
How MVC works

MVC is a design pattern that enforces the separation between the input, processing, and output of an application. To this end, an application is divided into three core components: the modelview, and controller. Each of these components handles a discreet set of tasks.

The superiority

Using three components of MVC, you can open up new levels of robustnesscode reuse, and organization.

The Singleton Pattern

The Singleton design pattern ensures that only one instance exists for a given class and that there’s a global access point to that instance. It usually uses lazy loading to create the single instance when it’s needed the first time.

The Facade Design Pattern

The Facade design pattern provides a single interface to a complex subsystem. Instead of exposing the user to a set of classes and their APIs, you only expose one simple unified API.

The Decorator Design Pattern

The Decorator pattern dynamically adds behaviors and responsibilities to an object without modifying its code. It’s an alternative to subclassing where you modify a class’ behavior by wrapping it with another object. In Objective-C there are two very common implementations of this pattern: Category and Delegation.


Category is an extremely powerful mechanism that allows you to add methods to existing classes without subclassing. The new methods are added at compile time and can be executed like normal methods of the extended class. It’s slightly different from the classic definition of a decorator, because a Category doesn’t hold an instance of the class it extends.


The other Decorator design pattern, Delegation, is a mechanism in which one object acts on behalf of, or in coordination with, another object. For example, when you use a UITableView, one of the methods you must implement is tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:.

The Adapter Pattern

An Adapter allows classes with incompatible interfaces to work together. It wraps itself around an object and exposes a standard interface to interact with that object.

The Observer Pattern

In the Observer pattern, one object notifies other objects of any state changes. The objects involved don’t need to know about one another – thus encouraging a decoupled design. This pattern’s most often used to notify interested objects when a property has changed. The usual implementation requires that an observer registers interest in the state of another object. When the state changes, all the observing objects are notified of the change. Apple’s Push Notification service is a global example of this. If you want to stick to the MVC concept (hint: you do), you need to allow Model objects to communicate with View objects, but without direct references between them. And that’s where the Observer pattern comes in.

Cocoa implements the observer pattern in two familiar ways: Notifications and Key-Value Observing (KVO).


Notifications are based on a subscribe-and-publish model that allows an object (the publisher) to send messages to other objects (subscribers/listeners). The publisher never needs to know anything about the subscribers.

Key-Value Observing

In KVO, an object can ask to be notified of any changes to a specific property; either its own or that of another object.

The Memento Pattern

The memento pattern captures and externalizes an object’s internal state. In other words, it saves your stuff somewhere. Later on, this externalized state can be restored without violating encapsulation; that is, private data remains private.


One of Apple’s specialized implementations of the Memento pattern is Archiving. This converts an object into a stream that can be saved and later restored without exposing private properties to external classes.

The Command Pattern

The Command design pattern encapsulates a request or action as an object. The encapsulated request is much more flexible than a raw request and can be passed between objects, stored for later, modified dynamically, or placed into a queue. Apple has implemented this pattern using the Target-Action mechanism and Invocation.

Reference of this tutorial  iOS Design Pattern. Thanks a lot to Eli Ganem.

Sep 28, 2015


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