo {if(func && func.plugin && $.inArray(func.plugin, this._get_settings().plugins) !== -1) { break; }func = func.old;} while(func);if(!func) { return; }// context and function to trigger events, then finally call the functionif(i.indexOf("_") === 0) {rslt = func.apply(this, args);}else {rslt = this.get_container().triggerHandler(evnt, { "func" : i, "inst" : this, "args" : args, "plugin" : func.plugin });if(rslt === false) { return; }if(typeof rslt !== "undefined") { args = rslt; }rslt = func.apply($.extend({}, this, { __callback : function (data) { this.get_container().triggerHandler( i + '.jstree', { "inst" : this, "args" : args, "rslt" : data, "rlbk" : rlbk });},__rollback : function () { rlbk = this.get_rollback();return rlbk;},__call_old : function (replace_arguments) {return func.old.apply(this, (replace_arguments ? Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) : args ) );}}), args);}// return the resultreturn rslt;};$.jstree._fn[i].old = val.old;$.jstree._fn[i].plugin = pname;});},rollback : function (rb) {if(rb) {if(!$.isArray(rb)) { rb = [ rb ]; }$.each(rb, function (i, val) {instances[val.i].set_rollback(val.h, val.d);});}}};// set the prototype for all instances$.jstree._fn = $.jstree._instance.prototype = {};// load the css when DOM is ready$(function() { // code is copied from jQuery ($.browser is deprecated + there is a bug in IE)var u = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),v = (u.match( /.+?(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [0,'0'])[1],css_string = '' + '.jstree ul, .jstree li { display:block; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0 0 0 0; list-style-type:none; } ' + '.jstree li { display:block; min-height:18px; line-height:18px; white-space:nowrap; margin-left:18px; min-width:18px; } ' + '.jstree-rtl li { margin-left:0; margin-right:18px; } ' + '.jstree > ul > li { margin-left:0px; } ' + '.jstree-rtl > ul > li { margin-right:0px; } ' + '.jstree ins { display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; width:18px; height:18px; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0; } ' + '.jstree a { display:inline-block;color:black; font-size: initial;margin: 4px;} ' + '.jstree a:focus { outline: none; } ' + '.jstree a > ins { height:16px; width:16px; } ' + '.jstree a > .jstree-icon { margin-right:3px; } ' + '.jstree-rtl a > .jstree-icon { margin-left:3px; margin-right:0; } ' + 'li.jstree-open > ul { display:block; } ' + 'li.jstree-closed > ul { display:none; } ';// Correct IE 6 (does not support the > CSS selector)if(/msie/.test(u) && parseInt(v, 10) == 6) { is_ie6 = true;// fix image flicker and lack of cachingtry {document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);} catch (err) { }css_string += '' + '.jstree li { height:18px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } ' + '.jstree li li { margin-left:18px; } ' + '.jstree-rtl li li { margin-left:0px; margin-right:18px; } ' + 'li.jstree-open ul { display:block; } ' + 'li.jstree-closed ul { display:none !important; } ' + '.jstree li a { display:inline; border-width:0 !important; padding:0px 2px !important; } ' + '.jstree li a ins { height:16px; width:16px; margin-right:3px; } ' + '.jstree-rtl li a ins { margin-right:0px; margin-left:3px; } ';}// Correct IE 7 (shifts anchor nodes onhover)if(/msie/.test(u) && parseInt(v, 10) == 7) { is_ie7 = true;css_string += '.jstree li a { border-width:0 !important; padding:0px 2px !important; } ';}// correct ff2 lack of display:inline-blockif(!/compatible/.test(u) && /mozilla/.test(u) && parseFloat(v, 10) < 1.9) {is_ff2 = true;css_string += '' + '.jstree ins { display:-moz-inline-box; } ' + '.jstree li { line-height:12px; } ' + // WHY??'.jstree a { display:-moz-inline-box; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-no-icons .jstree-checkbox { display:-moz-inline-stack !important; } ';/* this shouldn't be here as it is theme specific */}// the default stylesheet$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });});// core functions (open, close, create, update, delete)$.jstree.plugin("core", {__init : function () {this.data.core.locked = false;this.data.core.to_open = this.get_settings().core.initially_open;this.data.core.to_load = this.get_settings().core.initially_load;},defaults : { html_titles : false,animation   : 500,initially_open : [],initially_load : [],open_parents : true,notify_plugins : true,rtl         : false,load_open   : false,strings     : {loading      : "Loading ...",new_node    : "New node",multiple_selection : "Multiple selection"}},_fn : { init   : function () { this.set_focus(); if(this._get_settings().core.rtl) {this.get_container().addClass("jstree-rtl").css("direction", "rtl");}this.get_container().html("<ul><li class='jstree-last jstree-leaf'><ins>&#160;</ins><a class='jstree-loading' href='#'><ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>" + this._get_string("loading") + "</a></li></ul>");this.data.core.li_height = this.get_container_ul().find("li.jstree-closed, li.jstree-leaf").eq(0).height() || 18;this.get_container().delegate("li > ins", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {var trgt = $(event.target);if(trgt.is("ins") && event.pageY - trgt.offset().top < this.data.core.li_height) { this.toggle_node(trgt); }}, this)).bind("mousedown.jstree", $.proxy(function () { this.set_focus(); // This used to be setTimeout(set_focus,0) - why?}, this)).bind("dblclick.jstree", function (event) { var sel;if(document.selection && document.selection.empty) { document.selection.empty(); }else {if(window.getSelection) {sel = window.getSelection();try { sel.removeAllRanges();sel.collapse();} catch (err) { }}}});if(this._get_settings().core.notify_plugins) {this.get_container().bind("load_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var o = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),t = this;if(o === -1) { o = this.get_container_ul(); }if(!o.length) { return; }o.find("li").each(function () {var th = $(this);if(th.data("jstree")) {$.each(th.data("jstree"), function (plugin, values) {if(t.data[plugin] && $.isFunction(t["_" + plugin + "_notify"])) {t["_" + plugin + "_notify"].call(t, th, values);}});}});}, this));}if(this._get_settings().core.load_open) {this.get_container().bind("load_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var o = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),t = this;if(o === -1) { o = this.get_container_ul(); }if(!o.length) { return; }o.find("li.jstree-open:not(:has(ul))").each(function () {t.load_node(this, $.noop, $.noop);});}, this));}this.__callback();this.load_node(-1, function () { this.loaded(); this.reload_nodes(); });},destroy  : function () { var i,n = this.get_index(),s = this._get_settings(),_this = this;$.each(s.plugins, function (i, val) {try { plugins[val].__destroy.apply(_this); } catch(err) { }});this.__callback();// set focus to another instance if this one is focusedif(this.is_focused()) { for(i in instances) { if(instances.hasOwnProperty(i) && i != n) { instances[i].set_focus(); break; } }}// if no other instance foundif(n === focused_instance) { focused_instance = -1; }// remove all traces of jstree in the DOM (only the ones set using jstree*) and cleans all eventsthis.get_container().unbind(".jstree").undelegate(".jstree").removeData("jstree-instance-id").find("[class^='jstree']").andSelf().attr("class", function () { return this.className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,''); });$(document).unbind(".jstree-" + n).undelegate(".jstree-" + n);// remove the actual datainstances[n] = null;delete instances[n];},_core_notify : function (n, data) {if(data.opened) {this.open_node(n, false, true);}},lock : function () {this.data.core.locked = true;this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-locked").css("opacity","0.7");this.__callback({});},unlock : function () {this.data.core.locked = false;this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-locked").css("opacity","1");this.__callback({});},is_locked : function () { return this.data.core.locked; },save_opened : function () {var _this = this;this.data.core.to_open = [];this.get_container_ul().find("li.jstree-open").each(function () { if(this.id) { _this.data.core.to_open.push("#" + this.id.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:")); }});this.__callback(_this.data.core.to_open);},save_loaded : function () { },reload_nodes : function (is_callback) {var _this = this,done = true,current = [],remaining = [];if(!is_callback) { this.data.core.reopen = false; this.data.core.refreshing = true; this.data.core.to_open = $.map($.makeArray(this.data.core.to_open), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:"); });this.data.core.to_load = $.map($.makeArray(this.data.core.to_load), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:"); });if(this.data.core.to_open.length) {this.data.core.to_load = this.data.core.to_load.concat(this.data.core.to_open);}}if(this.data.core.to_load.length) {$.each(this.data.core.to_load, function (i, val) {if(val == "#") { return true; }if($(val).length) { current.push(val); }else { remaining.push(val); }});if(current.length) {this.data.core.to_load = remaining;$.each(current, function (i, val) { if(!_this._is_loaded(val)) {_this.load_node(val, function () { _this.reload_nodes(true); }, function () { _this.reload_nodes(true); });done = false;}});}}if(this.data.core.to_open.length) {$.each(this.data.core.to_open, function (i, val) {_this.open_node(val, false, true); });}if(done) { // TODO: find a more elegant approach to syncronizing returning requestsif(this.data.core.reopen) { clearTimeout(this.data.core.reopen); }this.data.core.reopen = setTimeout(function () { _this.__callback({}, _this); }, 50);this.data.core.refreshing = false;this.reopen();}},reopen : function () {var _this = this;if(this.data.core.to_open.length) {$.each(this.data.core.to_open, function (i, val) {_this.open_node(val, false, true); });}this.__callback({});},refresh : function (obj) {var _this = this;this.save_opened();if(!obj) { obj = -1; }obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj) { obj = -1; }if(obj !== -1) { obj.children("UL").remove(); }else { this.get_container_ul().empty(); }this.load_node(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj}); _this.reload_nodes(); });},// Dummy function to fire after the first load (so that there is a jstree.loaded event)loaded   : function () { this.__callback(); },// deal with focusset_focus    : function () { if(this.is_focused()) { return; }var f = $.jstree._focused();if(f) { f.unset_focus(); }this.get_container().addClass("jstree-focused"); focused_instance = this.get_index(); this.__callback();},is_focused : function () { return focused_instance == this.get_index(); },unset_focus  : function () {if(this.is_focused()) {this.get_container().removeClass("jstree-focused"); focused_instance = -1; }this.__callback();},// traverse_get_node      : function (obj) { var $obj = $(obj, this.get_container()); if($obj.is(".jstree") || obj == -1) { return -1; } $obj = $obj.closest("li", this.get_container()); return $obj.length ? $obj : false; },_get_next      : function (obj, strict) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().find("> ul > li:first-child"); }if(!obj.length) { return false; }if(strict) { return (obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) ? obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)") : false; }if(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return obj.find("li:eq(0)"); }else if(obj.nextAll("li").size() > 0) { return obj.nextAll("li:eq(0)"); }else { return obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").next("li").eq(0); }},_get_prev     : function (obj, strict) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().find("> ul > li:last-child"); }if(!obj.length) { return false; }if(strict) { return (obj.prevAll("li").length > 0) ? obj.prevAll("li:eq(0)") : false; }if(obj.prev("li").length) {obj = obj.prev("li").eq(0);while(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { obj = obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li:last"); }return obj;}else { var o = obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li:eq(0)"); return o.length ? o : false; }},_get_parent     : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj == -1 || !obj.length) { return false; }var o = obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li:eq(0)");return o.length ? o : -1;},_get_children  : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj === -1) { return this.get_container().children("ul:eq(0)").children("li"); }if(!obj.length) { return false; }return obj.children("ul:eq(0)").children("li");},get_path       : function (obj, id_mode) {var p = [],_this = this;obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj === -1 || !obj || !obj.length) { return false; }obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").each(function () {p.push( id_mode ? this.id : _this.get_text(this) );});p.reverse();p.push( id_mode ? obj.attr("id") : this.get_text(obj) );return p;},// string functions_get_string : function (key) {return this._get_settings().core.strings[key] || key;},is_open        : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-open"); },is_closed  : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-closed"); },is_leaf      : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj && obj !== -1 && obj.hasClass("jstree-leaf"); },correct_state  : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj || obj === -1) { return false; }obj.removeClass("jstree-closed jstree-open").addClass("jstree-leaf").children("ul").remove();this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},// open/closeopen_node  : function (obj, callback, skip_animation) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }if(!obj.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { if(callback) { callback.call(); } return false; }var s = skip_animation || is_ie6 ? 0 : this._get_settings().core.animation,t = this;if(!this._is_loaded(obj)) {obj.children("a").addClass("jstree-loading");this.load_node(obj, function () { t.open_node(obj, callback, skip_animation); }, callback);}else {if(this._get_settings().core.open_parents) {obj.parentsUntil(".jstree",".jstree-closed").each(function () {t.open_node(this, false, true);});}if(s) { obj.children("ul").css("display","none"); }obj.removeClass("jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-open").children("a").removeClass("jstree-loading");if(s) { obj.children("ul").stop(true, true).slideDown(s, function () { this.style.display = ""; t.after_open(obj); }); }else { t.after_open(obj); }this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });if(callback) { callback.call(); }}},after_open : function (obj) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); },close_node   : function (obj, skip_animation) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var s = skip_animation || is_ie6 ? 0 : this._get_settings().core.animation,t = this;if(!obj.length || !obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return false; }if(s) { obj.children("ul").attr("style","display:block !important"); }obj.removeClass("jstree-open").addClass("jstree-closed");if(s) { obj.children("ul").stop(true, true).slideUp(s, function () { this.style.display = ""; t.after_close(obj); }); }else { t.after_close(obj); }this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},after_close   : function (obj) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); },toggle_node  : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { return this.open_node(obj); }if(obj.hasClass("jstree-open")) { return this.close_node(obj); }},open_all : function (obj, do_animation, original_obj) {obj = obj ? this._get_node(obj) : -1;if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container_ul(); }if(original_obj) { obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed");}else {original_obj = obj;if(obj.is(".jstree-closed")) { obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed").andSelf(); }else { obj = obj.find("li.jstree-closed"); }}var _this = this;obj.each(function () { var __this = this; if(!_this._is_loaded(this)) { _this.open_node(this, function() { _this.open_all(__this, do_animation, original_obj); }, !do_animation); }else { _this.open_node(this, false, !do_animation); }});// so that callback is fired AFTER all nodes are openif(original_obj.find('li.jstree-closed').length === 0) { this.__callback({ "obj" : original_obj }); }},close_all    : function (obj, do_animation) {var _this = this;obj = obj ? this._get_node(obj) : this.get_container();if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container_ul(); }obj.find("li.jstree-open").andSelf().each(function () { _this.close_node(this, !do_animation); });this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},clean_node    : function (obj) {obj = obj && obj != -1 ? $(obj) : this.get_container_ul();obj = obj.is("li") ? obj.find("li").andSelf() : obj.find("li");obj.removeClass("jstree-last").filter("li:last-child").addClass("jstree-last").end().filter(":has(li)").not(".jstree-open").removeClass("jstree-leaf").addClass("jstree-closed");obj.not(".jstree-open, .jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf").children("ul").remove();this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},// rollbackget_rollback : function () { this.__callback();return { i : this.get_index(), h : this.get_container().children("ul").clone(true), d : this.data }; },set_rollback : function (html, data) {this.get_container().empty().append(html);this.data = data;this.__callback();},// Dummy functions to be overwritten by any datastore plugin includedload_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); },_is_loaded   : function (obj) { return true; },// Basic operations: createcreate_node    : function (obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded) {obj = this._get_node(obj);position = typeof position === "undefined" ? "last" : position;var d = $("<li />"),s = this._get_settings().core,tmp;if(obj !== -1 && !obj.length) { return false; }if(!is_loaded && !this._is_loaded(obj)) { this.load_node(obj, function () { this.create_node(obj, position, js, callback, true); }); return false; }this.__rollback();if(typeof js === "string") { js = { "data" : js }; }if(!js) { js = {}; }if(js.attr) { d.attr(js.attr); }if(js.metadata) { d.data(js.metadata); }if(js.state) { d.addClass("jstree-" + js.state); }if(!js.data) { js.data = this._get_string("new_node"); }if(!