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</head><body><div class="testContainer"><h3>在线答题</h3><div class="testHeader"><div class="testLeft">测试已开始,请开始作答,请在30分钟内完成答题</div><div class="testRight" id="countdown-11"></div></div><ul class="testContent"></ul><div onclick="submitAnswer()" id="submitBtn">提交</div></div><script src="./jquery-2.1.1.min.js"></script><script src="./jquery.time-to.js"></script><script src="./index.js"></script></body></html>


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/*** Time-To jQuery plug-in* Show countdown timer or realtime clock** @author Oleksii Teterin <altmoc@gmail.com>* @version 1.3.0* @license MIT http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT* @date 2019-05-14* @host https://github.com/Lexxus/jq-timeTo*/(function (factory) {if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {// AMD (RequireJS)define(['jquery'], factory);} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {// CommonJS (Node)/* eslint-disable import/no-unresolved */module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));} else {// globalsfactory(jQuery);}
}(function ($) {var SECONDS_PER_DAY = 86400;var SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 3600;/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */var defaults = {callback: null,          // callback function for exec when timer outstep: null,              // callback function to exec every {stepCount} ticksstepCount: 1,            // number of ticks to increment before executing stepCountcaptionSize: 0,          // font-size by pixels for captions, if 0 then calculate automaticalycountdown: true,         // is countdown or real clockcountdownAlertLimit: 10, // limit in seconds when display red backgrounddisplayCaptions: false,  // display captions under digit groupsdisplayDays: 0,          // display day timer, count of days digitsdisplayHours: true,      // display hoursfontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif',fontSize: 0,             // font-size of a digit by pixels (0 - use CSS instead)lang: 'en',              // language of captionlanguages: {},           // extra or overridden languagesseconds: 0,              // timer's countdown value in secondsstart: true,             // true to start timer immediatelytheme: 'white',          // 'white' or 'black' theme fo timer's viewwidth: 25,               // width of a digit areaheight: 30,              // height of a digit areagap: 11,                 // gap size between numbersvals: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],  // private, current value of each digitlimits: [9, 9, 9, 2, 9, 5, 9, 5, 9], // private, max value of each digitiSec: 8,                 // private, index of second digitiHour: 4,                // private, index of hour digittickTimeout: 1000,       // timeout betweet each timer tick in milisecondsintervalId: null,        // privatetickCount: 0             // private};var methods = {start: function (sec) {var intervalId;if (sec) {init.call(this, sec);intervalId = setTimeout(tick.bind(this), 1000);// save start timethis.data('ttStartTime', $.now());this.data('intervalId', intervalId);}},stop: function () {var data = this.data();if (data.intervalId) {clearTimeout(data.intervalId);this.data('intervalId', null);}return data;},reset: function (sec) {var data = methods.stop.call(this);var secs = typeof sec === 'undefined' ? data.seconds : sec;this.find('div').css({ backgroundPosition: 'left center' });this.find('ul').parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert');init.call(this, secs, true);}};var dictionary = {en: { days: 'days',   hours: 'hours',  min: 'minutes',  sec: 'seconds' },ru: { days: 'дней',   hours: 'часов',  min: 'минут',    sec: 'секунд' },ua: { days: 'днiв',   hours: 'годин',  min: 'хвилин',   sec: 'секунд' },de: { days: 'Tag',    hours: 'Uhr',    min: 'Minuten',  sec: 'Secunden' },fr: { days: 'jours',  hours: 'heures', min: 'minutes',  sec: 'secondes' },es: { days: 'días',   hours: 'horas',  min: 'minutos',  sec: 'segundos' },sp: { days: 'días',   hours: 'horas',  min: 'minutos',  sec: 'segundos' },it: { days: 'giorni', hours: 'ore',    min: 'minuti',   sec: 'secondi' },nl: { days: 'dagen',  hours: 'uren',   min: 'minuten',  sec: 'seconden' },no: { days: 'dager',  hours: 'timer',  min: 'minutter', sec: 'sekunder' },pt: { days: 'dias',   hours: 'horas',  min: 'minutos',  sec: 'segundos' },tr: { days: 'gün',    hours: 'saat',   min: 'dakika',   sec: 'saniye' },pl: { days: 'dni', hours: 'godziny', min: 'minuty', sec: 'secundy' }};/* eslint-enable no-multi-spaces */if (typeof $.support.transition === 'undefined') {$.support.transition = (function () {var thisBody = document.body || document.documentElement;var thisStyle = thisBody.style;var support = thisStyle.transition !