Given a list and we have to find the index/position of minimum and maximum elements of a list in Python.




  • Python | min() Method

    Python | min()方法

  • Python | max() Method

    Python | max()方法



list = [10, 1, 2, 20, 3, 20]
Positive of minimum element:  1
Positive of maximum element:  3



To find the positions/indexes of minimum and maximum elements of a list, we need to find the maximum and minimum elements of the list – to find the maximum element of the list, we will use max(list) and to find the minimum element of the list, we will use min(list).

找到列表的最小和最大元素的位置/索引 ,我们需要找到列表的最大和最小元素–要找到列表的最大元素,我们将使用max(list)并找到最小的元素在列表中,我们将使用min(list) 。

And, to get their indexes, we will use list.index(max(list)) and list.index(min(list)).

并且,要获取其索引,我们将使用list.index(max(list))和list.index(min(list)) 。

Program to find the position of min and max elements of a list in Python


# declare a list of Integers
list = [10, 1, 2, 20, 3, 20]
# min element's position/index
min = list.index (min(list))
# max element's position/index
max = list.index (max(list))
# printing the position/index of min and max elements
print "position of minimum element: ", min
print "position of maximum element: ", max



    position of minimum element:  1position of maximum element:  3



  • The minimum number of the list is 1 and it is at 1st position in the list. To get it’s index, we use list.index(min(list)) statement, min(list) returns 1 (as minimum element) and list.index(1) returns the index of 1 from the list. Hence, the position of minimum element is: 1

    列表的最小数目是1,它是在列表1 位置。 为了得到它的索引,我们使用list.index(min(list))语句,min(list)返回1(作为最小元素), list.index(1)返回列表中的索引1。 因此,最小元素的位置为:1

  • The maximum number of the list if 20 and it is two times in the list, first occurrence of 20 is at 3rd position and the second occurrence of 20 is at 5th position. Statement max(list) returns the maximum element of the list, which is 20 and the statement list.index(20) returns the index/position of first matched element. Hence, the position of maximum element is: 3

    列表的最大数目,如果20,它是在该列表两次,20的第一次出现是在第三位置和20的第二次出现在 5位置。 语句max(list)返回列表的最大元素,即20,语句list.index(20)返回第一个匹配元素的索引/位置 。 因此,最大元素的位置是:3


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