$.isArray(js.data)) { tmp = js.data; js.data = []; js.data.push(tmp); }$.each(js.data, function (i, m) {tmp = $("<a />");if($.isFunction(m)) { m = m.call(this, js); }if(typeof m == "string") { tmp.attr('href','#')[ s.html_titles ? "html" : "text" ](m); }else {if(!m.attr) { m.attr = {}; }if(!m.attr.href) { m.attr.href = '#'; }tmp.attr(m.attr)[ s.html_titles ? "html" : "text" ](m.title);if(m.language) { tmp.addClass(m.language); }}tmp.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>");if(m.icon) { if(m.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { tmp.children("ins").addClass(m.icon); }else { tmp.children("ins").css("background","url('" + m.icon + "') center center no-repeat"); }}d.append(tmp);});d.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>");if(obj === -1) {obj = this.get_container();if(position === "before") { position = "first"; }if(position === "after") { position = "last"; }}switch(position) {case "before": obj.before(d); tmp = this._get_parent(obj); break;case "after" : obj.after(d);  tmp = this._get_parent(obj); break;case "inside":case "first" :if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul />"); }obj.children("ul").prepend(d);tmp = obj;break;case "last":if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul />"); }obj.children("ul").append(d);tmp = obj;break;default:if(!obj.children("ul").length) { obj.append("<ul />"); }if(!position) { position = 0; }tmp = obj.children("ul").children("li").eq(position);if(tmp.length) { tmp.before(d); }else { obj.children("ul").append(d); }tmp = obj;break;}if(tmp === -1 || tmp.get(0) === this.get_container().get(0)) { tmp = -1; }this.clean_node(tmp);this.__callback({ "obj" : d, "parent" : tmp });if(callback) { callback.call(this, d); }return d;},// Basic operations: rename (deal with text)get_text    : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }var s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles;obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)");if(s) {obj = obj.clone();obj.children("INS").remove();return obj.html();}else {obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];return obj.nodeValue;}},set_text  : function (obj, val) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)");if(this._get_settings().core.html_titles) {var tmp = obj.children("INS").clone();obj.html(val).prepend(tmp);this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val });return true;}else {obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val });return (obj.nodeValue = val);}},rename_node : function (obj, val) {obj = this._get_node(obj);this.__rollback();if(obj && obj.length && this.set_text.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val }); }},// Basic operations: deleting nodesdelete_node : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }this.__rollback();var p = this._get_parent(obj), prev = $([]), t = this;obj.each(function () {prev = prev.add(t._get_prev(this));});obj = obj.detach();if(p !== -1 && p.find("> ul > li").length === 0) {p.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf");}this.clean_node(p);this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "prev" : prev, "parent" : p });return obj;},prepare_move : function (o, r, pos, cb, is_cb) {var p = {};p.ot = $.jstree._reference(o) || this;p.o = p.ot._get_node(o);p.r = r === - 1 ? -1 : this._get_node(r);p.p = (typeof pos === "undefined" || pos === false) ? "last" : pos; // TODO: move to a settingif(!is_cb && prepared_move.o && prepared_move.o[0] === p.o[0] && prepared_move.r[0] === p.r[0] && prepared_move.p === p.p) {this.__callback(prepared_move);if(cb) { cb.call(this, prepared_move); }return;}p.ot = $.jstree._reference(p.o) || this;p.rt = $.jstree._reference(p.r) || this; // r === -1 ? p.ot : $.jstree._reference(p.r) || thisif(p.r === -1 || !p.r) {p.cr = -1;switch(p.p) {case "first":case "before":case "inside":p.cp = 0; break;case "after":case "last":p.cp = p.rt.get_container().find(" > ul > li").length; break;default:p.cp = p.p;break;}}else {if(!/^(before|after)$/.test(p.p) && !this._is_loaded(p.r)) {return this.load_node(p.r, function () { this.prepare_move(o, r, pos, cb, true); });}switch(p.p) {case "before":p.cp = p.r.index();p.cr = p.rt._get_parent(p.r);break;case "after":p.cp = p.r.index() + 1;p.cr = p.rt._get_parent(p.r);break;case "inside":case "first":p.cp = 0;p.cr = p.r;break;case "last":p.cp = p.r.find(" > ul > li").length; p.cr = p.r;break;default: p.cp = p.p;p.cr = p.r;break;}}p.np = p.cr == -1 ? p.rt.get_container() : p.cr;p.op = p.ot._get_parent(p.o);p.cop = p.o.index();if(p.op === -1) { p.op = p.ot ? p.ot.get_container() : this.get_container(); }if(!/^(before|after)$/.test(p.p) && p.op && p.np && p.op[0] === p.np[0] && p.o.index() < p.cp) { p.cp++; }//if(p.p === "before" && p.op && p.np && p.op[0] === p.np[0] && p.o.index() < p.cp) { p.cp--; }p.or = p.np.find(" > ul > li:nth-child(" + (p.cp + 1) + ")");prepared_move = p;this.__callback(prepared_move);if(cb) { cb.call(this, prepared_move); }},check_move : function () {var obj = prepared_move, ret = true, r = obj.r === -1 ? this.get_container() : obj.r;if(!obj || !obj.o || obj.or[0] === obj.o[0]) { return false; }if(obj.op && obj.np && obj.op[0] === obj.np[0] && obj.cp - 1 === obj.o.index()) { return false; }obj.o.each(function () { if(r.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().index(this) !== -1) { ret = false; return false; }});return ret;},move_node : function (obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_check) {if(!is_prepared) { return this.prepare_move(obj, ref, position, function (p) {this.move_node(p, false, false, is_copy, true, skip_check);});}if(is_copy) { prepared_move.cy = true;}if(!skip_check && !this.check_move()) { return false; }this.__rollback();var o = false;if(is_copy) {o = obj.o.clone(true);o.find("*[id]").andSelf().each(function () {if(this.id) { this.id = "copy_" + this.id; }});}else { o = obj.o; }if(obj.or.length) { obj.or.before(o); }else { if(!obj.np.children("ul").length) { $("<ul />").appendTo(obj.np); }obj.np.children("ul:eq(0)").append(o); }try { obj.ot.clean_node(obj.op);obj.rt.clean_node(obj.np);if(!obj.op.find("> ul > li").length) {obj.op.removeClass("jstree-open jstree-closed").addClass("jstree-leaf").children("ul").remove();}} catch (e) { }if(is_copy) { prepared_move.cy = true;prepared_move.oc = o; }this.__callback(prepared_move);return prepared_move;},_get_move : function () { return prepared_move; }}});
//*//* * jsTree ui plugin* This plugins handles selecting/deselecting/hovering/dehovering nodes*/
(function ($) {var scrollbar_width, e1, e2;$(function() {if (/msie/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) {e1 = $('<textarea cols="10" rows="2"></textarea>').css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: 0 }).appendTo('body');e2 = $('<textarea cols="10" rows="2" style="overflow: hidden;"></textarea>').css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: 0 }).appendTo('body');scrollbar_width = e1.width() - e2.width();e1.add(e2).remove();} else {e1 = $('<div />').css({ width: 100, height: 100, overflow: 'auto', position: 'absolute', top: -1000, left: 0 }).prependTo('body').append('<div />').find('div').css({ width: '100%', height: 200 });scrollbar_width = 100 - e1.width();e1.parent().remove();}});$.jstree.plugin("ui", {__init : function () { this.data.ui.selected = $(); this.data.ui.last_selected = false; this.data.ui.hovered = null;this.data.ui.to_select = this.get_settings().ui.initially_select;this.get_container().delegate("a", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {event.preventDefault();event.currentTarget.blur();if(!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {this.select_node(event.currentTarget, true, event);}}, this)).delegate("a", "mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {if(!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {this.hover_node(event.target);}}, this)).delegate("a", "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (event) {if(!$(event.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {this.dehover_node(event.target);}}, this)).bind("reopen.jstree", $.proxy(function () { this.reselect();}, this)).bind("get_rollback.jstree", $.proxy(function () { this.dehover_node();this.save_selected();}, this)).bind("set_rollback.jstree", $.proxy(function () { this.reselect();}, this)).bind("close_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) { var s = this._get_settings().ui,obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),clk = (obj && obj.length) ? obj.children("ul").find("a.jstree-clicked") : $(),_this = this;if(s.selected_parent_close === false || !clk.length) { return; }clk.each(function () { _this.deselect_node(this);if(s.selected_parent_close === "select_parent") { _this.select_node(obj); }});}, this)).bind("delete_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) { var s = this._get_settings().ui.select_prev_on_delete,obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj),clk = (obj && obj.length) ? obj.find("a.jstree-clicked") : [],_this = this;clk.each(function () { _this.deselect_node(this); });if(s && clk.length) { data.rslt.prev.each(function () { if(this.parentNode) { _this.select_node(this); return false; /* if return false is removed all prev nodes will be selected */}});}}, this)).bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (event, data) { if(data.rslt.cy) { data.rslt.oc.find("a.jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked");}}, this));},defaults : {select_limit : -1, // 0, 1, 2 ... or -1 for unlimitedselect_multiple_modifier : "ctrl", // on, or ctrl, shift, altselect_range_modifier : "shift",selected_parent_close : "select_parent", // false, "deselect", "select_parent"selected_parent_open : true,select_prev_on_delete : true,disable_selecting_children : false,initially_select : []},_fn : { _get_node : function (obj, allow_multiple) {if(typeof obj === "undefined" || obj === null) { return allow_multiple ? this.data.ui.selected : this.data.ui.last_selected; }var $obj = $(obj, this.get_container()); if($obj.is(".jstree") || obj == -1) { return -1; } $obj = $obj.closest("li", this.get_container()); return $obj.length ? $obj : false; },_ui_notify : function (n, data) {if(data.selected) {this.select_node(n, false);}},save_selected : function () {var _this = this;this.data.ui.to_select = [];this.data.ui.selected.each(function () { if(this.id) { _this.data.ui.to_select.push("#" + this.id.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:")); } });this.__callback(this.data.ui.to_select);},reselect : function () {var _this = this,s = this.data.ui.to_select;s = $.map($.makeArray(s), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:"); });// this.deselect_all(); WHY deselect, breaks plugin state notifier?$.each(s, function (i, val) { if(val && val !== "#") { _this.select_node(val); } });this.data.ui.selected = this.data.ui.selected.filter(function () { return this.parentNode; });this.__callback();},refresh : function (obj) {this.save_selected();return this.__call_old();},hover_node : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }//if(this.data.ui.hovered && obj.get(0) === this.data.ui.hovered.get(0)) { return; }if(!obj.hasClass("jstree-hovered")) { this.dehover_node(); }this.data.ui.hovered = obj.children("a").addClass("jstree-hovered").parent();this._fix_scroll(obj);this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},dehover_node : function () {var obj = this.data.ui.hovered, p;if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }p = obj.children("a").removeClass("jstree-hovered").parent();if(this.data.ui.hovered[0] === p[0]) { this.data.ui.hovered = null; }this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},select_node : function (obj, check, e) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj == -1 || !obj || !obj.length) { return false; }var s = this._get_settings().ui,is_multiple = (s.select_multiple_modifier == "on" || (s.select_multiple_modifier !== false && e && e[s.select_multiple_modifier + "Key"])),is_range = (s.select_range_modifier !== false && e && e[s.select_range_modifier + "Key"] && this.data.ui.last_selected && this.data.ui.last_selected[0] !== obj[0] && this.data.ui.last_selected.parent()[0] === obj.parent()[0]),is_selected = this.is_selected(obj),proceed = true,t = this;if(check) {if(s.disable_selecting_children && is_multiple && ((obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").children("a.jstree-clicked").length) ||(obj.children("ul").find("a.jstree-clicked:eq(0)").length))) {return false;}proceed = false;switch(!0) {case (is_range):this.data.ui.last_selected.addClass("jstree-last-selected");obj = obj[ obj.index() < this.data.ui.last_selected.index() ? "nextUntil" : "prevUntil" ](".jstree-last-selected").andSelf();if(s.select_limit == -1 || obj.length < s.select_limit) {this.data.ui.last_selected.removeClass("jstree-last-selected");this.data.ui.selected.each(function () {if(this !== t.data.ui.last_selected[0]) { t.deselect_node(this); }});is_selected = false;proceed = true;}else {proceed = false;}break;case (is_selected && !is_multiple): this.deselect_all();is_selected = false;proceed = true;break;case (!is_selected && !is_multiple): if(s.select_limit == -1 || s.select_limit > 0) {this.deselect_all();proceed = true;}break;case (is_selected && is_multiple): this.deselect_node(obj);break;case (!is_selected && is_multiple): if(s.select_limit == -1 || this.data.ui.selected.length + 1 <= s.select_limit) { proceed = true;}break;}}if(proceed && !is_selected) {if(!is_range) { this.data.ui.last_selected = obj; }obj.children("a").addClass("jstree-clicked");if(s.selected_parent_open) {obj.parents(".jstree-closed").each(function () { t.open_node(this, false, true); });}this.data.ui.selected = this.data.ui.selected.add(obj);this._fix_scroll(obj.eq(0));this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "e" : e });}},_fix_scroll : function (obj) {var c = this.get_container()[0], t;if(c.scrollHeight > c.offsetHeight) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj || obj === -1 || !obj.length || !obj.is(":visible")) { return; }t = obj.offset().top - this.get_container().offset().top;if(t < 0) { c.scrollTop = c.scrollTop + t - 1; }if(t + this.data.core.li_height + (c.scrollWidth > c.offsetWidth ? scrollbar_width : 0) > c.offsetHeight) { c.scrollTop = c.scrollTop + (t - c.offsetHeight + this.data.core.li_height + 1 + (c.scrollWidth > c.offsetWidth ? scrollbar_width : 0)); }}},deselect_node : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }if(this.is_selected(obj)) {obj.children("a").removeClass("jstree-clicked");this.data.ui.selected = this.data.ui.selected.not(obj);if(this.data.ui.last_selected.get(0) === obj.get(0)) { this.data.ui.last_selected = this.data.ui.selected.eq(0); }this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });}},toggle_select : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return false; }if(this.is_selected(obj)) { this.deselect_node(obj); }else { this.select_node(obj); }},is_selected : function (obj) { return this.data.ui.selected.index(this._get_node(obj)) >= 0; },get_selected : function (context) { return context ? $(context).find("a.jstree-clicked").parent() : this.data.ui.selected; },deselect_all : function (context) {var ret = context ? $(context).find("a.jstree-clicked").parent() : this.get_container().find("a.jstree-clicked").parent();ret.children("a.jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked");this.data.ui.selected = $([]);this.data.ui.last_selected = false;this.__callback({ "obj" : ret });}}});// include the selection plugin by default$.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("ui");
//*//* * jsTree CRRM plugin* Handles creating/renaming/removing/moving nodes by user interaction.*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("crrm", { __init : function () {this.get_container().bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {if(this._get_settings().crrm.move.open_onmove) {var t = this;data.rslt.np.parentsUntil(".jstree").andSelf().filter(".jstree-closed").each(function () {t.open_node(this, false, true);});}}, this));},defaults : {input_width_limit : 200,move : {always_copy          : false, // false, true or "multitree"open_onmove           : true,default_position : "last",check_move         : function (m) { return true; }}},_fn : {_show_input : function (obj, callback) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var rtl = this._get_settings().core.rtl,w = this._get_settings().crrm.input_width_limit,w1 = obj.children("ins").width(),w2 = obj.find("> a:visible > ins").width() * obj.find("> a:visible > ins").length,t = this.get_text(obj),h1 = $("<div />", { css : { "position" : "absolute", "top" : "-200px", "left" : (rtl ? "0px" : "-1000px"), "visibility" : "hidden" } }).appendTo("body"),h2 = obj.css("position","relative").append($("<input />", { "value" : t,"class" : "jstree-rename-input",// "size" : t.length,"css" : {"padding" : "0","border" : "1px solid silver","position" : "absolute","left"  : (rtl ? "auto" : (w1 + w2 + 4) + "px"),"right" : (rtl ? (w1 + w2 + 4) + "px" : "auto"),"top" : "0px","height" : (this.data.core.li_height - 2) + "px","lineHeight" : (this.data.core.li_height - 2) + "px","width" : "150px" // will be set a bit further down},"blur" : $.proxy(function () {var i = obj.children(".jstree-rename-input"),v = i.val();if(v === "") { v = t; }h1.remove();i.remove(); // rollback purposesthis.set_text(obj,t); // rollback purposesthis.rename_node(obj, v);callback.call(this, obj, v, t);obj.css("position","");}, this),"keyup" : function (event) {var key = event.keyCode || event.which;if(key == 27) { this.value = t; this.blur(); return; }else if(key == 13) { this.blur(); return; }else {h2.width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + this.value).width(),w));}},"keypress" : function(event) {var key = event.keyCode || event.which;if(key == 13) { return false; }}})).children(".jstree-rename-input"); this.set_text(obj, "");h1.css({fontFamily       : h2.css('fontFamily')      || '',fontSize      : h2.css('fontSize')        || '',fontWeight        : h2.css('fontWeight')      || '',fontStyle     : h2.css('fontStyle')       || '',fontStretch       : h2.css('fontStretch')     || '',fontVariant       : h2.css('fontVariant')     || '',letterSpacing : h2.css('letterSpacing')   || '',wordSpacing       : h2.css('wordSpacing')     || ''});h2.width(Math.min(h1.text("pW" + h2[0].value).width(),w))[0].select();},rename : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);this.__rollback();var f = this.