== undefined|| thisStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined|| thisStyle.MozTransition !== undefined|| thisStyle.MsTransition !== undefined|| thisStyle.OTransition !== undefined;return support;}());}$.fn.timeTo = function () {var options = {};var now = Date.now();var j, arg, num, method, time, days, tt, sec, m, t;for (j = 0; j < arguments.length; j += 1) {arg = arguments[j];if (j === 0 && typeof arg === 'string') {method = arg;} else if (typeof arg === 'object') {if (typeof arg.getTime === 'function') {// arg is a Date objectoptions.timeTo = arg;} else {// arg is an options objectoptions = $.extend(options, arg);}} else if (typeof arg === 'function') {// arg is callbackoptions.callback = arg;} else {num = parseInt(arg, 10);// arg is seconds of timeoutif (!isNaN(num)) {options.seconds = num;}}}// set time to countdown toif (options.timeTo) {if (options.timeTo.getTime) {// set time as date objecttime = options.timeTo.getTime();} else if (typeof options.timeTo === 'number') {// set time as integer in millisectime = options.timeTo;}if (time > now) {options.seconds = Math.floor((time - now) / 1000);} else {options.seconds = 0;}} else if (options.time || !options.seconds) {time = options.time;if (!time) {time = new Date(now);}if (typeof time === 'object' && time.getTime) {options.seconds = (time.getDate() * SECONDS_PER_DAY) + (time.getHours() * SECONDS_PER_HOUR) +(time.getMinutes() * 60) + time.getSeconds();options.countdown = false;} else if (typeof time === 'string') {tt = time.split(':');sec = 0;m = 1;while (tt.length) {t = tt.pop();sec += t * m;m *= 60;}options.seconds = sec;options.countdown = false;}}if (options.countdown !== false&& options.seconds > SECONDS_PER_DAY&& typeof options.displayDays === 'undefined') {days = Math.floor(options.seconds / SECONDS_PER_DAY);options.displayDays = (days < 10 && 1) || (days < 100 && 2) || 3;} else if (options.displayDays === true) {options.displayDays = 3;} else if (options.displayDays) {options.displayDays = options.displayDays > 0 ? Math.floor(options.displayDays) : 3;}return this.each(function () {var $this = $(this);var data = $this.data();var defs, opt, i, css, language, left, ulhtml, style, dhtml1, dhtml2, dot2, maxWidth,captionSize, fsStyleVal, fsStyle, thtml, marginRight, dhtml, $digits, dif, vals, limits;if (data.intervalId) {clearInterval(data.intervalId);data.intervalId = null;}if (!data.vals) {// new clockif (data.opt) {opt = data.options;} else {opt = options;}// clone the defaults objectdefs = Object.keys(defaults).reduce(function (obj, key) {if (Array.isArray(defaults[key])) {obj[key] = defaults[key].slice(0);} else {obj[key] = defaults[key];}return obj;}, {});data = $.extend(defs, opt);data.options = opt;data.height = Math.round((data.fontSize * 100) / 93) || data.height;data.width = Math.round((data.fontSize * 0.8) + (data.height * 0.13)) || data.width;data.displayHours = !!(data.displayDays || data.displayHours);css = {fontFamily: data.fontFamily};if (data.fontSize > 0) {css.fontSize = data.fontSize + 'px';}language = data.languages[data.lang] || dictionary[data.lang];$this.addClass('timeTo').addClass('timeTo-' + data.theme).css(css);left = Math.round(data.height / 10);ulhtml = '<ul style="left:' + left + 'px; top:-' + data.height + 'px"><li>0</li><li>0</li></ul></div>';style = data.fontSize? ' style="width:' + data.width + 'px; height:' + data.height + 'px;"': ' style=""';dhtml1 = '<div class="first"' + style + '>' + ulhtml;dhtml2 = '<div' + style + '>' + ulhtml;dot2 = '<span>:</span>';maxWidth = Math.round((data.width * 2) + 3);captionSize = data.captionSize || (data.fontSize && Math.round(data.fontSize * 0.43));fsStyleVal = captionSize ? 'font-size:' + captionSize + 'px;' : '';fsStyle = captionSize ? ' style="' + fsStyleVal + '"' : '';thtml = (data.displayCaptions? (data.displayHours? '<figure style="max-width:' + maxWidth + 'px">$1<figcaption' + fsStyle + '>'+ language.hours + '</figcaption></figure>' + dot2: '')+ '<figure style="max-width:' + maxWidth + 'px">$1<figcaption' + fsStyle + '>' + language.min+ '</figcaption></figure>' + dot2+ '<figure style="max-width:' + maxWidth + 'px">$1<figcaption' + fsStyle + '>' + language.sec+ '</figcaption></figure>': (data.displayHours ? '$1' + dot2 : '') + '$1' + dot2 + '$1').replace(/\$1/g, dhtml1 + dhtml2);if (data.displayDays > 0) {marginRight = Math.round(data.fontSize * 0.4 || defaults.gap);dhtml = dhtml1;for (i = data.displayDays - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) {dhtml += i === 1? dhtml2.replace('">', 'margin-right:' + marginRight + 'px">'): dhtml2;}if (data.displayDays === 1) {dhtml = dhtml.replace('">', 'margin-right:' + marginRight + 'px">');}thtml = (data.displayCaptions? '<figure style="width:' + ((data.width * data.displayDays) + marginRight + 4) + 'px">$1'+ '<figcaption style="' + fsStyleVal + 'padding-right:' + marginRight + 'px">'+ language.days + '</figcaption></figure>': '$1').replace(/\$1/, dhtml) + thtml;}$this.html(thtml);} else if (method !