__callback;this._show_input(obj, function (obj, new_name, old_name) { f.call(this, { "obj" : obj, "new_name" : new_name, "old_name" : old_name });});},create : function (obj, position, js, callback, skip_rename) {var t, _this = this;obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj) { obj = -1; }this.__rollback();t = this.create_node(obj, position, js, function (t) {var p = this._get_parent(t),pos = $(t).index();if(callback) { callback.call(this, t); }if(p.length && p.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(p, false, true); }if(!skip_rename) { this._show_input(t, function (obj, new_name, old_name) { _this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : new_name, "parent" : p, "position" : pos });});}else { _this.__callback({ "obj" : t, "name" : this.get_text(t), "parent" : p, "position" : pos }); }});return t;},remove : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj, true);var p = this._get_parent(obj), prev = this._get_prev(obj);this.__rollback();obj = this.delete_node(obj);if(obj !== false) { this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "prev" : prev, "parent" : p }); }},check_move : function () {if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }var s = this._get_settings().crrm.move;if(!s.check_move.call(this, this._get_move())) { return false; }return true;},move_node : function (obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_check) {var s = this._get_settings().crrm.move;if(!is_prepared) { if(typeof position === "undefined") { position = s.default_position; }if(position === "inside" && !s.default_position.match(/^(before|after)$/)) { position = s.default_position; }return this.__call_old(true, obj, ref, position, is_copy, false, skip_check);}// if the move is already preparedif(s.always_copy === true || (s.always_copy === "multitree" && obj.rt.get_index() !== obj.ot.get_index() )) {is_copy = true;}this.__call_old(true, obj, ref, position, is_copy, true, skip_check);},cut : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj, true);if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = false;this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = obj;this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},copy : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj, true);if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = false;this.data.crrm.cp_nodes = obj;this.__callback({ "obj" : obj });},paste : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj || !obj.length) { return false; }var nodes = this.data.crrm.ct_nodes ? this.data.crrm.ct_nodes : this.data.crrm.cp_nodes;if(!this.data.crrm.ct_nodes && !this.data.crrm.cp_nodes) { return false; }if(this.data.crrm.ct_nodes) { this.move_node(this.data.crrm.ct_nodes, obj); this.data.crrm.ct_nodes = false; }if(this.data.crrm.cp_nodes) { this.move_node(this.data.crrm.cp_nodes, obj, false, true); }this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "nodes" : nodes });}}});// include the crr plugin by default// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("crrm");
//*//* * jsTree themes plugin* Handles loading and setting themes, as well as detecting path to themes, etc.*/
(function ($) {var themes_loaded = [];// this variable stores the path to the themes folder - if left as false - it will be autodetected$.jstree._themes = false;$.jstree.plugin("themes", {__init : function () { this.get_container().bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function () {var s = this._get_settings().themes;this.data.themes.dots = s.dots; this.data.themes.icons = s.icons; this.set_theme(s.theme, s.url);}, this)).bind("loaded.jstree", $.proxy(function () {// bound here too, as simple HTML tree's won't honor dots & icons otherwiseif(!this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); }else { this.show_dots(); }if(!this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); }else { this.show_icons(); }}, this));},defaults : { theme : "default", url : false,dots : true,icons : true},_fn : {set_theme : function (theme_name, theme_url) {if(!theme_name) { return false; }if(!theme_url) { theme_url = $.jstree._themes + theme_name + '/style.css'; }if($.inArray(theme_url, themes_loaded) == -1) {$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ "url" : theme_url });themes_loaded.push(theme_url);}if(this.data.themes.theme != theme_name) {this.get_container().removeClass('jstree-' + this.data.themes.theme);this.data.themes.theme = theme_name;}this.get_container().addClass('jstree-' + theme_name);if(!this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); }else { this.show_dots(); }if(!this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); }else { this.show_icons(); }this.__callback();},get_theme : function () { return this.data.themes.theme; },show_dots  : function () { this.data.themes.dots = true; this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-dots"); },hide_dots    : function () { this.data.themes.dots = false; this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-dots"); },toggle_dots    : function () { if(this.data.themes.dots) { this.hide_dots(); } else { this.show_dots(); } },show_icons : function () { this.data.themes.icons = true; this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-icons"); },hide_icons : function () { this.data.themes.icons = false; this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-icons"); },toggle_icons: function () { if(this.data.themes.icons) { this.hide_icons(); } else { this.show_icons(); } }}});// autodetect themes path$(function () {if($.jstree._themes === false) {$("script").each(function () { if(this.src.toString().match(/jquery\.jstree[^\/]*?\.js(\?.*)?$/)) { $.jstree._themes = this.src.toString().replace(/jquery\.jstree[^\/]*?\.js(\?.*)?$/, "") + 'themes/'; return false; }});}if($.jstree._themes === false) { $.jstree._themes = "themes/"; }});// include the themes plugin by default$.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("themes");
//*//** jsTree hotkeys plugin* Enables keyboard navigation for all tree instances* Depends on the jstree ui & jquery hotkeys plugins*/
(function ($) {var bound = [];function exec(i, event) {var f = $.jstree._focused(), tmp;if(f && f.data && f.data.hotkeys && f.data.hotkeys.enabled) { tmp = f._get_settings().hotkeys[i];if(tmp) { return tmp.call(f, event); }}}$.jstree.plugin("hotkeys", {__init : function () {if(typeof $.hotkeys === "undefined") { throw "jsTree hotkeys: jQuery hotkeys plugin not included."; }if(!this.data.ui) { throw "jsTree hotkeys: jsTree UI plugin not included."; }$.each(this._get_settings().hotkeys, function (i, v) {if(v !== false && $.inArray(i, bound) == -1) {$(document).bind("keydown", i, function (event) { return exec(i, event); });bound.push(i);}});this.get_container().bind("lock.jstree", $.proxy(function () {if(this.data.hotkeys.enabled) { this.data.hotkeys.enabled = false; this.data.hotkeys.revert = true; }}, this)).bind("unlock.jstree", $.proxy(function () {if(this.data.hotkeys.revert) { this.data.hotkeys.enabled = true; }}, this));this.enable_hotkeys();},defaults : {"up" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o));return false; },"ctrl+up" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o));return false; },"shift+up" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o));return false; },"down" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_next(o));return false;},"ctrl+down" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_next(o));return false;},"shift+down" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected || -1;this.hover_node(this._get_next(o));return false;},"left" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-open")) { this.close_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o)); }}return false;},"ctrl+left" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-open")) { this.close_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o)); }}return false;},"shift+left" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-open")) { this.close_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_prev(o)); }}return false;},"right" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o && o.length) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_next(o)); }}return false;},"ctrl+right" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o && o.length) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_next(o)); }}return false;},"shift+right" : function () { var o = this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(o && o.length) {if(o.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.open_node(o); }else { this.hover_node(this._get_next(o)); }}return false;},"space" : function () { if(this.data.ui.hovered) { this.data.ui.hovered.children("a:eq(0)").click(); } return false; },"ctrl+space" : function (event) { event.type = "click";if(this.data.ui.hovered) { this.data.ui.hovered.children("a:eq(0)").trigger(event); } return false; },"shift+space" : function (event) { event.type = "click";if(this.data.ui.hovered) { this.data.ui.hovered.children("a:eq(0)").trigger(event); } return false; },"f2" : function () { this.rename(this.data.ui.hovered || this.data.ui.last_selected); },"del" : function () { this.remove(this.data.ui.hovered || this._get_node(null)); }},_fn : {enable_hotkeys : function () {this.data.hotkeys.enabled = true;},disable_hotkeys : function () {this.data.hotkeys.enabled = false;}}});
//*//* * jsTree JSON plugin* The JSON data store. Datastores are build by overriding the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("json_data", {__init : function() {var s = this._get_settings().json_data;if(s.progressive_unload) {this.get_container().bind("after_close.jstree", function (e, data) {data.rslt.obj.children("ul").remove();});}},defaults : { // `data` can be a function://  * accepts two arguments - node being loaded and a callback to pass the result to//  * will be executed in the current tree's scope & ajax won't be supporteddata : false, ajax : false,correct_state : true,progressive_render : false,progressive_unload : false},_fn : {load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_json(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : _this._get_node(obj) }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },_is_loaded : function (obj) { var s = this._get_settings().json_data;obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj == -1 || !obj || (!s.ajax && !s.progressive_render && !$.isFunction(s.data)) || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").length > 0;},refresh : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var s = this._get_settings().json_data;if(obj && obj !== -1 && s.progressive_unload && ($.isFunction(s.data) || !!s.ajax)) {obj.removeData("jstree-children");}return this.__call_old();},load_node_json : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {var s = this.get_settings().json_data, d,error_func = function () {},success_func = function () {};obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj && obj !== -1 && (s.progressive_render || s.progressive_unload) && !obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") && obj.children("ul").children("li").length === 0 && obj.data("jstree-children")) {d = this._parse_json(obj.data("jstree-children"), obj);if(d) {obj.append(d);if(!s.progressive_unload) { obj.removeData("jstree-children"); }}this.clean_node(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }return;}if(obj && obj !== -1) {if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }}switch(!0) {case (!s.data && !s.ajax): throw "Neither data nor ajax settings supplied.";// function option added here for easier model integration (also supporting async - see callback)case ($.isFunction(s.data)):s.data.call(this, obj, $.proxy(function (d) {d = this._parse_json(d, obj);if(!d) { if(obj === -1 || !obj) {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }}else {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj); }}if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }else { obj.append(d).children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }this.clean_node(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}}, this));break;case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):if(!obj || obj == -1) {d = this._parse_json(s.data, obj);if(d) {this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children());this.clean_node();}else { if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }}}if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }break;case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):error_func = function (x, t, e) {var ef = this.get_settings().json_data.ajax.error; if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }if(obj != -1 && obj.length) {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj); }}else {if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }}if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }};success_func = function (d, t, x) {var sf = this.get_settings().json_data.ajax.success; if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }if(d === "" || (d && d.toString && d.toString().replace(/^[\s\n]+$/,"") === "") || (!$.isArray(d) && !$.isPlainObject(d))) {return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");}d = this._parse_json(d, obj);if(d) {if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }else { obj.append(d).children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }this.clean_node(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj === -1 || !obj) {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}}else {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}}};s.ajax.context = this;s.ajax.error = error_func;s.ajax.success = success_func;if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "json"; }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }$.ajax(s.ajax);break;}},_parse_json : function (js, obj, is_callback) {var d = false, p = this._get_settings(),s = p.json_data,t = p.core.html_titles,tmp, i, j, ul1, ul2;if(!js) { return d; }if(s.progressive_unload && obj && obj !== -1) { obj.data("jstree-children", d);}if($.isArray(js)) {d = $();if(!js.length) { return false; }for(i = 0, j = js.length; i < j; i++) {tmp = this._parse_json(js[i], obj, true);if(tmp.length) { d = d.add(tmp); }}}else {if(typeof js == "string") { js = { data : js }; }if(!js.data && js.data !== "") { return d; }d = $("<li />");if(js.attr) { d.attr(js.attr); }if(js.metadata) { d.data(js.metadata); }if(js.state) { d.addClass("jstree-" + js.state); }if(!$.isArray(js.data)) { tmp = js.data; js.data = []; js.data.push(tmp); }$.each(js.data, function (i, m) {tmp = $("<a />");if($.isFunction(m)) { m = m.call(this, js); }if(typeof m == "string") { tmp.attr('href','#')[ t ? "html" : "text" ](m); }else {if(!m.attr) { m.attr = {}; }if(!m.attr.href) { m.attr.href = '#'; }tmp.attr(m.attr)[ t ? "html" : "text" ](m.title);if(m.language) { tmp.addClass(m.language); }}tmp.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>");if(!m.icon && js.icon) { m.icon = js.icon; }if(m.icon) { if(m.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { tmp.children("ins").addClass(m.icon); }else { tmp.children("ins").css("background","url('" + m.icon + "') center center no-repeat"); }}d.append(tmp);});d.prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>");if(js.children) { if(s.progressive_render && js.state !== "open") {d.addClass("jstree-closed").data("jstree-children", js.children);}else {if(s.progressive_unload) { d.data("jstree-children", js.children); }if($.isArray(js.children) && js.children.length) {tmp = this._parse_json(js.children, obj, true);if(tmp.length) {ul2 = $("<ul />");ul2.append(tmp);d.append(ul2);}}}}}if(!is_callback) {ul1 = $("<ul />");ul1.append(d);d = ul1;}return d;},get_json : function (obj, li_attr, a_attr, is_callback) {var result = [], s = this._get_settings(), _this = this,tmp1, tmp2, li, a, t, lang;obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container().find("> ul > li"); }li_attr = $.isArray(li_attr) ? li_attr : [ "id", "class" ];if(!is_callback && this.data.types) { li_attr.push(s.types.type_attr); }a_attr = $.isArray(a_attr) ? a_attr : [ ];obj.each(function () {li = $(this);tmp1 = { data : [] };if(li_attr.length) { tmp1.attr = { }; }$.each(li_attr, function (i, v) { tmp2 = li.attr(v); if(tmp2 && tmp2.length && tmp2.replace(/jstree[^ ]*/ig,'').length) {tmp1.attr[v] = (" " + tmp2).replace(/ jstree[^ ]*/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,""); }});if(li.hasClass("jstree-open")) { tmp1.state = "open"; }if(li.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { tmp1.state = "closed"; }if(li.data()) { tmp1.metadata = li.data(); }a = li.children("a");a.each(function () {t = $(this);if(a_attr.length || $.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1 || t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length || (t.children("ins").get(0).className && t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').length)) { lang = false;if($.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1 && $.isArray(s.languages) && s.languages.length) {$.each(s.languages, function (l, lv) {if(t.hasClass(lv)) {lang = lv;return false;}});}tmp2 = { attr : { }, title : _this.get_text(t, lang) }; $.each(a_attr, function (k, z) {tmp2.attr[z] = (" " + (t.attr(z) || "")).replace(/ jstree[^ ]*/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,"");});if($.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1 && $.isArray(s.languages) && s.languages.length) {$.each(s.languages, function (k, z) {if(t.hasClass(z)) { tmp2.language = z; return true; }});}if(t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"").length) {tmp2.icon = t.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,"");}if(t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {tmp2.icon = t.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","");}}else {tmp2 = _this.get_text(t);}if(a.length > 1) { tmp1.data.push(tmp2); }else { tmp1.data = tmp2; }});li = li.find("> ul > li");if(li.length) { tmp1.children = _this.get_json(li, li_attr, a_attr, true); }result.push(tmp1);});return result;}}});
//*//* * jsTree languages plugin* Adds support for multiple language versions in one tree* This basically allows for many titles coexisting in one node, but only one of them being visible at any given time* This is useful for maintaining the same structure in many languages (hence the name of the plugin)*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("languages", {__init : function () { this._load_css();  },defaults : [],_fn : {set_lang : function (i) { var langs = this._get_settings().languages,st = false,selector = ".jstree-" + this.get_index() + ' a';if(!$.isArray(langs) || langs.length === 0) { return false; }if($.inArray(i,langs) == -1) {if(!!langs[i]) { i = langs[i]; }else { return false; }}if(i == this.data.languages.current_language) { return true; }st = $.vakata.css.get_css(selector + "." + this.data.languages.current_language, false, this.data.languages.language_css);if(st !== false) { st.style.display = "none"; }st = $.vakata.css.get_css(selector + "." + i, false, this.data.languages.language_css);if(st !== false) { st.style.display = ""; }this.data.languages.current_language = i;this.__callback(i);return true;},get_lang : function () {return this.data.languages.current_language;},_get_string : function (key, lang) {var langs = this._get_settings().languages,s = this._get_settings().core.strings;if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {lang = (lang && $.inArray(lang,langs) != -1) ? lang : this.data.languages.current_language;}if(s[lang] && s[lang][key]) { return s[lang][key]; }if(s[key]) { return s[key]; }return key;},get_text : function (obj, lang) {obj = this._get_node(obj) || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(!obj.size()) { return false; }var langs = this._get_settings().languages,s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles;if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {lang = (lang && $.inArray(lang,langs) != -1) ? lang : this.data.languages.current_language;obj = obj.children("a." + lang);}else { obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)"); }if(s) {obj = obj.clone();obj.children("INS").remove();return obj.html();}else {obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];return obj.nodeValue;}},set_text : function (obj, val, lang) {obj = this._get_node(obj) || this.data.ui.last_selected;if(!obj.size()) { return false; }var langs = this._get_settings().languages,s = this._get_settings().core.html_titles,tmp;if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {lang = (lang && $.inArray(lang,langs) != -1) ? lang : this.data.languages.current_language;obj = obj.children("a." + lang);}else { obj = obj.children("a:eq(0)"); }if(s) {tmp = obj.children("INS").clone();obj.html(val).prepend(tmp);this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val, "lang" : lang });return true;}else {obj = obj.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; })[0];this.__callback({ "obj" : obj, "name" : val, "lang" : lang });return (obj.nodeValue = val);}},_load_css : function () {var langs = this._get_settings().languages,str = "/* languages css */",selector = ".jstree-" + this.get_index() + ' a',ln;if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {this.data.languages.current_language = langs[0];for(ln = 0; ln < langs.length; ln++) {str += selector + "." + langs[ln] + " {";if(langs[ln] != this.data.languages.current_language) { str += " display:none; "; }str += " } ";}this.data.languages.language_css = $.vakata.css.add_sheet({ 'str' : str, 'title' : "jstree-languages" });}},create_node : function (obj, position, js, callback) {var t = this.__call_old(true, obj, position, js, function (t) {var langs = this._get_settings().languages,a = t.children("a"),ln;if($.isArray(langs) && langs.length) {for(ln = 0; ln < langs.length; ln++) {if(!a.is("." + langs[ln])) {t.append(a.eq(0).clone().removeClass(langs.join(" ")).addClass(langs[ln]));}}a.not("." + langs.join(", .")).remove();}if(callback) { callback.call(this, t); }});return t;}}});
//*//** jsTree cookies plugin* Stores the currently opened/selected nodes in a cookie and then restores them* Depends on the jquery.cookie plugin*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("cookies", {__init : function () {if(typeof $.cookie === "undefined") { throw "jsTree cookie: jQuery cookie plugin not included."; }var s = this._get_settings().cookies,tmp;if(!!s.save_loaded) {tmp = $.cookie(s.save_loaded);if(tmp && tmp.length) { this.data.core.to_load = tmp.split(","); }}if(!!s.save_opened) {tmp = $.cookie(s.save_opened);if(tmp && tmp.length) { this.data.core.to_open = tmp.split(","); }}if(!!s.save_selected) {tmp = $.cookie(s.save_selected);if(tmp && tmp.length && this.data.ui) { this.data.ui.to_select = tmp.split(","); }}this.get_container().one( ( this.data.ui ? "reselect" : "reopen" ) + ".jstree", $.proxy(function () {this.get_container().bind("open_node.jstree close_node.jstree select_node.jstree deselect_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if(this._get_settings().cookies.auto_save) { this.save_cookie((e.handleObj.namespace + e.handleObj.type).replace("jstree","")); }}, this));}, this));},defaults : {save_loaded        : "jstree_load",save_opened     : "jstree_open",save_selected   : "jstree_select",auto_save     : true,cookie_options   : {}},_fn : {save_cookie : function (c) {if(this.data.core.refreshing) { return; }var s = this._get_settings().cookies;if(!c) { // if called manually and not by eventif(s.save_loaded) {this.save_loaded();$.cookie(s.save_loaded, this.data.core.to_load.join(","), s.cookie_options);}if(s.save_opened) {this.save_opened();$.cookie(s.save_opened, this.data.core.to_open.join(","), s.cookie_options);}if(s.save_selected && this.data.ui) {this.save_selected();$.cookie(s.save_selected, this.data.ui.to_select.join(","), s.cookie_options);}return;}switch(c) {case "open_node":case "close_node":if(!!s.save_opened) { this.save_opened(); $.cookie(s.save_opened, this.data.core.to_open.join(","), s.cookie_options); }if(!!s.save_loaded) { this.save_loaded(); $.cookie(s.save_loaded, this.data.core.to_load.join(","), s.cookie_options); }break;case "select_node":case "deselect_node":if(!!s.save_selected && this.data.ui) { this.save_selected(); $.cookie(s.save_selected, this.data.ui.to_select.join(","), s.cookie_options); }break;}}}});// include cookies by default// $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("cookies");
//*//** jsTree sort plugin* Sorts items alphabetically (or using any other function)*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("sort", {__init : function () {this.get_container().bind("load_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {var obj = this._get_node(data.rslt.obj);obj = obj === -1 ? this.get_container().children("ul") : obj.children("ul");this.sort(obj);}, this)).bind("rename_node.jstree create_node.jstree create.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this.sort(data.rslt.obj.parent());}, this)).bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {var m = data.rslt.np == -1 ? this.get_container() : data.rslt.np;this.sort(m.children("ul"));}, this));},defaults : function (a, b) { return this.get_text(a) > this.get_text(b) ? 1 : -1; },_fn : {sort : function (obj) {var s = this._get_settings().sort,t = this;obj.append($.makeArray(obj.children("li")).sort($.proxy(s, t)));obj.find("> li > ul").each(function() { t.sort($(this)); });this.clean_node(obj);}}});
//*//** jsTree DND plugin* Drag and drop plugin for moving/copying nodes*/
(function ($) {var o = false,r = false,m = false,ml = false,sli = false,sti = false,dir1 = false,dir2 = false,last_pos = false;$.vakata.dnd = {is_down : false,is_drag : false,helper : false,scroll_spd : 10,init_x : 0,init_y : 0,threshold : 5,helper_left : 5,helper_top : 10,user_data : {},drag_start : function (e, data, html) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag) { $.vakata.drag_stop({}); }try {e.currentTarget.unselectable = "on";e.currentTarget.onselectstart = function() { return false; };if(e.currentTarget.style) { e.currentTarget.style.MozUserSelect = "none"; }} catch(err) { }$.vakata.dnd.init_x = e.pageX;$.vakata.dnd.init_y = e.pageY;$.vakata.dnd.user_data = data;$.vakata.dnd.is_down = true;$.vakata.dnd.helper = $("<div id='vakata-dragged' />").html(html); //.fadeTo(10,0.25);$(document).bind("mousemove", $.vakata.dnd.drag);$(document).bind("mouseup", $.vakata.dnd.drag_stop);return false;},drag : function (e) { if(!$.vakata.dnd.is_down) { return; }if(!$.vakata.dnd.is_drag) {if(Math.abs(e.pageX - $.vakata.dnd.init_x) > 5 || Math.abs(e.pageY - $.vakata.dnd.init_y) > 5) { $.vakata.dnd.helper.appendTo("body");$.vakata.dnd.is_drag = true;$(document).triggerHandler("drag_start.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });}else { return; }}// maybe use a scrolling parent element instead of document?if(e.type === "mousemove") { // thought of adding scroll in order to move the helper, but mouse poisition is n/avar d = $(document), t = d.scrollTop(), l = d.scrollLeft();if(e.pageY - t < 20) { if(sti && dir1 === "down") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }if(!sti) { dir1 = "up"; sti = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }}else { if(sti && dir1 === "up") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }}if($(window).height() - (e.pageY - t) < 20) {if(sti && dir1 === "up") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }if(!sti) { dir1 = "down"; sti = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }}else { if(sti && dir1 === "down") { clearInterval(sti); sti = false; }}if(e.pageX - l < 20) {if(sli && dir2 === "right") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }if(!sli) { dir2 = "left"; sli = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() - $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }}else { if(sli && dir2 === "left") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }}if($(window).width() - (e.pageX - l) < 20) {if(sli && dir2 === "left") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }if(!sli) { dir2 = "right"; sli = setInterval(function () { $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() + $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd); }, 150); }}else { if(sli && dir2 === "right") { clearInterval(sli); sli = false; }}}$.vakata.dnd.helper.css({ left : (e.pageX + $.vakata.dnd.helper_left) + "px", top : (e.pageY + $.vakata.dnd.helper_top) + "px" });$(document).triggerHandler("drag.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });},drag_stop : function (e) {if(sli) { clearInterval(sli); }if(sti) { clearInterval(sti); }$(document).unbind("mousemove", $.vakata.dnd.drag);$(document).unbind("mouseup", $.vakata.dnd.drag_stop);$(document).triggerHandler("drag_stop.vakata", { "event" : e, "data" : $.vakata.dnd.user_data });$.vakata.dnd.helper.remove();$.vakata.dnd.init_x = 0;$.vakata.dnd.init_y = 0;$.vakata.dnd.user_data = {};$.vakata.dnd.is_down = false;$.vakata.dnd.is_drag = false;}};$(function() {var css_string = '#vakata-dragged { display:block; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:4px 4px 4px 24px; position:absolute; top:-2000px; line-height:16px; z-index:10000; } ';$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "vakata" });});$.jstree.plugin("dnd", {__init : function () {this.data.dnd = {active : false,after : false,inside : false,before : false,off : false,prepared : false,w : 0,to1 : false,to2 : false,cof : false,cw : false,ch : false,i1 : false,i2 : false,mto : false};this.get_container().bind("mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {if(this.data.themes) {m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); if(ml) { ml.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme);}//if($(e.currentTarget).find("> ul > li").length === 0) {if(e.currentTarget === e.target && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj && $($.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj).length && $($.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj).parents(".jstree:eq(0)")[0] !== e.target) { // node should not be from the same treevar tr = $.jstree._reference(e.target), dc;if(tr.data.dnd.foreign) {dc = tr._get_settings().dnd.drag_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : tr.get_container(), is_root : true });if(dc === true || dc.inside === true || dc.before === true || dc.after === true) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-ok");}}else {tr.prepare_move(o, tr.get_container(), "last");if(tr.check_move()) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-ok");}}}}}, this)).bind("mouseup.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {//if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree && $(e.currentTarget).find("> ul > li").length === 0) {if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree && e.currentTarget === e.target && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj && $($.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj).length && $($.vakata.dnd.user_data.obj).parents(".jstree:eq(0)")[0] !== e.target) { // node should not be from the same treevar tr = $.jstree._reference(e.currentTarget), dc;if(tr.data.dnd.foreign) {dc = tr._get_settings().dnd.drag_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : tr.get_container(), is_root : true });if(dc === true || dc.inside === true || dc.before === true || dc.after === true) {tr._get_settings().dnd.drag_finish.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : tr.get_container(), is_root : true });}}else {tr.move_node(o, tr.get_container(), "last", e[tr._get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"]);}}}, this)).bind("mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {if(e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget.id && e.relatedTarget.id === "jstree-marker-line") {return false; }if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }if(this.data.dnd.to1) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to1); }if(this.data.dnd.to2) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to2); }if($.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").hasClass("jstree-ok")) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid");}}}, this)).bind("mousemove.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {var cnt = this.get_container()[0];// Horizontal scrollif(e.pageX + 24 > this.data.dnd.cof.left + this.data.dnd.cw) {if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }this.data.dnd.i1 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollLeft += $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);}else if(e.pageX - 24 < this.data.dnd.cof.left) {if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }this.data.dnd.i1 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollLeft -= $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);}else {if(this.data.dnd.i1) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i1); }}// Vertical scrollif(e.pageY + 24 > this.data.dnd.cof.top + this.data.dnd.ch) {if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }this.data.dnd.i2 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollTop += $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);}else if(e.pageY - 24 < this.data.dnd.cof.top) {if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }this.data.dnd.i2 = setInterval($.proxy(function () { this.scrollTop -= $.vakata.dnd.scroll_spd; }, cnt), 100);}else {if(this.data.dnd.i2) { clearInterval(this.data.dnd.i2); }}}}, this)).bind("scroll.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree && m && ml) {m.hide();ml.hide();}}, this)).delegate("a", "mousedown.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if(e.which === 1) {this.start_drag(e.currentTarget, e);return false;}}, this)).delegate("a", "mouseenter.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {this.dnd_enter(e.currentTarget);}}, this)).delegate("a", "mousemove.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {if(!r || !r.length || r.children("a")[0] !== e.currentTarget) {this.dnd_enter(e.currentTarget);}if(typeof this.data.dnd.off.top === "undefined") { this.data.dnd.off = $(e.target).offset(); }this.data.dnd.w = (e.pageY - (this.data.dnd.off.top || 0)) % this.data.core.li_height;if(this.data.dnd.w < 0) { this.data.dnd.w += this.data.core.li_height; }this.dnd_show();}}, this)).delegate("a", "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {if(e.relatedTarget && e.relatedTarget.id && e.relatedTarget.id === "jstree-marker-line") {return false; }if(m) { m.hide(); }if(ml) { ml.hide(); }/*var ec = $(e.currentTarget).closest("li"), er = $(e.relatedTarget).closest("li");if(er[0] !== ec.prev()[0] && er[0] !== ec.next()[0]) {if(m) { m.hide(); }if(ml) { ml.hide(); }}*/this.data.dnd.mto = setTimeout( (function (t) { return function () { t.dnd_leave(e); }; })(this),0);}}, this)).delegate("a", "mouseup.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) { if($.vakata.dnd.is_drag && $.vakata.dnd.user_data.jstree) {this.dnd_finish(e);}}, this));$(document).bind("drag_stop.vakata", $.proxy(function () {if(this.data.dnd.to1) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to1); }if(this.data.dnd.to2) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to2); 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*/var s = this._get_settings().dnd;if(s.drag_target) {$(document).delegate(s.drag_target, "mousedown.jstree-" + this.get_index(), $.proxy(function (e) {o = e.target;$.vakata.dnd.drag_start(e, { jstree : true, obj : e.target }, "<ins class='jstree-icon'></ins>" + $(e.target).text() );if(this.data.themes) { if(m) { m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }if(ml) { ml.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid");var cnt = this.get_container();this.data.dnd.cof = cnt.offset();this.data.dnd.cw = parseInt(cnt.width(),10);this.data.dnd.ch = parseInt(cnt.height(),10);this.data.dnd.foreign = true;e.preventDefault();}, this));}if(s.drop_target) {$(document).delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseenter.jstree-" + this.get_index(), $.proxy(function (e) {if(this.data.dnd.active && this._get_settings().dnd.drop_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : $(e.target), "e" : e })) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-ok");}}, this)).delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseleave.jstree-" + this.get_index(), $.proxy(function (e) {if(this.data.dnd.active) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid");}}, this)).delegate(s.drop_target, "mouseup.jstree-" + this.get_index(), $.proxy(function (e) {if(this.data.dnd.active && $.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").hasClass("jstree-ok")) {this._get_settings().dnd.drop_finish.