== 'reset') {// exists clock$.extend(data, options);}$digits = $this.find('div');if ($digits.length < data.vals.length) {dif = data.vals.length - $digits.length;vals = data.vals;limits = data.limits;data.vals = [];data.limits = [];for (i = 0; i < $digits.length; i += 1) {data.vals[i] = vals[dif + i];data.limits[i] = limits[dif + i];}data.iSec = data.vals.length - 1;data.iHour = data.vals.length - 5;}data.sec = data.seconds;$this.data(data);if (method && methods[method]) {methods[method].call($this, data.seconds);} else if (data.start) {methods.start.call($this, data.seconds);} else {init.call($this, data.seconds);}});};function init(sec, force) {var data = this.data();var $digits = this.find('ul');var isInterval = false;var days, rest, hours, minutes, secs, str, i, j, val;if (!data.vals || $digits.length === 0) {return;}if (!sec) {sec = data.seconds;}if (data.intervalId) {isInterval = true;clearTimeout(data.intervalId);}days = Math.floor(sec / SECONDS_PER_DAY);rest = days * SECONDS_PER_DAY;hours = Math.floor((sec - rest) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR);rest += hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR;minutes = Math.floor((sec - rest) / 60);rest += minutes * 60;secs = sec - rest;str = (days < 100 ? '0' + (days < 10 ? '0' : '') : '')+ days + (hours < 10 ? '0' : '') + hours + (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '')+ minutes + (secs < 10 ? '0' : '') + secs;for (i = data.vals.length - 1, j = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1, j -= 1) {val = parseInt(str.substr(j, 1), 10);data.vals[i] = val;$digits.eq(i).children().html(val);}if (isInterval || force) {data.ttStartTime = Date.now();data.intervalId = setTimeout(tick.bind(this), 1000);this.data('intervalId', data.intervalId);}}/*** Switch specified digit by digit index* @param {number} - digit index*/function tick(digit) {var me = this;var $digits = this.find('ul');var data = this.data();var n, $ul, $li, step, tickTimeout, timeDiff;if (!data.vals || $digits.length === 0) {if (data.intervalId) {clearTimeout(data.intervalId);this.data('intervalId', null);}if (data.callback) {data.callback();}return;}if (typeof digit === 'undefined') {digit = data.iSec;}this.data('tickCount', data.tickCount + 1);n = data.vals[digit];$ul = $digits.eq(digit);$li = $ul.children();step = data.countdown ? -1 : 1;$li.eq(1).html(n);n += step;if (typeof data.step === 'function' && data.tickCount % data.stepCount === 0) { // simplified if-blockthis.data('tickCount', 0); // prevent number overloaddata.step();}if (digit === data.iSec) {tickTimeout = data.tickTimeout;timeDiff = Date.now() - data.ttStartTime;data.sec += step;tickTimeout += (Math.abs(data.seconds - data.sec) * tickTimeout) - timeDiff;data.intervalId = setTimeout(tick.bind(this), tickTimeout);}if (n < 0 || n > data.limits[digit]) {if (n < 0) {n = data.limits[digit];// fix for hours when day changingif (digit === data.iHour&& data.displayDays > 0&& data.vals[digit - 1] === 0) {n = 3;}} else {n = 0;}if (digit > 0) {tick.call(this, digit - 1);}} else if (!data.countdown // fix for hours when day changing in clock mode&& digit === data.iHour&& data.displayDays > 0&& data.vals[digit - 1] === 2 && data.vals[digit] === 3) {n = 0;tick.call(this, digit - 1);}$li.eq(0).html(n);if ($.support.transition) {$ul.addClass('transition');$ul.css({ top: 0 });setTimeout(function () {$ul.removeClass('transition');$li.eq(1).html(n);$ul.css({ top: '-' + data.height + 'px' });if (step > 0 || digit !== data.iSec) {return;}if (data.sec === data.countdownAlertLimit) {$digits.parent().addClass('timeTo-alert');}if (data.sec === 0) {$digits.parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert');if (data.intervalId) {clearTimeout(data.intervalId);me.data('intervalId', null);}if (typeof data.callback === 'function') {data.callback();}}}, 410);} else {$ul.stop().animate({ top: 0 }, 400, digit !== data.iSec ? null : function () {$li.eq(1).html(n);$ul.css({ top: '-' + data.height + 'px' });if (step > 0 || digit !== data.iSec) {return;}if (data.sec === data.countdownAlertLimit) {$digits.parent().addClass('timeTo-alert');} else if (data.sec === 0) {$digits.parent().removeClass('timeTo-alert');if (data.intervalId) {clearTimeout(data.intervalId);me.data('intervalId', null);}if (typeof data.callback === 'function') {data.callback();}}});}data.vals[digit] = n;}return $;