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : $(e.target), "e" : e });}}, this));}},defaults : {copy_modifier   : "ctrl",check_timeout  : 100,open_timeout  : 500,drop_target       : ".jstree-drop",drop_check     : function (data) { return true; },drop_finish      : $.noop,drag_target        : ".jstree-draggable",drag_finish       : $.noop,drag_check     : function (data) { return { after : false, before : false, inside : true }; }},_fn : {dnd_prepare : function () {if(!r || !r.length) { return; }this.data.dnd.off = r.offset();if(this._get_settings().core.rtl) {this.data.dnd.off.right = this.data.dnd.off.left + r.width();}if(this.data.dnd.foreign) {var a = this._get_settings().dnd.drag_check.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : r });this.data.dnd.after = a.after;this.data.dnd.before = a.before;this.data.dnd.inside = a.inside;this.data.dnd.prepared = true;return this.dnd_show();}this.prepare_move(o, r, "before");this.data.dnd.before = this.check_move();this.prepare_move(o, r, "after");this.data.dnd.after = this.check_move();if(this._is_loaded(r)) {this.prepare_move(o, r, "inside");this.data.dnd.inside = this.check_move();}else {this.data.dnd.inside = false;}this.data.dnd.prepared = true;return this.dnd_show();},dnd_show : function () {if(!this.data.dnd.prepared) { return; }var o = ["before","inside","after"],r = false,rtl = this._get_settings().core.rtl,pos;if(this.data.dnd.w < this.data.core.li_height/3) { o = ["before","inside","after"]; }else if(this.data.dnd.w <= this.data.core.li_height*2/3) {o = this.data.dnd.w < this.data.core.li_height/2 ? ["inside","before","after"] : ["inside","after","before"];}else { o = ["after","inside","before"]; }$.each(o, $.proxy(function (i, val) { if(this.data.dnd[val]) {$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-ok");r = val;return false;}}, this));if(r === false) { $.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid"); }pos = rtl ? (this.data.dnd.off.right - 18) : (this.data.dnd.off.left + 10);switch(r) {case "before":m.css({ "left" : pos + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top - 6) + "px" }).show();if(ml) { ml.css({ "left" : (pos + 8) + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top - 1) + "px" }).show(); }break;case "after":m.css({ "left" : pos + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top + this.data.core.li_height - 6) + "px" }).show();if(ml) { ml.css({ "left" : (pos + 8) + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top + this.data.core.li_height - 1) + "px" }).show(); }break;case "inside":m.css({ "left" : pos + ( rtl ? -4 : 4) + "px", "top" : (this.data.dnd.off.top + this.data.core.li_height/2 - 5) + "px" }).show();if(ml) { ml.hide(); }break;default:m.hide();if(ml) { ml.hide(); }break;}last_pos = r;return r;},dnd_open : function () {this.data.dnd.to2 = false;this.open_node(r, $.proxy(this.dnd_prepare,this), true);},dnd_finish : function (e) {if(this.data.dnd.foreign) {if(this.data.dnd.after || this.data.dnd.before || this.data.dnd.inside) {this._get_settings().dnd.drag_finish.call(this, { "o" : o, "r" : r, "p" : last_pos });}}else {this.dnd_prepare();this.move_node(o, r, last_pos, e[this._get_settings().dnd.copy_modifier + "Key"]);}o = false;r = false;m.hide();if(ml) { ml.hide(); }},dnd_enter : function (obj) {if(this.data.dnd.mto) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.mto);this.data.dnd.mto = false;}var s = this._get_settings().dnd;this.data.dnd.prepared = false;r = this._get_node(obj);if(s.check_timeout) { // do the calculations after a minimal timeout (users tend to drag quickly to the desired location)if(this.data.dnd.to1) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to1); }this.data.dnd.to1 = setTimeout($.proxy(this.dnd_prepare, this), s.check_timeout); }else { this.dnd_prepare(); }if(s.open_timeout) { if(this.data.dnd.to2) { clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to2); }if(r && r.length && r.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { // if the node is closed - open it, then recalculatethis.data.dnd.to2 = setTimeout($.proxy(this.dnd_open, this), s.open_timeout);}}else {if(r && r.length && r.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { this.dnd_open();}}},dnd_leave : function (e) {this.data.dnd.after        = false;this.data.dnd.before    = false;this.data.dnd.inside    = false;$.vakata.dnd.helper.children("ins").attr("class","jstree-invalid");m.hide();if(ml) { ml.hide(); }if(r && r[0] === e.target.parentNode) {if(this.data.dnd.to1) {clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to1);this.data.dnd.to1 = false;}if(this.data.dnd.to2) {clearTimeout(this.data.dnd.to2);this.data.dnd.to2 = false;}}},start_drag : function (obj, e) {o = this._get_node(obj);if(this.data.ui && this.is_selected(o)) { o = this._get_node(null, true); }var dt = o.length > 1 ? this._get_string("multiple_selection") : this.get_text(o),cnt = this.get_container();if(!this._get_settings().core.html_titles) { dt = dt.replace(/</ig,"&lt;").replace(/>/ig,"&gt;"); }$.vakata.dnd.drag_start(e, { jstree : true, obj : o }, "<ins class='jstree-icon'></ins>" + dt );if(this.data.themes) { if(m) { m.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }if(ml) { ml.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }$.vakata.dnd.helper.attr("class", "jstree-dnd-helper jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme); }this.data.dnd.cof = cnt.offset();this.data.dnd.cw = parseInt(cnt.width(),10);this.data.dnd.ch = parseInt(cnt.height(),10);this.data.dnd.active = true;}}});$(function() {var css_string = '' + '#vakata-dragged ins { display:block; text-decoration:none; width:16px; height:16px; margin:0 0 0 0; padding:0; position:absolute; top:4px; left:4px; ' + ' -moz-border-radius:4px; border-radius:4px; -webkit-border-radius:4px; ' +'} ' + '#vakata-dragged .jstree-ok { background:green; } ' + '#vakata-dragged .jstree-invalid { background:red; } ' + '#jstree-marker { padding:0; margin:0; font-size:12px; overflow:hidden; height:12px; width:8px; position:absolute; top:-30px; z-index:10001; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:none; background-color:transparent; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px white; color:black; line-height:10px; } ' + '#jstree-marker-line { padding:0; margin:0; line-height:0%; font-size:1px; overflow:hidden; height:1px; width:100px; position:absolute; top:-30px; z-index:10000; background-repeat:no-repeat; display:none; background-color:#456c43; ' + ' cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #eeeeee; border-left:0; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #666; ' + ' -moz-border-radius:1px; border-radius:1px; -webkit-border-radius:1px; ' +'}' + '';$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });m = $("<div />").attr({ id : "jstree-marker" }).hide().html("&raquo;").bind("mouseleave mouseenter", function (e) { m.hide();ml.hide();e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }).appendTo("body");ml = $("<div />").attr({ id : "jstree-marker-line" }).hide().bind("mouseup", function (e) { if(r && r.length) { r.children("a").trigger(e); e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } }).bind("mouseleave", function (e) { var rt = $(e.relatedTarget);if(rt.is(".jstree") || rt.closest(".jstree").length === 0) {if(r && r.length) { r.children("a").trigger(e); m.hide();ml.hide();e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }}}).appendTo("body");$(document).bind("drag_start.vakata", function (e, data) {if(data.data.jstree) { m.show(); if(ml) { ml.show(); } }});$(document).bind("drag_stop.vakata", function (e, data) {if(data.data.jstree) { m.hide(); if(ml) { ml.hide(); } }});});
//*//** jsTree checkbox plugin* Inserts checkboxes in front of every node* Depends on the ui plugin* DOES NOT WORK NICELY WITH MULTITREE DRAG'N'DROP*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("checkbox", {__init : function () {this.data.checkbox.noui = this._get_settings().checkbox.override_ui;if(this.data.ui && this.data.checkbox.noui) {this.select_node = this.deselect_node = this.deselect_all = $.noop;this.get_selected = this.get_checked;}this.get_container().bind("open_node.jstree create_node.jstree clean_node.jstree refresh.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this._prepare_checkboxes(data.rslt.obj);}, this)).bind("loaded.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {this._prepare_checkboxes();}, this)).delegate( (this.data.ui && this.data.checkbox.noui ? "a" : "ins.jstree-checkbox") , "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {e.preventDefault();if(this._get_node(e.target).hasClass("jstree-checked")) { this.uncheck_node(e.target); }else { this.check_node(e.target); }if(this.data.ui && this.data.checkbox.noui) {this.save_selected();if(this.data.cookies) { this.save_cookie("select_node"); }}else {e.stopImmediatePropagation();return false;}}, this));},defaults : {override_ui : false,two_state : false,real_checkboxes : false,checked_parent_open : true,real_checkboxes_names : function (n) { return [ ("check_" + (n[0].id || Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000))) , 1]; }},__destroy : function () {this.get_container().find("input.jstree-real-checkbox").removeClass("jstree-real-checkbox").end().find("ins.jstree-checkbox").remove();},_fn : {_checkbox_notify : function (n, data) {if(data.checked) {this.check_node(n, false);}},_prepare_checkboxes : function (obj) {obj = !obj || obj == -1 ? this.get_container().find("> ul > li") : this._get_node(obj);if(obj === false) { return; } // added for removing root nodesvar c, _this = this, t, ts = this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state, rc = this._get_settings().checkbox.real_checkboxes, rcn = this._get_settings().checkbox.real_checkboxes_names;obj.each(function () {t = $(this);c = t.is("li") && (t.hasClass("jstree-checked") || (rc && t.children(":checked").length)) ? "jstree-checked" : "jstree-unchecked";t.find("li").andSelf().each(function () {var $t = $(this), nm;$t.children("a" + (_this.data.languages ? "" : ":eq(0)") ).not(":has(.jstree-checkbox)").prepend("<ins class='jstree-checkbox'>&#160;</ins>").parent().not(".jstree-checked, .jstree-unchecked").addClass( ts ? "jstree-unchecked" : c );if(rc) {if(!$t.children(":checkbox").length) {nm = rcn.call(_this, $t);$t.prepend("<input type='checkbox' class='jstree-real-checkbox' id='" + nm[0] + "' name='" + nm[0] + "' value='" + nm[1] + "' />");}else {$t.children(":checkbox").addClass("jstree-real-checkbox");}if(c === "jstree-checked") { $t.children(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); }}if(c === "jstree-checked" && !ts) {$t.find("li").addClass("jstree-checked");}});});if(!ts) {if(obj.length === 1 && obj.is("li")) { this._repair_state(obj); }if(obj.is("li")) { obj.each(function () { _this._repair_state(this); }); }else { obj.find("> ul > li").each(function () { _this._repair_state(this); }); }obj.find(".jstree-checked").parent().parent().each(function () { _this._repair_state(this); }); }},change_state : function (obj, state) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var coll = false, rc = this._get_settings().checkbox.real_checkboxes;if(!obj || obj === -1) { return false; }state = (state === false || state === true) ? state : obj.hasClass("jstree-checked");if(this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state) {if(state) { obj.removeClass("jstree-checked").addClass("jstree-unchecked"); if(rc) { obj.children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }}else { obj.removeClass("jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-checked"); if(rc) { obj.children(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); }}}else {if(state) { coll = obj.find("li").andSelf();if(!coll.filter(".jstree-checked, .jstree-undetermined").length) { return false; }coll.removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-unchecked"); if(rc) { coll.children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }}else { coll = obj.find("li").andSelf();if(!coll.filter(".jstree-unchecked, .jstree-undetermined").length) { return false; }coll.removeClass("jstree-unchecked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-checked"); if(rc) { coll.children(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); }if(this.data.ui) { this.data.ui.last_selected = obj; }this.data.checkbox.last_selected = obj;}obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").each(function () {var $this = $(this);if(state) {if($this.children("ul").children("li.jstree-checked, li.jstree-undetermined").length) {$this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");if(rc) { $this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }return false;}else {$this.removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-unchecked");if(rc) { $this.children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }}}else {if($this.children("ul").children("li.jstree-unchecked, li.jstree-undetermined").length) {$this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");if(rc) { $this.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }return false;}else {$this.removeClass("jstree-unchecked jstree-undetermined").addClass("jstree-checked");if(rc) { $this.children(":checkbox").attr("checked","checked"); }}}});}if(this.data.ui && this.data.checkbox.noui) { this.data.ui.selected = this.get_checked(); }this.__callback(obj);return true;},check_node : function (obj) {if(this.change_state(obj, false)) { obj = this._get_node(obj);if(this._get_settings().checkbox.checked_parent_open) {var t = this;obj.parents(".jstree-closed").each(function () { t.open_node(this, false, true); });}this.__callback({ "obj" : obj }); }},uncheck_node : function (obj) {if(this.change_state(obj, true)) { this.__callback({ "obj" : this._get_node(obj) }); }},check_all : function () {var _this = this, coll = this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state ? this.get_container_ul().find("li") : this.get_container_ul().children("li");coll.each(function () {_this.change_state(this, false);});this.__callback();},uncheck_all : function () {var _this = this,coll = this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state ? this.get_container_ul().find("li") : this.get_container_ul().children("li");coll.each(function () {_this.change_state(this, true);});this.__callback();},is_checked : function(obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);return obj.length ? obj.is(".jstree-checked") : false;},get_checked : function (obj, get_all) {obj = !obj || obj === -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj);return get_all || this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state ? obj.find(".jstree-checked") : obj.find("> ul > .jstree-checked, .jstree-undetermined > ul > .jstree-checked");},get_unchecked : function (obj, get_all) { obj = !obj || obj === -1 ? this.get_container() : this._get_node(obj);return get_all || this._get_settings().checkbox.two_state ? obj.find(".jstree-unchecked") : obj.find("> ul > .jstree-unchecked, .jstree-undetermined > ul > .jstree-unchecked");},show_checkboxes : function () { this.get_container().children("ul").removeClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); },hide_checkboxes : function () { this.get_container().children("ul").addClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); },_repair_state : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj.length) { return; }var rc = this._get_settings().checkbox.real_checkboxes,a = obj.find("> ul > .jstree-checked").length,b = obj.find("> ul > .jstree-undetermined").length,c = obj.find("> ul > li").length;if(c === 0) { if(obj.hasClass("jstree-undetermined")) { this.change_state(obj, false); } }else if(a === 0 && b === 0) { this.change_state(obj, true); }else if(a === c) { this.change_state(obj, false); }else { obj.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").andSelf().removeClass("jstree-checked jstree-unchecked").addClass("jstree-undetermined");if(rc) { obj.parentsUntil(".jstree", "li").andSelf().children(":checkbox").removeAttr("checked"); }}},reselect : function () {if(this.data.ui && this.data.checkbox.noui) { var _this = this,s = this.data.ui.to_select;s = $.map($.makeArray(s), function (n) { return "#" + n.toString().replace(/^#/,"").replace(/\\\//g,"/").replace(/\//g,"\\\/").replace(/\\\./g,".").replace(/\./g,"\\.").replace(/\:/g,"\\:"); });this.deselect_all();$.each(s, function (i, val) { _this.check_node(val); });this.__callback();}else { this.__call_old(); }},save_loaded : function () {var _this = this;this.data.core.to_load = [];this.get_container_ul().find("li.jstree-closed.jstree-undetermined").each(function () {if(this.id) { _this.data.core.to_load.push("#" + this.id); }});}}});$(function() {var css_string = '.jstree .jstree-real-checkbox { display:none; } ';$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });});
//*//* * jsTree XML plugin* The XML data store. Datastores are build by overriding the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.*/
(function ($) {$.vakata.xslt = function (xml, xsl, callback) {var rs = "", xm, xs, processor, support;// TODO: IE9 no XSLTProcessor, no document.recalcif(document.recalc) {xm = document.createElement('xml');xs = document.createElement('xml');xm.innerHTML = xml;xs.innerHTML = xsl;$("body").append(xm).append(xs);setTimeout( (function (xm, xs, callback) {return function () {callback.call(null, xm.transformNode(xs.XMLDocument));setTimeout( (function (xm, xs) { return function () { $(xm).remove(); $(xs).remove(); }; })(xm, xs), 200);};})(xm, xs, callback), 100);return true;}if(typeof window.DOMParser !== "undefined" && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" && typeof window.XSLTProcessor === "undefined") {xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");xsl = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xsl, "text/xml");// alert(xml.transformNode());// callback.call(null, new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(rs));}if(typeof window.DOMParser !== "undefined" && typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined" && typeof window.XSLTProcessor !== "undefined") {processor = new XSLTProcessor();support = $.isFunction(processor.transformDocument) ? (typeof window.XMLSerializer !== "undefined") : true;if(!support) { return false; }xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, "text/xml");xsl = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xsl, "text/xml");if($.isFunction(processor.transformDocument)) {rs = document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);processor.transformDocument(xml, xsl, rs, null);callback.call(null, new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(rs));return true;}else {processor.importStylesheet(xsl);rs = processor.transformToFragment(xml, document);callback.call(null, $("<div />").append(rs).html());return true;}}return false;};var xsl = {'nest' : '<' + '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' + '<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >' + '<xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" standalone="no" indent="no" media-type="text/html" />' + '<xsl:template match="/">' + '  <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' + '     <xsl:with-param name="node" select="/root" />' + '    </xsl:call-template>' + '</xsl:template>' + '<xsl:template name="nodes">' + ' <xsl:param name="node" />' + '    <ul>' + ' <xsl:for-each select="$node/item">' + '       <xsl:variable name="children" select="count(./item) &gt; 0" />' + '       <li>' + '         <xsl:attribute name="class">' + '             <xsl:if test="position() = last()">jstree-last </xsl:if>' + '               <xsl:choose>' + '                 <xsl:when test="@state = \'open\'">jstree-open </xsl:when>' + '                 <xsl:when test="$children or @hasChildren or @state = \'closed\'">jstree-closed </xsl:when>' + '                    <xsl:otherwise>jstree-leaf </xsl:otherwise>' + '                </xsl:choose>' + '                <xsl:value-of select="@class" />' + '         </xsl:attribute>' + '         <xsl:for-each select="@*">' + '               <xsl:if test="name() != \'class\' and name() != \'state\' and name() != \'hasChildren\'">' + '                    <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' + '               </xsl:if>' + '            </xsl:for-each>' + '  <ins class="jstree-icon"><xsl:text>&#xa0;</xsl:text></ins>' + '         <xsl:for-each select="content/name">' + '             <a>' + '              <xsl:attribute name="href">' + '                  <xsl:choose>' + '                 <xsl:when test="@href"><xsl:value-of select="@href" /></xsl:when>' + '                    <xsl:otherwise>#</xsl:otherwise>' + '                   </xsl:choose>' + '                </xsl:attribute>' + '             <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="@lang" /> <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute>' + '               <xsl:attribute name="style"><xsl:value-of select="@style" /></xsl:attribute>' + '             <xsl:for-each select="@*">' + '                   <xsl:if test="name() != \'style\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'href\'">' + '                       <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' + '                   </xsl:if>' + '                </xsl:for-each>' + '                  <ins>' + '                        <xsl:attribute name="class">jstree-icon ' + '                         <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and not(contains(@icon,\'/\'))"><xsl:value-of select="@icon" /></xsl:if>' + '                     </xsl:attribute>' + '                     <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and contains(@icon,\'/\')"><xsl:attribute name="style">background:url(<xsl:value-of select="@icon" />) center center no-repeat;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>' + '                     <xsl:text>&#xa0;</xsl:text>' + '                    </ins>' + '                   <xsl:copy-of select="./child::node()" />' + '             </a>' + '         </xsl:for-each>' + '          <xsl:if test="$children or @hasChildren"><xsl:call-template name="nodes"><xsl:with-param name="node" select="current()" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:if>' + '      </li>' + '    </xsl:for-each>' + '  </ul>' + '</xsl:template>' + '</xsl:stylesheet>','flat' : '<' + '?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>' + '<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" >' + '<xsl:output method="html" encoding="utf-8" omit-xml-declaration="yes" standalone="no" indent="no" media-type="text/xml" />' + '<xsl:template match="/">' + ' <ul>' + ' <xsl:for-each select="//item[not(@parent_id) or @parent_id=0 or not(@parent_id = //item/@id)]">' + /* the last `or` may be removed */'        <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' + '         <xsl:with-param name="node" select="." />' + '            <xsl:with-param name="is_last" select="number(position() = last())" />' + '       </xsl:call-template>' + ' </xsl:for-each>' + '  </ul>' + '</xsl:template>' + '<xsl:template name="nodes">' + '    <xsl:param name="node" />' + '    <xsl:param name="is_last" />' + ' <xsl:variable name="children" select="count(//item[@parent_id=$node/attribute::id]) &gt; 0" />' + '   <li>' + ' <xsl:attribute name="class">' + '     <xsl:if test="$is_last = true()">jstree-last </xsl:if>' + '     <xsl:choose>' + '         <xsl:when test="@state = \'open\'">jstree-open </xsl:when>' + '         <xsl:when test="$children or @hasChildren or @state = \'closed\'">jstree-closed </xsl:when>' + '            <xsl:otherwise>jstree-leaf </xsl:otherwise>' + '        </xsl:choose>' + '        <xsl:value-of select="@class" />' + ' </xsl:attribute>' + ' <xsl:for-each select="@*">' + '       <xsl:if test="name() != \'parent_id\' and name() != \'hasChildren\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'state\'">' + '        <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' + '       </xsl:if>' + '    </xsl:for-each>' + '  <ins class="jstree-icon"><xsl:text>&#xa0;</xsl:text></ins>' + ' <xsl:for-each select="content/name">' + '     <a>' + '      <xsl:attribute name="href">' + '          <xsl:choose>' + '         <xsl:when test="@href"><xsl:value-of select="@href" /></xsl:when>' + '            <xsl:otherwise>#</xsl:otherwise>' + '           </xsl:choose>' + '        </xsl:attribute>' + '     <xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="@lang" /> <xsl:value-of select="@class" /></xsl:attribute>' + '       <xsl:attribute name="style"><xsl:value-of select="@style" /></xsl:attribute>' + '     <xsl:for-each select="@*">' + '           <xsl:if test="name() != \'style\' and name() != \'class\' and name() != \'href\'">' + '               <xsl:attribute name="{name()}"><xsl:value-of select="." /></xsl:attribute>' + '           </xsl:if>' + '        </xsl:for-each>' + '          <ins>' + '                <xsl:attribute name="class">jstree-icon ' + '                 <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and not(contains(@icon,\'/\'))"><xsl:value-of select="@icon" /></xsl:if>' + '             </xsl:attribute>' + '             <xsl:if test="string-length(attribute::icon) > 0 and contains(@icon,\'/\')"><xsl:attribute name="style">background:url(<xsl:value-of select="@icon" />) center center no-repeat;</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>' + '             <xsl:text>&#xa0;</xsl:text>' + '            </ins>' + '           <xsl:copy-of select="./child::node()" />' + '     </a>' + ' </xsl:for-each>' + '  <xsl:if test="$children">' + '        <ul>' + '     <xsl:for-each select="//item[@parent_id=$node/attribute::id]">' + '           <xsl:call-template name="nodes">' + '             <xsl:with-param name="node" select="." />' + '                <xsl:with-param name="is_last" select="number(position() = last())" />' + '           </xsl:call-template>' + '     </xsl:for-each>' + '      </ul>' + '    </xsl:if>' + '    </li>' + '</xsl:template>' + '</xsl:stylesheet>'},escape_xml = function(string) {return string.toString().replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&apos;');};$.jstree.plugin("xml_data", {defaults : { data : false,ajax : false,xsl : "flat",clean_node : false,correct_state : true,get_skip_empty : false,get_include_preamble : true},_fn : {load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_xml(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : _this._get_node(obj) }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },_is_loaded : function (obj) { var s = this._get_settings().xml_data;obj = this._get_node(obj);return obj == -1 || !obj || (!s.ajax && !$.isFunction(s.data)) || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").size() > 0;},load_node_xml : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {var s = this.get_settings().xml_data,error_func = function () {},success_func = function () {};obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj && obj !== -1) {if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }}switch(!0) {case (!s.data && !s.ajax): throw "Neither data nor ajax settings supplied.";case ($.isFunction(s.data)):s.data.call(this, obj, $.proxy(function (d) {this.parse_xml(d, $.proxy(function (d) {if(d) {d = d.replace(/ ?xmlns="[^"]*"/ig, "");if(d.length > 10) {d = $(d);if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }else { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }if(s.clean_node) { this.clean_node(obj); }if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj && obj !== -1) { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}else {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty();if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}}}}, this));}, this));break;case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):if(!obj || obj == -1) {this.parse_xml(s.data, $.proxy(function (d) {if(d) {d = d.replace(/ ?xmlns="[^"]*"/ig, "");if(d.length > 10) {d = $(d);this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children());if(s.clean_node) { this.clean_node(obj); }if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}}else { if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}}}, this));}break;case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):error_func = function (x, t, e) {var ef = this.get_settings().xml_data.ajax.error; if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }if(obj !== -1 && obj.length) {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj); }}else {if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }}if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }};success_func = function (d, t, x) {d = x.responseText;var sf = this.get_settings().xml_data.ajax.success; if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }if(d === "" || (d && d.toString && d.toString().replace(/^[\s\n]+$/,"") === "")) {return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");}this.parse_xml(d, $.proxy(function (d) {if(d) {d = d.replace(/ ?xmlns="[^"]*"/ig, "");if(d.length > 10) {d = $(d);if(obj === -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()); }else { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }if(s.clean_node) { this.clean_node(obj); }if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj && obj !== -1) { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}else {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty();if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}}}}, this));};s.ajax.context = this;s.ajax.error = error_func;s.ajax.success = success_func;if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "xml"; }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }$.ajax(s.ajax);break;}},parse_xml : function (xml, callback) {var s = this._get_settings().xml_data;$.vakata.xslt(xml, xsl[s.xsl], callback);},get_xml : function (tp, obj, li_attr, a_attr, is_callback) {var result = "", s = this._get_settings(), _this = this,tmp1, tmp2, li, a, lang;if(!tp) { tp = "flat"; }if(!is_callback) { is_callback = 0; }obj = this._get_node(obj);if(!obj || obj === -1) { obj = this.get_container().find("> ul > li"); }li_attr = $.isArray(li_attr) ? li_attr : [ "id", "class" ];if(!is_callback && this.data.types && $.inArray(s.types.type_attr, li_attr) === -1) { li_attr.push(s.types.type_attr); }a_attr = $.isArray(a_attr) ? a_attr : [ ];if(!is_callback) { if(s.xml_data.get_include_preamble) { result += '<' + '?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?' + '>'; }result += "<root>"; }obj.each(function () {result += "<item";li = $(this);$.each(li_attr, function (i, v) { var t = li.attr(v);if(!s.xml_data.get_skip_empty || typeof t !== "undefined") {result += " " + v + "=\"" + escape_xml((" " + (t || "")).replace(/ jstree[^ ]*/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,"")) + "\""; }});if(li.hasClass("jstree-open")) { result += " state=\"open\""; }if(li.hasClass("jstree-closed")) { result += " state=\"closed\""; }if(tp === "flat") { result += " parent_id=\"" + escape_xml(is_callback) + "\""; }result += ">";result += "<content>";a = li.children("a");a.each(function () {tmp1 = $(this);lang = false;result += "<name";if($.inArray("languages", s.plugins) !== -1) {$.each(s.languages, function (k, z) {if(tmp1.hasClass(z)) { result += " lang=\"" + escape_xml(z) + "\""; lang = z; return false; }});}if(a_attr.length) { $.each(a_attr, function (k, z) {var t = tmp1.attr(z);if(!s.xml_data.get_skip_empty || typeof t !== "undefined") {result += " " + z + "=\"" + escape_xml((" " + t || "").replace(/ jstree[^ ]*/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,"")) + "\"";}});}if(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/^\s+$/ig,"").length) {result += ' icon="' + escape_xml(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).className.replace(/jstree[^ ]*|$/ig,'').replace(/\s+$/ig," ").replace(/^ /,"").replace(/ $/,"")) + '"';}if(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.length) {result += ' icon="' + escape_xml(tmp1.children("ins").get(0).style.backgroundImage.replace("url(","").replace(")","").replace(/'/ig,"").replace(/"/ig,"")) + '"';}result += ">";result += "<![CDATA[" + _this.get_text(tmp1, lang) + "]]>";result += "</name>";});result += "</content>";tmp2 = li[0].id || true;li = li.find("> ul > li");if(li.length) { tmp2 = _this.get_xml(tp, li, li_attr, a_attr, tmp2); }else { tmp2 = ""; }if(tp == "nest") { result += tmp2; }result += "</item>";if(tp == "flat") { result += tmp2; }});if(!is_callback) { result += "</root>"; }return result;}}});
//*//** jsTree search plugin* Enables both sync and async search on the tree* DOES NOT WORK WITH JSON PROGRESSIVE RENDER*/
(function ($) {$.expr[':'].jstree_contains = function(a,i,m){return (a.textContent || a.innerText || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(m[3].toLowerCase())>=0;};$.expr[':'].jstree_title_contains = function(a,i,m) {return (a.getAttribute("title") || "").toLowerCase().indexOf(m[3].toLowerCase())>=0;};$.jstree.plugin("search", {__init : function () {this.data.search.str = "";this.data.search.result = $();if(this._get_settings().search.show_only_matches) {this.get_container().bind("search.jstree", function (e, data) {$(this).children("ul").find("li").hide().removeClass("jstree-last");data.rslt.nodes.parentsUntil(".jstree").andSelf().show().filter("ul").each(function () { $(this).children("li:visible").eq(-1).addClass("jstree-last"); });}).bind("clear_search.jstree", function () {$(this).children("ul").find("li").css("display","").end().end().jstree("clean_node", -1);});}},defaults : {ajax : false,search_method : "jstree_contains", // for case insensitive - jstree_containsshow_only_matches : false},_fn : {search : function (str, skip_async) {if($.trim(str) === "") { this.clear_search(); return; }var s = this.get_settings().search, t = this,error_func = function () { },success_func = function () { };this.data.search.str = str;if(!skip_async && s.ajax !== false && this.get_container_ul().find("li.jstree-closed:not(:has(ul)):eq(0)").length > 0) {this.search.supress_callback = true;error_func = function () { };success_func = function (d, t, x) {var sf = this.get_settings().search.ajax.success; if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }this.data.search.to_open = d;this._search_open();};s.ajax.context = this;s.ajax.error = error_func;s.ajax.success = success_func;if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, str); }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, str); }if(!s.ajax.data) { s.ajax.data = { "search_string" : str }; }if(!s.ajax.dataType || /^json/.exec(s.ajax.dataType)) { s.ajax.dataType = "json"; }$.ajax(s.ajax);return;}if(this.data.search.result.length) { this.clear_search(); }this.data.search.result = this.get_container().find("a" + (this.data.languages ? "." + this.get_lang() : "" ) + ":" + (s.search_method) + "(" + this.data.search.str + ")");this.data.search.result.addClass("jstree-search").parent().parents(".jstree-closed").each(function () {t.open_node(this, false, true);});this.__callback({ nodes : this.data.search.result, str : str });},clear_search : function (str) {this.data.search.result.removeClass("jstree-search");this.__callback(this.data.search.result);this.data.search.result = $();},_search_open : function (is_callback) {var _this = this,done = true,current = [],remaining = [];if(this.data.search.to_open.length) {$.each(this.data.search.to_open, function (i, val) {if(val == "#") { return true; }if($(val).length && $(val).is(".jstree-closed")) { current.push(val); }else { remaining.push(val); }});if(current.length) {this.data.search.to_open = remaining;$.each(current, function (i, val) { _this.open_node(val, function () { _this._search_open(true); }); });done = false;}}if(done) { this.search(this.data.search.str, true); }}}});
//*//* * jsTree contextmenu plugin*/