var colorArr = ['rgb(255,235,205)', 'rgb(255,240,245)', 'rgb(255,211,155)'];
var problemList = [[' 1.一个长方体形状的盒子长、宽、高分别为20厘米、8厘米和2厘米。现在要用一张纸将其六个面完全包裹起来,要求从纸上剪下的部分不得用作贴补。请问这张纸的大小可能是下列哪一个?( )?',[{'selectAnswer': '长25cm,宽17cm','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q1','value': '1'},{'selectAnswer': '长26cm,宽14cm','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q1','value': '2'},{'selectAnswer': '长24cm,宽21cm','selectScore': '5','name': 'Q1','value': '3'},{'selectAnswer': '长24cm,宽14cm','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q1','value': '4'}]],['2.有A,B,C三个学生,一个出生在北京,一个出生在上海,一个出生在广州。他们中一个学物理专业,一个学数学专业,一个学计算机。其中(1)A不是学物理的,B不是学计算机的;(2)学物理的不出生在上海;(3)学计算机的出生在北京;(4)B不出生在广州。请根据上述条件,判断A的专业()?',[{'selectAnswer': '物理','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q2','value': '1'},{'selectAnswer': '数学','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q2','value': '2'},{'selectAnswer': '计算机','selectScore': '5','name': 'Q2','value': '3'},{'selectAnswer': '都有可能','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q2','value': '4'}]],['3.在某次税务检查后,四个工商管理人员各自做出了结论,甲说;”所有个体户都没纳税。”。乙说:”服装个体户陈老板没纳税。”丙说:”个体户不都没税”,丁说:”有的个体户没税”如果四个人中只有一个断定属实,那么以下哪项是真的?()',[{'selectAnswer': '丁断定属实,但陈老板纳了税。','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q3','value': '1'},{'selectAnswer': '甲断定属实,陈老板没有纳税','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q3','value': '2'},{'selectAnswer': '乙断定属实,陈老板没有纳税。','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q3','value': '3'},{'selectAnswer': '丙断定属实,但陈老板没有纳税。','selectScore': '5','name': 'Q3','value': '4'}]],['4.找规律 1, 32, 81, 64, 25, ( ), 1',[{'selectAnswer': '5','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q4','value': '1'},{'selectAnswer': '6','selectScore': '5','name': 'Q4','value': '2'},{'selectAnswer': '10','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q4','value': '3'},{'selectAnswer': '12','selectScore': '0','name': 'Q4','value': '4'}]]
var correctData = [3, 3, 4, 2];//正确题目的序号
var answerArr = [];//存储回答的答案
var scoreArr = [];//存储回答的分数数组
var score = null;//分数
function renderProblem(problemList) {var template = '';for (var i = 0; i < problemList.length; i++) {template += " <li class='testItem'>" +"<div class='problem'>" + problemList[i][0] + "</div>" +"<div class='selectItem'>";for (var j = 0; j < problemList[i][1].length; j++) {template += " <div><input type='radio' name='" + problemList[i][1][j].name + "' value='" + problemList[i][1][j].value + "' data-score='" + problemList[i][1][j].selectScore + "'><span>" + problemList[i][1][j].selectAnswer + "</span></div>"}template += "</div></li>"}$('.testContent').append(template)
var list_node = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (let i = 0; i < list_node.length; i++) {list_node[i].style.backgroundColor = colorArr[i % colorArr.length];list_node[i].onclick = function (e) {//点击选择答案if (e.target.tagName == 'INPUT') {answerArr = [];scoreArr = [];}}
$('#countdown-11').timeTo({seconds: 1800,displayHours: false
});$('#clock-w-step-cb').timeTo({step: function () {console.log('Executing every 3 ticks');},stepCount: 3
function submitAnswer() {$("input[type='radio']:checked").each(function () {answerArr.push(Number($(this).val()));// scoreArr.push()scoreArr.push(Number($(this)[0].dataset.score))});for (var i = 0; i < scoreArr.length; i++) {score += scoreArr[i]}console.log(score)console.log(answerArr.length)if (answerArr.length == correctData.length) {if (JSON.stringify(answerArr) === JSON.stringify(correctData)) {alert('完全正确,得分为:' + score)} else {alert('继续努力,得分为:' + score)}location.reload();} else {alert('请提交完整的答题')}