(function ($) {$.vakata.context = {hide_on_mouseleave : false,cnt       : $("<div id='vakata-contextmenu' />"),vis        : false,tgt     : false,par     : false,func    : false,data    : false,rtl     : false,show    : function (s, t, x, y, d, p, rtl) {$.vakata.context.rtl = !!rtl;var html = $.vakata.context.parse(s), h, w;if(!html) { return; }$.vakata.context.vis = true;$.vakata.context.tgt = t;$.vakata.context.par = p || t || null;$.vakata.context.data = d || null;$.vakata.context.cnt.html(html).css({ "visibility" : "hidden", "display" : "block", "left" : 0, "top" : 0 });if($.vakata.context.hide_on_mouseleave) {$.vakata.context.cnt.one("mouseleave", function(e) { $.vakata.context.hide(); });}h = $.vakata.context.cnt.height();w = $.vakata.context.cnt.width();if(x + w > $(document).width()) { x = $(document).width() - (w + 5); $.vakata.context.cnt.find("li > ul").addClass("right"); }if(y + h > $(document).height()) { y = y - (h + t[0].offsetHeight); $.vakata.context.cnt.find("li > ul").addClass("bottom"); }$.vakata.context.cnt.css({ "left" : x, "top" : y }).find("li:has(ul)").bind("mouseenter", function (e) { var w = $(document).width(),h = $(document).height(),ul = $(this).children("ul").show(); if(w !== $(document).width()) { ul.toggleClass("right"); }if(h !== $(document).height()) { ul.toggleClass("bottom"); }}).bind("mouseleave", function (e) { $(this).children("ul").hide(); }).end().css({ "visibility" : "visible" }).show();$(document).triggerHandler("context_show.vakata");},hide : function () {$.vakata.context.vis = false;$.vakata.context.cnt.attr("class","").css({ "visibility" : "hidden" });$(document).triggerHandler("context_hide.vakata");},parse    : function (s, is_callback) {if(!s) { return false; }var str = "",tmp = false,was_sep = true;if(!is_callback) { $.vakata.context.func = {}; }str += "<ul>";$.each(s, function (i, val) {if(!val) { return true; }$.vakata.context.func[i] = val.action;if(!was_sep && val.separator_before) {str += "<li class='vakata-separator vakata-separator-before'></li>";}was_sep = false;str += "<li class='" + (val._class || "") + (val._disabled ? " jstree-contextmenu-disabled " : "") + "'><ins ";if(val.icon && val.icon.indexOf("/") === -1) { str += " class='" + val.icon + "' "; }if(val.icon && val.icon.indexOf("/") !== -1) { str += " style='background:url(" + val.icon + ") center center no-repeat;' "; }str += ">&#160;</ins><a href='#' rel='" + i + "'>";if(val.submenu) {str += "<span style='float:" + ($.vakata.context.rtl ? "left" : "right") + ";'>&raquo;</span>";}str += val.label + "</a>";if(val.submenu) {tmp = $.vakata.context.parse(val.submenu, true);if(tmp) { str += tmp; }}str += "</li>";if(val.separator_after) {str += "<li class='vakata-separator vakata-separator-after'></li>";was_sep = true;}});str = str.replace(/<li class\='vakata-separator vakata-separator-after'\><\/li\>$/,"");str += "</ul>";$(document).triggerHandler("context_parse.vakata");return str.length > 10 ? str : false;},exec    : function (i) {if($.isFunction($.vakata.context.func[i])) {// if is string - eval and call it!$.vakata.context.func[i].call($.vakata.context.data, $.vakata.context.par);return true;}else { return false; }}};$(function () {var css_string = '' + '#vakata-contextmenu { display:block; visibility:hidden; left:0; top:-200px; position:absolute; margin:0; padding:0; min-width:180px; background:#ebebeb; border:1px solid silver; z-index:10000; *width:180px; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu ul { min-width:180px; *width:180px; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu ul, #vakata-contextmenu li { margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; display:block; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li { line-height:20px; min-height:20px; position:relative; padding:0px; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li a { padding:1px 6px; line-height:17px; display:block; text-decoration:none; margin:1px 1px 0 1px; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li ins { float:left; width:16px; height:16px; text-decoration:none; margin-right:2px; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li a:hover, #vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-hover > a { background:gray; color:white; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li ul { display:none; position:absolute; top:-2px; left:100%; background:#ebebeb; border:1px solid gray; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu .right { right:100%; left:auto; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu .bottom { bottom:-1px; top:auto; } ' + '#vakata-contextmenu li.vakata-separator { min-height:0; height:1px; line-height:1px; font-size:1px; overflow:hidden; margin:0 2px; background:silver; /* border-top:1px solid #fefefe; */ padding:0; } ';$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "vakata" });$.vakata.context.cnt.delegate("a","click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }).delegate("a","mouseup", function (e) {if(!$(this).parent().hasClass("jstree-contextmenu-disabled") && $.vakata.context.exec($(this).attr("rel"))) {$.vakata.context.hide();}else { $(this).blur(); }}).delegate("a","mouseover", function () {$.vakata.context.cnt.find(".vakata-hover").removeClass("vakata-hover");}).appendTo("body");$(document).bind("mousedown", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis && !$.contains($.vakata.context.cnt[0], e.target)) { $.vakata.context.hide(); } });if(typeof $.hotkeys !== "undefined") {$(document).bind("keydown", "up", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis) { var o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children(".vakata-hover").removeClass("vakata-hover").prevAll("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first();if(!o.length) { o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children("li:not(.vakata-separator)").last(); }o.addClass("vakata-hover");e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault();} }).bind("keydown", "down", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis) { var o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children(".vakata-hover").removeClass("vakata-hover").nextAll("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first();if(!o.length) { o = $.vakata.context.cnt.find("ul:visible").last().children("li:not(.vakata-separator)").first(); }o.addClass("vakata-hover");e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault();} }).bind("keydown", "right", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis) { $.vakata.context.cnt.find(".vakata-hover").children("ul").show().children("li:not(.vakata-separator)").removeClass("vakata-hover").first().addClass("vakata-hover");e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault();} }).bind("keydown", "left", function (e) { if($.vakata.context.vis) { $.vakata.context.cnt.find(".vakata-hover").children("ul").hide().children(".vakata-separator").removeClass("vakata-hover");e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault();} }).bind("keydown", "esc", function (e) { $.vakata.context.hide(); e.preventDefault();}).bind("keydown", "space", function (e) { $.vakata.context.cnt.find(".vakata-hover").last().children("a").click();e.preventDefault();});}});$.jstree.plugin("contextmenu", {__init : function () {this.get_container().delegate("a", "contextmenu.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {e.preventDefault();if(!$(e.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {this.show_contextmenu(e.currentTarget, e.pageX, e.pageY);}}, this)).delegate("a", "click.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {if(this.data.contextmenu) {$.vakata.context.hide();}}, this)).bind("destroy.jstree", $.proxy(function () {// TODO: move this to descruct methodif(this.data.contextmenu) {$.vakata.context.hide();}}, this));$(document).bind("context_hide.vakata", $.proxy(function () { this.data.contextmenu = false; }, this));},defaults : { select_node : false, // requires UI pluginshow_at_node : true,items : { // Could be a function that should return an object like this one"create" : {"separator_before"    : false,"separator_after"   : true,"label"              : "Create","action"         : function (obj) { this.create(obj); }},"rename" : {"separator_before"  : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Rename","action"         : function (obj) { this.rename(obj); }},"remove" : {"separator_before"  : false,"icon"              : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Delete","action"         : function (obj) { if(this.is_selected(obj)) { this.remove(); } else { this.remove(obj); } }},"ccp" : {"separator_before"   : true,"icon"               : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Edit","action"           : false,"submenu" : { "cut" : {"separator_before"   : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Cut","action"            : function (obj) { this.cut(obj); }},"copy" : {"separator_before"   : false,"icon"              : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Copy","action"           : function (obj) { this.copy(obj); }},"paste" : {"separator_before" : false,"icon"              : false,"separator_after"   : false,"label"             : "Paste","action"          : function (obj) { this.paste(obj); }}}}}},_fn : {show_contextmenu : function (obj, x, y) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var s = this.get_settings().contextmenu,a = obj.children("a:visible:eq(0)"),o = false,i = false;if(s.select_node && this.data.ui && !this.is_selected(obj)) {this.deselect_all();this.select_node(obj, true);}if(s.show_at_node || typeof x === "undefined" || typeof y === "undefined") {o = a.offset();x = o.left;y = o.top + this.data.core.li_height;}i = obj.data("jstree") && obj.data("jstree").contextmenu ? obj.data("jstree").contextmenu : s.items;if($.isFunction(i)) { i = i.call(this, obj); }this.data.contextmenu = true;$.vakata.context.show(i, a, x, y, this, obj, this._get_settings().core.rtl);if(this.data.themes) { $.vakata.context.cnt.attr("class", "jstree-" + this.data.themes.theme + "-context"); }}}});
//*//* * jsTree types plugin* Adds support types of nodes* You can set an attribute on each li node, that represents its type.* According to the type setting the node may get custom icon/validation rules*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("types", {__init : function () {var s = this._get_settings().types;this.data.types.attach_to = [];this.get_container().bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function () { var types = s.types, attr  = s.type_attr, icons_css = "", _this = this;$.each(types, function (i, tp) {$.each(tp, function (k, v) { if(!/^(max_depth|max_children|icon|valid_children)$/.test(k)) { _this.data.types.attach_to.push(k); }});if(!tp.icon) { return true; }if( tp.icon.image || tp.icon.position) {if(i == "default") { icons_css += '.jstree-' + _this.get_index() + ' a > .jstree-icon { '; }else                { icons_css += '.jstree-' + _this.get_index() + ' li[' + attr + '="' + i + '"] > a > .jstree-icon { '; }if(tp.icon.image) { icons_css += ' background-image:url(' + tp.icon.image + '); '; }if(tp.icon.position){ icons_css += ' background-position:' + tp.icon.position + '; '; }else               { icons_css += ' background-position:0 0; '; }icons_css += '} ';}});if(icons_css !== "") { $.vakata.css.add_sheet({ 'str' : icons_css, title : "jstree-types" }); }}, this)).bind("before.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var s, t, o = this._get_settings().types.use_data ? this._get_node(data.args[0]) : false, d = o && o !== -1 && o.length ? o.data("jstree") : false;if(d && d.types && d.types[data.func] === false) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }if($.inArray(data.func, this.data.types.attach_to) !== -1) {if(!data.args[0] || (!data.args[0].tagName && !data.args[0].jquery)) { return; }s = this._get_settings().types.types;t = this._get_type(data.args[0]);if(( (s[t] && typeof s[t][data.func] !== "undefined") || (s["default"] && typeof s["default"][data.func] !== "undefined") ) && this._check(data.func, data.args[0]) === false) {e.stopImmediatePropagation();return false;}}}, this));if(is_ie6) {this.get_container().bind("load_node.jstree set_type.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {var r = data && data.rslt && data.rslt.obj && data.rslt.obj !== -1 ? this._get_node(data.rslt.obj).parent() : this.get_container_ul(),c = false,s = this._get_settings().types;$.each(s.types, function (i, tp) {if(tp.icon && (tp.icon.image || tp.icon.position)) {c = i === "default" ? r.find("li > a > .jstree-icon") : r.find("li[" + s.type_attr + "='" + i + "'] > a > .jstree-icon");if(tp.icon.image) { c.css("backgroundImage","url(" + tp.icon.image + ")"); }c.css("backgroundPosition", tp.icon.position || "0 0");}});}, this));}},defaults : {// defines maximum number of root nodes (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_children checking)max_children     : -1,// defines the maximum depth of the tree (-1 means unlimited, -2 means disable max_depth checking)max_depth            : -1,// defines valid node types for the root nodesvalid_children       : "all",// whether to use $.datause_data : false, // where is the type stores (the rel attribute of the LI element)type_attr : "rel",// a list of typestypes : {// the default type"default" : {"max_children"  : -1,"max_depth"        : -1,"valid_children": "all"// Bound functions - you can bind any other function here (using boolean or function)//"select_node"    : true}}},_fn : {_types_notify : function (n, data) {if(data.type && this._get_settings().types.use_data) {this.set_type(data.type, n);}},_get_type : function (obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);return (!obj || !obj.length) ? false : obj.attr(this._get_settings().types.type_attr) || "default";},set_type : function (str, obj) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var ret = (!obj.length || !str) ? false : obj.attr(this._get_settings().types.type_attr, str);if(ret) { this.__callback({ obj : obj, type : str}); }return ret;},_check : function (rule, obj, opts) {obj = this._get_node(obj);var v = false, t = this._get_type(obj), d = 0, _this = this, s = this._get_settings().types, data = false;if(obj === -1) { if(!!s[rule]) { v = s[rule]; }else { return; }}else {if(t === false) { return; }data = s.use_data ? obj.data("jstree") : false;if(data && data.types && typeof data.types[rule] !== "undefined") { v = data.types[rule]; }else if(!!s.types[t] && typeof s.types[t][rule] !== "undefined") { v = s.types[t][rule]; }else if(!!s.types["default"] && typeof s.types["default"][rule] !== "undefined") { v = s.types["default"][rule]; }}if($.isFunction(v)) { v = v.call(this, obj); }if(rule === "max_depth" && obj !== -1 && opts !== false && s.max_depth !== -2 && v !== 0) {// also include the node itself - otherwise if root node it is not checkedobj.children("a:eq(0)").parentsUntil(".jstree","li").each(function (i) {// check if current depth already exceeds global tree depthif(s.max_depth !== -1 && s.max_depth - (i + 1) <= 0) { v = 0; return false; }d = (i === 0) ? v : _this._check(rule, this, false);// check if current node max depth is already matched or exceededif(d !== -1 && d - (i + 1) <= 0) { v = 0; return false; }// otherwise - set the max depth to the current value minus current depthif(d >= 0 && (d - (i + 1) < v || v < 0) ) { v = d - (i + 1); }// if the global tree depth exists and it minus the nodes calculated so far is less than `v` or `v` is unlimitedif(s.max_depth >= 0 && (s.max_depth - (i + 1) < v || v < 0) ) { v = s.max_depth - (i + 1); }});}return v;},check_move : function () {if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }var m  = this._get_move(),s  = m.rt._get_settings().types,mc = m.rt._check("max_children", m.cr),md = m.rt._check("max_depth", m.cr),vc = m.rt._check("valid_children", m.cr),ch = 0, d = 1, t;if(vc === "none") { return false; } if($.isArray(vc) && m.ot && m.ot._get_type) {m.o.each(function () {if($.inArray(m.ot._get_type(this), vc) === -1) { d = false; return false; }});if(d === false) { return false; }}if(s.max_children !== -2 && mc !== -1) {ch = m.cr === -1 ? this.get_container().find("> ul > li").not(m.o).length : m.cr.find("> ul > li").not(m.o).length;if(ch + m.o.length > mc) { return false; }}if(s.max_depth !== -2 && md !== -1) {d = 0;if(md === 0) { return false; }if(typeof m.o.d === "undefined") {// TODO: deal with progressive rendering and async when checking max_depth (how to know the depth of the moved node)t = m.o;while(t.length > 0) {t = t.find("> ul > li");d ++;}m.o.d = d;}if(md - m.o.d < 0) { return false; }}return true;},create_node : function (obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded, skip_check) {if(!skip_check && (is_loaded || this._is_loaded(obj))) {var p  = (typeof position == "string" && position.match(/^before|after$/i) && obj !== -1) ? this._get_parent(obj) : this._get_node(obj),s  = this._get_settings().types,mc = this._check("max_children", p),md = this._check("max_depth", p),vc = this._check("valid_children", p),ch;if(typeof js === "string") { js = { data : js }; }if(!js) { js = {}; }if(vc === "none") { return false; } if($.isArray(vc)) {if(!js.attr || !js.attr[s.type_attr]) { if(!js.attr) { js.attr = {}; }js.attr[s.type_attr] = vc[0]; }else {if($.inArray(js.attr[s.type_attr], vc) === -1) { return false; }}}if(s.max_children !== -2 && mc !== -1) {ch = p === -1 ? this.get_container().find("> ul > li").length : p.find("> ul > li").length;if(ch + 1 > mc) { return false; }}if(s.max_depth !== -2 && md !== -1 && (md - 1) < 0) { return false; }}return this.__call_old(true, obj, position, js, callback, is_loaded, skip_check);}}});
//*//* * jsTree HTML plugin* The HTML data store. Datastores are build by replacing the `load_node` and `_is_loaded` functions.*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("html_data", {__init : function () { // this used to use html() and clean the whitespace, but this way any attached data was lostthis.data.html_data.original_container_html = this.get_container().find(" > ul > li").clone(true);// remove white space from LI node - otherwise nodes appear a bit to the rightthis.data.html_data.original_container_html.find("li").andSelf().contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType == 3; }).remove();},defaults : { data : false,ajax : false,correct_state : true},_fn : {load_node : function (obj, s_call, e_call) { var _this = this; this.load_node_html(obj, function () { _this.__callback({ "obj" : _this._get_node(obj) }); s_call.call(this); }, e_call); },_is_loaded : function (obj) { obj = this._get_node(obj); return obj == -1 || !obj || (!this._get_settings().html_data.ajax && !$.isFunction(this._get_settings().html_data.data)) || obj.is(".jstree-open, .jstree-leaf") || obj.children("ul").children("li").size() > 0;},load_node_html : function (obj, s_call, e_call) {var d,s = this.get_settings().html_data,error_func = function () {},success_func = function () {};obj = this._get_node(obj);if(obj && obj !== -1) {if(obj.data("jstree-is-loading")) { return; }else { obj.data("jstree-is-loading",true); }}switch(!0) {case ($.isFunction(s.data)):s.data.call(this, obj, $.proxy(function (d) {if(d && d !== "" && d.toString && d.toString().replace(/^[\s\n]+$/,"") !== "") {d = $(d);if(!d.is("ul")) { d = $("<ul />").append(d); }if(obj == -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()).find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); }else { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d).children("ul").find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }this.clean_node(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj && obj !== -1) {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}else {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty();if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}}}, this));break;case (!s.data && !s.ajax):if(!obj || obj == -1) {this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(this.data.html_data.original_container_html).find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon");this.clean_node();}if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }break;case (!!s.data && !s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && (!obj || obj === -1)):if(!obj || obj == -1) {d = $(s.data);if(!d.is("ul")) { d = $("<ul />").append(d); }this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()).find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon");this.clean_node();}if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }break;case (!s.data && !!s.ajax) || (!!s.data && !!s.ajax && obj && obj !== -1):obj = this._get_node(obj);error_func = function (x, t, e) {var ef = this.get_settings().html_data.ajax.error; if(ef) { ef.call(this, x, t, e); }if(obj != -1 && obj.length) {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj); }}else {if(t === "success" && s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty(); }}if(e_call) { e_call.call(this); }};success_func = function (d, t, x) {var sf = this.get_settings().html_data.ajax.success; if(sf) { d = sf.call(this,d,t,x) || d; }if(d === "" || (d && d.toString && d.toString().replace(/^[\s\n]+$/,"") === "")) {return error_func.call(this, x, t, "");}if(d) {d = $(d);if(!d.is("ul")) { d = $("<ul />").append(d); }if(obj == -1 || !obj) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty().append(d.children()).find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); }else { obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading"); obj.append(d).children("ul").find("li, a").filter(function () { return !this.firstChild || !this.firstChild.tagName || this.firstChild.tagName !== "INS"; }).prepend("<ins class='jstree-icon'>&#160;</ins>").end().filter("a").children("ins:first-child").not(".jstree-icon").addClass("jstree-icon"); obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading"); }this.clean_node(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); }}else {if(obj && obj !== -1) {obj.children("a.jstree-loading").removeClass("jstree-loading");obj.removeData("jstree-is-loading");if(s.correct_state) { this.correct_state(obj);if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}else {if(s.correct_state) { this.get_container().children("ul").empty();if(s_call) { s_call.call(this); } }}}};s.ajax.context = this;s.ajax.error = error_func;s.ajax.success = success_func;if(!s.ajax.dataType) { s.ajax.dataType = "html"; }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.url)) { s.ajax.url = s.ajax.url.call(this, obj); }if($.isFunction(s.ajax.data)) { s.ajax.data = s.ajax.data.call(this, obj); }$.ajax(s.ajax);break;}}}});// include the HTML data plugin by default$.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("html_data");
//*//* * jsTree themeroller plugin* Adds support for jQuery UI themes. Include this at the end of your plugins list, also make sure "themes" is not included.*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("themeroller", {__init : function () {var s = this._get_settings().themeroller;this.get_container().addClass("ui-widget-content").addClass("jstree-themeroller").delegate("a","mouseenter.jstree", function (e) {if(!$(e.currentTarget).hasClass("jstree-loading")) {$(this).addClass(s.item_h);}}).delegate("a","mouseleave.jstree", function () {$(this).removeClass(s.item_h);}).bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { data.inst.get_container().find("> ul > li > .jstree-loading > ins").addClass("ui-icon-refresh");this._themeroller(data.inst.get_container().find("> ul > li"));}, this)).bind("open_node.jstree create_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this._themeroller(data.rslt.obj);}, this)).bind("loaded.jstree refresh.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {this._themeroller();}, this)).bind("close_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this._themeroller(data.rslt.obj);}, this)).bind("delete_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this._themeroller(data.rslt.parent);}, this)).bind("correct_state.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {data.rslt.obj.children("ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.opened + " " + s.closed + " ui-icon").end().find("> a > ins.ui-icon").filter(function() { return this.className.toString().replace(s.item_clsd,"").replace(s.item_open,"").replace(s.item_leaf,"").indexOf("ui-icon-") === -1; }).removeClass(s.item_open + " " + s.item_clsd).addClass(s.item_leaf || "jstree-no-icon");}, this)).bind("select_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {data.rslt.obj.children("a").addClass(s.item_a);}, this)).bind("deselect_node.jstree deselect_all.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this.get_container().find("a." + s.item_a).removeClass(s.item_a).end().find("a.jstree-clicked").addClass(s.item_a);}, this)).bind("dehover_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {data.rslt.obj.children("a").removeClass(s.item_h);}, this)).bind("hover_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this.get_container().find("a." + s.item_h).not(data.rslt.obj).removeClass(s.item_h);data.rslt.obj.children("a").addClass(s.item_h);}, this)).bind("move_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) {this._themeroller(data.rslt.o);this._themeroller(data.rslt.op);}, this));},__destroy : function () {var s = this._get_settings().themeroller,c = [ "ui-icon" ];$.each(s, function (i, v) {v = v.split(" ");if(v.length) { c = c.concat(v); }});this.get_container().removeClass("ui-widget-content").find("." + c.join(", .")).removeClass(c.join(" "));},_fn : {_themeroller : function (obj) {var s = this._get_settings().themeroller;obj = !obj || obj == -1 ? this.get_container_ul() : this._get_node(obj).parent();obj.find("li.jstree-closed").children("ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.opened).addClass("ui-icon " + s.closed).end().children("a").addClass(s.item).children("ins.jstree-icon").addClass("ui-icon").filter(function() { return this.className.toString().replace(s.item_clsd,"").replace(s.item_open,"").replace(s.item_leaf,"").indexOf("ui-icon-") === -1; }).removeClass(s.item_leaf + " " + s.item_open).addClass(s.item_clsd || "jstree-no-icon").end().end().end().end().find("li.jstree-open").children("ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.closed).addClass("ui-icon " + s.opened).end().children("a").addClass(s.item).children("ins.jstree-icon").addClass("ui-icon").filter(function() { return this.className.toString().replace(s.item_clsd,"").replace(s.item_open,"").replace(s.item_leaf,"").indexOf("ui-icon-") === -1; }).removeClass(s.item_leaf + " " + s.item_clsd).addClass(s.item_open || "jstree-no-icon").end().end().end().end().find("li.jstree-leaf").children("ins.jstree-icon").removeClass(s.closed + " ui-icon " + s.opened).end().children("a").addClass(s.item).children("ins.jstree-icon").addClass("ui-icon").filter(function() { return this.className.toString().replace(s.item_clsd,"").replace(s.item_open,"").replace(s.item_leaf,"").indexOf("ui-icon-") === -1; }).removeClass(s.item_clsd + " " + s.item_open).addClass(s.item_leaf || "jstree-no-icon");}},defaults : {"opened"   : "ui-icon-triangle-1-se","closed"  : "ui-icon-triangle-1-e","item"     : "ui-state-default","item_h"   : "ui-state-hover","item_a" : "ui-state-active","item_open" : "ui-icon-folder-open","item_clsd" : "ui-icon-folder-collapsed","item_leaf"    : "ui-icon-document"}});$(function() {var css_string = '' + '.jstree-themeroller .ui-icon { overflow:visible; } ' + '.jstree-themeroller a { padding:0 2px; } ' + '.jstree-themeroller .jstree-no-icon { display:none; }';$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });});
//*//* * jsTree unique plugin* Forces different names amongst siblings (still a bit experimental)* NOTE: does not check language versions (it will not be possible to have nodes with the same title, even in different languages)*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("unique", {__init : function () {this.get_container().bind("before.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { var nms = [], res = true, p, t;if(data.func == "move_node") {// obj, ref, position, is_copy, is_prepared, skip_checkif(data.args[4] === true) {if(data.args[0].o && data.args[0].o.length) {data.args[0].o.children("a").each(function () { nms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });res = this._check_unique(nms, data.args[0].np.find("> ul > li").not(data.args[0].o), "move_node");}}}if(data.func == "create_node") {// obj, position, js, callback, is_loadedif(data.args[4] || this._is_loaded(data.args[0])) {p = this._get_node(data.args[0]);if(data.args[1] && (data.args[1] === "before" || data.args[1] === "after")) {p = this._get_parent(data.args[0]);if(!p || p === -1) { p = this.get_container(); }}if(typeof data.args[2] === "string") { nms.push(data.args[2]); }else if(!data.args[2] || !data.args[2].data) { nms.push(this._get_string("new_node")); }else { nms.push(data.args[2].data); }res = this._check_unique(nms, p.find("> ul > li"), "create_node");}}if(data.func == "rename_node") {// obj, valnms.push(data.args[1]);t = this._get_node(data.args[0]);p = this._get_parent(t);if(!p || p === -1) { p = this.get_container(); }res = this._check_unique(nms, p.find("> ul > li").not(t), "rename_node");}if(!res) {e.stopPropagation();return false;}}, this));},defaults : { error_callback : $.noop},_fn : { _check_unique : function (nms, p, func) {var cnms = [];p.children("a").each(function () { cnms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });if(!cnms.length || !nms.length) { return true; }cnms = cnms.sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",");if((cnms.length + nms.length) != cnms.concat(nms).sort().join(",,").replace(/(,|^)([^,]+)(,,\2)+(,|$)/g,"$1$2$4").replace(/,,+/g,",").replace(/,$/,"").split(",").length) {this._get_settings().unique.error_callback.call(null, nms, p, func);return false;}return true;},check_move : function () {if(!this.__call_old()) { return false; }var p = this._get_move(), nms = [];if(p.o && p.o.length) {p.o.children("a").each(function () { nms.push($(this).text().replace(/^\s+/g,"")); });return this._check_unique(nms, p.np.find("> ul > li").not(p.o), "check_move");}return true;}}});
//*//** jsTree wholerow plugin* Makes select and hover work on the entire width of the node* MAY BE HEAVY IN LARGE DOM*/
(function ($) {$.jstree.plugin("wholerow", {__init : function () {if(!this.data.ui) { throw "jsTree wholerow: jsTree UI plugin not included."; }this.data.wholerow.html = false;this.data.wholerow.to = false;this.get_container().bind("init.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this._get_settings().core.animation = 0;}, this)).bind("open_node.jstree create_node.jstree clean_node.jstree loaded.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this._prepare_wholerow_span( data && data.rslt && data.rslt.obj ? data.rslt.obj : -1 );}, this)).bind("search.jstree clear_search.jstree reopen.jstree after_open.jstree after_close.jstree create_node.jstree delete_node.jstree clean_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { if(this.data.to) { clearTimeout(this.data.to); }this.data.to = setTimeout( (function (t, o) { return function() { t._prepare_wholerow_ul(o); }; })(this,  data && data.rslt && data.rslt.obj ? data.rslt.obj : -1), 0);}, this)).bind("deselect_all.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this.get_container().find(" > .jstree-wholerow .jstree-clicked").removeClass("jstree-clicked " + (this.data.themeroller ? this._get_settings().themeroller.item_a : "" ));}, this)).bind("select_node.jstree deselect_node.jstree ", $.proxy(function (e, data) { data.rslt.obj.each(function () { var ref = data.inst.get_container().find(" > .jstree-wholerow li:visible:eq(" + ( parseInt((($(this).offset().top - data.inst.get_container().offset().top + data.inst.get_container()[0].scrollTop) / data.inst.data.core.li_height),10)) + ")");// ref.children("a")[e.type === "select_node" ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("jstree-clicked");ref.children("a").attr("class",data.rslt.obj.children("a").attr("class"));});}, this)).bind("hover_node.jstree dehover_node.jstree", $.proxy(function (e, data) { this.get_container().find(" > .jstree-wholerow .jstree-hovered").removeClass("jstree-hovered " + (this.data.themeroller ? this._get_settings().themeroller.item_h : "" ));if(e.type === "hover_node") {var ref = this.get_container().find(" > .jstree-wholerow li:visible:eq(" + ( parseInt(((data.rslt.obj.offset().top - this.get_container().offset().top + this.get_container()[0].scrollTop) / this.data.core.li_height),10)) + ")");// ref.children("a").addClass("jstree-hovered");ref.children("a").attr("class",data.rslt.obj.children(".jstree-hovered").attr("class"));}}, this)).delegate(".jstree-wholerow-span, ins.jstree-icon, li", "click.jstree", function (e) {var n = $(e.currentTarget);if(e.target.tagName === "A" || (e.target.tagName === "INS" && n.closest("li").is(".jstree-open, .jstree-closed"))) { return; }n.closest("li").children("a:visible:eq(0)").click();e.stopImmediatePropagation();}).delegate("li", "mouseover.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {e.stopImmediatePropagation();if($(e.currentTarget).children(".jstree-hovered, .jstree-clicked").length) { return false; }this.hover_node(e.currentTarget);return false;}, this)).delegate("li", "mouseleave.jstree", $.proxy(function (e) {if($(e.currentTarget).children("a").hasClass("jstree-hovered").length) { return; }this.dehover_node(e.currentTarget);}, this));if(is_ie7 || is_ie6) {$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : ".jstree-" + this.get_index() + " { position:relative; } ", title : "jstree" });}},defaults : {},__destroy : function () {this.get_container().children(".jstree-wholerow").remove();this.get_container().find(".jstree-wholerow-span").remove();},_fn : {_prepare_wholerow_span : function (obj) {obj = !obj || obj == -1 ? this.get_container().find("> ul > li") : this._get_node(obj);if(obj === false) { return; } // added for removing root nodesobj.each(function () {$(this).find("li").andSelf().each(function () {var $t = $(this);if($t.children(".jstree-wholerow-span").length) { return true; }$t.prepend("<span class='jstree-wholerow-span' style='width:" + ($t.parentsUntil(".jstree","li").length * 18) + "px;'>&#160;</span>");});});},_prepare_wholerow_ul : function () {var o = this.get_container().children("ul").eq(0), h = o.html();o.addClass("jstree-wholerow-real");if(this.data.wholerow.last_html !== h) {this.data.wholerow.last_html = h;this.get_container().children(".jstree-wholerow").remove();this.get_container().append(o.clone().removeClass("jstree-wholerow-real").wrapAll("<div class='jstree-wholerow' />").parent().width(o.parent()[0].scrollWidth).css("top", (o.height() + ( is_ie7 ? 5 : 0)) * -1 ).find("li[id]").each(function () { this.removeAttribute("id"); }).end());}}}});$(function() {var css_string = '' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow-real { position:relative; z-index:1; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow-real li { cursor:pointer; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow-real a { border-left-color:transparent !important; border-right-color:transparent !important; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow { position:relative; z-index:0; height:0; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { width:100%; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow, .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .jstree .jstree-wholerow li, .jstree .jstree-wholerow a { margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow, .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .jstree .jstree-wholerow li { background:transparent !important; }' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow ins, .jstree .jstree-wholerow span, .jstree .jstree-wholerow input { display:none !important; }' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow a, .jstree .jstree-wholerow a:hover { text-indent:-9999px; !important; width:100%; padding:0 !important; border-right-width:0px !important; border-left-width:0px !important; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow-span { position:absolute; left:0; margin:0px; padding:0; height:18px; border-width:0; padding:0; z-index:0; }';if(is_ff2) {css_string += '' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow a { display:block; height:18px; margin:0; padding:0; border:0; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow-real a { border-color:transparent !important; } ';}if(is_ie7 || is_ie6) {css_string += '' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow, .jstree .jstree-wholerow li, .jstree .jstree-wholerow ul, .jstree .jstree-wholerow a { margin:0; padding:0; line-height:18px; } ' + '.jstree .jstree-wholerow a { display:block; height:18px; line-height:18px; overflow:hidden; } ';}$.vakata.css.add_sheet({ str : css_string, title : "jstree" });});
* jsTree model plugin
* This plugin gets jstree to use a class model to retrieve data, creating great dynamism
(function ($) {var nodeInterface = ["getChildren","getChildrenCount","getAttr","getName","getProps"],validateInterface = function(obj, inter) {var valid = true;obj = obj || {};inter = [].concat(inter);$.each(inter, function (i, v) {if(!$.isFunction(obj[v])) { valid = false; return false; }});return valid;};$.jstree.plugin("model", {__init : function () {if(!this.data.json_data) { throw "jsTree model: jsTree json_data plugin not included."; }this._get_settings().json_data.data = function (n, b) {var obj = (n == -1) ? this._get_settings().model.object : n.data("jstree_model");if(!validateInterface(obj, nodeInterface)) { return b.call(null, false); }if(this._get_settings().model.async) {obj.getChildren($.proxy(function (data) {this.model_done(data, b);}, this));}else {this.model_done(obj.getChildren(), b);}};},defaults : {object : false,id_prefix : false,async : false},_fn : {model_done : function (data, callback) {var ret = [], s = this._get_settings(),_this = this;if(!$.isArray(data)) { data = [data]; }$.each(data, function (i, nd) {var r = nd.getProps() || {};r.attr = nd.getAttr() || {};if(nd.getChildrenCount()) { r.state = "closed"; }r.data = nd.getName();if(!$.isArray(r.data)) { r.data = [r.data]; }if(_this.data.types && $.isFunction(nd.getType)) {r.attr[s.types.type_attr] = nd.getType();}if(r.attr.id && s.model.id_prefix) { r.attr.id = s.model.id_prefix + r.attr.id; }if(!r.metadata) { r.metadata = { }; }r.metadata.jstree_model = nd;ret.push(r);});callback.call(null, ret);}}});



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