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  2. javascript编写_如何在JavaScript中使用解构来编写更简洁,功能更强大的代码

    javascript编写 by Ashay Mandwarya ?️?? 由Ashay Mandwarya提供吗? 如何在JavaScript中使用解构来编写更简洁,功能更强大的代码 (How to ...

  3. html js控制页面蒙版,JavaScript蒙板(model)功能的简单实现代码

    思路: •创建一个蒙板, 设置蒙板的堆叠顺序保证能将其它元素盖住 position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: none; background-colo ...

  4. html页面中加入评论功能,JavaScript实现简单评论功能

    本文实例为大家分享了JavaScript实现简单评论功能的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 body{ /*background-image: url(../img/91R58PIC3n2_1024 ...

  5. 红包html页面,JavaScript Html实现移动端红包雨功能页面

    本文实例为大家分享了Html实现移动端红包雨功能页面的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 实现效果如下: 具体代码如下 html部分: 红包雨 demo.css为初始化css,可以不加 index.c ...

  6. javascript编写_用JavaScript深入探讨:为什么对编写好的代码至关重要。

    javascript编写 Using simple terminology and a real world example, this post explains what this is and ...

  7. 请编写出一个html页面 令其输出,javaweb程序设计案例教程_课后习题1.pdf

    第一章 [测一测] 学习完前面的内容,下面来动手测一测吧,请思考以下问题: 1.请描述HTML .CSS. .JavaScript 分别表示的含义. 2 .请列举出HTML 常用的标记.(至少10 个 ...

  8. 用javascript实现自我执行功能的目的是什么?

    在javascript中,什么时候要使用它: (function(){//Bunch of code... })(); 在此: //Bunch of code... #1楼 我简直不敢相信答案中没有提 ...

  9. python代替javascript_Pyjamas - 用python代替javascript编写基于浏览器的应用

    如果能用python代替Javascript编写基于浏览器的应用,该有多好啊.但是,Javascript是唯一一种能在浏览器里执行的语言(Flash或Silverlight除外).换个思路,先用Pyt ...

  10. 我为什么要用 Javascript 编写 CSS?

    曾经的前端开发中,JavaScript.CSS.HTML 作为三大独立的技术,各司其职,互不干涉.然而随着组件结构 React 的出现,将 HTML.CSS.JavaScript 强制混合在一起,这就 ...


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